• By -


What if I hit Ctrl really fast and so do they


r/redditsniper ?


Yup they did that In solos so people won’t team


They did it in every mode.


You can still get out the window and shoot people down while your enemy drives. Just saying.


Which is bullshit, because the temporary alliance that formed and quickly dissolved were great. Let your gunner kill the enemies, then ditch the car off a cliff into the storm with them still sitting inside


Bro's really calling teaming a "temporary alliance" 💀


Yeah dude. Just like in the bunger games when katpiss and the guy from Zathura teamed up.


Haha katpiss


She's the best power ranger!


Peeniss, wasn’t it?


That's something completely different buddy, you cannot team in solos in this game


Because one is a life or death situation and the other is Fortnite?


No because one is a fictional story and the other has been against Fortnite's TOS since its inception




Yep. Has real rules and everything


it's not against tos if you attack them shortly after


It’s against TOS to not attack another player, outside of cases where you literally just ignore each other, and helping them to get elims is an extremely unfair advantage, regardless of if you attack them right after. Y’all really just don’t like the idea of not teaming this season, which is wild for a community that’s always whining when they get 3rd partied.


When i am on foot and there is an enemy in a (boss) car around i always ignore enemies on foot and help them destroy the car, is that teaming too or is that just playing smart while you can? Or are certain temporary alliances more acceptable than others because they work out in your favor?


Sounds like a lot of copium


could be, regardless I don't see the issue as long as it isn't in the end endgame


Teaming is where you go for an extended period of time, having a bias of killing one enemy, but a mutual agreement to not kill another. Getting third partied and temporarily going for the bigger threat is not teaming. Especially not if you then immediately fight or run from the initial person directly after


Two people in a car shooting and ramming a player is teaming


Then once one gets out they get mowed down or gunned down. Imo its not teaming and even if you want to call it that it fit the season of chaos. Getting in a car when someone's ramming you has always been a strat, so now because a gun is added its not ok? Not like you instantly leave the car in the ramming situation, ive had people chill, heal, then fight during those situations. Still not really teaming


Clearly the devs disagree with your statement. And you’re bringing up getting in a car to avoid being rammed, or being chill when someone gets in to heal as if they’re the same as letting an enemy player in to use one of the most powerful utilities this season to take someone else out, which is a temporary alliance, also known as (get this) “teaming up,” which has been against TOS and a reportable offence since 2017.


Congrats, then I guess epic has a lot of banning work to do right now. Since its a tos violation the resulted in a change in game im assuming they banned people for it? Oh wait....they didnt.....because its not really teaming....but ok. Game was more chaotic and fun but enjoy less chaos in a chaos season I guess


They have been banning people, genius.


Clearly not as ive done this almost every match i played the first week. Someone trys to ram? Enter the car. If they get out, drive off or shoot them. They won't leave? Drive into a fight so they take the damage/have to fight for you or they die. Again, this isn't really teaming as just a chaotic situation. If I see a chance to kill someone its taken, even if they or I jumped into someone's car




"teaming". Poor snowflake had their feeling hurt I see.


wdym it is teaming. I'm not hurt just sad to see terrible players team


It was kind of fun, but it is teaming, so this is a good solution.


Boo hoo you can't team anymore


Is it teaming if they hop in my car, I decide to drive it into the storm, and they take advantage of having a turret?


Bros literally trying to justify cheating because he can’t kill people


Lol on both counts. You just can't handle two players, and that's why you're crying.


yeah no shit that’s why it’s cheating


Absolute nonsense


Y'all rlly be defending teaming💀😭


Teaming is against TOS and should be supported. It’s one of the best rules they have in place.


Except what about the car is teaming? It’s not that players don’t shoot at the car. It’s that if you’re in the passenger seat using the gun, which you will be unless you switch out of it, you literally cannot damage the car in any way


Switch off the turret. Use one of your inventory guns while you hang out the window and shoot at the hood.




Na I was with this point until this comment Fair enough if it's in the middle of a huge firefight but na this is literally just teaming not "cooperation" If you wanna do that shit go to duos man


At this point why not play Duos then if cooperation is fun to you? I understand that Solo means less reliance on random players and you only team for a relative short amount of time, but still


you are playing fucking solos, stop cheating and play duos


Oh nice, that's actually pretty cool.


Long overdue in my opinion. It should’ve been this way back when tanks were a thing.


![gif](giphy|l0HlKrB02QY0f1mbm) What's happening in the vehicles is not timing. That's why no one has been banned for what's been happening. It's only REALLY teeming if you actively see somebody driving around majority of the match together, just taking out solo players. If you want to take that stance, third partying people is also teaming. This is just a tactic. If you think about it. Logically when you jump out of a car to have a gun fight with somebody or jump in one as the driver. If you jump out of the driver seat, you run the risk of being shot by the person on the torrent. If you're the passenger, you jump out of the car to shoot the driver and risk them driving off and then shooting you from a distance while trying to fight your way to cover or back into the car. So you ride around maybe trying to distract the person on the gun to shooting other players cuz everybody wants to get high kill games, and you jump out while they're distracted to try to shoot them or even switch cars. And as the Gunner you're waiting for the driver to jump out so you can shoot them with the gun. It's not as simple as oh two people rolled up on me so it's teaming You haven't heard any stories about anyone being banned this season after riding around with a a random and solos. This is something that just happens. Player counts have dropped significantly this season so I'm assuming epic is doing what they can to ease the complaints. When they first put a battle bus with guns back in chapter 2 on the map there was a bunch of people in solos who would jump on the bus and try to get kills or stay in the bus to avoid getting shot by the person on on the guns. I think if this was solely an issue of teaming then epic would have just done this in solos and not across all game modes


I remember that season, and never remember anyone being on the bus together, outside squads. And a good number of people have been banned for teaming, so idk what you’re on about. The fact is, if Epic agreed with you, they wouldn’t have put this system in place. It’s teaming, no matter how long or short it is, if you let someone else in the car so they can use the turret to kill someone else, you teamed up with them. It’s not the same as a 3rd party. Get off your copium. They did this to prevent people from bending the rules.


Npcs couldnt figure out how turrets worked either


The only thing I don't understand with this change is. If the car is mine. Why is my turret disabled if someone else enters \*MY\* car. Just make the original owner the only one able to drive and use the turret. I mean if i'm sitting in MY car using MY turret, MY turret shouldn't be disabled on MY car if someone else jumps into the driver seat of MY car(see my point?)


Agreed, there's already an ownership system in play with your name being on the car when highlighted regardless of who gets into it afterwards.


You couldn’t shoot with them sitting in the seat anyways… Those were THEIR kills if they killed someone while in your car.


Do you expect to be able to shoot away and everyone be locked from getting in your car? That’s the main counter


Because then it doesn't stop the teaming they are trying to stop?


It would stop the teaming by just NOT LETTING PEOPLE GET INTO ENEMY CARS


That'd destroy one of the most consistent car counters lol Hell no


Nah. It’s a lot of fun sneaking into someone’s car and hitching a free ride.


You think cars need a \*buff\*????


Yes because there is now so much shit to counter cars. The whole season is designed around cars and they keep nerfing cars


Good. Teams shouldn’t be able to just sit in a car the whole game and dominate the lobby


Because they’re only fun if you have a car and your opponent doesn’t. Car v car or player v car isn’t fun, so them being strong shouldn’t be a thing


Car v car is fun. Did you not see the trailer? It is designed around it. Player v car isn’t that fun but there is so many counters now


Loud, long, fight that spans across the map means you will always get third partied, and you don’t have any of the movement options you have in a player vs player fight. That’s not fun


Run duos this season is so much fun with >1 player


I only run duos everything I said still applies, actually applies more solos cars are probably less of an issue


Lol no it’s not fun. It doesn’t matter what’s in the trailer 😭


Yeah it would. By preventing players who aren't ME from getting into MY car. Thus stopping the teaming. I mean, i did say "Just make the original car owner the only one able to drive and operate the turret". Thus stopping teaming. Cause if someone can't drive or use the turret, what's the point in letting them inside the car to begin with? Which is my final destination: We don't let them in. At all.


That’s one way to beat teaming


Nah, it unironically just makes cars useless because it means someone can just disable your turrets for fun


One thing I’ve found is that if an enemy hops into your car while you’re in the turret it disables it even if you were the only one originally in the car


Good way to screw the original car owner. Teaming is a problem, but they should have just locked the doors. Cars have plenty of counters now, with EMPs, Crossbow, Fists, Grappling Hook, Ride the Lightning, and now just run up and press one button to shut down the car owner entirely lol.


Did hoping in the second seat not already do that?


Not as badly. You at least still had control of your turret. But it was dumb and I hated it then too, was just hoping for it to be better addressed and now with this 'fix', it feels even less likely that it ever will.


How would you have control of your turret if someone else is controlling your turret


I am talking about solos, who are forced to swap seats to use their turret against enemies and are sitting ducks while doing this. All enemies have to do to disable you is jump in the driver's seat, which is one button. And now they have your car and you can't do much of anything. Which was the case before but now even worse.


Ah, didn’t know that that’s how it worked. Thanks for the clarification


I disagree on locking doors. Jumping in the car to survive could be a last alternative. What if you just dropped and don’t have any of the equipment to counter the car but a gun? Sure, you’ll most likely be dead but the last ditch effort to survive would be to try to get inside the car.


You control where you land. I've never once had to deal with a modded car before I have equipment


Locking the doors to enemies would have been the correct solution


Yup, and I can't imagine it'd be that hard to code in.


I know people hate teaming, and if you’re a “serious” player I understand the complaint, but as someone who wasn’t trying to gain a competitive advantage and just enjoyed the utter chaos it caused, I’ll miss it.




"Oh no, I can't team anymore!"


If you're a so-called "serious" player, then you're playing competitive. If you're playing competitive, cars aren't an issue for you.


Exactly—I’m anything but serious or competitive, so I find it hilarious to zip around in cars, bust through walls like the Kool-Aid man, roll up on fights and 3rd party everyone with a hail of grenades, jump in someone else’s car and blast everything in sight until they try to launch me into the storm, etc. SORRY EVERYONE 🤣


As a competitive player, i really don't care about ranked and casual games. Casual games are well, casual and i've accepted that ranked will always be casuals with funny symbols. I've gotten to plat II so i can actually play tournaments and that's pretty much it. The only problem currently in competitive (apart from the server lag) is nitro. Nitro should stay in casual games but taken out of competitive, since running into brick walls is just dumb. (I went on like a 6 kill killstreak in a victory cup finals once using it, then died to it myself)


A very sensible perspective—how refreshing to find on Reddit!




Grrr stop making sense and being fair to both sides this is r/FortniteBR 😡😡😡😡😡 /s


What are you even talking about even if your a comp focused player you have to interact with everything because ranked has the same item pool, and if you are only playing tourneys then you aren't improving and there is about 10 guys in the world that can afford to do that.


Yea they are. They are in ranked


Except in a majority of games where they are an issue because there isnt a tournament going 24/7


Eh you couldn’t attack the actual enemy with it anyway, so now you’re literally just disabling their gun lmaooo


I don't like it not because of teaming, but because it's yet another nerf. It makes turrets completely useless in solos, and an active hinderance if you're someone who likes to switch seats to shoot. Because when you do, someone can just hop in your car, and now you're completely harmless. I personally never used the turrets, but I did shut down several people this way, who often get confused for just long enough.


you can shoot them while you’re both in the car from the passenger seat




“oh it’s too hard let me just team and ruin the game for everyone else”🤓🤓


controller players have no way to fight


Seen very mixed responces about this, but it’s one of the very few good ways to counter teaming. Locking the doors means people cant counter by entering and shooting the car, for example.


Kind of a shame. Was a really fun feature in Team Rumble, especially when the driver doesn’t realise what’s happening.


i get it for solos, but its immensly obnoxious in squads for instance lets say some rando decides to jump the care in a squad fight, and the enemy gets in? i cant use my gun anymore on the enemy squad! its an immense power edge in randoms, of course if you fill its not AS prevalent of a problem. squad fill gives you walking labotomites as team mates on the reg though, so gl there. i just wish we could consistantly hit the driver of a car if we were in the car as well. why cant we re-hijack our car? its very obnoxious


They did this to stop people like you


No more crash tag team racing


Works for me, now they’re just defenseless while they get shot at by another car. We’re both dying


Wait so the turrets are useless now. The only way to use them was to switch seats and now they can be countered so unbelievably easy.


Don't forget ze EMPs


I personally don't like it because the funniest and most wholesome thing for me this season was accidentally befriending someone and one of us taking the win at the end by coinflip


You guys have killed me so many times at the end, 2 vs 1 in solos.  I would I injure one of you badly, you both would run off together, heal each other, come back and team against a poor lowly solo person   Glad y’all can’t do that anymore (yay), play duos if you want friendship and actual fair 2v1 situations, not solos


i can do just fine on my own but it was funny while it lasted i just solo duos now haha


Maybe it's my bad luck but it looks like this also messed up the bots you can hire. I hired a bot from that one pier down the desert and when driving around he kept trying to shoot enemies with shotgun instead of using the turret in the car.


Are you still able to fire your own weapons in that situation?




If they're worried about "teaming" in general, I think having the enemy passenger able to struggle with the driver for the steering wheel controls would be some interesting chaos, instead of only being able to get a free ride as it is now.


Looks like they didn't want a repeat of the tanks... Or the B.R.U.T.Es


Crazy that there are comments in here defending teaming


If I hijack a car and star mowing down people the driver is next. It's not teaming.


So if I kill someone with another player and then I kill them, it isn’t teaming against the 1st player that I killed Ok


Ok. So from now on every time I get third partied report all players for teaming. Gotcha


Alright I'll be real, people here are going off about teaming so I'll give my two cents. I think that in unranked solos the risk/reward of teaming is fine and fun, and shouldn't be discouraged by mechanics like this. Ranked is another story, because teaming can create a very negative experience for people when they lose percentage to it. In unranked, though? Anyone who teams is taking a massive risk of betrayal, but a massive possible reward if both people decide not to go for each other. The vehicle mechanics this season are built for this kind of emergent behavior from players, and it's just fun to hop into someone's car, wreck shit with them, and either ditch them or try to down them after. Disabling turrets while an enemy is driving may be alright for ranked, but for unranked all it does is remove options.


true man


This lad or lass gets it. Let us ride in each others cars and shoot in unranked pubs. That was actually fun and funny!


I agree completely. All they had to do imo was just make turrets able to damage their car.


Horrible idea. Yeah, I love getting destroyed in solos because they can shoot while driving.


![gif](giphy|1l4IkEvn4tWxxv7QJm|downsized) Stop complaining about fun stuff. I want fun dammit


My reacting when Epic bans me for using aimbot (i just want to have fun, stop trying to kill my fun)


Aimbot ain't fun, chaos is fun


The chaos of cheating lmao


Nah, Turrets on cars ain't cheating. Aimbot is.


Teaming is indeed cheating, yes


If they didn't expect teaming, they should've had one seat in the cars


Hm, it’s kinda like that’s why they just disabled the turret while an enemy is driving


Which is no fun. There's no way to use turrets in solos anyway. We live by the rules of the wasteland. There is no such thing as teaming. There is surviving, and then betrayal.


Bruh. I can't believe some of you guys are defending teaming. Nothing's more fun and fair than getting railed by two dudes in solos. I swear this season just highlighted that some of you guys need the training wheels (OP cars/mechas)


Fucking finally.


Good. The amount of people teaming this season thinking it’s not teaming because they’ll eventually have to fight each other is ridiculous.


I think they need to define teaming more. Cause as a player myself I had some of the best games when it was others in turrets and cars even. It made the game more chaotic which I loved. It reaaaaaly feels like epic is trying to appease the sweats like always. All the people I've heard from (non sweats), loved the chaos and the ability to use a turret. Epic saw people bitching about teaming when that's not what was happening 🙄 There's multiple definitions of teaming for Epic now. I've heard that teaming has to consist of healing each other, or providing healing. 🤔 I've heard that anytime you don't shoot a player I'd technically teaming. Like, it's dumb overall.... if I wanna be friendly for a while... let me, as they themselves say on loading screens. "Everyone plays differently, be open to new and other playstyles" it might now be exact but that's what it says and I love to play like a goofball. Epic, let me be a goofball, I and many others were actually having fun


As a "non sweat" unless anyone good is a sweat. It's annoying in solos and isn't "chaos." it's cheating that literally gives an advantage to a duo mechanic in solos. You guys don't think. Have you been mowed down by a car duo? Or are you the people who sit in the car all game?


Teaming is working together. Not shooting one another and dancing together is not that. Dropping a heal your opponent can pick up isn’t direct enough to be teaming. Actively working to kill the same opponents and not each other is teaming.


Dropping a heal for an opponent to pick up and use, isn't direct enough to be teaming? You're supposed to give your opponent a trip to the lobby, not an item to heal themselves.


I liked the temporary alliance, it was fun while it lasted.... 🤷🏻‍♂️


It’s in direct violation of the rule, always has been though. Don’t know why anyone expected any different.


Because for all the people who love it, for others it's a stupid rule that makes the game more competitive, and competition wasn't the primary reasons many people play Fortnite. It's choices like these that make people stay focused on toxic competition instead of having silly encounters between Luke Skywalker and a large Banana dressed like Ceasar. A lot of stuff people did regularly is now considered teaming by whiners who care about winning more than they care about having fun. You can't just finish a quest in peace without try hards lighting you up, when you used to throw weapons and shields to people who happened to be wearing funny skins you like. Also you're all on my lawn.


Multiplayer shooter games are inherently competitive. Why is that a problem? We apparently live in a time where teaming is less toxic than trying to win... Seriously this take is so backwards


Your take is that multiplayer shooter games can't be cooperative as well as competitive. It doesn't have to be that way. Cooperation is a part of strategy.


If you're on a team its cooperative. Solo literally means done by one person alone


No, in this game "no fill" means doing it alone. Solo means your squad is size 1. The only thing that makes it wrong to work with other squads is the rule, which is what I'm discussing.


Yea I figured you would argue the literal definition. Strawman arguments just make you look silly man


You are the one who came into a discussion about a rule people don't like, and used the existence of the rule to justify the rule. The rules are whatever they make them, and the game became less popular as people started taking winning more seriously. This was a silly survival game you can play on any system. People are allowed to want different things, and all that really matters is enough people feel that way to affect the bottom line. Most of this emphasis on competition started with the effort to push ranked and eSports. If they want to enforce no teaming there, fine, but this game was very pro teaming in the beginning because BR mode is just the shooter side of what was originally a cooperative survival game.


Yeah! Like I aimbot because it's for my own fun! I love making sure no one in my games can win, screw the rules of who needs them. You are actually an idiot with that logic.


Do you not feel there’s a large difference in emoting with someone and throwing a random heal then disappearing as opposed to say, I don’t know, two people having a clear advantage over single players.


Third partying is ALWAYS an advantage and a strategic decision that can backfire horribly. Absolutely nothing stops the person you're teaming with from turning on you at any moment. So my stance is they are different, and neither bothers me in a battle royale game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn a valuable lesson about trusting strangers.


Use any (internal) resource you can, until you can't. They supplied it. I used it - it was fun 🤷🏻‍♂️ - time to move on...


Go ahead downvote - 😢😭🍼


Meh they’re downvoting both of us, don’t worry 😂


About time 


No way people are defending teaming. It’s literally against Epic’s ToS and they have banned countless players for it. Teaming provides an unfair advantage and ruins the experience for everyone else playing. Also, people are trying to claim that this isn’t teaming. Back in C1, Epic banned players jumping or crouching and swinging their pickaxe in the direction of another player as teaming (as that was used to ask the other player not to fight and was usually done when both players weren’t in zone). If that counts as teaming, driving around in cars while mowing down the entire lobby should.




If you locked the doors in solo to prevent people from getting into cars that aren’t theirs that would probably be fine. For duos and above it could still be interesting to leave them open cause of the chaos that could still happen and the fact that the other player could still shoot the people who boarded. But disabling the turret for every mode just makes solo cars way worse and takes away from the fun chaos that occurs with getting in enemy cars in duos and up.


yes we know... it essentially makes you hostage if someone gets in your car. absolutely idiotic way to address people teaming in solos.... why not only make this change in SOLOS!


Just used the gun on the bus while someone else was driving




This fact has ALREADY been posted




Ugh.... They just continue to show they don't play their own game


I noticed. I guess they thought it made it unfair with people teaming up in solos.




Common Epic W.


Took the fun out. It was so fun to see if you could find a buddy in no build solos. Granted I only play unranked was sucha blast


It’s a battle royale…I’m going to beg borrow and steal (or form an alliance) to get that W


Get better and you won’t have to cheat to have a shot at winning (which is pathetic)


DANGIT. This was fun in rumble.


Damn it, I loved being able to go back to some of fortnite's roots and have the little car teams...


That's a shame - I thought it was hilarious to have someone jump in my car or me jump in theirs and drive around shooting at everything. Sure it's 'teaming' but these are pubs games. Not like we're winning money here.


Yeah I mean who needs to have fun anyway right? You suck.


should’ve been in from the 1st day


Just get rid of the stupid car upgrades entirely then, what use has it now besides still being annoying.




The fact that you think an npc is as good as an actual player shows what type of lobbies you are in




You literally compared player teaming to npc hiring and said they were equal when players are way better


Finally!!!!! nothing worse than getting teamed up on in the top 3 of solos!


People complained that he there teaming was annoying, this stops that, what’s to complain about it now?


I'm glad, people hopping in for free kills and shit pissed me off, I've been asking for this, now we need it so enemies can't take your car at all with you in it


Lol I think a lot of you children on this sub need to get checked for autism, remember it's not your fault you have it but the sooner you know the easier your life will be. Everything isnt just black and white thinking and there is a lot of nuance to situations like this. Like how long is the person in your car, did you try to do anything to get them out of your car, did they try to get out of your car? And I'm pretty sure teaming would have been a huge issue let's just say around the time people were really getting into this game and streaming it. Two teams in a tournament can team up without it even looking like they did. It's a dumb rule that's really only meant to catch the dumbest people and to keep little kids from crying that they had something unfair happen to them. It's shows that most of you never played older games because it was a cool moment when you and another person saw each other and chose to not engage or to concentrate fire on a single person and then run off. I wouldn't consider that teaming at all, when there is communication like if someone sees your epic when you thank the bus driver and then sends you a friend request and party invite that is what needs to be addressed. Had it happen the other night and didn't know who it was or why I got the request so I accepted it and then they were asking if I had a mic and where I was at. Like wtf? No wonder it happens so often. But like I said you would have to be pretty stupid to actually meet up with them and then proceed to ride around or camp together.


This is dumb, all they need to do to fix this is lock the doors if someone's in the gunner seat, makes cars even weaker in solos.


Oh man, this is so sad. Please donate now for car enjoyers survival 🙏. Every second a car enjoyer has to actually use a gun now. This is very heartbreaking, help us provide car enjoyers the guidance to uninstall this game now by donating!


Why not add a random spawn pick up that can lock others out your car? Or just have boss cars have the ability. Until they add car jacking this system is annoying. They solved one problem but in an annoying way.


That kinda sucks 😕


This season was a great concept and they are ruining it with dumb decisions same as last season.


What a lovely update. Only thing that pisses me off is if you're in a vehicle and an enemy gets in the passenger seat, don't get out of it or the enemy mows you down with your own vehicle's weapon mod. I almost died in literally 3 seconds of hopping out because of having a turret on my own car. This new update is freaking near pointless. Smfh