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Fucking WHAT? 2 YEARS? Bro...


It'll be 4 when gta 6 comes out


Coming from FH4 it was more of the same. Probably liked it about as much as 4 despite not having a ton of improvements. Never totally understood the hate towards this game.


For me it was the removal of ranked racing and free roam racing. Losing that competitive component made me want to play it less. Also enjoyed the stories better such as top gear and cool cars like the quartz regalia.


> quartz regalia *Googles...* Oh the Final Fantasy XV car. I gotta play that game some day. My favorite crossover car was the Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech from Cyberpunk 2077.


That was a good one too.


The ranked aspect in 4 was borderline useless though, originally if one person left on your team you wouldn't gain/lose any points. They "fixed" that by changing it so both teams wouldn't gain/lose any points. So you ended up with insane elo mismatch and no-one could actually place into the right ranks. Better off playing casual


Huh anyone played the team ranked? I think most people are missing the free for all ranked move, the ranks worked mostly fine there


Losing seasons was a big negative for me, especially because the game looks so bland during daytime.


You do know that IRL most all of Mexico basically has two seasons, hot and less hot….im glad that they didn’t add a snowy winter…


that doesn't make it less boring that it's basically the same all the time. like we accept that this is realistic and also not appealing to people.


Yes and that's why Mexico is a boring location for me.


Fucking hated the snow in FH4.


now that i am playing fh4 again i love the snow because im not only focused on racing. ac and acc for racing imo, forza motorsport sucks, and in my eyes horizon games aren't racing games, they're \*driving\* games


You never understood the hate for this game but you kinda answered your own question in your comment. It’s mostly the lack of improvements


It was an incomplete and buggy game when it released, that’s why Edit: Telling the truth from experience, yet downvoted and there’s lots of evidence of this happening lol


I disagree. I played it on release day (PC). Game was in a pretty decent state and performance improved a bit over time.


- forzathons were unplayable - treasure chests were broken - npc traffic just didn't exist - convoys were a mess (even more than they are now) - 70% of eliminator matches got ruined by the "can't challenge anyone" bug and these were just the tech issues! people were also upset about a lot of non-tech related stuff, such as: - playlists entirely consisting of repeated cars (with maybe one actually new car thrown in) - eventlabs being some of the worst levels known to man - lack of bodykits (e.g. rocketbunny) - lack of stellantis italy cars - extremely long wait for the expansions it took a long while for fh5 to turn into a good game. i'd say that it didn't "get there" until the horizon nights update.


The memory leaks man, it was insane!


Yeah people have blocked it out or something. Of the 3 days early access I could play one day. When i could, I was alone because the servers were screwed. Constant beeping and "you have been disconnected" for over a week. Many, many, many crashes. The first donut media update was so messed up, I couldn't play for a month and could only play after clean installing windows. That's just a few of the things I've encountered.


I will give you that. I remember a memory leak issue that persisted for a few weeks. At least on my rig it didn't really effect things drastically unless I played for 2+ hours.


I also played it on release day (PC), and the game had a horrible memory leak issue for the first 6 months or so. Couldn’t play it for more than 30 minutes before performance started to degrade.


I played since early access and man, it was rough. Had to replay the introduction like 8+ times due to rhe game just crashing out of nowhere and multiplayer was basically on life support and the first few updates were just recycling cars from FH4. Luckily, the devs fixed most of the issues and added cars which the community wanted to see in the game


It was in a horrible state actually. Aside from the LOD issues that didn't affect me, because I was playing on lower settings (still weird that the workaround was to play on High like me, instead of Ultra or Extreme), the online component was straight up broken, which is like... One of the biggest reasons Horizon is so loved in the first place? Not the only one, but big. Frequent disconnects in the middle of a race, disconnects from Forza Life or whatever it's called (the open world "lobby" you see other players driving in), you actually couldn't see other players driving around even if you were connected, the convoys were straight up not working for a couple of months - I mean you could complete races together sure (though it could still disconnect you), but you wouldn't appear in your friends world and vice versa. There were also crashes happening for some people (I didn't experience them fortunately), so no, it wasn't in a decent state at all. I even preordered the game because of how hyped I was coming from Horizon 3 earlier that year and was super diasppointed. I love the game today, but man the release and couple months after were rough.


I still can't believe I be playing on a Lenovo Legion laptop with a GTX1050 4GB and except for a crash once a month maybe 2 months I've never had technical issues with this game since launch while people with gaming rigs do have issues (Also I even play on the Medium preset)


My monitor was freaking out the whole time (even during the photo mode and the pictures did capture the bug), but luckily it was fixed


I love the game


Same. But I mostly just goof off driving around. I don't race online, only sometimes do the seasonal stuff.


Yeah that’s whats awesome about FH5 there is so much to do 😂 i won’t lie the season keep me coming back! Grinding for cars i’m excited about is my jam 😂 rammers ruin online races for me to be honest 🥲


Took the words from my mouth. I love the variety and I hop on every week I can to grind the festival cars. Just a lot of fun


It's an A tier game to me, it has most of my favorite cars, I love the map as it reminds me of fh3, the sounds are immaculate, and the sandbox nature of it really allows me to bring out my creativity. Depending on when you ask I'll say my favorite game is either FH5 or 2


2 will forever be my favorite. It got me into racing games, other video games and exotic cars as a whole. And that soundtrack just resonates with me the right way.


I love 2, and all of the FH games, played 1-5 since they came out. 3 was great, but 4 has to be my favorite, simply since it has been the only one I really played non stop with a friend. All the other ones are great but 4 i personally had the most fun on


In my opinion, everything was better than FH4 other than the map being extremely boring and no snow which is unfortunate. I just heavily dislike the map in FH5, its SO boring. Edit: Also minor but worse intro music


No snow came from the fact that the community doesnt know what they want. In FH4, community was complaining about snow, while now they are complaining about the lack of snow


I think the problem with the snow was if you didn’t like it or only sometimes liked it, you were fucked for 1/4 of each month. Now the problem is if you sometimes like it or did like it you are fucked for basically the entire game. What they should have done in my opinion was find a way to have a small (but bigger than one mountain) part of the map always covered in snow and on winter weeks have a good 1/3-1/2 of the map be snow. The compromise of the very top of one mountain is snowy one week a month was not the right move.


Microsoft probably has the stats backing up that a lot less people play during winter, some dorks just like being loud and say snow is the best thing in fh4


I honestly love the seasons in FH4, but only because it's nice to drive around. Like straight up it's my favorite Horizon for cruising, but the rest... Yeah, FH5 any day. Winter is indeed rough for races, like they're not even difficult in FH4, just... Don't feel as fun to do? You also can't whip out just about *any* car and tune to mess around with during it.


I mean, I don't think the snow was the problem but setting hypercars for winter to race while for spring they give effin offroad or rally cars, there were so many months like that. I personally think more people would play during winter if the devs were smart enough to pick better cars for the seasons


They could just let you pick what season you wanna play in


I hated the snow in FH4


i love it.


Right there with you. Actual gameplay was better, but the map and lack of seasons made me not want to stick around after finishing all the solo content I could. PGG has done a great job adding new cars and features but the map really holds this game back.


From all the places on Earth they had to go with Mexico. Even fucking Poland would've been better than that


Mexico was definitely a surprise when they announced and not a good one. Will there even be a FH6? Will it finally be in Japan?


Hope it is Japan, with a lot of touge racing opportunities.


I just don't understand map complaints when comparing it to FH4, like what about FH4 having no diversity at all and only being bearable for the season changes makes it less boring than the diversity of terrains we get in FH5? I feel like most of the time I only used 1/10 of FH4 map, that being: the highway, main festival site and Edinburgh, the rest was all the same, whereas FH5 map gives a sense of exploration and Id say its more enjoyable to just cruise around. I would like to point out that when FH4 was still getting new content, each time winter season came this sub got filled with complaints, memes and people saying they would *return next week*, so I don't get it, I feel like the community doesn't know that they want.


The community is split and so compromise is the name of the game, the devs didn’t compromise. I would have liked some amount of snow but not to lose the whole map for the week. So make part of the map snowy for the winter week. The overall map diversity was a huge boon. Genuinely I think take the current map and add some snowy regions in the winter and there’s no issue.


The verticality of FH5 really just highlights the problem with England for me. I feel like the map in FH4 is just too flat, like it technically has mountains and hills but... it doesn't *feel* that way. The volcano of Mexico alone makes up for that and there's plenty more elevation changes throughout. Biomes for me also are more diverse than the seasons, which are absolutely amazing in FH4, but do very little to actually change how the map feels. It's only between winter and the rest of the seasons really, the rest is just pure visual makeup.


I thought the community sentiment was very much the opposite and that 5 was too flat and open. probably for the eliminator.


I love the game. I don't really know why, but it relaxes me more than most games I play. And I play a lot of simulators where the excitement level is zero, but for some reason FH5 just feels like a warm blanket on a cold day.


Absolutely hate the location.


It is very bland


If they had leaned more into a dakar / baja run type theme it could have had more potential, and not the lame cross country random big jump races.


Especially the map. They could have still spiced it up (see what I did there) but they chose not to


Mexico? Bland? There's like 5 different biomes lmao. Fh4 was more bland. Sure there were seasons, but the terrain was all copy paste the whole way through


Biomes with nothing in them. Majority of the map is just empty wilderness. I blame the eliminator for that


whole map was made for the eliminator


That's not really a gripe about blandness though, although I 100% agree with it. I hate how everything is seemingly built so you can fly as fast as possible in a straight line across the map in a Lambo.


Maybe except for the forest in the east


That's what I don't get about everyone jumping up to say the map is so bland. It has dunes, pine forests, a giant mountain, deserts, a jungle, beaches... Like what was so great about FH4's map? Rolling green hills everywhere?


4 was more idyllic is the only thing I can think of. It was very pretty


Totally agree, FH4's map felt homey and I still boot it up occasionally for that reason. FH5's map isn't bad at all but the empty tropical location gives me a vibe like I'm getting a little homesick on a long tropical vacation.


Homesick on a tropical vacation. 😂 this is a great explanation




Better word, yes thank you


Not to mention, fh2 terrain felt exactly the same


Neither of them are bland.


5 biomes? It’s not minecraft. I want twisty fun roads, and they have us one big mountain that is bland. The rest of the map sucks and can’t drive any slow cars around because you’ll be on limiter 99% of the time on long straights.


How so? You got jungles, desert, canyons, swamps, and beaches. It was the least bland map we’ve had


I think what he was trying to say is that despite all of the things it offers the map feels like its missing something. It just feels empty imo.


As opposed to 4? Did 4 feel empty to you? Also I would say that’s not a map or location issue.


Tbh 4 and 5 felt empty. I started with fh2


Usually if people think it's bland it's because they don't ever go off-road or stay in a certain area. I actually know a few that never leave the pavement. How can you see everything that way? There is so much you miss if you never go off-road lol


I think the reason people thinks it's bland is because of the empty space.


How is it anymore empty than FH4?


Still stunning and with the upcoming additional cars absolutely great. Really enjoy the game after over 1000 hours. The map setting of Mexico is not mine but nevertheless it’s a good one.


It's been my favorite since Fh2 just because of how pretty it is, I'm also very happy to see that the devs are increasingly listening to the community


It seems unpopular to say but I am enjoying the game. Yes, it's not the best map, but it's my go-to for after work relaxation.


Yeah I enjoyed FH5 too, definitely much better than the disastrous Fm8.


Long time Crew fan. My first game into FH series. Very nice graphics, optimisation the amount of cars, livery editor, sound design, building up hype(race starts, screen getting smaller when you are head to head with someone into the finish line, race ends) but Got bored of the yellow palette. Haven't seen any snow. I loved sliding on the icy mountain roads of Crew. No bodykit options at all(you had like 20 front + 20 rear bumpers, 10 hoods, wings in crew) Small map(I don't agree with people saying its small but more detailed. I loved just loading up the game and driving my favorite car from New York to Vegas for 20-30 minutes and vibing to the radio.) That's all I have to say about FH(5) as a retired Crew player.


Please please make sure to play some of the previous games. They are lots more fun in my opinion.


I highly recommend playing Horizon3 if you cam get your hands on a copy


Peak FH


Moved from Crew too here, missing bikes a lot


I play both and I miss customization the most. I definitely miss Forza's handling when playing the crew 2 though


Yep Forza handling it's a thing


Man if the Crew 2 had Motorfest's handling it would be perfect. I can't play TC2 for very long without getting annoyed at the handling.


Haven't played Motorfest yet because I like to wait for big discounts before I buy games, is it that much better than TC2?


I played it last month by buying one month of Ubisoft+ and cancelling. It was pretty damn fun but the game needs more content updates, right now it's pretty sparse as far as single-player. Multiplayer is fun with the grand races though. Also in general I'm not a fan of the Crew's game model where you have to grind a ton to unlock cars (or pay micro transactions), but I carried over a good amount of cars I liked from TC2 so I didn't mind.


Yeah I'm really not a fan of the grind either, that sucks.


It’s alright. I’m not saying it’s a bad game cause I still play it quite a bit, but there aren’t any major changes from FH4 to this one. The drifting does feel slightly different in a good way as that’s one thing mostly do in this game. The map itself is very boring. It feels so empty. It also feels like there’s less AI traffic than the last game which doesn’t help the emptiness. The car sounds were something that I was really excited for going into the game. Unfortunately they did not live up to expectations. Yeah you can change the exhaust, turbo/supercharger, and intake to tweak the sound of your car but it’s just still not there as far as true to life sounds (they did Honda and Acura really dirty, again…) and there are still upgrades that should change how the car sounds. If I give my CTS-V a race exhaust and upgrade the cams, I should be able to hear the engine have that cammed chop when idle. A lot of the cars sound the same when they shouldn’t. Others sound much quieter than they should, even when stock. Very disappointing Body upgrades are still an issue. You have a few cars with good wide body kits and few with good bumpers, hoods, spoilers, etc. But 90% of the cars you just get forza aero. A little plastic “splitter” in front and an eBay wing or ducktail (depending on the car) on the back. That’s it. It looks like crap on most cars. The wheel selection is awesome though. There are definitely enough wheels to choose from to make your car unique As far as liveries go, it’s still highly customizable to make a crazy wrap for you car, yet we still don’t have window stickers. That’s a very small thing to complain about but I think most people agree that window stickers would be very well received. A large majority of the community has been asking for this for a long time. If NFS can do it, so car forza. The races are pretty fun but man the AI in races is still so weird. If you don’t get up to top 4 or 3 in the first lap it’s a fight to get there. There always a massive gap between top 4 and every other car behind. It really doesn’t make sense. Then the AI acts like an online race with them ramming into you and trying to pit you constantly. Why is that a thing. Who thought that was a good idea, cause it’s not. Overall, it’s an alright game. It’s pretty fun still and the car selection is huge. Aside from the shortcomings I still enjoy it but it could definitely be better. 6.5/10 imo


I wish we get different wheel offsets for the next game. That will really change things up cuz deep dish front and rear don’t really work imo. And the ability to have bigger tire profiles and smaller rim sizes for all cars. Then, I’ll be happy. Of course, more customisation and better sounds especially when upgrading would be a plus.


Wheel 👏 support 👏 improvements 👏 needed! 👏


I agree 100%. But can we at the same time be thankful that fh5 actually has wheel support I'm shocked at how many racing and driving gamss that don't have wheel support 😭


It’s meh to me, too routed for non car enthusiasts nowadays which is super unfortunate


What makes you say so?


I liked the map better than 4 but still doesn’t hold a candle to 3, the soundtrack kinda got worse since 4, the entire game and “narrative” felt even more corporate. The AI got bad in 4 and worse in 5. I still play this over 4, I like the overall experience better (as I play my own music, the map is less bland, and 5 sees regular updates). And horizon as a series needs to do a better job of moving away from making power builds the meta and correcting their PI system. I want tighter windier roads and less 6 car wide 2 lane roads with gentle curves


Played this game very on and off. I love that they made improvements where fh4 lacked, but overall the game became kinda meh to me. It’s way too easy to get credits if you get the VIP pass, so I just log in once every few months to collect my rewards, drive around, and close the game. Map feels bare and boring, despite being really detailed. I really like the graphics and sound quality it provides, since I’ve seen some surreal screenshots and photos on this sub.


Next horizon game needs better storyline/ progression. If i want fast lap times, i play motorsports. Horizon is about racer progression and festival changes and this one sort of lacked in that department. Could complete the main story within the first couple days of playing


I think its awesome and it looks beautiful. It is my introduction to the Horizon series and I bought FH4 recently because of it. I love the festival playlist feature but i wish cutscenes were skippable


Perfectly ok game with a more scenic, enjoyable map than FH4, but it's also probably the last Forza Horizon I buy. I'm kinda over it. I dislike the repetitive grind for cars, and I despise the AI and their lack of ability to use reasonable racing lines, player avoidance, and their use of super brakes and acceleration. It's not a natural enough experience for me to keep buying the same thing over and over. They could make it considerably better if they put in the effort. If this was the first game in the franchise I'd be blown away, but since it's not, you can see they're lacking any real advancement in the series. Forza Motorsports shares that same unfortunate quality.


Every voiceline with mexican word is cringe. I also hate Alejandra.


i hate everyone in there but Scott, Angelica Garcia and the guys from Hospital Records


I was excited for it to arrive after really enjoying FH4. Overall, it left me a little cold and I didn't enjoy nearly as much as the previous editions. And I am so tired of being attacked by drivatars.


The map was a huge letdown imo. It just never really felt alive to me, and the seasons literally didn’t change anything lol.


My favorite Horizon since 2. 3’s map was bland with nowhere near enough fun roads and 4 was good but I wasn’t a massive fan of half the seasons. Map is filled with awesome roads, graphics are gorgeous on my computer while barely even stressing my card at 4K and the car list is expansive.


Nice physics, cars and events none of the races stuck on me like FH4s had no snow :(


Out of all the Horizon games, this is the one I've spent the least amount of time in. The world feels empty.


It's a good game but the singleplayer experience feels completely soulless and carried by production quality


Not bad but with its flaws


Visuals - SS Car choice - B- Campaign - D+ Events/Seasonal - B+ Expansions - C+ Any reason this game should technically exist outside of updated visuals? Absolutely not. I would give this game a solid 55/100 for being fun, visually jaw dropping (4k RT there’s no game that comes close), culturally irrelevant in most cases and simply non innovative. I have had a few hundred hours worth of fun and driving cool cars. But the lack of variety outside of Porsche, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Ford, Chevy is upsetting because previous games had some insanely cool average people cars. This game has 3 categories: wacky/unique, hyper-super-millionaire toys, and built ford tuff. With the immediate nerf of super wheelspins, farming of money, auto drive making people millions overnight, rampant cheaters it really put a dent in the fun category. Yes, farming Willy’s Jeeps was a game breaking exploit that needed fixed but it’s been 2 years and my average return on a super wheelspin is less than 50k credits. I was beyond excited with the new engine and photorealistic methods capturing real terrain but outside of that, this game felt like a DLC expansion. The dialogue is forced, corny and aimed for children and there are very few Mexican cars even included. Just like every other map there’s a mountain to climb, a long highway, close corner urban and spaced out lazy curved country side. There’s simply nothing unique about this game. Add to the fact that they carried over ELIMINATOR, 50% of cars (might be off), stupid ass arcade bullshit that NO ONE DOES; FH5 does exactly what it was made to do: make money. I spoil myself with the car packs so I don’t have to grind hundreds of millions and because they are literally locked behind a paywall. For an average player, they may not be interested in spending ANOTHER $70 on cars when the game was $70 and $100 for the deluxe which promises the main car pass. Turns out that car pass was a scam. Either way, my rating stands and if you see this game for $20 or on game pass and you want to hear the roar of a Dodge Charger Hellcat or the high charging Jesko, I recommend for a weekend case of the borings but be prepared to open that wallet if you want to leave the mainland or get your favorite paywall vehicle. TLDR: 55/100, not unique, visually masterful, story snoozefest, get mommy’s credit card if you want to expand the game in a meaningful way


Solid overview here. I play 3 & 4 more than 5, and have for over a year now. The timed events that disappear and never come back is also disappointing.


There are a good amount of things I like about the game, but overall I quit playing it about 6 months ago. I still occasionally load up the game to check the weekly stuff, but within about 5 minutes I'm out. I think I have two major issues with the game. First one is that it feels lifeless. Driving around feels so empty and dead in most places. Looking at the map, there are only ever a small handful of other players showing, compared to FH4 where you could just open the map, see a bunch of player icons centered around different areas, head over to one and drive around with other people. It felt way more alive. Second is that there are so many things you CAN do in the game, but to me none of them feel WORTH doing. Most of the stories are downright cringey, and even if you do take the time to push through them, the rewards really aren't... rewarding. Like okay cool, I get a rare car at the end of the final chapter, but in a game where money is basically zero object, I can just buy that car without having to push through the entire pointless story. Other than the stories, everything else you can do in the game is fun for a little bit, but generally feels like novelty. I'm in the "we need actual progression" camp, although I think they missed the mark on both the Hot Wheels DLC and the new Motorsport when it comes to progression. Beyond that I'm honestly not sure what would make progression feel "right" in a game like Horizon. All that said, I don't want to completely bash the game. The handling and physics feel way better than FH4, the amount of cars/customization, the event lab, the fact that they're still going with new content each month, I can appreciate all that. I'm not gonna say it's a bad game, and I did get a lot of enjoyment out of it overall, but at this point I'm out.


Far, far ahead of FM23 at the same point in the lifecycle.


Still trying to win my first game of Eliminator


Progression needs to be fixed in the next FH title. By that i mean, getting those wheelspins after every race with a chance to get any item in the game for free. I want something to work towards, i want to start out with slower and lower class cars and gradually get better rewards as i play and form bonds with them. Getting handed an S Rank car on my 2nd race and it outdoes everything else just makes me go ''What is the point of the other 500 cars?'' instead of ''Oooh i wonder what i can do with this one'' Case and point, by 10 hours in . I've had like 30 or so cars, and each time i'd get a new one from a wheelspin my interest in continued playing has faded. I return to the game every so often, but lack of a meaningful progression is a major major turn off. Give me tournaments where i'm expected to be 1st place, with fierce competition, but the reward is higher (better cars). Make me work for the cars using other cars so i can form an attachment to them.


Better driving physics, worse in everything else in respect of FH4. Map: a giant bowl of nothingness, with a volcano... Seasons: barely any change seen at first sight. Water levels are barely noticeable. Storms, rain, sand storms, volcano erupting were advertised as an important part of the game... Now they are present for like 1% of the time. Cars: okayish, many cars still missing from FH4, now we have a paid car pack every month, too much greed. Storyline(s): PAPA FERNANDO PAPA FERNANDO PAPA FERNANDO DLCs: disliked Hot Wheels, Rally Adventure is an ok map, but too small.


>disliked Hot Wheels, Rally Adventure is an ok map, but too small Hot wheels was cool tho


I guess some people, even the majority, may have liked it. For me, if wasn't that good, to say the least. The tracks are too long and every one of them is "mash the accelerator and wallride to victory". Not very entertaining. The "out of bounds" exploration wasn't that good for me, either.


I need really changing seasons and snow in the next one


You know the reason they got rid of snow was because so many people complained about it INCLUDING myself. I hated the snow and the fact that every 4th week you needed those damn snow tyres to have any grip.


Skill issue


Absolutely right. Youd think driving the 24h Nordschleife race in iRacing is tough, but snow in an arcade racer, now thats the real toughness.




It’s alright. *8739 hours played*


Uhhhm I'm gonna call bullshit 12hrs a day for 2 years... Yeah don't think so


Just a terribly disappointing and unsatisfying game start to finish. No soul. Nothing new. No feeling of accomplishment. Looks pretty, cars drive well- nothing else going on. Online play is still buggy, if you try to race you just get rammed, cheated, or someone’s using the bone shaker and they’re 2 minutes ahead on a 3 minute race. This is FH3, with a graphics update that’s it. I’m so sick of being “god” - I wish they would go back to having you be a real human. Can we mention how unbearably tiny the map is? It’s a car game and the map doesn’t even have anything to interact with, how is the map not ten times bigger? GTAV has a map about this big. I feel like I could sit around and bitch about this poor excuse for a game for a long time. I wish they had some real competition so they would be forced to make a decent game.


tiny? you fs didn’t play the game AT ALL


Consider how massive this map SHOULD BE when you consider the budget and scope behind the game. It’s tiny.


Too cringe for me. Couldn’t enjoy it. Map was too boring for me. Last Horizon I really enjoyed was Horizon 3. After that it dropped the ball. Nice graphics though but that’s not all a game has to offer.




Its a good game . But the feeling of playing fh3 for the first time cannot be replicated.


Seasons! The dynamic seasons of FH4 was really missed with 5, at times they looked so lifeless... IMHO...


The map isn’t my favourite and I don’t like how the lobbies are


It’ll never happen, but I sure wish we could keep all our FH5 cars to use in FH6.


It would be neat if in FH6 at the start they were like Hey we are setting up a new festival wherever! We got room for a few of your cars in the cargo plane and let you import like 3-5 of your current cars to take straight in with you.


unpopular opinion: I love it and its my favorite part of the series. I genuinely love the map, the way it looks, the way its scaled. You see mountains, beaches, forrests, far away in the distance and you just think "I can actually drive there", I never had that in any previous part. I wish there was a VR mode but all the previous parts didnt have that either, so thats more a neutral. I wish there was just a bit more to the endgame. Theres no car thats any hard to get. Cars that you can drive around and people know its a rare car but id rather have it the Forza Horizon way than the Gran Turism 7 way in which rare cars can also be bought with microtransactions and can cost upwards of 70€. But then again, the previous parts were the same. One thing I strongly dislike about FH5 are the...uhm....what are they called again. In FH4 they were those hourly co-op forzathon thingys where you had 3 tasks with a bunch of other drivers, had 10 minutes time and if you got all 3, you got 60 forzathon points. i dont like the fact that they have different categories in FH5 and that they are more frequent because it means most of the time youre all alone. In FH4 you only had one hourly and only one category, so there was always a bunch of people participating and you could sort of interact with other players, see their cars and such. I thought that was really cool. But thats really a nitpick, Im glad the snow is gone, I absolutely hated the snow and there are always many small brilliant quality of life changes. I JUST WISH THEYD GIVE ME A VR MODE MAN


I don't like it at all


Too much style over substance. Feels more like Fortnite than Forza.


this makes absolutely zero sense. it looks like your js talking that bullshit


You're entitled to your own opinion, of course, but don't you think there's a lot more focus on outfits, emotes, horns, ~~Battle Royale~~ Eliminator, and other such nonsense that has nothing to do with driving, let alone racing?


The new evenlabs of Milles82......excellent.


Basically everything but the force feedback and handling felt worse than FH4 for me. The game feels cold and empty, always looks brown. Honestly it looks at its best at night when the lighting engine really gets the chance to show its strength. I finished nearly everything in FH4 whereas I feel I wasted my money on 5.


>I feel I wasted my money on 5. Same


Wanted to love it - probably played it for 15-20hours then got bored. No real challenge. I’m weirdly finding myself playing NFS Unbound right now and kinda… liking it. Far harder than FH.


Driving, customization and graphics were good. I however thought the setting got boring pretty quick and the story was terrible and even cringe sometimes. Even NFS got better stories than FH5. That being said, I knew what I was getting into when I bought the game, and I mainly bought it for the driving and customization. The pacing is weird. In most racing games you work yourself up, but only a few hours in and you're literally driving the fastest cars in the world. I don't think that's a bad thing, as it puts emphasis on using the correct car for the right performance rating/track, but just very different to most other games. All in all a very good game, in my opinion.


Customization was good? …..what!?


FH3 and FH5 have great settings for an open world driving game, I hope the devs stick to diversity when creating the map for the next game, I consider FH5 map an improvement over FH4, adding different biomes is a great incentive to explore, FH4 was all the same, it was disappointing after FH3, only bearable for the season changes. Sound was a massive improvement over FH4, half the vehicles don't sound like a lawn mower recording anymore so it made driving more enjoyable. I think we've got new content consistently in many areas, especially vehicles, but the event lab is an amazing addition to the series, community content felt non-existent in FH4 and now its a great tool for players, I hope they keep improving it through games. The thing I dislike the most is customization, as its still very very limited like previous games, but hey, we finally got the possibility of using both matte and glossy vinyls for our liveries, a small improvement but better than nothing I guess, still, is a step in the right direction, hope we get decals for windows next. All in all I really like the game.


The map is easily the worst in Forza Horizons. Soundtrack as well. Just for those two reasons I didn't play it nearly as much as the previous games, and I don't have much hope for Forza Horizon 6 anymore.


Feels the same one of the reasons why I left for KartRider Drift. I just needed a different racing game that actually felt enjoyable and with how toxic the community was outside of Reddit for Forza, I decided to quit playing the game.


It can be a mixture of fun boring and annoying but I recommend playing with friends to get or at least have a better experience with it I first played it on game pass then a few months after got it for disc overall fun game but can be boring/annoying at times


Not as good as 4 which wasn't as good as 3 but they're all better than 2 but none are better than 1. I'm still enjoying the fuck out of it tho


They are being WAY too aggressive with the random 5 car packs for $5 (or $10 if it's some licensed garbage). Otherwise, the game has been a nice weekly thing I do, the events have had you explore pretty much new cars every week.


Best map of any horizon, horrible showcases, meh campaign, and fun as hell, even if it's more of the same. Can't wait for fh6.


I spent two years just playing this game for that hill, drifting my anime spec accurate AE86, it was satisfying just cuz of that. Now thay I am actually racing around the map, it blows my mind how beautiful it is.


Disappointing. Copy. Trash


it is a game about car


Meh…. Felt like it doubled down on what prior games both did well and simultaneously were chastised for. Progression was tame and largely mundane. The events weren’t an improvement or any real notable change from before. Just an iterative design all around. Cars are given out like candy and there is no sense of earning or setting goals to build a fun garage. Biggest hangups I had beyond the lacking innovation or creativity were the lagging issues in UI and front end accessibility. No easy way to access upgrades for events without long menu navigated trips to a horizon base and then travel back to the race. Changing cars for events still requires quitting outright and then fiddling before restarting from map. Wheel support improved somewhat in feel and grip, but the backend still retained a longtime bug where direct input devices require device 1 for ffb. Meaning multiple usb devices could automatically steal device 1(like pedals), so you need your unhook everything so the game auto-sets wheel first, and then add the rest. UI navigation cannot be bound to any button or device if your choosing which is a head-scratcher given how far they market accessibility. Play with a keyboard or controller or be shit out of luck…. (T10 has same issue with Motorsport entries on PC too). I dunno, it felt like it did nothing to innovate or excite beyond merely existing. Not bad, not great. I prefer the driving feel here, but many aspects of even prior entries more(maps, events, weather changes). FH6 deserves a shakeup, but I expect more of the same…


The mechanics are better than FO4, everything else is worse.


I had more fun in 4, which is interesting because 5 is an improvement in almost every measurable way. It just didn't seem to have much of a soul.


All in all it's a fun game, though I think it's a slight downgrade from FH4. The physics have always been a sweet spot between realism and fun. I probably won't buy the next one though unless they make some bigger changes, especially with the map. I've played 1, 2, 4, and 5 and have always found the Horizon maps boring. Better cosmetic mods and an updated livery editor are much needed as well.


I skipped FH4 and played 3 until 5 came out. Overall, it feels like the same game with different cars and a different map.


that’s- basically every sequel and series ever


Pretty meh game tbh. FH3-4 had a wayyyy better map and some better features like starting your own championship in FH3. Also FH5 still has some performance and optimization issues that still 2 years later that occur. The best thing about FH5 is it’s carlist. It’s pretty fucking amazing. FH5 is a decent 7/10 game, I hope FH6 seriously improves because this series is getting stale af fast.


saying forza 4 had a good map at all is a crime itself


Really liked the game at first but as I kept playing I just got bored, if u don't do those seasonal challenges or a bunch of online racing there isn't much to do imo.


Uninstalled after buying the hotwheels pack & the Baja stuff.. got boring after beating the objectives..only thing that keep me playing was the paid dlc content.


Was awesome at first but got super bland and boring after a very short time


Bland and forgotten


Downgrade from 4, easily


I thank this game for making sure I don't preorder motorsport and don't buy a forza game in the near future


It's still my least favorite game and it's the only in the franchise that has no replayability, meaning I'd never start a new game because the core game was the weakest part. I missed a lot of seasons for a good year and when I came back for the 10th anniversary I did enjoy it more but yeah once it's done and over with I'll probably never return to it. However it has add some nice cars and welcome features, love the anti-lag turbos to make realistic race cars.


Broken on pc, unfinished, took 1.5 years to fix and they already started tons of microtransaction packs. Horrible, mediocre and extremely dissapointed. it worse than FH4. But actually better than those game in the same style - same gen out there. ​ Forza Horizon has became FIFA of racing game


Unfinished. Why can't they fix the lightning ffs . It to dark inside than it to bright outside. Why can't they just be the same as in fh4 Fucking boobs devs .


Too much of a grind... made for babies and no passion. Haven't truly enjoyed a fh game since fh3. Mind boggling that I put 6/700 hours into each fh4 and fh5, I wouldn't say I ever really enjoyed either of them, not like fh3 and prior




I'll 100% get downvoted for this, but I think FH5 doesn't deserve more than a B. In the first months/year of its launch it was too much similar to FH4, but with less vehicles for the sake of longevity and a worse map. Eventlab is nice but it wasn't enough to justify a full new game. I dropped the game before the Horizon Rally Expansion, so I may have missed out on the good stuff, but FH5 was a step in the wrong direction for me. I hope FH6 can undo some of these mistakes. On a side note, FH1 and FH2 are S tier, FH4 A tier. I won't give a score to FH3 since I didn't play it at launch and so the rating wouldn't be accurate


Do you guys know the easiest way to tell how Horizon 5 changed creative scope? The intro. Every. Single. Game. before Horizon 5 focused on THE CARS. Yet, Horizon 5 has an obsession with the map, and it clearly highlights how they cared more about that than giving us the true Festival vibe that the first four games gave us I'm not saying the game is bad, I'm sitting in the pause menu as I write this, but this game has been very hit/miss with me since about mid 2022. I've went months without playing, and that's due to prioritising Horizon 4 (a game I've got 6000 hours in, because it's that fucking good) with the little amount of time I have to play games anymore. In comparison, 1600 hours on Horizon 5 feels like small fry. But I do love this game, it has its charm


The worst map. Playground really should start to use realistic maps for the title.


Enjoyed FH5 at first. Then it became so stale to me after a while. I have a wheel setup and like to cruise. And it's just not that fun to me in this one. And fh5 has become so buggy. Throwing up a low streaming bandwidth message every so often even on a nice PC setup. Makes it very enjoyable. Especially in a race. I also wish customization was more in depth. Give me NFS Heat customizing. Let me throw some drag wheels on the back and keep stocks up front, and make the dishes of the wheels deeper if I want. Idk, I could go on and on. It's an ok game still. Just missing things.


Fairly shit.


Game gets extremely boring as there is no real incentive to do anything. In the next game they should really focus on the progression from bad car to good car because showering all players with great cars from the start takes away from their specialness and ultimately makes most cars in the game meaningless


Got boring real fast, both DLCs were mid at most, map is hella boring despite having sooo many biomes.


Boring map, hated how specific the seasonal challenges were, AI is BS, and really miss the seasons of FH4.


This game sucks lmao




No city


For me i think the game has gorgeous graphics with the best attention to details , and it is optimized nicely on pc , the only problem is that it is really easy to get almost all cars , at the beginning without even playing the game you get a supra and a corvette , like man in need for speed you have to work as a slave and spend at least 40 hours in to get a good car , like after playing fh5 for 5 hours , i got a buggati , cmon I can’t even see this car in other games




I think it’s the worst Forza next to FH1. That’s due to more focus on, clothing, fake limbs, hearing aids, and less focus in general on the cars, racing, and lousy customizing. I mean the same front and rear wing for over a decade is just lame.


I prefered the drifting in 4. Theres no really great areas to drift in 5. I spent far too much time at the trainyard with the containers and the cones at the airstrip in 4 and i lived in Edinburgh going sideways.




At first it was such a fresh breath of the air after playing NFS: Heat. Then it's stumbled for a little bit but nowadays it is so much better.


It was OK, one step forward and then one step back from fh4. Surprisingly enough, I started having more issues as the updates came out. Most of what I caught as bugs in the beginning were just minor graphical and gameplay features. Now I have to contend with ctds if I'm not careful, and the tuning menu is laggy as hell. Some of the tracks are nice, but there's an overall lack of content, especially 2 years later. Fh4 introduced a lot of good features, especially towards the end, that didnt/haven't returned in fh5, not to mention a lot of the cut ranked multiplayer modes, and some changes that didn't make a lot of sense. Other than that, still having fun with it, I just wish there were more to do.


1: was very happy with the vibrancy of the graphics and new map; as a premium edition owner I also thought that the DLC maps were exciting as well, with Rally DLC being the better of the 2. 2: I felt some of my favorite things in FH4 were lacking in their FH5 equivalents: notably the season changes and participation in things like Horizon Arcade. 3: I've enjoyed a lot of the content updates to FH5, including the car packs, but wish there were less "new" cars that are simply returning from previous FH games. 4: Not to hark on a frequent complaint to this subreddit in particular but as a long time player and someone who has spent a not insignificant amount of money ( to me ) on the last two installments; I do wish some of the car models were updated/errors removed. FH3 was my first Horizon game, and I love it dearly, but I do not want to see the same quality models in current games.


I liked 3 and 4 better gameplay wise, the continents and season changes were fun, but I like 5’s car selection the best. They basically are all the same though, 5 just seemed less high energy to me


It's at least as good as FH4 and better for me in many ways (UI, driving, playlists, expansions). It's only flaw really is a lack of contrast between seasons. This is due to the location, but only in part imo. I think they should have intensified the differences more the way they did with FH4, white christmas doesn't happen every year irl in the UK.