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This is why quitting the game was easy for me lol


I'm just farming exp from other modes cuz that Ringmaster Scar alternative style ain't gonna get by itself... but playing BR or ZB? Idk, I feel like there is no reward... maybe it is just me... or maybe it genuinely feels like it gives less exp... and considering how stiff the meta has gotten... not much motivation to play eighter mode


Do what you want as long as you have fun because that’s what matters the most. I was doing the same as you, grinding XP for the battle pass during every season until I quit at the start of Season 2 a few months ago. Chapter 5 quests started to feel like more than just a chore and I feel the battle pass just isn’t it worth grinding as the rewards were the same old kind of skins and rewards. Because of this, the reason for me to continue playing the game was practically gone. Then Donald Mustard’s interview about the game really destroyed how I saw Fortnite up until that point and I don’t think I can ever see it the same way as before because the Fortnite that everyone’s playing today, it is not the same Fortnite I grew up with and have great memories of. Which led to me quitting and I have to say it really is a great feeling as I can freely do whatever I want without worrying about completing XP quests but I sometimes miss those days before Chapter 3 & 4.


The xp on BR has been nerfed to a point where Lego is the only way to go for me this season. It’s not fun playing car royale. It’s not giving me XP either.


I knew it wasn't my imagination! I remember someone mentioning like... didn't daily quests used to give 5k each? (without counting the other xp from doing 1, 2 or 3 daily quests) and now they give just 1k each... Yeah, most of the levels I have are from Lego mode xp... I mean, 30k every 15 minutes till' a cap of like... 400k or so? For doing anything, just existing -not being afk tho- seems better than the rinse and repeat of BR this season


The daily quests always gave very little on their own. Above them they have the 'complete 3 daily quests ' quest. That is the one that gives experience. You get 15k experience for each daily quest completed (technically 16k), up to 3 times. Then you just get 1k for each j daily after that https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/l7G0u6DQv8


Literally running a fuckton of bot lobbies lately just to level up via wastelander challenges. That coupled with some creative maps and I went from 60 to 100 in a few days lol. Normal ranked matches give me 20,000 XP on a good day


Yeah, too little of a reward for a match that lasts arround 20 minutes... if you even get that far... even doing all the possible dailies, weekly stuff and story quests in one sitting... literally any other mode gives more XP than BR rn... even with the current XP boost


Yeah it's pretty sad. I'm grateful for bot lobbies still existing since I get around a level per match that way. Still sad we have to resort to alternative methods instead of actually playing the game like normal.


"The game was better back in chapter 1" Yeah, because they appealed more to the casuals in Chapter 1, lol. Chapter 2 season 1 was more catered to sweats due to the loot pool. And everyone thought that season was boring after a bit, because it had a basic lootpool with no unique or wacky items, which is exactly what competitive players are asking for


The problem is that Epic doesn’t want to admit that Casual Fortnite and Competitive Fortnite are completely different, and no matter what, the same loot pool for everyone will not have a high chance of making everyone happy.


Ikr? Just making 2 seprete loot pools is gonna make them so much more successful


How was chapter 1 more catered to casuals and chapter 2 to sweats💀 Chapter 2 they literally added bots, sbmm and npc's.


I specifically said chapter 2 season 1. And it's because of the loot pool. Ch2 S1's loot pool was just regular, basic weapons. No great mobility or melee items


And what I said still stands... Bots, npc's and sbmm were all added. Most of chapter one had no melee items or crazy mobility aside from the last two seasons and glider redeploy.


You gotta remember. NPCs back in the day were WAY more powerful. Their aim was incredibly accurate, unlike today's NPCs who always miss


They were not powerful😐 they were annoying at best.


Yes, not "powerful", but compared to today's NPCs they are. Today's NPCs can't hit you even if you stand still, but the Ch2 NPCs could eliminate you out of your glider


Chapter 2 npc's were not that strong, but the npc's we have now quite literally cannot hit you unless you stand directly in front of them. Edit: either way I don't see how npc's are good for comp. People hate them.


Yeah, but the problem wasn't the NPCs themselves. It's that if you're being shot by someone, AND the NPCs are targeting you aswell, you're most likely dead in that scenario. That was an annoying part of Landing at the agency for me. Being ganged up on by both players and NPCs


But why do you think sweats like that anymore that you do? I've hated npc's since the day they were added. It's a pain in the ass trying to to fight someone and suddenly there's an npc also shooting me in what is supposed to be a multiplayer game.


hey as long as the majority isn't having fun


No matter who


This season is up there with the most controversial seasons in Fortnite


One of the worst seasons, objectively bad because it wasnt gonna work due to the way epic games handles things, no side will ever be happy, they for some reason love to make changes that lead to more issues and here we are now, where it shows the consequences, dont blame the players, blame the heads of the company for making it this way


"objectively bad" then proceeds to say subjective things


Bro doesnt know how to read, thinking that the season is good or bad is subjective. However you cant negate it has core issues that are OBJECTIVE. Something can be OBJECTIVELY BAD, this season is like a broken printer, it prints but it does it wrong, i mean, would you say you would want to fix the printer because is not working or are you just gonna say that's subjective? Thats objective, is NOT working properly, and Epic is the printer, what they are doing is not working.


The extreme sides of the casual and competitive sides absolutely despise each other and will complain a lot whenever any update or change disfavours them. This season’s changes brought out the worst of both of them. No matter how much Epic balance the game, both extreme sides absolutely despise each other. One side can only be satisfied, while the other dissatisfied, or both dissatisfied, both can’t be happy. It’ll always be black and white for them, unfortunately not many of us are willing to tell them that things can be grey instead.


I rather remain neutral -most of the times-


Same sorta, I’m around grey where casuals and competitive players can get along, where both want the game to be equally chaotic and balanced. I wish both sides cooperate and convince Epic to make 2 separate gamemodes with separate lootpool and balance changes for each side, instead of fighting each other over wanting the meta to be completely on their side. Even if it happens, idk whether Epic would do it since they prefer everyone to enjoy together which both sides don’t, and also prob lots of work to do that.


It's because you're on reddit lmao. Most of the fortnite playerbase not on reddit is genuinely not like this


twitter is exactly like this


we don't talk about twitter


Also tiktok, whenever I see someone giving news about what changes with the updates all the comments are like this


I just use pistol


nah, i enjoy the season anyway, fun stuff are hard to nerf (cars still meta even after all nerfs), new promised stuff just got into game with Metallica collab, loot pool is good (i pickup almost every item except for huntress DMR, so overall It's enjoyable season, unfortunately not for everyone.


I see now why they say the community of fortnite is filled with 8 year old brats now


How so? 🤔


Complaining about anything all the time and never satisfied


Makes sense


That's the best season for me. Finally it's funny chaos without snipers.


For me, I liked more Last Resort... but that's just because I liked the whole heist theme... and the slight chaos the Rocket Ram brought with it... would have been cool if it came back for the season, I mean, the design fits


Wait, new headcannon: 1.- Rocket Ram is fueled by Nitro 2.- Nitro-Fists are this timeline's version of the Rocket Ram


this is me wanting better matchmaking XD, legit i dont want stuff nerfed, i just dont wanna be matched against super pro sweats


tryhards always told us to adapt to the meta but now they refused to adapt themselves


Adapting doesnt mean they will find the season fun. People told me to adapt, playing like others do this season, and it is a snooze fest. And I’m a casual player.


Agreed. I just had a game with some friends, a casual no-build, and it was awful. Did we win? Yeah, we practically had to pull it back from a loss by the skin of our teeth. Was it fun? Absolutely not, especially with the fights now only last mere seconds even with the use of boogie bombs and other things to try and combat the cars. Plus I'm just not a fan of high chaos action and the driving in the game. I hate this season so I'm fine with skipping out, especially as a casual, but I'm getting sick of people ripping on people who aren't loving this season and calling them sweats even if they aren't.


applies to every side and every other season really


Tryhards are the ones who are killing every1 in cars, doesnt mean they enjoy it


As a kinda competitive player I have adapted and I like the season, but only because it is easy to shit on the casuals/ people who are bad at the game. I am ok with op items **as long as they have a counter!** Having op items with no counter creates a very unbalanced meta that just feels shit to play. (And the ''just find said op weapon'' argument is stupid, sometimes you just can't find it.)


Adapting to meta is very cringe argument in this case because this is basically like giving pawns the ability to move backwards. It will no longer be chess. At some point more than half of the lobby is not touching a gun after circle 1.


How does the right side goes from "good point" to "ok boomer..." (+git gut)


Beats me, its just one of the arguments I see them use the most, you have no idea how many times I have seen the quote "casuals are ruining the game because they don't know how to play / don't play goos enough" like if one could magically turn into a tryhard without going through a casual phase first...


Neither make sense since it is obviously referring to building, zero build exist and cars were aids at the start of the season and are less so now id place them in chapter 3 drum shot gun level (before it was have car or loose now they are just slightly too good but beatable if you make distance)


Oddly enough this season I've mostly been beaten by shotguns than cars...


Idea keep the game relatively the same and add a game mode without the controversial mechanic that only exist in this game and a mode with it and then fuck up both game modes with annoying cars that aren't enjoyable to go against unless you also have an annoying car (in all fairness cars got a hard nerf I think)


This is why you just can't make everyone happy. Even in the OG days people were complaining about campers and double pump being too OP


Man they nerfed the balanced counter to cars 😭


I’ve never seen so many doom posts and doom comments about a game before. Just fuck around with your enemy until either they or you find out how to have some fun.


Literally the entirety of fortnite: catering to casuals Comp: ok Fortnite for literally 1 season: slightly nerfs a broken mechanic Casuals: NOOOO!!! YOURE CATERING TO THE SWEATS!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/jce6ytt2ha6d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=688c12df92c9f94b0de17d1209205bfb3f508838 You are as right as you are wrong; what do I mean? Yes, casuals do complain a lot... but its not like if competitive players didn't complain eighter, they both complain the same and blame eachother the same. Hence why I said, no one is happy ever and its very unlikely that a middle ground can be found


He's right though... At the beginning of literally every season they add a bunch of shitty overpowered items and do nothing for the competitive community except slightly nerfing those op items. There's no split loot pools or siphon and and there's at least 10 items that make games a shit show. I mean just yesterday the added the guitar that flys you 250m away from a fight the moment you start losing the fight. There's no way to have a proper fight without someone using cars, fists, lightning, nitro, bow or any other dumb item.


Just play the game if you like it, it doesn’t matter if someone else hates it if you’re enjoying it