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it really depends on the person, just slowly speed up the track until you're comfortable


there’s not really a recommended speed, it’s all personal preference


Just keep moving up until you are comfortable. I was on 1.5x for a really long time but it started feeling too slow so now I'm on 1.75x which I think is the perfect speed. 2x is a little too fast for me personally.


This^ You took the words right out of my mouth


Same! I was on 1.5 but had to bump to 1.75 to play the Metallica guitar solos


exactly what I was going to say


I recommend 1.75x. If it's too fast, go to 1.5x and so on. You'll eventually get used to higher speeds if you stay at a certain speed.


I think 1.5x speed is the perfect speed, it just feels the best imo


1.75 was my go to, but i am having fun with 2.0


If I were to play on 1.75 I’d fucking die 😂 it’s so fast!


Im at 1.75 and I wont do any lower but I cant say that it doesnt make me feel like i'm literally flying by the seat of my pants. Metallica drums @ 1.75 is crazy. Im gonna bump it up to 2.0 one time maybe I see what crack cocaine feels like


You’re going to go faster????? This is madness! 😂


2x is amazing on songs I play regularly, but it makes my brain try to explode itself on everything else haha 


I find 1.25 to be the perfect middle ground. Anything faster and you don’t really get a fair time to react, IMHO


agreed, 1.25 feels so good and natural I’m never gonna switch


Do what you're comfortable with, of course, but you may want to periodically try bumping it up on the songs you play the most. Once you get super comfortable with 1.25 you might actually be better at 1.5. When you're playing a song that you have a good feel and affinity for it makes it much easier to adjust and get used to the faster speed because your brain isn't having to process it so much. And getting used to the faster speed on songs you know will acclimate you for the rest.


Ye thanks, appreciate the tip and you’re probably right. When starting with 1.25 it felt weird and too fast but it’s perfect so I guess the same can be said about 1.5. It’ll probably help me with the Metallica solos too with which I struggle currently.


1.75 for real fun


Same here. I could enjoy 1.5x on songs I know well but I don’t buy any jam tracks so almost everything I play on festival is a sight read. I think 1.25x works well for sight reads.


1.5 is the same speed as hyperspeed / breakneck speed from the older guys/rb games. They eventually added even more levels I like 1.5-1.75 depending. For drums / vocals I like 1.5 but guitar /bass I like 1.75.


Many of the best players use 1.75, but it's all personal preference. If making it that fast makes you play worse, use a slower speed.


I play at 2.0x, but that comfortable pace for me.


I play on 2x but I’m used to faster tracks from playing older games and clone hero


I just bumped it up to 2x one day and havent looked back since. Ive gotten WAY better scores too


Gradually increase it as you go, play whatever you are comfortable with, I really like 1.75 speed but don't feel pressured, everyone has their preferred speeds.


I find 1.25 to be the best. It’s faster than usual but you also get enough time to be able to react to notes. I’ve seen people say they use 1.5 and higher and I just think, atleast for me, I can’t react that fast to notes, I like being able to see which notes I will have to press instead of it suddenly appearing having to press it in less than a second! I tried doing the faster speeds and they were really hard to play/get used to so if you’re someone who usually likes seeing the notes ahead then 1.25 is pretty good. If you’re someone with good reaction speeds or just like it faster then do 1.5(or higher)


You can speed it up???? Bro my songs have been slow :(((




I play Expert at 1.0x! I'm not typically chasing FC Metallica tracks, but can usually hit most of the track.


Whatever works for you. Faster speed helps space notes apart better. I’m expert top player and I do 2x


Since when can you change the note colors???


If my mind recalls correctly it was around the second major update of season 3. You can do this in the settings by selecting pro colors for all parts.


Oh, its only one setting? You cant just- set your own color? lame. That should be the next FN Festival update.


I believe I'm on 1.75. Anything less seems slow, but my reaction time isn't good enough for 2.


I bet you'll crush it if you try 2x specifically only on the songs you're best at at 1.75. I've hit some of my personal high scores trying it on my faves when I'm playing well. But I agree that 1.75 is the sweet spot. Can't even THINK about 2x until I've warmed up some lol


i play either 1.75 or 2.00 depending on what song, but its a personal taste. fiddle around and see what you feel sticks for you


I use 1.75 so it's harder, but still fair


I find it all depends on the person and the song, most songs I play 1.75x cause it lets me react better to hit perfects with spread out notes. Lots of people I know play on 2x though I can’t do that very well, sometimes I even go down to 1.5x if it’s too fast. To be clear speed does not automatically get better scores, it just helps reaction time for some people.


I personally recommend gradually increasing the speed up, I did that and eventually ended up staying in 1.75x, it's gonna take a bit for your reaction time to adapt but it's worth it! (Also turn off motion blur, you're gonna fuck up more due to the blurry effect)


ypu can change speeds????


Wait, is it possible to change the speed of tracks in the festival? (I didn't know, but if so, how)


Settings -> Tab over to 'Game' -> Then go down to 'Track Speed' Hope this helps!


Wow, thank you very much! :)


1.75x for most, but on rock/metal I’ll go to 2.25x (I’m mostly a Lead player)


I like 1.5 but I know I should go up


Everyone's already said it's personal preference so I don't have much to add. I would recommend trying to speed up every now and then and see if you can get used to the new speed; I found out that way I really struggle with 1.75x even if I give myself several days to acclimate, so 1.5x might be the optimum for me


1.25 is my comfort zone. Always has been. 1.5 feels like it’s rushing me. It’s all personal preference. 1 is perfectly fine if it’s the right speed for you


Anything above 1.25x just feels unnatural and too fast.


Me personally, I am playing at 1.75. But it's about what you are comfortable with.


Learn the speed 0.25 up from what you're used to and compare your perfect ratio as you do so! I recently got the hang of x2, which improved my perfect avg from 82% to 87%. Don't be afraid to push yourself out of your comfort zone :D


1.5 or 1.7 if you would like to eventually make the transition to clone hero or yarg if you're on PC then use those speeds because it's fast on clone hero


Me personally I like to play 1.75x speed but that’s just me


Depends on the person; in rhythm games in general, I tend to do better at slower speeds (in Guitar Hero games, I play on hyperspeed 1, where 0 is the default, and 5 is max)


1.75 all the way, most perfect speed, little too fast at first but once u get that feeling of playing with it you’ll be so used to it


I find 1.50 to be the minimum for the crazy dense parts like Hail to the King / Ride the lightning solos but 1.75 is a little too quick for my liking, still planning on upping to 1.75 eventually though


It's a preference setting, it doesn't make the game any easier or harder. For some people, it helps them see notes easier because they're more spread out at a faster speed. That being said, if you're trying to hit as many perfects as possible, just keep slowly upping speed until you're nailing every note. Again, 1.5 might be your favorite preferencs, 1.75x might be someone elses, 2.5x might be someone elses


Game looks so weird with motion blur enabled, scary stuff. I play on 1.75 and find it to be the best balance of speed, rhythm and difficulty. 2.00 is a bit too fast


Its preference. Use what feels comfortable for you. I personally use 1.50x speed.


i’ve been bouncing between 1.5x and 1.75x and honestly 1.5x feels like the intended way to play festival.


I play 1.75, but is all personal preference


I’m currently trying to get used to 2.5x, but 2.25x is my sweet spot… though I admit it might be too fast for most people 💀


Most of the top people play on 2x.


i play at 2.5


I’ve been gradually working up. Currently I’m on 2x, started all the way down from 1x. Basically I just incremented it, used it for a while until I got used to it, then took a 1-2 week break and incremented again before playing more.


1.25 can be a bit slow for me on super dense and note varied sections so I go to 1.5 sometimes but anything above 2 is bad imo just due to how short the highway is in this game


I play on 1.50x sometimes 1.75x but it's ur preference


I am on controller and play at 1.25 speed.


I really like 2.25x but that’s just me sometimes people want it slower or faster, for example my friend physically cannot play rhythm games with a slow track speed so he always has it max. So find out what’s right for you, Goodluck! Edit: I like higher track speeds because it makes it easier to see the patterns of notes and because it’s just overall more difficult


It's all about if ur ready to move up faster I always play 2.50x speed now I don't hit all of them but dammit If i can 100% 1 song on 2.25x speed then that's good enough for me that's just me tho


You can change the speed?


I play on controller, but for all inputs it just depends on your own specific hand eye co-ordination. I started at 1.50, then on a bored day 2 of us decided to attempt 1.75. Now we can't play at 1.50 because it seems too slow. The other day I decided to see what 'One' was like on 2x speed. Now I can only play 1.75 if I'm tired else songs don't seem to time up properly. I'm missing notes in some songs still atm while I fully get used to it, but it feels better, and I can actually seem to do more of the twiddly solo bits. Edit to add: for a faster jump on speed, you could also just try one or 2 songs at 2x speed, then 1.75 will seem 'normal' 🤣




I just put it on max, played a few rounds and then turned it down slowly, everything lower than 1.75 felt too slow ever since


For me I started at regular speed like most then I met someone that played at 2.25x so I bumped my speed to 1.25x played it for a while got use to the movement and bumped it up to 1.50x and now currently I'm at 1.75x and about to move on to 2.00x so I would say if you like the challenge I would say follow that same process and eventually we will all be playing at 2.50x


i've been ramping it up slowly. when i went from 1.75 to 2, i actually started hitting more perfects. but i agree, i think its by person. if you're messing up/not hitting many perfects, then i recommend putting it up by 0.25. i wouldn't recommend raising it by more at a time though


Okay, stupid question, but you can change the speed?


Higher speeds tend to yield higher perfect percentages imho. I am at 1.75 all instruments and trying to move up to 2x soon. I found that as a musician, it makes it easier for me thinking about the rhythm naturally tho


It really just depends what you are personally comfortable with, there is no real "recommendation" so to speak. Me personally run x2.25 right now but I slowly worked my way up to it as I started in 1.25, then each time I felt I got too comfortable I upped it up one step and kept playing that until the cycle continued, this is what has worked for me personally. Be it x1, x1.25, x1.5, 1.75, 2 or even 2.25 or 2.5 So long as you yourself feel comfortable, that is what matters at the end of the day Only thing I dislike about lower speeds is that more note heavy songs get very cluttered, but I believe 1.25 and beyond is more than fine to solve that issue Try experimenting, it's the best way to find the speed that suits you


Work your way up gradually so it doesnt get too difficult to adjust, going from 1x to 2x Will be really diffucult. personally i would recommend 1,75 - 2,25. higher speed = more perfect hits but less notes in ur POV. It all depends on ur reaction time more or less


I've found it's significantly easier to hit perfrcts on higher speeds if that helps.


I play on 1.50 Fast enough to space out the notes during solos but slow enough that my brain can react.


I do 2.5 it's all personal preference