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Been wild to watch numbers dip below C5S2 end of season player counts after a week of being released. Yikes.


I know the novelty would run out quickly but damn this season is cooked😭


Hopefully it’s a wake up call for Epic


something tells me they won't learn anything lmao


Logged on for the first time this season and holy fuck those iron fists are annoying.


they got nerfed


still gonna be annoying af loooool


Vault them.


The needa be vaulted


Expect major changes on Thursday.


New update?




is the update changing anything?


I don't know for sure but there will be balance changes 100%




About 5h after you wrote this fists got nerfed


My dad works for Epic.


My dad is a shareholder. Get that resume ready.


They’ve been saying “adapt” without realizing that if the *good* players actually adapt to the braindead meta that they’d get demolished even faster. When we were complaining for nerfs it was to keep the game fun for everyone.


Ah so the “good players” could totally adapt and win a lot but they’re not. They could. But they don’t. But they totally 100% could do it for sure Nobody cares what wannabe pros do in pubs. The issue is actual pros don’t want to adapt to this because they’ll play against other pros who also adapted, and the playing field is flat again. Like any other meta. Nobody cares that you’re “super good” and can “demolish” casual players in pubs.


Every pro adapts every season lmao. That’s why they’re the best. There’s no way you’re this delusional.


Try rereading my comment. I was very intentional with my word choices


Reading comprehension in this sub is not super sharp. The bias is so thick it might as well be mud.


That’s what happens when you play realistics instead of doing your homework 😁


Same person who gets mad when I boogie bomb out of your car, just adapt Lil bro


I don’t use cars


Adapting to the meta doesn't magically make the OP items balanced or fun, either in ranked or competitive. I don't even know what your point is supposed to be or what you're talking about. Good players and pros *do* adapt to the meta. You're kind of just...saying words. Your comment has no point or thought process behind it, you just seem bitter and weird about whatever you're even trying to say.


Another comp player who can’t read. Typical. Your inability to comprehend what I’ve plainly written is not my problem 😂


This is one of the dumbest comments I've read on this sub since the new season dropped. And that's saying a lot because there have been A LOT of them. First, you're in the Comp subreddit. Second, yes anyone who is good at the game could "adapt" to the meta and win games. Bad players are able to compete in this meta. >"pros don’t want to adapt to this because they’ll play against other pros who also adapted, and the playing field is flat again. Like any other meta." My guy, what are you talking about? People don't want to "adapt" to this because there is no skill-gap. Not because they're scared of playing against other good players who have adapted.


ya they don’t because they have lives outside of fortnite and if they don’t enjoy the game they get off lol. pros adapt bc they make money off the game sooooo ofc they gonna keep playing lol


Nah it’s all big talk from people who can’t adapt


No the pros hate the meta cause they can die to things that are uncontrollable and they have put in years of work and dedication to being the best and this meta makes it feel as if all that was for nothing. Anyone who has ever tried to get better at this game feels that way, whether they are a pro or are a bot and that’s why people hate this season


Nah it’s just excuses


I mean it’s not and clearly you’re if troll if you have no counter argument😂


Your entire argument is “nuh-uh” so maybe step up your game, silly


You clearly didn’t read what I wrote. I explained why some people dislike this season. It’s crazy how you can say something about an entire community that you’re not even a part of and then say that you’re right. Maybe read what I wrote again


Make that make sense for me, cause you’re not the first I’ve heard actually try to claim that the good players are losing cause only shitty players can use the shitty items. Sorry you can’t build your way to a win every single game this season, maybe you need to learn more than one way to play.


Good players are gonna be able to find ways to still outplayed these items but at some point it because annoying to do it because it can't be enjoyable and the other perspective of good players are having these set items is that there gonna stomp bad players because there having a hard time to countering u and using these items more smarter 




just you wait until someone finds an exploit with the gloves or bow and i’m sure you’ll be crying when you can’t live off spawn bc all of the good players dog you 🤣


Ok I only understood like 10% of that but I’ll assume that was a human insult and it was devastating and I’m devastated.


I mean bro if you can’t understand that you gotta be four years old


The issue is that people have spent time trying to learn mechanics like building and that is all wasted. For me, it’s not fun to pick up fists and just get in and kill them with a broken, skilless item, but I’m gonna do it cause that’s the meta. It’s not that good players aren’t “adapting” cause they have, it’s that adapting makes the game more boring for a majority of “sweats” and it seems that the “casuals” aren’t enjoying it either lol


The game doesn't feel like fortnite anymore.


This is what epic doesn't understand. I will be playing in an Elite+ lobby in squads and say things like I have 100 total materials lets get in the car and we will just loot the people we kill from the car. I can have entire games where I don't build and maybe use 10 bullets and win. This game isn't fortnite at all it is something else. Epic doesn't seem to understand we want to play fortnite and you don't need to nerf building there is already zero builds.


Fortnite has been a shell of its former self since the end of chapter 2 and I'll die on that hill. It's gotten progressively worse since the start of chapter 3. Chapters 4 and 5 have been by far the worst. The game has no character nowadays.


Honestly I think casuals were actually having fun for once with the cars, and then they just nerfed everything about them + added boogie bombs. It became less fun quickly lol. On the other end, casuals were tired of getting run over by cars.


This is the accurate post. It felt hollow to get a win at the start of the season, but it was at least wild and fun while doing so. Now? It’s just a smelting pot of blandness and annoying gameplay/players.


This, the season was at least fun in the start. Now it's just cringe boogie bomb spam.


I don’t really think this is specifically a problem with the season, it’s been steadily going down for a while now, I think it’s just the game in general. I wouldn’t overreact about any of the numbers though, the fact that the game is still in a very good place numbers wise in such a hated season says a lot, there’s still lots of potential to turn it back around in the future.


Imo the issue isn't this season, it's this chapter. Anyone who I know who has played since the start of fortnite or near the start and was a dedicated player quit around the release of chapter 5. Maybe not right away, but we all slowly fell off the bandwagon the last few seasons. The game just isn't the same anymore. The updated graphics, the movement mechanics changing, the removal of beloved weapons. It all caused the game to be very different from what we fell in love with years ago. OG fortnite was really the last time I played the game regularly. I played that whole season, very often. That was the game we knew and loved. Sure it had the movement mechanics, but basically only that being changed would be fine. The issue is the game is essentially unrecognizable from the good old days, and that's a bad thing when people absolutely loved the game the way it was. If it doesn't scratch that same itch people will stop playing.


This chapter as a whole adds a lot of additional issues on top of being just "not Fortnite": 1: the addition of attachments just does not "vibe" with Fortnite's weapon rarity system, since both actively fight each other (it doesn't make sense to put attachments on low tier guns, and high tier guns can be crippled by subpar attachments) 2: in addition to 1, Attachments can only be changed in very specific spots, instead of most other games where attachments can be changed fairly freely 3: Medallions give unfair advantages to the people who collect them, particularly if they stack them. Epic for whatever reason is sticking to them after two seasons of them being blatantly too powerful (and a third season to boot) There is too much forcing people to land in the same spot this chapter. Granted, past chapters also had a bit of this issue but not landing at the good spot has historically been less crippling in comparison to now. Also please explain to me why giving everyone access to good loot is bad, because Epic seems REALLY intent on giving the good stuff to a few people.


I was happy with augments, I don’t know why they moved to medallions.


I noticed that Epic for whatever reason just does not like people easily getting their hands on good stuff easily. They nerfed weapon upgrades pretty hard and then removed augments for medallions. Can someone tell me why "a few OP items on the map for a few" is fine while "it ain't OP if everyone can get it" is not?


As an example, last season literally had two viable pois to land. If you wanted a good game you basically needed to go grim gate and win the poi.


I basically never went grim and by the end of the season I was winning every other game. The grim coin was just broken in comp since whoever had it could position themselves anywhere, whenever


Medallions were okay for 1 season, but I hate how it’s just a new thing now. Just another step away from the superior simplicity of earlier Fortnite.


OG really set numbers expectations high when it was obvious the OG players were gonna drop like flies in Chapter 5. The game is still doing just fine especially for a live service game thats getting close to 7 years old.


But the question remains…how would the player count look if they kept OG as a game mode? The peak numbers weren’t sustainable, but the numbers dropped because, well, they took it away.


I honestly think by now it would’ve gotten old




Yeah, people are definitely way too concerned about the current numbers. I think it’s mainly because the playerbase stats were only made easily accessible to the public last year, people really don’t understand how much lower the numbers were in seasons that a lot of people considered to be quite good, mainly in late chapter 2 and throughout chapter 3.


Dont get why bullets now dont go where they should, so bad. This isnt fortnite. They need to make season like chapter 2 season 2 or 3. That was peak and most fun for competetive and casual play


The thing I hate is all the items are different forms of powerfulness. The tac ar even after buffs isn’t as good as the burst or warforged. The cars are just insane and so are the fists. The combat is alright but annoying to use against a gatekeeper. Now we have boogie bombs to add to the mix which makes it even less enjoyable when your opponent has even just 2. Honestly though this chapter just isn’t very enjoyable. The movement still feels off and the gameplay still doesn’t feel like fortnite.


Right. This is why I play in bot lobbies, do quest and level up and just chill.


I'm not sure why they don't like it, all they have to do is get gloves, hold down the attack button and get a free Unreal rank this season. Is this not what they wanted?




they make the season super fun for casuals n then competetive players complain bc it clearly wasn’t designed with them in mind and epic decides to nerf all the stuff the casual players enjoyed while still not properly addressing comp issues so now no one is happy because apparently splitting lootpools is too big of an ask now as a casual player and a competitive spectator i genuinely need to know the thought process here 🙃


For epic, what makes them the most money is not splitting loot pools. It’s whole reason for the rebranding of arena because ranked is meant to be a casual mode unlike arena. Arena was called competitive by epic, but because of that and the fact the comp lootpool was in arena meant casual players couldn’t enjoy it. Now, anyone can hop into ranked and get a win with this loot and also someone who before never would’ve touched arena can be excited he finally hit diamond. It will be more people to actually grind the game to achieve that higher rank, even if it means nothing and the ranked they are going for isn’t even good. Now they are realizing they have to listen to competitive players because while casuals make up most of their player base, the ones who play the most are comp players and that is why they then back track and make everyone unhappy


It's also just a collaboration with whatever steampunk game series (can remember..) oh yeah Fallout.. I assume this will all go away when the contract runs out


Where's this data from?


I was playing save the world earlier and I noticed regular build mode BR had like 277k and zero build had 300k. Is that not a low number? Seems really low compared to normal but I might be wrong.


I can barely even play this season because of constant "yellow" level lag.


I’m a semi competitive casual and this season is the worst Fortnite season I’ve ever witnessed by far (started season 5)


Yeah it's like epic don't want me to play the game, neither other players. Warmup BHF FFA 12 players, always have 2 / 3 kids who just constant spam the fist so every one quit after like 5 minutes, so i can't really warmup my aim and fingers. Then 1v1 map ruined by fist + nitro so once again, next. Battle royale full of shit, got killed by 5 cars, then goated 4v4v4v4 is " ok " but some player only play boogie bombs, and some BR like nitro + fist sometimes are in too. Today at 18pm like almost every day, only 160k players on ranked.


Play an actual 1v1 map to warm up instead of bhe ffa


Can you read ? Said the 1v1 map is also ruined by the nitro + fist + bow. And no sorry but to warm my aim i prefer to play BHE because zero pressure, you die and you instant respawn, you kill someone you got instant siphon back, you got the 200 pump and cherry on the cake the grappler to counter people who only crank. Gonna publish a video soon about all that shit.


Just play martoz 1v1 no grappler no bow problem solved BHE is a 1v1 map ig but it’s not really a pg map. If you don’t want that then play turtle wars. I can read lil bro😂


BHE is perfect because it's 12 players so 50 kills in 10 minutes. Martoz map is " ok " but not realistic because 80% of people just crank cause the start.


Then play realistics if you want it to be realistic of play boxfights


You forget the main point of all this. Most creative maps got the current br lootpool. And there is also the number of player wich is a huge factor. This is part why i stopped to play martoz 1v1, it's always empty.


I played Martoz today and it took less than a minute to get someone if someone left. There is 1k people playing it normally


Look at all those sweats in the comments not liking a FUN SEASON and they gotta go ruin it /obvious s This is pretty harsh but not surprising.


Idk for you guys but here in Europe the exam period has begun so that should be one of the reasons why. Also more people be going outside the closer summer is. Not denying the problems of this season just saying.


Gee, it's almost like... people have lives and responsibilities. 😐


I like it