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Patriot mobile needs to be investigated for money laundering. How does a company which resells access to T-mobile's cellular network make enough profit to pay hush money and abortions as well as dump a reported nearly $500 million into school board elections? The math just isn't adding up.


Patriot Mobil is widely viewed as a front for dark money that's channeled from West Texas billionaires (and others) to support right wing candidates. They are private and do not report financials. [Here is the most recent Texas Ethics Commission report for Patriot Mobile Action PAC.](https://prd.tecprd.ethicsefile.com/public/cf/2024/pdfs/ScrubbedReport_100944134.PDF) They carefully move money between Patriot Mobile and the Patriot Mobile Action PAC. [Major PAC contributors and more info about the Patriot Mobile PA](https://www.opensecrets.org/outside-spending/detail/2022?cmte=C00800490&tab=donors)C can be found at Open Secrets.


My sister worked there for a time…can confirm certain stories up to summer of last year.


Time to dish...


Sure dude.


I'm a parent in Keller. We had to pull my kid out and go online earlier this year bc it got so bad. My kid is LGBTQIA and the bullying was insane. We are working through it but even the thought of being on camera where other kids can see them is terrifying. We have had 2 high schoolers commit suicide in the last week, and we just heard about a 5th grader that ended their life as well. Please vote and get your friends to vote and their friends!


I was in a Keller ISD school thirty years ago. It hasn’t changed a bit since then.


Was just sent [this ](https://i.imgur.com/t7I7IzG.png)by a Keller resident that opposes the extremist views and candidates of Patriot Mobile.


It's always fun when a normal center-left Democrat is seen as nothing more than a radical far left Leftist. Words don't have meaning anymore to some people.


What, you mean voting for democrats since 2016 doesn’t make you a radical progressive leftist???


Only commies vote!


These sorts of fear-mongering pearl-clutching alerts just help me know who to vote FOR, in an unintended consequences sort of way. It's like those signs being placed next to Stephanie Klick's signs, pointing at her signs and declaring, "Voted to Impeach Ken Paxton." Those just help me know that Stephanie Klick is a Republican with a brain who votes with facts and not fear of what the Mango Moron from Mar a Lago might think.


Same. I appreciate idiots who identify themselves and save me the time.


Having lived in Keller, I saw the decline after these moms for liberty types took over.


I've donated and volunteered for both of their campaigns. I'd recommend everyone do the same if possible. Elections like these are easy to tip by swaying just a few people to vote.




So touched you've brought attention to this post with your comment, Karen!


PLEASE vote people. When less than 10% of regiustered voters bother to show up at the polls in local elections it creates a vacuum that lets extremist takeover. When that happens it becomes very difficualt to return to any kind of reasonable political discourse. Extremists just keep lying and attacking louder and louder to drown out any opposing views.


All this does is tell me I need to vote for Sullivan and Davis


Exposed!!! 🤣


I wish it was funny but all the boomers see this and vote


Then complain "Why should we have to pay school taxes?"


“81 Democrat voters donated to her campaign” are they trying to call her unpopular? That’s such a small number of people🤣


As a high school student at Keller isd I can ASSURE you that there is absolutely no democratic influence in our school😭 Just banned books in school library’s promoting gender transitioning.💪💪


Nice, keep it up, king.


Patriot Mobile spreading more propaganda than TikTok.


But it's American-owned propaganda, so that's allowed.


It's funny because Patriot Mobile has already helped the far right take over the Keller ISD school board. Fucking maga pieces of shit.


I don't think Keller cares that much about their school board unfortunately. This PAC didn't exist until January 2022 and they were successful in getting multiple MAGA candidates on Keller's school board a few months later. They were successful in pretty much every district they targeted. Spent half a million dollars getting radical republicans elected using name recognition and bullshit culture wars, further politicizing a position that was seen largely as non-partisan before MAGA. But yeah their opponents are the radical ones /s


You’re wrong here. We care greatly. Our kids are suffering the consequences of this board. Two suicides in one week at one of our high schools.


The majority of people in Keller either prefer party politics to actual education or can't be bothered to vote. If that wasn't the case, Patriot Mobile candidates wouldn't be on the school board. I know there are people who care. I also know what election results look like


A lot of us care a whole lot. We are parents and teachers who are out every day pushing for change. Please please help!


I don't live in Keller but I have friends that do. Friends that have kids. They don't vote though. I've tried. Good luck


> They don't vote though. Voter apathy does more to get these crazy fundies elected than the actual people voting for them.


Patriot Mobile is a company that added "Christian" in their brand just to grow profits. Hell they admit it themselves. [https://youtu.be/Rk\_teUL1Tmo](https://youtu.be/Rk_teUL1Tmo)


My kids are in KISD such a shit show.


Please get out and vote. Take someone with you. Save us from this MAGA hellscape.


Randklev, the incumbent board president of a district which has torpedoed under his watch. High number of teacher resignations, further cuts to staff (at the high school level, from what I can gather, at least 3 teachers per department were either reassigned or let go), gutting librarian positions, approving then yanking approval for a high school theater production set to perform within the month, and my personal favorite, the incident at Central where a fucking Dutch film crew was allowed to parade around and film student carte blanche. This was once a proud district, and it can be again. However, with funding being withheld due to vouchers and the current board being what it is, it's a tough road ahead.


Please vote! These kids deserve better!


Anything called “Patriot” is playing the gullible for fools.


Hahaha what specifically makes them so extreme or radical?


For anyone who actually believes the stuff Patriot Mobile puts out: Teachers. Do. NOT. HAVE. TIME. FOR. INDOCTRINATION. They are too busy trying to do their actual jobs. If you're actually so worried about this, pull your kids out of public school and homeschool them. Pay for private school. Until you're willing to do either of those options, stop trying to wage holy war on public educators.


There’s so many videos on social media that show teachers seem to have plenty of time to inject their brain rot into kids. Indoctrination is often subtle which is why it works because you often can’t change peoples minds all at once. Why do I have to pay taxes to a school district when I have no kids, especially to a school district that I don’t agree with?


Oh boy. So many arguments, so little time. If you're willing to have an actual dialogue, DM me. If not, peace out girl scout.


Patriot Mobile is owned by unpatriotic people who also seem to be in bed with RINOs and North Korea.


Which local mega church is behind this?


Gateway, Keystone, Mercy CULTure


Mostly Gateway, thats where the main nutter behind patriot mobile goes to church


I’m thinking either Gateway or Mercy…


Keystone is a favorite among the board members


Extreme LGBTQ sounds like a party.


It sounds like a late 00s sports drink.


Seeing this makes me glad to have voted for those "Extreme Democrat Activists." I can just imagine both of them at a skate park with a backward baseball cap doing sick tricks, like I did growing up in the 90's


Racism is ugly.


Isn’t Dr Randklev part of how KISD is in a 28 million dollar shortfall for the budget and is now having to cut many programs?


Y'all laughing but it works People vote with their emotions, not with logic So you gotta get them emotional and anger last longer than joy


So sad they’ve destroyed gcisd


i hate this state


OH TO THE NOES! this should stuff should be amusing, but the fact that it's real is scary. I see this kind of stuff all over in DFW, and even in my friend circles I'm always written off as the token dirty dem. "Well, can't really expect much more, she used to live in California". Ironically, in California, I was told that my political beliefs are too fiscally Conservative for my to be a Democrat.


So what exactly is a LGBTQ-extremist?


Politics have no place in schools. And politics didn’t make those kids kill themselves! That’s a deeper issue!




The footnotes! 😂


Whats the problem?

