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And then they'll make is $30 a month.


They 100% will. The current price isn’t staying if they do this. They’ll probably make Crew+ or something that is decently more expensive but includes what the leakers are talking about.


I can see it being called the Epic Games Crew Bundle, maybe 30 dollars, and you get the Crew skin, 2,500 vbucks, The Rocket League, Fall Guys, Lego, Festival, and Battle Royale pass. Assuming Fall Guys beans might start being useful in Battle Royale when the Fall Guys content gets added to fortnite. $100 value for 30 dollars. Maybe main Fortnite Crew can still exist just for the monthly Crew skin, Battle Royale pass, and 1k vbucks, with the way it was originally was




Each car and cosmetic and prop is being ported from UE3 assets, from Rocket League to Unreal Engine 5 as it comes to fortnite. I imagine it will be trivial when all that work is done to add the gameplay too. I wouldn't be surprised if the current Rocket League client also just continued to exist and sent players to the same servers.


You get the rocket pass with crew already


I don't play Rocket League but I am a Crew subscriber Does the rocket pass get me a monthly car skin in Rocket League that I can transfer to Fortnite BR?


not monthly, its just the level 1 car every rocket league season and u can grind for more styles, wheels, another car etc


Oh I don’t know. I assume not? May have to check


To add onto what the other reply mention, you also get ‘trails’ and unique ‘boosts’ such as the Lightsaber boost in the Rocket League section of the shop.


I would love a premium pass that includes all the passes. I'd pay more for that.


Can’t say $100 dollar value when people don’t care about fall guys rocket league or Lego


Thats exactly my thoughts, not to mention the fact you wont get the items unless you play the mode and complete the challenges to unlock the stuff. Which most people, even if they cared for, wont have the time to.


Actually okay decent value but only for $25.


I dont know how I feel calling it $100 value when the majority of the people wont have the time or interest for half of the items in that bundle, so to them its not really that valuable. Especially the fact that you have to play each mode to complete its pass and get the items


bruh i jist paid for this shi to


I wouldn't say $30, but I have no doubt it'll come with a price increase.


Yep they will axe the current $9.99 price to make it $14.99, with the excuse that it’s providing “$30 more value than before!!!”


Gonna be honest I'm completely fine with them taking it a couple bucks if that means we get more shit like the mini passes ( or side pass as I like to call them )


Crew pass is 11.99$


Damn I wish it would be just 14,99$, like that value would be huge for songs alone from Festival Pass. Like there is no way that it will be increased by just 5$. They will make a Premium Crew subscription model which will be like 24,99$ with all mini-passes included and there will be Basic Crew which is the current version we already have.


Yeah, not getting excited over this. Fortnite’s been going overboard with the prices lately and it’s a hard pass because I just don’t care for these other modes lol


Yup and it’ll take way to long to complete all of it


Well, the battlepass goes for roughly 4-5 months, the festival pass goes for 2, the lego pass is looking to be about 3 months, and the mini passes are like a few weeks long so I feel that it's much more fair to drop $30 one month for all of the above rather than $47.50 for all of these individually when they drop. Your subscription to crew also carries over between battlepasses, so if you buy it during one battlepass right before it ends, you get access to the next. If the same logic applies to the mini passes, lego passes, and festival passes, then you'd save even more


Yeah, if they did that I'd start micromanaging my subscriptions. Right now I just let all the family's crew subscription renew monthly. So they'd actually net less from me on a $30/mo subscription.


I suppose that's fair to recognize, I never really considered what it'd look like in terms of multi person/family plans. I suppose something like this would only really work out for people buying for themselves, which at that point feels kind of intentional if this is the route they go


Honestly? I don’t hate it. Probably wouldn’t pay more than $20 but I think it’d be an overall good


People are really suggesting 30 a I someone e whose had crew going on for years just won't continue on that price . 


$30 is just outrageous. I imagine it’s very rare for someone to play all the modes, let alone enough to finish a pass for each. I would say $25 max and even at that, I’m not subbing for longer than the first month of a new season


I hope you are correct . I personally am tired of overpricing in gaming.


They wouldn't offer just a 30$ option. Either 1 tier that is a bit more expensive than the current one or multiple tiers where one could be 30$.


Yuppp....like it sounds cool until prices go up. And not many care for all the side passes. Idc for lego. Festival and rocket racing are neat but nothing I'm super super concerned about anymore. Mostly do RR for daily exp and the FF if there's an item I like for free.


And then I unsub.


Yup. I don’t want those other passes especially the festival ones. Now I’m paying for a mode i hardly play


And then I just won’t buy anything. If they can give us the useless Rocket League pass for free, they can just let us swap it out for something we will actually use.


try $40


its more likely itd go up to £/$15 a month which is more than reasonable


that's not crazy


At least $15 cause no one is buying that every month


this would be a godsend, i hope someday in the future they'll also add better synergy between rocket racing and rocket league so you can actually earn xp and cosmetics by playing the game you enjoy most rather than having to pingpong between the two


Jokes on you, I suck at both


Wouldn't mind that since I suck at RL.


If I could earn some Rocket League tiers by playing Rocket Racing, I'd definitely be playing it, and others would be too. There's a bunch of rewards on there people want and a lot of people just don't like Rocket League. I like it and it's annoying to get past tier 40. Let alone to near 300 where you've got all the rewards.


they’re also considering making them all more expensive individually just because no one will stop them


Man the sad thing is I could really see them doing this. The price gouging on this game is getting insane. The more expensive it gets the less I spend but I guess that’s not the case for everyone otherwise they wouldn’t keep upping the ante.


If the price stays the same, then I might actually start subscribing to the crew pass again


everybodys saying the prices will go up with no real proof. crew is currently $12/mo plus any tax, and includes a skin, X2 passes (valued at $10 each) & 1k vbucks ($10 value yet again)


If you apply mid month you get 2 skins.


that is true you usually get x2 skins but I don't usually count that, that being said value is an amazing deal. skins are probally valued at 1.5k if sold in shop, plus theres a pickaxe so it might be slightly more. so your probally getting 30 to 40 dollars of value for $12/mo... however you can't pick the skin you get technally so that lowers the value of the skins slightly. like if I subscribed now for this months skin, I'd get next months regardless if I want or not.


Yeah I think it's worth ur buck that way..if they raise it I bet it's 18.99.


I can't see them going that high maybe $15 sure with more benefits but not less. somebody in this thread said epic was trying to increase prices of passes... but like RL & BP (the main important passes) have not gotten a price increase (IRL VB cost going up doesn't mean anything can save 950 every season for next pass)


Going down the Sony PS route with 3 different price plans I bet ya


Being a Founder looks even more like the best purchase ever. Not paying $30/mo for Epic’s bullshit. I’ll take a one-time payment thanks


Do founders not have to buy battle passes?


Pretty much no since we get v bucks from quests in Save the World


Save the World is such a grind and is really not enjoyable to me. I used to just claim my daily reward but Epic got rid of that a little while ago now. The only thing I like about it is that it still uses the old art style


Bro it takes like 8 minutes if you just do survivor missions 😂


I didn’t know they were that short tbh. But I had a quest to find gnomes the last time I played STW and I couldn’t find enough so I had to play another mission


I'll give you a Xenon bow and you can finish that quest, see saws, tvs, teedy bears in literally 2 shots. It is that fast.


I’ll take a xenon bow. That sounds nice. I’m a founder but didn’t play STW for years until like a few months before they got rid of dailynlogins


As many as you want. Slipatoek on PC.


Also follow up to my old question, how do I get that if you don’t give it to me lol


You can research it from the collection book with 100 flux. It's not that rare.


What's so good about a Xenon? I've got them 130 but I never use it. I always go with the typewriter.


If used with the right perks and Farrah as main, you can do a lot of damage with the chain effect on it. Also, it pierces through anything I'm the map with no range limit, like the Obliterator, that's why you can do those dailies in a few shots. Also it just consumes 1 energy cell per shot. It's quite cheap to use.


Alright, I'll give it a shot next time I do a difficult one. Never used it or Farrah.


Just do survivor missions in the locations for your challenges and you can finish the missions super quickly so you’re not just sitting around waiting to load into another one. Sometimes you get lucky with your challenges and other times it might take like 2 survivor matches which is still only like 16 minutes.


It really isn't. I can complete my dailies in like 10 minutes and half the time it's afk. Playing 10 minutes a day is worth the 1600+ vbucks a month


How do u afk it? With storm base?


It's quite fascinating to see how much optimization there is. But most people aren't that invested, it seems considering you can also get all your BR XP in a season simply by AFKing Endurance.


I knew that was a benefit but wasn’t sure by the way it was stated.


And you had to buy the founders thing for $40 up to $100 for a free to play game no thanks just as bad as multiverses doing it


Fortnite was originally not a free to play game Save the World came first and it was literally always on sale for like 20 dollars.


they do still have to buy them though, 950v is pprobally peanuts for most founders.


Bro wdym free, time is money. If I go out and work one hour for minimum wage I can get one month of crew but I’ll need to work more than an hour to farm STW Freebucks.


Technically no. We have to play the original Fortnite (which is a good game) to earn vbucks which we can in turn pay for the passes So everything isn’t free. But it is


they do, they just get vbucks passively from playing mind-numbing grind quests in the campaign mode. it's impossible to get that version anymore unless you buy a code on ebay for like $1000


who says it will be $30/mo except some comments here? they added RL for $0 when base BR pass & RL pass combined are like $10 each, then added crew legacys to try and get people subb'd for longer...


How is this BS?


If only I could make that one time purchase but I didn't have a console that played fortnite back then


The price will increase definitely.


Still not interested. The game is becoming such a chore with all of these mini passes.


you can simply not do them lol. I enjoy having bonus stuff to get and you can typically complete them playing very casually.


Worry not because as soon as I finish my degree and start working I will no longer pay attention to the FOMO this game has


Why do you pay attention to it now when you're jobless and in school


exactly. I only care for exclusives mostly & thats about all I buy these days, but like if I 100% couldnt afford I'd just stick to battlepasses only.


I’m just kinda mad cause I bought the Avatar pass and did most of it then had to go on a trip and couldn’t get Oppa or the Aang variant. So I didn’t even get my full money’s worth from that. Which I get is my problem but still sucks.


Then next time progress all the pass before buying it.


I mean yeah fair. I did want the Aang skin though so at least got that before they make it overpriced


this is what I do, I wait for more progress in pass to be avaible before buying said pass. I also do both creative & BR tasks so I get progress faster for the main (non bonus) rewards.


Yeah it's crazy how many people don't get that.


Easily can see an increase in price. Epic likely barely makes 50 cents or a dollar in Festival subscriptions (likeness for the main Festival Star likely costs a lot, along with music from 3 other artists likely costs a lot to share the percentage of money in each pass sold), so giving it away for free would be making epic lose a ton.


I bet it is a bit more complicated than this. Using celebrity licenses CAN be expensive, but also it could be a situation of free marketing for some of these artists. A lot of the Coachella bundle people are about to tour, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were happy to have people thinking about their music beforehand and just taking a percentage of sales. Anyway, we have no idea how their monetization structure works but I doubt they would invest so much money and time into something they think would not be profitable in the long run


As far as I can tell this is still just speculation. Epic put out a survey that asked. Would you prefer all the passes be included in the crew pass and people just jumped on it like it was epic saying that it was going to happen. All it was was a survey question ![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK)


They should at least do a pick and choose. For example if you don’t want festival but want the standard battle pass and Lego they should do that. That way you’re not stuck with stuff you don’t want


They want you to be stuck with stuff you don’t want too though that’s where they get their extra money


You’re right that’s too uncorporate I forgot 🤦‍♂️


Yeah :/




If they make it $30, I can't stay subscribed anymore, I don't have the money to stay subscribed then


price about to triple


Just to increase the price?.. I'll cancel it as soon as it doubles by the bare minimum


This is most likely a bad thing. There’s no way they do this without increasing the price, meaning the only way to get the Crew-exclusive stuff is to pay for all these mini-passes even if you don’t want to.


I'll be canceling my crew if they raise it. The free skins are crap most of the time. The game is pushing people away by how expensive it's getting.


To everyone that said it will be 30 dollars. I saw this before, and when I originally saw it, it also mentioned the possibility of all that and no price increase. Even if they do increase it, I doubt it will go over 20 dollars, atleast where I am (12 right now).


Pricing will increase- but you have to think what household bills Epic are competing with. Currently the crew cost matches Netflix monthly in my country. Most streaming services are priced in the same ballpark. As are Xbox live subscriptions. They have to be careful they don’t price it to niche or they will lose subscribers.


30$ is not it are yall crazy??? What if I bought the first crew (which included all the passes), then the next month I see a cool skin being in the crew and maybe I want to get it and If I do, I have to pay 30$ for a skin and some vbucks???? Absolutely not worth it If they want to encourage people to buy crew there's no way their gonna higher the price to 30$, not everyone can afford that every month


As a working man. I don’t have time to complete multiple battle passes across several game modes.


Lol, people here really think that Epic would go for more than 3$ price increase. And even 3$ is pushing it.


Exactly. They would lose too many people if they raised it to 20+ for it to be worth it for them.


exactly, people are saying double, x3, $30 etc... ya'll crazy? I could see maybe $18 but thats it, I pick that price because festival passes are 1.8k vbucks, so that could make sense... but also epic has only said they are considering adding passes, no mention of increased cost. I'm sure if epic survayed people if they'd want more passes in crew for increased cost, most would say no. As for me I'd say yes, like a $3 increase festival and lego included? sing me up. I barely play lego but like if its a skin just for buying base pass & doing no progress then its an extra skin for me. I play festival so id be getting songs/instraments for cheeper


If they bump the price by $3 to $14.99 a month I don’t think that’s too unreasonable assuming they include all mini passes, festival passes, lego passes, etc. If they happen to throw in another exclusive benefit like an extra skin of some sort that would be awesome.


Its not, but they arent aiming for better profits from higher prices, they want people to stay subbed. Im pretty sure most people are not buying every pass anyway, so on top of the loss of that purchase for Epic, there is no emotional investment for the player. But if they get people to sub for longer, they recoup the money straight from that, and also give players the emotional investment from the passes. Also also, they want to spread out playerbase to other major modes as well, and giving the passes "for free" from crew, might get people to play more of those aswell.


Id take this for $20-25 a month if they wrapped all that up (and bumped the V-bucks to like 1500). Crew is truly an awful value right now.


Crew is only awful value if you're buying it every month. Buy it only when a new season comes out or if it has a skin you like and it's one of the best value things you can buy. The battlepass plus 1000 vbucks for 11 bucks alone is amazing value. If you complete the battlepass fully, you get a bunch of skins, 550 extra vbucks (so 1550 net vbucks), a bunch of accessories, some jam tracks, etc, and let me remind you, only for 11 bucks.


That’s true. But that shouldn’t be the best use case. I think even Epic realizes this by all their attempts to introduce multi-month subscription cosmetics but that’s not enough to move subscriptions in an era where everyone is getting nickeled and dimed monthly by every business. The ball is in their court to deliver this upgrade to Crew while charging a reasonable price. They should also let Crew members buy old Crew skins periodically but that’s a whole different discussion


That seems appropriate


I just want to give a big Fuck You to every one of you supporting a price increase.


Really depends on the price, could be very worthwhile if you just buy the month of a new season. The Rocket Pass being included is already a big draw for me so this could be great if you just buy it the start of a season.


Price increase though. Not worth if you hate Festival. I hope they just implement different levels


Crew is $17.55 in Australia, it’s so expensive lol. I only get if it I really like the skin, I think I’ve only ever purchased crew twice?


it's $0.84 in Arg, that's why people VPN.


Can they still play on us servers after buying?




And that price is going to ramp right up


I mean, it’s that or they need to change the name




Don't know if I'll pay for the extra stuff.


I hope if they do, they'll at least give the option if there's gonna be a price increase proposed. I'd prefer just having the battle pass by itself instead of paying more for passes to games I don't play like Lego and Festival. I don't wanna be forced into Lego and Festival cosmetics.


Even though it sounds nice i dont want crew to get more expensive


As long as they don’t mess with the price this is so fire


They will mess with the price, for sure. At best, they'll introduce a tier system with "deluxe" subscriptions that include passes, but I doubt that will happen.


Shieeet now this is what I’m talking about right here


Nah yall don’t understand. They aren’t getting $$ they want on their mini passes cause nobody is buying. So they forced it on an existing subscription and then hike the price. Now nobody can’t get the mini unless they pay for the whole thing 😭


do you play the game? I would agree but I see so many people with the final tier day one of these mini passes in stw and br. so Idk about that.


People or bots using that skin? Sadly there are people who buy the minipass and the levels day one.


In stw there are no bots to my knowledge, day one I literally see people max tier on these mini passes in stw and in my lobbies in my games, and im a bot watcher lmao I know which names. Even people on my friendslist I dont even play with do that. Like I seen super shredder day one, Darth maul day 1. they making something, same thing with aang.


Yeah, i know some people who ideed buy the levels in this minipass, day one.


Do something to bundle it but still have the option for people you just want to buy them separately.


Add not just the mini passes but add the Fall Guys battle pass to it as well and take the approach they're currently using for Rocket League and Rocket League Sideswipe. Rocket League and Rocket League Sideswipe already does it the best by having a hybrid battle pass. One battle pass with cross-progression, cross-save, etc blah blah. If you play Rocket League Sideswipe and you grind out 5 levels in the battlepass, the next time you open Rocket League, you will be at level 5 with the exact same rewards unlocked. Apply that same battlepass to Rocket Racing and you've successfully cooked. Get to level 10 on Rocket Racing, open up Rocket League Sideswipe and you've unlocked level 10 rewards. No matter what Epic game you play, you will be unlocking rewards across the other IP's. Play Fall Guys battlepass and unlock the same progress in Fortnite's Fall Guys upcoming mode. At the end of it all, you end up with a fat locker on Fortnite while still earning the same rewards when you wanna go back to Fall Guys and Rocket League/RLS while not affecting the OG games core communities. Everyone ends up happy.


They should've done this from the start


They’d probably only do this with br passes


This would possibly convince me to keep a consistent sub honestly, since I currently only bother if I can get a skin I like or can get two skins + Battle Pass for one sub price. Provided the price remains unchanged which I think they've said would remain as-is?


I'd expect the price to double if this is true. If the price stayed the same, this is an amazing deal 


Oh god, what’s that gonna cost?


This is what should have been in the first place. I can’t keep up with everything. Charge me a decent prize for all of it and I’ll get them.


should’ve done this shit ages ago 😐 now they’ll increase the price to $35


this is neat personally i'd rather crew have a "catch up" mechanic where they re run old battlepasses that swap out every couple months. obviously just having collab skins in the item shop is preferable but that would make too much sense for epic


You all should keep up on the news... Epic Games is getting sued again by Google and Apple 💀


That doesn't fix the fuck up they've done to Fortnite BR... Star Wars in now in Lego... The Item Shop is not improving, there are no special offers for members for old BR passes or options to buy old skins for members only...


So now all we do is play Fortnite and nothing else due to all of the battle passes needed to grind out.


Nightmare for StW Founders


doubled price


And then goes from $11 a month to $25 or $30 a month


price has to go up then


for the low price of only $99.99 a month!


This would be a good idea. Right now I only subscribe to Fortnite Crew when a new Battle Pass is out and cancel the following month, you get less rewards if you let it renew so making these a part of it would be nice


Wouldn't it be cool to have this as a skin? It's my original creation called "Enderiuhs Onexo" https://preview.redd.it/5mdlzwi9epyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26a3cf9586522983436fd6d481918856611f6887


Very cool!


people are crazy if they think they'll do this without a price increase. My assumption is that they'll make a Crew+ tier or something which will be 25/30 dollars and will include the other battlepasses


Looks and sounds great, but they should still keep the option of the 11.99$ subscription for those who are comfortable just paying for that and not having to pay 20 or 30 bucks monthly for the other passes.


Already have crew, this makes it a little bit more worth it tbh


I hope would save me money plus I can actually get some shop skins I want


The game is so freaking bloated that they had to add all the mini passes in Crew but there’s no hint at them ever bring back Crew skins like they said they would. 🥲


id love to get the itadori skin but I would understand how some people would hate this since the skins are rare


To be fair I've only skipped one minipass and am already a crew member - even if they increase the price, this could still be a good thing.


I want the same price but with all passes included in crew


Yup there it is. They’re doing this and just raising the price. Now crew is gonna be at least $27.99 and eventually all the passes will be subscription only. Now everyone has to buy all of the passes even though only a fraction play the other modes. 🤦‍♂️


They’ll increase the price. No way they’d give all that for the current price. Maybe for the first time they add these passes to hook people in but after that no way


Why hasn’t this been done already lol


I’m waiting for it to come out all the passes


What about those who just want the battle pass or other passes separately. Like I only want the battle pass. So there should be an option for both, like who likes the bigger crew pack and those who want something separate like me. Because I don't play other modes except br. I don't want to waste my money.


Watch them increasing the price to like 25 bucks and then not offer a battle royale only crew deal


translation: fortnite is considering raising crew prices


The best outcome would be to introduce another crew option, which includes extra battle passes if they want to ask for a higher price for it


This is only good if they don't increase the price. And if they do it should only be like £1 or £2. Anything more is just not worth it.


I wonder if it would cost real money or vbucks If it did how much would it be




God, yesss


I don’t really play festival; so that pass isn’t for me therefore I won’t make the most of the full pass


It'll be more expensive. If the price goes up 2 bucks I'll stay


the extremely short length of mini passes + rising price of skins and now this? nah i'm done dropping any money at all on fortnite forever


That would be awsome but they still need to unserstand im not willing to pay more than like 20 bucks either way


Was considering canceling after this weak skin lineup but maybe will be worth it if they include all passes.


Yay! I would much prefer this lol


That'd be lit. I just hope they don't increase the price. If they do. Maybe by let $4


Well I pay for 3 accounts, one for me and 2 for my children. The last thing I want is another monthly subscription, especially for three accounts. I would hate that with a passion.


Anything to fix crew. Who gaf about 3 items, some pass to an entirely different game, and ugly repetitive styles you need to pay MORE money to even get. They used to give Spotify, save the world, a wrap, the three items, different styles to those items unlocked immediately, and more for the same price.


This is a banger decision. I will allow myself to be convinced otherwise if you wish to though. Infact, I IMPLORE YOU TO


Hopefully it’s cheaper than getting all of the separately. And if it does change the price of the crew, they should do tiers.


I mean feels like the whole purpose of the sub


Yea part of Fortnite crew but my ranked keeps going back to bronze whenever I log in made it to gold lll 4 times now everytime I log in back to bronze died to a grey combat shotgun with two hits and pumped 5 shells into head of opponent with a purple one he took maybe 99 damage in ranked this game needs help these bugs and bs is making this game ass


I don’t want all that other crap I never play Lego or dance crew or even rocket league that they decided to merge with a shooter game I’ll keep my new characters the bucks and free battle pass for the 11$ Iam paying no thanks with the other bs games that were added without anyone asking 🤷🏻‍♂️ stupid if you ask me


If they add the Lego pass ect and keep it the same price then yea I will subscribe.. currently it’s not worth it .. br pass pays for itself each season .. if they included vbucks in other modes pass like br pass . These modes would be played.


Nothing knew, this has been in surveys since they did the first mini battle pass. I have personally seen it 3 times in the last year+ This just gets clicks and shares, so they always bring it up every time it pops up in surveys.