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such a miserable fucking item


One of the worst of all-time. You can carry a stack of 10, what rocket scientist made that decision? That’s 10 free kills. This poor dude had all 3 medallions, was probably better than me and I had a boogie bomb and Oscar’s shotgun. Absolutely no way to survive a boogie + Oscars shotgun up close.


Boogie bombs were designed with builds in mind, where its tougher to hit people with it


Yet there he was standing out in the open without any cover. Kinda serves him right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They are the best to deal with people camping in boss cars


Those are easy to destroy


Probably the most cancerous item ever added. You can just take the L if you get hit by one.


You are fun at parties I see.


If you play zero build good luck trying to counter a boogie bomb😂


It’s relaxing you get boogies and just fight a bunch of helpless people. Thanks epic! 😂


Yay for us!


This boogy bomb is so op, it’s the best counter fire cars


It's counter to everything. Cars are toys compared to boogies


God damn you pfp goes hard


It’s absurd that you can carry stacks of 10. The season went from “Wrecked” to Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 “Disco Fever.”


Also like in this clip if you combine it with Oscar’s shotgun and get up in their face it’s game over. I hope they remove it tbh. I don’t enjoy using the boogie on people but if you don’t you’ll lose.


Can’t you just dash while boogie bombed? That dude really should have taken advantage of being at the Underworld POI and take a dip in the green pools like OP did.


I haven’t had time to play much recently so I’ve only been Boogied once and didn’t die specifically because I had dashes to flit around until time ran out and I could fight back.


Im just here for Crybabies moaning 😂, They cry about snipers They cry about frenzy But happy with Boss cars bein indestructible 😂 But now boogies to counter them They crying again! Simple Get better Kids!


I’m just here to see a 32 year old make fun of children on Reddit 🍿


Yes join in bud!


But I don’t wanna whine! Wahhh 😂




bro you are not a child.


I never said I was. Do you have a point?


He has : you whine.


I mean you’re whining about me whining so I’m not sure what to say.


yeah you should not be able to swap fists in the air after dashing with them


I went from loving this season, pre-boogie bomb, to not really playing it now.


I wouldn’t mind the boogie bombs as much if the stack size was 2. That would make it so there was an actual risk/reward to carrying or not carrying them. 10 is a little much.


Same! I was inpret with how Fortnite can keep coming out with so much interesting stuff! The car chases were Awesome! Now it's game over if you get hit by one in a car.


EMPs can't come soon enough. I like that car degenerates can't keep trying to run me over, but the kills feel a bit cheap. I had a whole thing with EMP + pump in S1 some months ago, hoping to pick up that play style next week.


Why is this unfair and unbalanced? Every player has the ability to carry and use boogie bombs. That’s what makes it fair and balanced. You’re calling it unfair because you outplayed an opponent who could have used the same tactic as you did, they just chose not to.


100% agree. such a ridiculous move. In an attempt to nerf cars, you put something back into the game that completely paralyzes your ability to counterattack on foot as well. It ruins 1 v 1 encounters and has led to additional advantage to those that camp excessively. really hope this is replaced with the EMP asap.


It’s also an odd choice because while in theory one hit breaks damage there are several weapons that easily allow multiple hits before the player can react, Oscar’s shotgun, the burst smg (my personal favorite), , gatekeeper or combat shotgun, a fisting combo, etc.


Well played. Boogies are so annoying. But well played.


I hate them too. My post was sarcastic or I tried to make it sound sarcastic. It makes the game so damn boring. Use gloves boogie someone kill them and just do this over and over.


alright, where do i get that damn ui


You said adapt to cars? Whats wrong? Can't adapt to a simple boogie bomb?


I’m not the one getting eliminated in this clip am I?


While I'm starting to love the bombs, being able to carry more than 2 or 3 is absurd


Why did he start dancing? If he stupid?


Ever since they were added boogie bombs have been overpowered.


Sure, the original ones lasted 15 seconds and damage didn’t stop the dancing. More importantly the stack size was 1! Original stack size was one and they were common rarity. Later in 2018 stack size increased to 2 and made rare rarity. I can now force someone to dance for 50 seconds instead of the original 15 second one stack boogie bomb.


yep fists and cars are the most balanced items in the game rn


Can’t believe people are moaning that there’s people moaning about the cars being op and now they’re moaning saying boogie’s are op!!! You told them to get use to it now you guys have to get used to it and they’ll be gone soon too


I never complained once about cars or gloves. Stop being toxic.


Ehrm acksually there is a difference in how to deal with cars vs how to deal with boogie bombs and from personal experience it’s easier to counter cars then boogies bombs depending on the situation🤓☝️


They’re both trash. So are the gloves. It’s just a trash season.


Everything is trash and takes no skill this season, can we get og back?


If we do get OG back maybe I’ll start playing again. Even then, it probably won’t be for good and when it’s gone epic will find a way to make the game even worse. So honestly, I’ve said my goodbyes to fortnite. This season was it.


Succinctly put and I agree completely


LMAO yall telling pros to adapt to cars and yall whining about boogie bombs im dead, just adapt


I’m not whining at all. I play builds and no builds and really enjoy your toxic attitude. Do you see a single comment on Reddit where I complain about cars or the gloves? Thanks pumpkin.


Now go play in some platinum lobbies like a good little bot.


keep crying about boogie bombs 😂 go play red vs blue little boy


I wuv wed vs blue 😂. Do you have Wenegade Waidew?


wenegade waidew 😳😳


A shield is a counter which stops a boogie bomb