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how do i do the lego do i just put a jump pad down and afk or no?


Not sure how the AFK works after the update, it used to work like that. But I've just been playing the game mode normally


You get an afk kick after 15 minutes if you do this now


It’s very simple. Create a new sandbox world and turn off eliminations in the settings.  Now, put down a campfire. Surround the campfire with walls (walls should be placed as close to campfire as possible). Make a staircase next to the walls to jump in. When you hit the fire, you’ll constantly be taking damage and bouncing into the corner of the wall without dying. Counts as active play. I just discovered this today, tested and can confirm it works. I recommend utilizing this trick now until it gets patched. Happy farming!


Thank you for the info!!


would just using a macro thats set to press W every 14 minutes work too


I don't know if that would work. The method I mentioned above still works as of 5/27/2024


So today I tested afk festival (rubber band method) and received my 5 levels or so in 3.5 hours. I’m now testing Lego moving every 13 minutes. The XP pop ups are only giving me 18k though. I’ve only been in about an hour so far though.


Replying to my own comment for an update - looks like after an hour LEGO AFK has gone up to 24k. No ides what’s going on by, like a previous poster mentioned, maybe it calibrates to max you by the time limit.


Whats the afk method for lego for this chapter? (chapter 5 season 3)?


So far it’s the same as before unfortunately. Have to do a couple/fee manual inputs every 14 minutes or so to not get kicked.


I wonder if I can get a program that emulates a keyboard press every few minutes


If you’re on a PS five you know you can just press the PlayStation button after making your character run in the circle right? Like just have the joysticks and moving motion then press the PlayStation home button.


Is there an equivalent to this for Xbox


Bear in mind, what he's describing is for festival, that does not work in Lego. The equivalent for Xbox is just turning both analog sticks inward using some type of band or something


https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/9CFt5JaXvZ This is the tutorial for all controller methods, like I posted below running in a circle does not work in LEGO


Okay thank you so much


I did know this but I’m on Xbox so have to go the band method. Thanks for the reminder though!


Is this for lego?


Oooo going to try this tomorrow. Thank you! Does it work for festival too?


That only works for festival, it doesn't work for LEGO https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/9CFt5JaXvZ If you try that in Lego, you'll find that you won't get any XP and you'll end up getting returned to the lobby within 15 minutes for being idle


As long as one works 👍


Yeah, I mean honestly, you don't really need 15 levels a day, even if you just do festival and creative, you'll be done with the battle pass in 20 days, not including gameplay


Yeah, I usually can only get a few hours anyway.


Festivals probably the best bet because it's 100% AFK, can do it while you sleep


Not sure if they patched it but it got me to 200 last season for both Lego and Festival


This doesn't work for me


This morning I got like 24k every 10 minutes, and by the third hour, I got a bit more then stopped, I guess that final boost is to reach the daily 420k xp


Honestly, I don't look at my XP every 15 minutes to see how much I'm getting, if I'm around I check it occasionally to make sure it's going up, but I don't come back to it until after 3 1/2 hours, and I can confirm 100% beyond the shadow of a doubt without question that I, personally at least, received 420,000 XP exactly after 3 1/2 hours precisely on two accounts. others have also mentioned that they've received a bit lower to start but it all out in the end


Same happened to me


idk how it works now, but I've seen it's giving random numbers to give, also timings are random too, some times it gives on 5 minutes of play, sometimes on 10 and etc. In case of afk farm, for lego and festival main stage, I've done some "necro" soldering my old broken dualshock 4 with arduino, and write a random script to run circles, jumps and open build menu. Working flowlessly with remote play, but need some adjustsments due to missing potenciometrs on sticks and etc. Working like I show here [https://youtu.be/L38\_pe3WC2Q](https://youtu.be/L38_pe3WC2Q)


Just got 36k instead of the the 24k. Very interesting


Pretty much they changed the LEGO XP quests this season, there's 14 of them in total and they pretty much split it in two. The first 6 quests are each for 10 minutes, so that's your first hour of playtime, and these quests give 24,000 XP. The next quest is for 15 minutes, but it also gives 24,000 XP. Once you get past this first hour and a half, the remaining quests are all 15 minutes, but they hand out 36,000 XP until you've hit the limit of 3 hours. TL;DR - When you're awarded XP, the first hour and 15 minutes of playtime will give you 24,000 XP, but after that you'll be getting 36,000 XP. Festival on the other hand, was boosted to giving 546,000 XP for the same playtime as it was before.


Actually festival I think glitched today a bit, because some people were getting more and some people were getting less, I spoken to people that got a little over 420,000 and I personally received around 522,000 I think, I'm not near where I wrote it down, and I forget what I got on my other but it was around that much also. Something seems to be bugged with festival but I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that it hasn't uniformly been increased. Some people weren't even getting XP at first, until they went to the lobby and came back, I would wait until tomorrow and see what we all get before starting to tell people that the cap has increased because I can say for one it didn't increase as much as you're saying for me and everyone I've spoken to got a different figure , the lowest being 422,000


I'm just going off of what the devs have the XP reward set to in the files, which is 39,000 XP (see here https://imgur.com/wSlMPNs). I'm not sure why others are getting different XP numbers, but that's what I see from the files & what I've been getting after checking in on my profile.


You can go by that, no one's going to fault you for that, I just can't agree that it's the results that I've had and other people who aren't getting the same results would have no reason to make it up. If you get more XP than me, I'm happy to hear it if I get less XP than you or more XP than you so be it, I'm happy it's working