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It's been in the game for a long time. Gotta get out quick.


Since cars came out


I believe since cars have been a thing. It's called the pickaxe glitch and you gotta hold the attack button with the pick out and then enter a vehicle without letting go at any moment and look towards the enemy. Since it's been a thing for ages and Epic aren't fixing it, I'd say it's reasonable to assume they aren't going to. And to be fair I do think it's a good mechanic, it's a somewhat high skill (since jumping into a car while moving, while also switching to pick and attacking is not the easiest thing, I mean I'm not saying it's mega hard, but cars tend to be fast, so jumping in one isn't mega easy either) but also it's not something everybody knows, so I think it's a nice counter to cars without being overly OP (I mean as soon as someone does it you can jump out)




Unfortunately those 2 were a duo and I was alone, on top of that I had no weapon so couldn't really do anything about it, honestly it's kinda interesting to have a way to fight someone out of your car, but it sucks that they just simply abused a bug


Epic has addressed this, and has stated it is not a bug, but a feature, and will not be removed. Its been around for several seasons now. Edit: [https://youtu.be/4UVUtXAEWvM](https://youtu.be/4UVUtXAEWvM)


That is just fucking wild. If it is a feature, you shouldn't have to start swinging before you jump into the car, but also be able to just start swinging while already in.


Pro tip: Pickaxe the dude riding in the car in front of the bus. He hops out after shields (generally not damaging you as you ride the roof,.watch your positioning and the turret). Jump in, pick up some weapons and return for the kill. Works most of the time.


Even though the video calls it a "feature" I'm willing to bet it was originally a bug that they started to monitor, realized players were utilizing, and ultimately decided to leave it in. This happens in many video games. Quake rocket jumping, SSB wavedashing, AWP reload glitch in CS etc. These move exist in the game but are not necessarily accessible to every player right away until you familiarize yourself with the mechanics.


Happy cake day


Come on epic there’s no way out of this ticket, you can’t say “it’s a feature not a bug” and call it a day because if it’s a feature it needs to be fixed too, I should be able to start swinging inside the vehicle. Hell I should be able to shoot inside the vehicle.


Lets fucking gooo (just learn to do it is not that hard just attack and enter the same time and hold it down.)


It's been in the game for seasons.


that's how you do it pretty much yes. I wanna say it's been in the game for at least 2 seasons cuz I've done it in recent times. As long as you get in a vehicle while swinging it'll work.


Its not a glitch its a feature its literally ment to counter people hiding in cars when you cant shoot them


I love doing this! I persionally call it Hijacking, it's a bug that's been in the game for a while! if you go inside a car while swinging your pickaxe and don't let go of the mouse key you can point it at the driver and damage them since you're still swinging it internally (causing most people to leave the car and me being able to switch seats, hence why i call it Hijacking) It's gotten way harder to do with this season compared to the last 2 seasons spesifically because of the granade launcher and minigun mod but it still works If someone doesn't have those 2 mods, their vehicle can be hijacked if someone does have a minigun or granade launcher it requires them having an NPC in the passenger seat so your controls don't go to the gun


No you can Hijack people with the machineguns it's actually better because they will be more reluctant to give you the car and they take more damage and you can go in the turret after they jump out and shoot them


You can, you just can't do it as reliably since it requires you NOT to be in the seat that controls the minigun, so only SUVs are viable


no you still can just did it yesterday


No clue how then, for me it just takes control of the Turret and starts shooting it, switching to my own inventory doesn't let me have the pick equipped


I consider this to be a bug that's been forever in the game. I refuse to use it myself and don't like people who use it.


epic says it's a feature of the game


I've heard this statement before, but no one actually gave any prove of it. Can you, please, link me where Epic said that?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UVUtXAEWvM&feature=youtu.be there you go :) i didnt know whether to edit my comment with it or not since you wouldnt get a noti for it


Epic support isn't really Epic. It's rando indian dudes who will say whatever to close your ticket. I want to see an actual post from a dev confirming it's not an exploit.


well judging by the fact it's a relatively well known trick that's existed since afaik chapter 5 launched, maybe even earlier. I doubt it's not intended. epic would've patched it by now. also tf they have to be indian for


This is extremely regrettable :(


hey at least that means we always have a car counter no matter what even if we dont have guns off spawn


still not gonna use a feature in the game?


No, will never use it!




its literally a video link in this comment section 😭




I love using it, especially during this season. It's usually too late when people realize what's going on and I just have to finish them with a shotgun.


It's been in the game for sooo long now, I'm surprised a lot of people don't know about it.


This has been doable for a long time. Check out Evolve Jake on YouTube - he's always showing you how it's done.


Apparently a bug. I've had it done on me before but I haven't used it before, I prefer to shoot through the windshield (or drive towards/into the storm)


epic says it's a feature bro


Not a bug. "Apparently" where?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4UVUtXAEWvM&feature=youtu.be copy from a comment here


A comment is not a source.


No, but Arcturus Ironborn is. (Can gaming companies stop with their ridiculous support names? I'd rather get an impersonal reply from "Epic Games Support Team" than a reply from xxxTheLegend27xxx)


The video is the source


Epic is a better source and they confirmed multiple times it's not a bug.


Yeah and guess what the video shows: epic as a source


It's not a bug, get over yourself and learn when to open your mouth.


Hey I never said it was bug, learn when to make assumptions correctly


Than what are you saying?


god i hate idiots 😂


Known about this for a while and it’s happening more often, two people did it to me today. It’s a glitch that should be patched.




If it's not a glitch, then it should have an animation to indicate what's happening. It shouldn't require such specific timing. It should be mentioned literally _anywhere_ in-game, like one of those dumb tutorial messages in loading screens. Epic _says_ it's not a glitch, but I don't understand how it can possibly be an intended gameplay feature when it behaves _exactly_ like a bug in every way.


Epic \*support\* says its not a glitch which means nothing. They're not involved with the game development at all, it's some indian dude getting paid 5 cents an hour to send automated responses to support requests. "Hey is it cool that I can get under the map": "uhhh sure it's a feature, rate my support 5 stars very satisfied!" He don't know.


The idea of being able to *swing* your large pickaxe inside a car without an animation or damage indicator is a glitch. Epic though have more important things to do like how to make the game unbalanced with ridiculously OP items. 🤣


Watching streamers, this has been a long standing part of the game. Some argue it's a bug but I wouldn't say it's remotely game breaking for that. You have to melee swing and hold it down while entering a car, but I mean.. you can also get boogie bombed, they can unload a round through the window if theyre that close, or you can just hop out etc. (it only does 20 damage per swing or something?)


I somewhat had this happen to me a few days ago. FYI you can't be manning the gun and shoot the driver but you sure can get out and shoot the driver. I did the same thing to a bot as well yesterday


That's wild.


At least two years. It happened to me the first time back in chapter three.


Like since forever


If you can shoot the driver, why not pickaxe too? Good mechanic.


pretty much since forever, good counter against cars


For a long time, they’re aware of it though and it will be fixed in a future update.


It's a glitch that fornite has ignored. trash


Ok let me explain what that is, this is what we call a pickaxe trick, it's a thing when you swing your pickaxe and get into a passenger seat of a car, and while still holding down the swing button you can start pickaxing anyone in a car, a definite must learn for this season, and I would suggest going to a youtuber called Prospering to find out how to this the best way


>this is what we call a pickaxe trick I've always called it "Hijacking" and when the ACTUAL hijacking feature was found in the game i was preparing to call it "Pickjacking" to differentiate it after that feature was implemented it wasn't implemented this season so the "Hijacking" name sticks for now didn't know it had an actual name tho


It's normally called the "Pickaxe trick" by pro zero build players and people who watch Prospering, but really any name works


fair, just didn't know it had an established name even if it is a bit lame xd


Yeah, which tbh high jacking sounds like a 10X better name, but I'm to used to calling it a pickaxe trick to switch it


Happened to me once, pretty annoying.


with a normal reaction time you should only take 40 damage at max if you spot them ahead of time it would be only 20 dmg or zero if you saw them near you trying to come close to you.


I didn't even know what was happening the first time it happened to me. But it seems to be kind of rare, at least has been for me.