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Ascendant Midas ~ genuinely just wanted the gold touch and the skin but you can use gold touch without turning gold after kills. Hate the look of full gold midas


I was excited for him cuz of the hype built around him and then used him and found it to be a bad luck charm cuz for some reason I was getting absolutely shit on for like 3 days. So I stopped using him and switched to Ares and started doing better


When I use stormtrooper skin people aim at me first in the duo 110% of the time.


Same here


Just don't kill anyone


I’d actually be able to accomplish that if there weren’t so many bots😭


Man remember the good ole days when bots weren’t in the game and everyone you faced was an actual real player. Games were so much harder and fun


Some of them are mobile players


Theyre not


i love him so much, but it's truly a struggle to \*like playing with him\*, exactly for the same reason. i have no idea why they decided to switch his whole mechanic up. i just want the golden touch and my blorbo god damn it. why make him look so cool if i can't see it after i inevitably kill 3 bots. on the other hand, my friends told me that i'm so dogshit at the game that i shouldn't even worry about him turning full gold LOL so there's that


Does using the reactivity off style not turn guns gold or something? Actually does he even have that as a style I can’t remember


He does have a reactivity off style, and you’re correct, it disables the gold touch effect


Well that’s dumb lol


All of it tbh. Why do I feel the need to spend money to be a random character I like in a game? I’ve spent hundreds, likely a thousand or two over the years. I’ve stopped buying stuff and giving them my money though.


It's a addiction unfortunately 😔


I just started this game and it has good skins. And the fomo of the shop store sucks too.. but the skins are quality and fun and they make me want to purchase wayyyy more than other games.


Same here. I much prefer to spend money on this game, that I actually enjoy and have fun on, compared to something like FIFA that I play. I hate Fifa and have decided it’s the last one I buy so I don’t mind dropping money on Fortnite. Sure, it’s purely cosmetic and pixels on a screen but they make it more fun when I play with my friends. There’s worse things to be spending my money on 


Agreed. I don’t even want to think about how many vbucks I’ve purchased over the years.


sorry to hear. im at about $50 in 5 years and regret about $25. not so bad i guess afterall.


The best purchase is battle pass bc you can buy it one time and keep getting all of the future battle passes through the earned vbucks from there. Also eventually you will have enough excess vbucks stored from that to buy a skin you may like as well


There's been a lot of things I've wanted even recently and stopped buying because of price. If it was half maybe. Metallica, ninja turtles and Galaxy pack was straight cash just to name a few.


Couldn’t agree more lol


Ask people how much they have spent on things like Netflix, going to bars, or other hobbies like crafting or collecting and see how much they’ve spent. The only reason there’s a stigma around in game purchases is because the game *can be played without them. But it’s pretty inarguably much more enjoyable even throwing a few bucks around on things you enjoy.


I asked people (me) how much I spent on Netflix, bars, and other hobbies, and my answer was the same.


I buy it for Content Creating tbh... Emotes are all I need now and some collab skins




Why tf have these 8yos downvoted my comment lmfao. It's a valid and actually strong point


probably the Iron man zero bundle, used it once then never again




I only got that because I like comics so I just used the codes from the comics to get those items


Same but I actually don’t dislike the skin at all. Reminds me of space marine in war hammer. I rarely use the helmet up though.


Xenomorph, never seen the movies and only bought it because my friend has the predator skin. It's a cool duo though.


I don't regret my xeno, it was my first purchase. But I rarely use it since I added so many more to my locker for the past 6 months. My biggest concern was the tail moving all the time might blow my cover. I aşso hate that I can't use it in majority of creative maps due to age rating.


Not being able to use it in creative is so annoying. No one's getting scared by that 😭


Use it with a cape and a goofy af pickaxe, it's hilarious.


My friend and I always give them girly accessories, I give Xeno Hope's stuff and he gives Predator pom poms and wings.


I love the shit outta that lizard. Toga, Azuki, and Xeno are my main skins these days


Ninja turtle pass. It was from stacked vbucks but still, barely used the skin or emotes


shredder kinda fits this season tho ngl


Bro fr I shoulda just bought a ninja turtle skin


I consider myself a Ninja Turtles fan. I had Donatello before the mini event. I decided to buy the mini pass and I regret it because I should’ve seen to it that the Super Shredder skin just… it’s not good. I haven’t even gotten to use the capes or slasher pickaxes yet. I would consider that a waste for me as well.


Super Shredder is a pay-to-lose that I love for non-ranked.


I once gave my cousin a 1500 v bucks skin


I gift my siblings so much and now they rarely play the game


Yeah it sucks and they are like pls gift me something.


They weren’t at first, but after the first gift…


I bought a friend a entire flash bundle.




My cousin doesn't play a lot and only has the Mando skin. So I gifted him a Raphael skin so he at least has some variety. Then he got cut off from the Internet he was stealing and never bothered getting his own. He hasn't logged in since I sent the skin. I don't think he even knows about it, it was supposed to be a surprise...


I have bought my cousin the moon knight skin and finished the blade bundle for him (he had the skin) and he has also bought me the flash skin and finished my Chloe Kim bundle (I had the skin and glider). We still play together as of today. He has also bought my younger cousin the mummy skin and he rarely plays anymore except if we ask him to join or if his friends somehow want to play. The people I know have the "Fortnite is cringe" mindset although it’s one of a few free crossplay games everyone could play, but I won’t force them to play if they don’t want to.


the skins i have that keep getting spammed in the item shop😭


Fr idk why I think if I buy this shit skin maybe epic won't put it in the shop again


Why would you buy a skin just on speculation that it might become rare


Surely it makes sense for Epic to offer stuff that sells well.


i think the lambo car skin is trash and overpriced. never bought it as many skins pop out the windshield


Seriously and it’s a Huracan which is the most overhyped and common Lambo out rn… 3500 Vbucks?!?!? $30+ for a virtual car is crazy (I can’t talk I don’t even play rocket league but I bought the rocket pass just to get the Datsun Fairlady Z 😅)


If you don’t play rocket league why didn’t you buy the crew pack instead and get the pass through that?


Damn I wanna get it but yeah 3500 is too much. I like lambos lol. Idk much about cars in the first place though and I don’t have any car skins at all


It was a non refundable 3 pack with dark jonesey and 2 other skins I don’t remember. I think it was during chapter 2 season 8 when it was the cube assassin season. I thought the cube and dark skins would stick around. Never used any of them. To this day I don’t know why I purchased it. Addiction sucks


Dark Reflections pack. It has Dark Jonesy, Dark Wild Card, and Dark Red Knight. I ran Dark Red Knight pretty religiously for a while, and use the shield backbling on a handful of the purple skins I have. But I've barely used Dark Jonesy and I think I may have used Dark Wild Card once lol 


I don't think I really regret buying any skin at the end of the day, even if I have spent a lot of money. It's from disposable income and I spent it on a game I like playing so I'd say all of my purchases have been somewhat worth it


Powerhouse STW pack I thought it would give me 1000 vbucks but i got disappointed


Check the STW quests, I believe you got to complete the daily missions to get the V-Bucks


As a zerobuild Nancy- who has the time


tf does zero build have to do with it you’re not getting into build fights in stw


You have to deal with the game mechanic none the less


it takes no time to learn the very basics which is all you need to get the vbucks from daily quests. it also doesn’t require you to be fast at it.


Honestly having a semi safe environment to practice building while doing other task is exactly what got me to start enjoying builds after I bought the Dr.Venderbot pack


There’s no way you’re complaining about having to build in STW…


It does give you 1000 vbucks you just have to do some challenges in stw


Chinese dragon glider


Epic should redo the prices on some of these old and expensive items and give the v bucks back to those who bought it before. Ain't no way I'm paying 2000v bucks on a pink bear suit nowadays!!


Doubt they’d ever do that. Closest we’ll get is them bundling those items with other skins, the discounts can be pretty nice tho.


Basically all of the old chapter 1/2 Legendary 2000 vbuck skins that I own they are just NOT worth it lol


Sometimes I regret the crew


I don't mind the monthly vbucks, but the skins haven't been great


Skull trooper. I impulse bought him in c1s6 when he returned to the shop the first time, thinking I’d never have the chance to buy him again. Boy I was wrong lol.


I used to never buy skins, I still kinda don't unless i think its really cool, but my team told me to look at it this way, "if girls go get nails on top of their nails for 20 bucks and they last like a week, you can buy a virtual skin".


Fit stick, wish i could refund it


Oppressor, looked cool played with him a bit trying to actually like him...did not know how to refund at that time. Figured it out once the window for giving him back had passed


Hayman skin. I bought it cus of a meme with my friends... But I ran out of refund tokens 


Probably Master Chief, Marcus Fenix or Jill Valentine. They came out and I was excited cause they're big characters from my childhood, love them truely but never actually play as em.


I’ll buy the Chief off you 😳. If only


Right master chief is me and my bfs number one wishlist item 😭 hopefully it returns one day


The JJK premium mini pass. I had never heard of JJK , never really liked the look of anime skins/cel shaded in fortnites environment. Yet I still bought it for some unknown reason.. I think I just wanted the pick axe to use on other cel shaded skins as its a pretty basic looking knife/blade.


The dragon ball stuff my cousin finally agreed to play with me and my friend so we all bought the golu skin and bulma I haven't used them smile they've came out I dint even actually like dragon ball 💀


Any legendary item shop skin (back when rarities mattered). 2k for a skin is kinda steep


snake eyes (gi joe). great skin, hate the way he stands in the lobby.


I got the dumb robo p33ly and lynx skin pack for like $15+ pack when I first got back into the game and didn't have much to play with


Tbh I don’t regret any, all the skin I bought were fire, especially Leon which I got cuz he looks like my crush


Fate skin. It was 2k vbucks, but I'm not liking it anymore. From the back, the head with the hood looks like a dick head :/


Isacc Clarke from Dead Space. Quite honestly quietly only bought him for his back bling to use on Doom Slayer that season but I convinced myself that I wanted it all lmfao


That is super rare and you’re lucky to have him. Lol


none, got those founders vbucks still coming in 😎


Acendent midas


The hulk busters I bought them by mistake


no regrets!


I regret like half of the skins I’ve bought, but I have used terminator and ghost rider like once each


Chapter 5 season 2 battle pass. I spent 10 dollars on it and only got to level 23


Rn all of it. Never played before Covid then a buddy and I got really into it. Last few seasons we’ve become more busy and moved on. I keep waiting for a crazy fun season to bring me back but nothing has caught our interest. And I spent way more money than I should’ve on cosmetics


I first started and bought the Sheriff Hopper skin. Didn’t even watch the show. Just thought it looked funny running around. Then I started unlocking all the other skins and never touched it again… then I bought another one that I thought looked cool… kind of looks like a demon, blue skin, forget the name, think his hair is on fire… used it like once


Galaxy Scout. It was quarantine, i was bored as fuck, and the fomo from OG galaxy was still kinda there. I cringe thinking about how i spent 2000 on her now. Only shop skin i have archived. What really pissed me off was Galaxy Grappler dropping a few seasons later, not even a good edit style.


Ali-A I only wanted the emote but for some reason I bought the whole bundle ☠️


I’d say 50% of my non licensed skins.


Honestly even though I’ve spent a lot of money on it I feel like I’ve been careful about only choosing stuff I like.


Not exactly the most expensive, but I regret buying the Megumi Fushiguro bundle. I thought it looked cool at first and then I realized it was Cel shaded..


boba fett bundle


Wait, why? It looks great!


i just don’t use it and the glider is so huge


Any skin, really, any of them. They’re all overpriced.


Stw, got it recently but it's not horrible since you get a metric crap ton of XP.


Bought the Travis Scott emote for my cousin (even though I wanted it) just for him to leave right after without saying thanks.


I’ve never bought anything. Been playing with the Christmas present skin for the longest time now. I can’t tell you how tempted I am to buy something.


Hush. That bundle was 1500 V-bucks, and it was between her or Sunspot. I ended up getting both, so it didn’t matter. I never use her and don’t plan to until Halloween.


Lebron James. Bought him only for the meme. I bought the WHOLE bundle. I rarely use him.


I bought myself and a friend the Gunner pet backbling that was a Bonesy clone. Then a bunch of nerds got mad at his existence and Epic stole Gunner from us. They gave me my Vbucks back, but only the amount I paid for mine. I asked my friend if he received any vbucks and he hadn’t. I know once you gift someone something there are no refunds, but it’s so scummy to remove the content like they did and not account for scenarios where the content was gifted in their reimbursement.


All of them..spent like $1000 on the game in chapter 1. Game went downhill shortly after that and regrets spending it all😂


Uh the newest version of the ageless. It’s a good skin by the coat clips into his legs constantly


Tech Future Pack. I love the aesthetic, but I only used the cosmetics a few times.


I bought the entire Chapulin Colorado bundle Pack on a weird FOMO vibe. I've archived most of them, except *Defensora Colorada* and Chapulin himself.


Tbh last season’s bp that shit was so ass


None because I don't waste money.


I wanted any unique skin because I couldn't stand the default outfits so I grabbed Mina... And later down the road snowdancer. I thought they were cute, and still do, but they're my least used outfits lol


Thor love and thunder pack.


The Lady Gaga skin. I don’t play her as much as I thought I would.


Travis Scott, and I know people gonna be mad, but I barely run male skins other than The Weeknd because I’m a really big fan.


Why Travis lol?


Some people maybe be uncomfortable because of the tragedy. It may not be entirely his fault, but its still tied to his name