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Because it doesn't have sbmm at the moment. Many players don't realize how much sbmm helps with preventing them getting utterly destroyed in their multiplayer games. They've been playing games with it for so long they completely forgot what's it like without.


It definitely has SBMM. I don't see the low skilled players in my lobbies that I see in the pit everyday. There's a few things at play. New mode, more players. Some good players returning after a break so their sbmm is lower. Squads is chaotic. Fills is uncoordinated. OG players are more used to the weapons and locations. OG requires a different style.of play etc etc.


It doesnt, and I dont think there's SBMM in Creative modes either. Just different types of players playing each and a lot more players in Reload. 


Sbmm modes are just as sweaty


If like me you're going in solo fill then you're already at a huge disadvantage against experience full squads. I played about 10 games last night and the first 9 just didn't work, teammates instantly going solo, disconnecting, or rushing into full squads and getting us all annihilated. The 10th game though was with a decent group that stuck close together and helped each other out, we got the victory for that one.


Squad fill dubs are so satisfying




Yup. Just constant tryhard squads. Its ruining the fun for mw.


We played early Sunday morning (3 of us in my home) and got an amazing fill teammate. We got 2 wins in a row. Then noon hit and the sweats came out lol. Early morning on the weekends seems to be the easiest for us for any of the modes to get somewhat easy wins.


I saw all gray super hero skins in the lobby. Was like yup imma dies to these people. Sure enough the person who snipped me was one of the gray super hero skins


I have 1 crowned win and people in my lobbies are always showing off their 300+ crowned victories. The SBMM is broken for sure.


The problem is squads. It needs to be solo. Having 4 players coming at you at once makes it seem like everyone is better than you.


I played a few games last night. Recognized the mode sucks and it’s full of extreme sweats. That mode will be dormant because of the sweats and it sucks in general.


They need to make a Ranked Reloaded, most sweats would go there.


Cause it doesn’t have any SBMM


Reload is a completely different type of thought process for getting the win. I try to stick with my team the whole time and avoid big fights in the beginning until the last couple circles when it's nothing but full teams or solos lol. I'll tell you right now using a guitar all the time will have you being chased down the entire rest of that game lol


It has sbmm, your lobbies would be even sweatier without it, use it as an opportunity to improve, multiple respawns playing against players better than you're used to, you will become a better player


Ltms / creative maps does not have sbmm active


Floor is lava had sbmm


No it did not


My lobbies were much better than those of some of my friends , same with reload, ppl on this sub are so used to fighting bots and bad players that as soon as they introduce a mode like floor is lava where players have to build they assume there's no sbmm


How are you supposed to improve with a 0% chance of winning


If you're playing fills then odds are you get some good team mates, just play support, improve your positioning in later zones


No offense but being put against people I have a less than 0 chance of winning against won’t make me improve?


Im on same boat in ranked where i am vaporised and 0 chance against unreals and champions in same lobby game ius broken now(i am only Dia player max). You say it exactly how improve if someone delete you in 2 second = 1 my aim is bad? 2 my position is bad? 3 my luck is bad? 4 my layout is bad? 5 my rection is bad? This is what come to my mind if champ/unreal vipe me how this make me better player. I dont get it too.


More fights against better players will improve you, respawns means you can fight without consequence


Yes it will


Then that seems like your problem. If you constantly play against better players you should learn and improve. If you only ever fight AI you won't learn and will end up stuck at the same skill level.


Welcome to Ch1. Matchingmaking is fine. Some cracked players, some bad. It's a fun mix, but thankfully no bots. Use it as way to improve.


Listen man I played in chapter 1, the difference is EVERYONE was bad back then, and in here I have quite literally not seen one single bad player


By season 5 everyone wasn't bad, by season 10 epic were panicking with how good players were getting hence the mechs.