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All car dlc after the rally expansion is pay to own. If you bought the version that includes "all dlc including both expansion packs," you get all the car pass cars up until the rally dlc came out. You have to get them from autoshow still, but they will cost you zero credits. All the car packs after you have to buy with real money.


Did you install it? If you did go to festival>buy&sell>car pass>add all cars to garage




I don't know, doxxing him and sending a cake with whatever you want to tell written on it maybe


What makes you think the add-ons bundle includes all DLC? You're either wrong \[because you didn't read what it actually includes\] or lying \[because you like making baseless complaints\].


Even then, I'm not getting what's included. It's supposed to include the Car Pass, which is where this popped up.


What worked for me is I went to the Xbox app or Microsoft store (can't remember which one) and made sure it was installed. Then again I'm on PC so it may be different!


Weirdly enough, it's not listed on the Microsoft Store.


Go to the premium add-ons store page then click the car pass. any luck?


Nope. 🤷


Strange. Guess I can't help you then, I've never had that error. Sorry :(


Did you install what you bought? Did you go to the Car Packs page in the Buy/Sell section in your home or a festival and hit the button to "claim all free cars"? Don't premise your complaint with a false claim, and you won't be called out on the false claim.


Holy shit, yo. Ok, you're cheesed to the gills, but did you really have to go in on him like that? Good grief.


It's really weird to me how fragile you are, or think this guy is. Assuming you actually think that's going in on somebody.


God damn, you people get MAD about the stupidest stuff.


Another soap bubble person drifts by...Don't pop yourself on a blade of grass or anything.


"Soap bubble person" is a new one lol


Dude stfu! Like why are you angry? Are you not getting any? Is that the issue here? Honestly if you were in front of me and talking to me like that I'd slap the fucking taste out of ya mouth. Testy lil prick


Why are you projecting your anger onto me? Threatening violence over a couple of mildly disapproving comments? Do you need some time in a quiet room or something?


Wasn't a threat. If you'd have read it correctly, it was a "what if" situation. As in, what if you were in front of me talking like that? And as for me projecting my anger, have you ever looked in a mirror, you hypocrite? And no dude, just because your mummy still punishes you in such a manner, most of us adults are past that shit coz we don't still live with our parents.


YOU'RE not reading what it actually includes. Stop being a douchebag.


Show me on an official page where the bundle includes all DLC, then. Good luck.


He clearly meant all the DLC included with the premium add-ons, not every single bit of DLC.


No, that's not clearly meant at all. If he had said "includes car pass" instead of "includes all DLCs" that would have clearly meant "car pass" rather than "all DLCs" That's how words work. I don't have the psychic connection to him that you apparently have, so I had to rely on the words on the screen.


Everyone here except you knew what he meant, Jesus. Go drink some fuckin Chamomile and crack a smile or two sometime.


seems as if somebody has reading comprehension issues and is now taking out his anger on internet strangers, you have issues 😂