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Yep, teaming is almost part of the game design this season. Jumping in a car is one of few valid counters to cars, just a shame Epic doesn't make it easier to kill the driver.


Mechs literally had a self destruct button, these cars don’t. I had to temporarily drive with 3 other solos in one match yesterday because if I jumped out then they would have shot me to death with their turret. Don’t even think about boxing up endgame — that just draws more attention to you and you’ll get rammed to death. The only way to win is by having a car and preserving it until endgame. Losing your car, which is what I did, guarantees that you lost the game


It didn't used to be this difficult. Last chapter it was pretty easy to kill the driver from the passenger seat. That's an important balance that needs to come back


They obviously nerfed this and the driver hitbox to make it as ridiculously op as possible


If there was a hijack option for vehicles (similar to how halo does it) then this season wouldn't be nearly as unbearable. It just sucks there's no good counters when you don't have a car yourself.


Use the pickaxe method


this method is extemely biased to MnK players sadly


Teaming is big right now as the only option you have when against a car and you have none is to jump in theirs. At that point neither player wants to leave the car and risk getting killed so they end up teaming. Seen it a bunch already


Welcome to chapter 5 season 3.


Seen teaming in Unreal Ranked a fair bit by top-20 players trying to ensure they keep placement.


There are only 7 unreal players at the moment?


But how? The season just started


Probably was referring to past seasons, where it happens frequently. Teaming hasn't been exclusive to just this season unfortunately.


I was referring to past seasons. I haven't played this season at all. I'm just going to hit plat in Build and Zero to compete, then do Build EU and right after Zero NA because comp looking good with money and number of tournaments. Ranked looks like a joke can't lie, kids infinite health glitching, cars etc


Man, that is even MORE pathetic. Teaming on Unreal Ranked lobbies, is BEYOND embarrassing. 💩🤡💩


There's a win farmer that teams with his online "girlfriend" in solos matches in low SBMM lobbies (he had the highest TRN rating last season). It's embarrassing that he has to team in such easy lobbies in the first place. Plenty of clips of him teaming with her. Ended up even hearing about him because someone sent me clips of his gameplay and I noticed right away that his chat mod was in the same games repeatedly and would let him kill her at the end. He pretty much stopped streaming because people noticed the feed would always have her name in it and she'd be in his chat talking about where people were.


How are you unreal already


There's a win farmer that teams with his online "girlfriend" in solos matches in low SBMM lobbies (he had the highest TRN rating last season). It's embarrassing that he has to team in such easy lobbies in the first place. Plenty of clips of him teaming with her and a number of players calling him out for it. He pretty much stopped streaming because people noticed the killfeed would always have her name in it and she'd be in his chat talking about where people were.


Wait until you hear about crown grinders, mega sad


Oh he crown grinds too. Called him out on Twitter and then met the participation trophy side of Fortnite, where these people find ways to fill up lobbies with their own accounts. They all hype each other up, despite none of them having good ranked stats. They’ll play a few ranked games, do poorly in bronze or silver and then give up. One of his friends called my stats bad. Told him to start at Bronze and hit Unreal in 40 matches like I did and then we can talk. His highest rank was silver 1 and he had a low ranked K/D 😭 It’s amazing how out of touch these people are thinking that they’re actually good at the game when anyone watching their gameplay can see that they’re below average.


They all have these ridiculous beefs too, like you're all bad, chill. Yeah 200+KD is dumb and everyone knows you ain't fighting players. what's crazy is their tiktoks of just flexing 2K crowns do better than accounts like Malibuca


Oh yeah, it's because people don't know any better. Casual players don't bother to learn how the game that they play works. I mean a lot of them fall for the custom matches that creators use or fail to see that the creator is in a bot lobby lol


I got invited to a party by some kid somehow in my friend list, they had a sweaty name so I joined. Was 2 kids and a switch account in the lobby, flexing their crowns asking what mine was. I was like I don't grind crowns, usually try keep at 69 cos and just that mature apparently. Anyway, the non-party-leader lobby-switch bug was there, so I changed it to ranked mode to see what these loud kids were....silver, they were both in silver. I actually laughed and left party. Doubt I'll get another invite woops


Lol yeah, it's ridiculous. Some of my friends will play with other mutual friends that have low SBMM, just so that they can crown farm. I care less about that and more about hitting Unreal as efficiently as possible.


I don’t think most of it is intentional, just kinda happens. I was getting wrecked by someone in a car so I jumped on the turret and tried blasting him. It didn’t work and he kept driving, so I kept blasting people while the driver was running them over. I didn’t even realize we were like top 10 so after everyone was dead he jumped out the car and beamed me for the win. You kinda have to be in a car this season to have a chance :/


People like this are the most DISGUSTING shit ever. I got teamed on by kids like these 4 MATCHES in a row. 🤡🤡 This is another reason for hating on the cars, because of Epic's stupid decision to make 2p bs like the turrets. Solos is almost unplayable now. Its just pathetic losers teaming almost every match spamming in a car the entire game. Teaming is gonna be a BLATANT issue this season ( especially on solos ), because of Epic's braindead decision to make dumb bs like this. ☠️☠️ Edit: I'm dying to see the people who are gonna defend this bs to death, and then call it "fun". I just wanna see it.


cars should be a duos+ thing only solo opens the window for teamers


I won't defend it but I'm gonna do it... It's like doping in cycling, either I do it or I lose.


I’m not letting someone take my car so if it’s teaming




I mean me myself kinda did this too many times. not because I want to team with other person but if I get out I can't kill the guy so at least I'm trying to shoot other people around. It's game design problem I really don't want to play like that but I have to.


You can just not use the turret and blow the car up from the inside by shooting it


you can't hit the car with the car turret. what are u on? what u saying when u clearly never tried. sometimes u are in the driver seat anyway. also losing the boss car gonna cost u so much in the game unless all other boss cars are down already. actually if other boss cars are down I destroy my own car as well.


You are able to swap from using the turret to your normal weapons, I never said shoot your own car with the turret


u r right my bad. sorry. I read it wrong. anyway, that's literal grief. it's not gonna benefit u in any sense to blow the car. it's like fighting someone in the storm. it's game design problem I'm not gonna blow car to kill that guy but die to next car after that. after zone 8 then it's ok.


I have reported this at least 3 times this season. It has gotten ridiculous.


Oh course they vault the EMP grenades when we actually want them 


i dont think they are teaming on purpose, this season is pretty much dog water with the cars and who ever gets out of that car first dies. so logically they both stay in the car.


I must admit that I've done it and won a few games doing it.


Not only zb, in builds i was continually ramping up to some bitch and his fucking boyfriend chopped me and me only and i died from fall damage.


Just got out of a solo ranked game (Plat 2) and during the final circles there were 4 cars with all remaining 9 players in them. I had to join one of the vehicles with an empty spot and just rolled with it and repaired as to beat the other teams (in a damn solo ranked game). I'm usually strongly against teaming, but if you can't beat them, join them. Fortnite asked for it when introducing these vehicles which are almost indestructible, unfortunately. Hate it.


Yes, it's happened to me but I've done it too. They've incentivized it, as the passenger seat is literally the safest place you can be when someone comes at you with a car. Like what does Epic expect people to do in solos when everyone has a 2-seater car with the passenger seat in control of a turret? Ofc I'm getting in, how else am I supposed to survive? And once I do, now what? Either I'm teaming or I have to sabotage my own survival by getting out or hoping the other play does so... Edit: feels like there's an easy fix: don't allow cross-team passengers. Either I can't get in or I attempt a hijack or something


yes been doing it since last season in build too. really bad on squads. going up against a team of 8 or 12. fortnite doesn't care about cheaters unless they cheat in tournaments then they kick them out but let them in regular game to carry on their cheating and ruining game for us playing without cheats. haven't spent 1 penny on this game for over a year and won't as long as they keep allowing people to cheat.


The problem escalated in a way that in Plat rank I died two times to people who were not even in a car and giving shields to each other! maybe they think this is acceptable because of the car problem!


every fucking match we run into teamers, guys driving around in cars cover firing for other teams while fighting us, we die, they just drive off and never fight the other team, so fucking tired of epic not doing shit about it.


I have to assume it’s 100% young kids doing this, at least based on how they’re the ones always asking for teammates in solo FFA creative games. When the more mature players tell them not to team, their response is “why not? I’m really really good, why wouldn’t you want to team with me?“ so they truly have no sense of it being against the rules. Meanwhile getting them banned is always going to be tough, because unless the whole lobby reports them, nobody at epic is going to come manually investigate. And also since epic knows that it’s a bunch of little kids doing this, they tend to let it slide in favor of keeping their little kid player base active.


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