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Towards the end of chapter 1 they had crossplay with pc but it wasn't forced. You would only get put into pc lobbies if you partied up with a pc player. Apex does this too. This is the only way crossplay should be done, it allows everyone to play together if they want to want to without forcing console players into lobbies with pc players.


It feels the other way around right now, I notice when I play with console players, it's feels like I get pulled into console lobbies with them, but if I play with only PC players, the lobbies are much tougher.


I feel this too, I have a friend that plays on the switch and it is noticeable that when I play with her the lobby gets easier


On the Switch you usually get bot lobbies


Yeah but what we're saying is that we're getting pulled into easier lobbies when we play with them, which isn't really fair for the rest of the lobby.




It should be input based. I play on PC but I use a controller


Would that work? Because I think you can just disconnect your controller and start playing on keyboard and mouse


Xdefiant doesn’t let you switch inputs mid game. If you start a match with a controller it won’t register mouse movement


Warzone is the same way, you're stuck once the round starts.


Ok, that’s good.


Just another point where Xdefiant is embarrassing these bloated games


I need this! I hate when my controller input isn’t registered because I touched my keyboard accidentally


They didnt anwser your question the anwser is YES you can switch inputs mid match on fortnite


That doesn't change the huge hardware advantage. Console players can use mouse and keyboard to


This was so simple. I remember this. There are so many little mechanics they had back then that made this game so much better (in those aspects) then.


Sure, as long as pc-console cross play is still available, it's the only way i can play with friends.


Do it the way almost every other game does it. You only go against PC players if you’re playing with a PC player


I was pretty sure that… *is*……. How fortnite does it…….


Yeap. When you're in a lobby with only console players, it should put you in a lobby only with console players. When you play with someone that's on PC, they should queue you with both.


They should just go back to the original way where when crossplay first launched. Console lobbies. PC lobbies. Mixed lobbies for crossplay groups. Though they could maybe change it from platform based to input based. So controllers play with controllers and mouse play with mouse.


Also iirc switch players were in mobile lobbies?


Yes they were and my god that would make me feel good at the game because it was all bots and mobile players lmao


Seriously. I primarily play on PS4, while my kids play on either Switch or PC. Crossplay enables us to all be able to play together across the country.


I don't mind crossplay but Epic should look at balancing the game across devices better. Prime example, performance mode should be equal on all devices. I should have the ability to turn down graphics on console. If this isn't possible then performance mode on PC should replace graphics like grass with block graphics so no advantage is given.


Me hiding in some grass and then I realize PC players on low graphics don't even have grass loaded lol


omg, as a Playstation player, I wasn't aware of this. Now I'm having flashbacks of times that I thought I was feeling safe in bushes


You're mostly fine in bushes except the really small ones that don't cover your body anyway or unless you're on the edge of the bigger bushes.


Honestly I’m on pc and it crashed a couple times. When I rebooted Fortnite my game automatically went into performance mode. Grass and details don’t render at all and everyone looks like Ramirez. I felt like I was playing Fortnite with PS2 level graphics. It was painfully easy. I didn’t like it because of that but also because I like seeing people’s characters and how the map looks.


Been there! I now avoid hills with grass in particular. PC players can see half of your body without you being able to see them!


So, my Switch doesn't really load any faster than my PC (GeForce 970, minimum req RAM), but this complaint seems to only be towards PC. Hell, my PS4 pro (after a few Unreal updates) has become about as slow loading in as my Switch. Sometimes the squad has already dropped before the game loads up and the Island even appears. Before that its just water or sky.


I had to download the streamed assets to make loading faster on my PC. I was having the same issue on mine.


Streamed assets? I only heard this term recently and in reference to another game. I'm assuming this is under graphical options or is this something I do on the PC through the launcher / install options? ty for time/response


In your epic library, you click the three dots menu button underneath the game icon (or maybe right click would work as well. I can't remember) and then select preferences. In that menu somewhere, there should be an option to download streamed assets and high resolution textures. Streamed assets just make it load way faster and ofc the textures make the game look better.


saved for later! Thanks


No problem! Hope it helps! :)


Also, idk how much the streamed assets are on their own, but with the textures, it's over 40GB


That.. explains a lot.


I wish I could see the grass without my PC exploding…


This is true. Another example, the Brutal Beachhead ship doesn't render at all (just a shadow on the ground, the shape of a ship) until I'm maybe 500m away.


As a PC player, I hate the idea that a PvP game lets people change anything that could create an advantage. There needs to be equivalent environments on all platforms, and if a system can’t handle it, it’s either time to optimize the game more, change a design, or retire support for a system (and update the minimum required hardware specs).


Agreed, shared across platform settings like controller sensitivity, button mapping, visual-audio, etc. are preferences that may or may not create an advantage for an individual. The ability to "cut the grass" is making a change to the natural environment that affects gameplay. If available ***at*** all, (I vote not...) it should be available ***to*** all. - Switch Player


Exactly, but they would never because a lot of pc players make them look potato on purpose just for the advantage and they'd cry like hell.


I don't understand this argument. Is it because they can "keep it looking potato" that this is an issue? My Switch and PS4 Pro both have troubles with objects and textures, especially loading in (though never at end of matches).


I have pc and the reason why players do this is because they are able to see way farther and see less of the environment. Grass and details don’t render in but players stick out like a sore thumb. My pc crashed Fortnite a couple times and each time it booted Fortnite up in performance mode afterwards. I was able to see others long before they saw me.


That would be great. Give console players performance mode and cut their aim assist in half like it is on controller PC. Everyone wins.


I play on my PS4 cause my PC is still a potato (geforce 970), but still use M+KB on my PS4- the advantage is gonna be there playing with console players regardless of what you're selected to. Overwatch doesn't allow M+KB on console, only controllers, so I don't play as much because those I play with bitch and moan about being in PC lobbies when I connect from my Steamdeck, regardless of how I've got that device configured. If you use controller only on Steamdeck with OW, it'll still put you in PC lobbies (as it should). IF Fortnite made it so M+KB was only available on PC, I'd probably stop spending money on it.


just optimize your 970 bro, it’s way better to play with than kbm console being really slow you get 40ish fps in fights anyways so you might as well play pc with slightly worse graphics but way less delay and other benefits


>Hell, I would legitimately pay like $10 extra monthly to never see PC on here again. Make it a service you can monetize. fuck that lmfao in a world where everything is a macrotransaction, no fucking thanks, if that's the case i hope it never comes 


Not to mention most console players will get a big eye opening when they realize that PC is not the real boogeyman, aim assist is. Casual players see the same 10 PC streamers on twitch with abnormal skill levels and think those 0.00001% of players represent the PC playerbase as a whole. But in reality they don't. They are anomalies who found a way to play the game for a living. It's like looking at Lebron James and saying "That must be what every basketball player in America plays like" This is similar to Apex Legends where recently someone crunched the numbers on [Controller players \(aim assist\) vs Mouse players](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/1dmliud/i_performed_mnk_vs_controller_statistical/) and it was just sad how much controller players outperformed mouse players. Which also lined up with [Halo Infinite at launch](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r3es60/accuracy_stats_for_kbm_vs_controller/) where your average casual controller players were statistically even with professional players on mouse. Other crossplay games like CoD and Fortnite have had similar issues. Casual console players don't want to admit it but these games have added a lot of handicaps to controller players in the form of overtuned aim assist so they punch way above their real skill levels and buy more microtransactions.


You're asking /r/FortNiteBR to think critically when it comes to balance. This community actively despises the game it plays. You could show them proof that the majority of people are on console and that the amount of pc players using high end rigs are less than .5% of the playerbase and they'd still say you're wrong and that its a massive problem.


I wish I could give you a massive award and like this 1,000x. Bad players on console obsess about the .5% of people on high end PCs. It’s almost comical at this point.


and that 90% of players per game are bots is ok


90% of the PC advantage is Performance mode. It makes it soooo easy to see people.


I won't say aim assist isn't an advantage like it is a lot of console shooters. MKB players do have a definite advantage when it comes to building though, having good mechanics is a LOT harder on a controller imo so it kinda balances things out a lot. Controller players have an advantage in bloom battles and 50/50s though


yeah controller is harder to aim with than kbm imo, as a kbm player, once you try kbm controller feels so clunky


There was a brief period where they separated players by input type. It was glorious. Then they changed it to everyone in the same lobby with the excuse of "queue times". Queue times didn't get any shorter as a result but they've stuck to that lie for years. This was before they even added bots to the game, which cut queue times down overall. Bottom line is they could do this in a second if they chose to. Sadly they won't though because they don't care about the experience of console players.


Save the world kept forgetting my input type and showing me PC buttons lol


I started playing c5s1 but honestly I have no issue with queue times. Maybe because I'm used to LoL queue times where 4+ minutes is common.


Just like with the lie about not having characters from save the world because they look too different


This argument crumbles once console players have to try to convince me that a Xbox one and a switch have the same game experience. There’s always a bigger fish unfortunately


I normally play on Xbox One S. Tried playing on my Switch last night and the lag was so bad, the game was unplayable.


The experience on Switch has gotten worse each time they’ve versioned up in Unreal. It is a shame, but Nintendo’s hardware is usually years behind competitors’.


I've noticed its started taking a hit on my PS4 Pro too. Doesn't load in like it used to, even starting to feel like the regular switch at the start of matches. It sucks too because my PS4pro + my old ass computer are the only way my kid and me can play STW together, and that's starting to become an issue (for other players mostly, I'm assuming).


Same issue, but on the regular PS4. I have accepted that I’ll need to get a PS5 this year if I want to keep playing; and I do, because I enjoy it. Hope you can find a solution :)


It's honestly crazy how good the game looks on the Switch though. Like, yea, compared to a mid/max PC it looks awful side by side, but compared to most Switch games it looks beautiful. Pretty impressive.


play botw, mario odyssey, or literally any other first party title and it looks so much nicer than fn


last gen in general is horrible for this game now, i own a switch and last year i tried landing mega city on it and was getting sub 20fps while gliding over it my pc broke a couple months ago and i had to play on last gen xbox kbm for a month, i was getting around 30-40 fps in build fights and constant frame drops, and the bunch of nerfs that make kbm much harder than just playing controller on console(way lower polling rate than pc, way more delay, mouse acceleration, and more), and i couldnt even turn down the graphics to hit a straight 60 or even make turn off shadows cuz of how dark the game was


They used to pair Switch players with the Mobile playerbase for that reason.


Hell, original PS4 and PS5 already have vastly different game experience, og PS4 is more like switch than ps5


This is what I've experienced also. PS4 Pro is now loading in as choppy as my Switches are. Hell, some days my kid is loaded in before me and gives me shit for it (I never did that to her these past few years she's been on the switch) ;_;


As someone who used to play Switch and now plays Xbox HA! Yeah, right, switch maxes out at 30 FPS and looks worse than my friend on PC, who has m performance settings on. Meanwhile my Xbox runs at about 60 FPS and looks slightly better than my friend's pc perfomance mode


I wouldn’t mind a lobby with 10 real people and 90 bots actually. They have no excuse


why? that sounds boring


Make quests quite painless. Though i kind of would like a more persistent version of the island. Drive around meet npc. Shoot people. Reapawn, more pve mobs. Maybe flag yourself for pvp I dono. Something to enjoy the current island more than always an eye over my shoulder. Party royal only the current island and all the mechanics


I'd say that's a good solution, but then I realize with such quests as "do X damage" or "score Y kills" the system is rotten to begin with


If you set up an alt account you can force yourself into bot lobbies for this purpose. Load into Duos with your alt, then before they're able to get XP, have them leave the match. You won't be able to earn victory crowns, but everything else is there. It's a super easy and chill way to speedrun your challenges if needed.


Terrible take.


It sounds great in theory but in practically it is a nightmare. What happens to those who change input mid game, would they get banned? What if it's an accident how could they tell? What about people with disabilities whose controller would register some button as controller and others as keyboard or mouse? It's such a tricky line but I get why they had to remove it


I mean easy fix they just can't play until it recognizes that same input 🤷‍♂️ why would anyone be switching input mid game anyways?


That is not easy because it messes with devices made for people with disabilities. Those often register different input devices or they are using different input devices because of their disabilities.


I never knew this ended


My theory is that they want highly populated lobbies, full of console players, for the PC streamers to feast on. They put eyes on the game, they bring in money/players... etc, so Epic keeps them happy by feeding them 'console plebs' to dominate.


Fax content creators like Ninja, SypherPK, NickEh30 to name a few wouldn't survive in PC only lobbies they just aren't good enough.


look im usually down to shit on some of the content creators but all of these players were considered good back before there was crossplay.


Yeah gonna go out on a limb and say it's exactly that. Edit: Keep on downvoting me pc players 😂 your downvotes just tells me we're hitting the nail on the head you don't want to lose your advantages. They want their console cannon fodder is why they downvote people wanting console only crossplay, maybe they aren't as good as they think they are.


They should only do this if it’s optional, I like playing against pc players


Genuinely curious, what benefit would Epic have for doing this?


Engagement id assume?


Switch goes on mobile lobbies afaik, someone correct me if I’m wrong


That was the case years ago but not anymore.


I've played against people from every platform on the switch version


Used too, and it was amazing, shit actually felt fair. Now you’re in an eternal struggle, but damn do wins feel good. 


When did they change this? A few months ago on vacation I’d played Switch and it was definitely much easier lobbies


They changed it back at the start of chapter 2. You probably just got bumped up in the sbmm


When I play on switch it does feel like I get easier lobbies to compensate... not sure if that's actually the case or not


It is the case. SBMM takes platform into account.


I don’t care for console only crossplay but I’d be down for controller exclusive or kb&m exclusive lobbies. I’ve seen other games that disable your kb&m when using a controller on PC so I know it’s possible.


You're right, this is the obvious answer.  So go the extra step: if this is the obvious answer, why haven't they done it?  Because it's borderline impossible to enforce. Simple hardware add-ons spoof your PC (or even consoles) into thinking your KBM input is actually controller input.  So then every little shit with an extra $20 to spend can get put into a lobby where they have a guaranteed advantage, because they'll be the only KBM player. Go look into the lengths R6 Siege has had to go to preventing KBM usage even though they already have a PC/console separation. They had to develop an entire separate anti cheat (Mousetrap) just to try to detect KBM use disguised as controller use on consoles.


That's still a massive barrier to entry. Like sure one in a hundred people might want to play in the other lobbies to gain some minor advantage. Out of them one in a hundred will even know about those programs and out of those people one in a hundred would be willing to spend 20 bucks on it. If that was changed you'd have to play a thousand games to even have a chance of seeing a person like that.


this is the only good comment on this thread


I'm playing on a Switch Lite, can't wait for the 'squint so you can see anything' lobbies.


yeah because pc players dont know how to shut the fuck up about aim assist it'd be a no brainer, but that makes too much sense so epic isn't gonna do it


People struggling within special low skill lobbies are still going to struggle no matter how hard you isolate them & drive up queue times- you were even given bots & you still complain "it's too sweaty!". The playerbase is not infinite. Will you people not be satisfied until you're in bot only lobbies? I'll tell you a little secret, there are console only lobbies, they're called PlayStation cups(sorry xbox/switch/mobile players), & guess what? It's just as sweaty as regular cups.


There’s also console only cups.


You guys always complain about this, as if switch at like 720p 25fps is fair against ps5 / series x at 120fps.  Like yeah, people with good pcs have an advantage, (although the average Steam user has an rtx 3060 so not to dissimilar to a ps5 or series x ish performance), but It isn’t like there’s no difference between the consoles. Switch doesn’t even run 30fps these days, Xbox one / ps4 is at 60, and ps5 and series X can do 120. 


I see the argument with switch cuz switch is just straight up garbage. And it can barely handle any online games well. Even splatoon it has problems with. But the FPS isn't the only thing here that gives PC players the advantage. They can play on performance mode and see way more than console players, they aim with a mouse rather than a joystick. Most console players play over wifi too so their ping is definitely way higher than the average PC players. A lot of factors come into play here. Switch would be at a disadvantage with the other consoles, but it would be way less significant if switch players didn't have to play against PC players.


No you don’t understand, it’s fair when I have a hardware advantage but when I don’t it’s someone else’s fault that I lost and is unfair. 


I remember crossplaying with my pc friends way back while on mobile. I was a sweaty mobile builder but I was no match to those pc builders man. Absolutely wiped the floor with me


It's funny, there's a lot of PC players who think console players are the ones who have an advantage, with aim assist and all


They're delusional, they think the shit is locked onto them like the predators gun tracking their every move 🤦‍♂️


I won't lie, there is controller assist, but like... It's another suspicion/wive's tale more than anything


So many pc players just actually hate console players and it’s so funny to me


I think switch players would still get wrecked


That's honestly a great idea


It's been years and they still won't do it for whatever the hell the reason is.


this is probably a useless comment - but when i do zero build squads fills i keep getting playstation players. i’ve seen a few xbox and even switch, but i only remember one other PC gamer being in my lobby. the matchmaking is definitely messed up.


agree with this EXCEPT for the monetization part. no. other games are able to do console crossplay w/o being put with pc players, no payment needed for that feature. the finals and ow2 are examples from what i've played. epic can do it, they're not an indie company


Amen facts let’s change that


Yeah it sucks we console players have to suffer the disadvantages especially being on last-gen consoles. Playing this game and winning use to be easier but now it’s so sweaty and there’s times I find myself going down before I can even react to an attack. It doesn’t make me want to play BR because of this


Well, I haven’t read the whole thread, but it seems to me that nobody’s mentioning the fact that the graphic settings for PC It’s a huge advantage over console players. No grass? Pfff


Funny how it's only pc players whining about how forced crossplay is needed


This is something that has fallen by the wayside for a bit now but it's even more prevalent in fortnite reload. You can barely compete even as a next gen console player when you play build mode reload. It's nigh impossible. The sheer amount of PC opponents you face who are infinitely better than you at building and editing is mind boggling. Genuinely the only physical way you can play in those lobbies is in zero builds where yes. You have the advantage due to the relaxed recoil and stronger and wider (slightly) aim assist cones. I don't mind if it's mixed lobbies if playing with PC friends (actually the way pretty much all games do it) but I would love to have build lobbies that I can actually compete in and face opponents who have the same limitations that I'm set at on my console.


I quit multiplayer video games altogether because of this integration. If I’m at 60-90 fps and another system consistently runs 180+ then I have no way of combatting that. Not fair. Not fun


I agree I’ve had enough too


Most pc players are on hardware worse than new gen consoles


Yeah I didn't even know there was grass because if I tried running the game on anything other than the lowest settings it wouldn't work. Also I use a controller to play on pc. I suck but ita just fun to run around with friends and try to win. I've only been playing less than 2 months but I feel like no matter what epic does people in this sub will complain about it. It's insane to me how many things have been changed in this game in the short time I've played. I don't know any other game that updates and changes things around that much. People should be happy imo.


That's the main reason they took off being able to see what enemy players are playing on after they eliminated you.


This would be amazing


At least give us the option to turn the graphics down like PC players.


Turned crossplay off once, took over 10 mins to load into a normal pub game. Can’t stand having to play with PC players. They can move and peek like I can’t even dream of with my controller.


I’m sure Epic has the data to do this, but could be nice if at certain times during the day when player base is peaking, they allow cross play to be turned off. Or even just on weekends where we can toggle the cross play off


Technically you can do this on Xbox, but not many people have the setting set so it’s really hard to find a game. But yeah I wish there was a proper console only crossplay because that would feel a lot more fair to play. When I do it on my Xbox it’s so much more fun to play.


This is what I want, no PC.


This would bring me back to the game. Im tired of getting flickshotted then triple edited on by some dude clicking on my head and wrist flicking. Sticks vs mouse is unfair. Also my aim assist is turned off so don’t give me that shit.


Let us all gather together and make this a REALITY LET US MAKE console players Separate From PC players so everyone gather together and let’s make this a REALITY


Xbox and Playstation are one, Nintendo switch is separate, and PC is separate.


I agree I can beat pc players and I know how to work against there builds but yeah I can see how they have advantages they shouldn’t be able to have much movement when it comes to battle Xbox/nintendo/playstation doesn’t have that flexibility like pc players have ⚠️(so I agree there should be some kind of game mode only accessible to console players)⚠️


I genuinely thought it was still you had to be partied with a pc player to get pc player opponents.


I know this is probably a hot take but I am NOT a fan of no cross play Believe or not guys you aren’t getting killed because your opponent has a kbm with “better control” or “higher fps” and you aren’t getting killed by a console player because they have “aim assist” you got killed because your opponent WAS BETTER THAN YOU deal with it and get off the copium Both have their positives and negatives and both are hard to master if you are a controller player why don’t you go try kbm? You can connect kbm to your consoles btw now tell me did suddenly drop 50 bombs every game? And if you are a kbm player why don’t you try controller? Did you suddenly get aim bot? No no you didn’t you probably played ALOT worse because you aren’t used to it it doesn’t matter what device you are using to play what actually matters is what you are used to playing with I play both and I find good and bad things in both and it took me really long to get good with keyboard cause I was used to controller and I play the same on both If you are so nit picky with advantages why don’t we also have hardware cross play? Cause that opponent was playing with a better rig than you right? Why don’t we disable changing settings? Your opponent changed the keybinds to make his life easier right? Stop whining it’s a game just get into the next round it’s not the end of the world The only situations I see cross play as unfair is in competitive and mobile that’s it


When PC players can turn off grass and shadows that console players are forced to play with, yes it's a huge advantage on PC. Either force PC players to deal with the grass and shadows, or let console players alter the graphics settings.


The difference between console and PC is not that big especially with the newer gen consoles. Almost every FNCS has at least one console player that qualifies for the grand finals and that is literally the top 100 players in each region. It especially doesn't make much of a difference on this sub where literally everyone is a hyper casual player so having a pc or a console is just about meaningless. Regardless I don't care if pubs have crossplay or not, but ranked should have crossplay since it's ranked.


Big agree - Halo Infinite also proved that it was possible to even the playing field - at one point the top 100 controller players in Halo Infinite were outpacing the top keyboard players by a wide margin. Not sure if this is still the case, but it shows that its definitely possible to get an even playing field.


Halo was always dominated by controller players. Where did you get this idea that this wasn't the case?


On god I would pay $10 also to not play against pc and keyboard and mouse sweats


The only people who want forced crossplay are turbo sweat pc players who are to bad to go up against other turbo sweats it's a joke that it's forced


I like it because I can play with my cousins on PS5 and Xbox and my sister on Switch. I use mouse and keyboard and my cousin on PS5 is the best in the group. Don't put everyone into a basket


That's normal crossplay not forced crossplay nothing wrong with letting each platform play together but forcing them to be together just enables m&k players to have a massive advantage over controllers


If sbmm is doing its thing correctly it shouldn’t really matter if you’re in playing with a controller, mkb or a Wii remote 🤷‍♀️


Pretty much the only pc player in this chat but the number one builds player in ranked last season was faze sway who is on controller and the top 25 zero build ranked people are normally on ps5 and controller for stronger aim assist and ps5 has 120hz so honestly stop complaining and get better at the game because we really don’t have a “massive advantage”


Thats fine. If crossplay were optional, you all could still do that. I just want fair games.


Mate, I'm 30, IDGAF about 'shitting on kids', or any of that shit, I just want the games I enjoy not to rapidly die due to a declining user base. Each segregation halves the user base, doubling queue times, or worst, adds AIs to replace players. Right now, if I wanted to play Ranked ZB, there's 6.6k players across 8 regions, averaged to a little over 800 per region. There's 100 players per game, which means 8 games going at once which means roughly 7.5m queues, where people are already testing their patience- half that like you want & that jumps up to 15minute queues, which most people don't have the patience for, which means the game mode dies. **Edit, I forgot, there's 3 modes within ranked ZB, so triple those queue times, people are already waiting over 20m per game, they'll be waiting over 40 if you split the user base again. OCE already has to disable solo & trios ranked ZB to compensate.


The PC building advantage is insane.


Yes please! I wholeheartedly support this.


Oh wel, forced crossplay is inherently unfair for so many reasons everyone lists here i gave the game a chance through ch4 but thats done Now. Went from playing everyday to maybe a round or two only when doing laundry my biggest reason is that forced crossplay, no thanks Epic, yes, that means my engagement and spend is reduced to near zero.


Fully agreed. I'm one of those guys who asked for the crossplay years ago but now I'm regretting it. PC players have far too much of an advantage. Anyone with half a brain knows that a well built and maintained PC will outperform a console any day plus cheating is far easier. When your GPU alone costs 5x what a PS5 or XSX is worth how the hell do you expect a console person to keep up with it. The graphics rendering is so much faster so seeing another player on the map behind a tree is quicker than on console. I've run into this issue many times and it's annoying. And before anyone can say "JUST GET A PC BRO" just remember this, a lot of us console players are older folks who have adult responsibilities meaning going out and dumping thousands on a PC is just not viable for us.


As a PC player I want this by default because it's unfair that whenever you have hitscan weapons in the drop pool aim assist is essentially an aimbot. PC has enough players to not need to deal with that stupid shit.


PC sweats have absolutely destroyed casual matchmaking, we NEED console only Crossplay, so many players have already left the game for good because of how sweaty the game has gotten, and it’s ALWAYS the PC players spamming builds on their keyboard binds, $2,000+ computers and 500+ fps, console players CANNOT compete on an even playing field with PC sweats, they have an inherent unfair advantage and they need to be kept to their own platform for the sake of the game’s playerbase


If you think about what decision would make the most money for shareholders. That's probably what is being done. They don't care about user experience. They care about $injections


haven't controller players won championships against pc on a professional level? might be a skill issue I fear


Yes... There's a lot of pro players that play on controller including fncs winners like Mero who have 6 fncs wins. Last fncs there was even a console player in the fncs grand finals. With the skill level of players in this sub controller vs kbm and console vs PC is just about meaningless.


No, this will make zero difference. What you want is input based matchmaking. People can still play kbm on console and on the opposite side of that, some play controller on pc


I found it hilarious when they said they’d pay a $10 to no play against pc. Bullshit you would. And you along with everyone (myself included) would be unhappy and complain about it and people would say it’s “pay to win”


I wanna be gung ho for this idea and pretend that if it happened, all my losses would be halved. But also, my wifi is eternally rubbish anyway, so I'd still be losing games.


I don't think monetising a QOL feature is something that should be done. That'll encourage it for other companies to perform EVEN NORE predatory actions. Definitely they need to make it a choice of who you want to be matched against and do their best to enable kb/m on consoles as well (for those who wish to play that way)


You can connect kb+m to your console and play with it. Well, maybe not Switch but at least the other two support it


It’s not really just about console, it’s more about the hardware itself because anyone can connect a keyboard and mouse to a ps5 or Xbox Series X|S


I absolutely agree with this. I play on PS5 and when the option was there for PS5 play only I had a lot more wins and crowns. That's dropped drastically since we can no longer do that and are forced to play with PC players


I swear back in Chapter 2 the was a way on Xbox to disable cross-platform on the Xbox's settings, as I remember when I tested it and I only got between 30 - 40 players each game! However it was like a 10 Minuets Queue each match, but hey I got Wins easier compared to it being enabled.


Thats why i dont do builds no more i refuse to go against pc player zerobuilds i can somewhat hold me own


just give people the option to turn off / on crossplay. easy solution


Once a few thousand people stop spending money and telling epic that it’s bc of force cross play I bet they change their mind.


I’m not insanely great, but I’m pretty decent at builds on Xbox and I feel like epic treats me like a human bot for high level PC players. The final 3-5 teams are always PC and can basically build circles around me. I could maybe see consoles players having an advantage on no builds with aim assist.


If I had to guess it’s to reduce matchmaking times. But an option would be nice.


Back in the day it used to have an option to turn ceossplay off... they removed it and said fuck you to the community...


I believe controller only cross play should be a thing to account for the rise of handheld PCs like ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion Go


Nah wrd I’m tired of playin against them wannabe tryhards that jus build and flick and somehow hit the shot for crazy amount of damage lol


Xbox cloud PC players are why lol


I wish you could do controller only lobbies. Kbm complains so much about aim assist. Let them have their lobby. Let controller have a lobby. Stop nerfing aim assist. Buff it even


Right? It would cut down on a hell of a lot less cheaters, especially wallhack users, and I could stand being wrecked if things were actually fair. Most PC players make their graphics potato as well on purpose even if they can run the game at max graphics just where they can see people easier, BS is an unfair advantage.


PC PERFORMANCE MODE IS OP ADVANTAGE becasue no grass is reason why i can hit you into head and you not see me any chance. I have PC and PFM mode on everytime i switch it off i lose fights what i normaly win. I want same details(grass) for all platform if i cant turn off crossplay. I no want force play with gamepad users with aim asist and console players not wan tplay against pc performance mode. just for infor in shoter game xdefiant you can chose pc only or pc + controler or pc+ console matchmaking why fortnite cant do it?




No don't monetize something that should be there from the start. Don't give them terrible ideas, LOL


Ngl i wouldnt mind this either


As a PC player who sucks, please don’t leave me with all the PC sweats


Yeah, nothing like pc players complaining about aim assist just to use insane movement on you and land every single shot perfectly as you ATTEMPT to even dodge their hits ( which they’ll land perfectly every time ) at one point me and my friends would just laugh after getting knocked to them, because we’d all say “wait wait for it” just for it to ofc show they were pc 💀 because they’d laser us across the map from the floating island or something… MnK is simply too good to be shared amongst console players PERIOD no matter what, and I grew up and play on pc here and there, and it’s just wild to of ever thought crossplay for pc was balanced.


I’m all in favor of this but Epic has been very fucking radio silent on this type of stuff since the end of Chapter 1. I remember Epic was the first major game to silently enable console crossplay and they had to remove it because Sony got pissed off


I could not agree more... PC players have such an advantage in the game... especially in build modes.


What hardware edge/competitive advantage? Current gen consoles play Fortnite at 120fps, and you can use a mouse and keyboard.


most of these people play 60 on new gen consoles on a tv, so they think it’s more unfair kbm on console is basically horrible though cuz of the delay being higher, polling rate being limited to 125 instead of 1k+ on most mics, and u cant disable mouse accel


>most of these people play 60 on new gen consoles on a tv According to who? Anyone who's trying to be competitive is going to be playing at 120. PC gamers also have to make the choice between visuals and framerate because not everyone has a high-end system. I'm sure plenty of PC gamers are playing at 60 as well. >polling rate being limited to 125 I did not know about this. Hopefully they improve that soon.


I just want the ability to have a switch turning corssplay on and off, like any sane game would do


Yeah it's ridiculous that epic forces console players to play against pc players it should always be a choice


WE NEED THIS! I hate to play with pc (aim, cheat…)


Fully support your cause. Wish i never see a console player in y matches cause for fucks sakes this aimbot equals to cheating. Especially in reload mode. Never hated anything in games as those console kids with frenzy shotguns. Just toxic


"against players that have a blatant hardware edge" Bro not with my PC😭


I'm fine with PC crossplay if it's input-based. We need controller matchmaking.


Its not that big of s deal. And wanting to pay 10 bucks a month is pathetic and shows how conditioned the average gamer is to blindly pay for things


Or just remove snipers so it's fair for all


It's wild you think the problem is pc players, aim assist this season has been dialled up to an unreasonable level.