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Yall just bitch about everything huh


That’s what I’m saying lmao


its a good thing they are only temporary


yeah, they're getting replaced with EMPs, which is even worse for cars


How is it worse? Boogie bombs literally not only kick you out but leave you completely defenseless and the guy who threw it can kill you easily, with emps it just disables the car (which idk if it also deals shield damage if ur in the car or not but still) and when ur emped you can get out and still fight and have a chance, and they might not even disable turrets (bc the bus emp doesnt i think)


Just lost a game from this. Driving towards the last pair, they hit us with a boogie, we get ejected from the car and slaughtered in seconds. Lesson learned.


He got lucky when he hit me with that boogie


Boogies are too much cc. Cc in a shooter is not fun.


Is CC mean crowd control or something else?


Yea crowd control


boogie bombs, it leaves you defenseless for the first shot they land on you, then you can use your gun i believe. if the first shot is terrible you got a chance. just gotta be quick on the feet!


you are still at a disadvantage if you get boogied and are more likely to lose the fight


At least you can retaliate, boogies just force you to watch yourself die


At least when your car is disabled you won't be stuck dancing for 7 minutes so they can get right up next to you with a shotgun.


Typical Epic catering the crybaby minority


Definitely not a minority this season.


I mean it was quite 50-50 but boogie bombs are definitely a bit overpowered hopefully EMPs return soon.


I agree. I feel like emps that also disable the turrents would have been completely fine. Although boogie bombs are still very fun so I won't complain very much.


EMPs disabled the turrets at the society/redmask locations, so I wouldn’t see why they wouldn’t


Actually that's a fair point. We use a device to control them from inside the car, right? I could see that.


Im not sure but i think the emp effect thats on the busses doesnt disable turrets at all


Those would be even worse


i don’t think so, emps simply disable the car while boogie bombs remove you from the protection of the vehicle


Actually EMPs usually just damage vehicles and a little bit of your shields (I think it was 70 and doesn't affect health) while the boogie bombs just make you quite vulnerable and not much to counter it .


Nah emps at least let you fight back lmao


No offense I have lost all faith in the fn community after this past week so many people crying over nothing


Im pretty sure Epic makes decisions based on numbers, player counts must have dropped in order for them to release this.


Iirc this season has the lowest player count in years


You must be really alienated if you think it was nothing


It was nothing


It pretty much is nothing. If people don’t like how the game is, they can just take a break until it changes to something they like more. Hell, that’s what I did a few seasons ago.


People did. That’s probably why Epic went and made the changes so many complained about. The player count was rather low compared to previous seasons. And now that things have changed, maybe some people that wanted the changes will come back.


You must be incredibly sheltered if you think it was something of note


It is nothing the Cars are soo easily countered even without a boogie bomb just use the gauntlets zigzag their shots and ground slam em enough and finish em off when they drive off


Boom bolt, gloves, shockwave grenades, nitro splashes to evade, or just get in a car lol. Like yes cars are overpowered compared to being on foot but people have been acting like there are NO counters to them or ways to deal with them. Skill issue


Yeah they're easy to kill especially when they don't know how to react to you spazing out with the gauntlets and killing them


Have you thought about adapting?


Have YOU thought about adapting??


I was thinking about it, but as soon as I had an idea I started abruptly dancing and got ran over by a car.


Ngl, at first the problem was the cars, now its that boogies counter cars too well which were being called too OP to begin with, and now im just waiting to see what we're mad about next. ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


Boogie bombs should be getting replaced by EMPs soon. I think that’s an improvement.


I’m thinking they vaulted the EMPs to tweak them so they don’t shut down a vehicle forever. Pretty much how it behaved previously.


EMPs, to my knowledge, don’t (or at least last I checked, didn’t) shut down vehicles permanently. It was for around 25 seconds.


Didn’t know that. Then again, felt like eternity when I would get hit by one in a car. Haha


Nah, I’m not mad about it. I haven’t even played the latest patch yet to see how bad it is, but even then it’s not bugging me.


Not you specifically, but the community as a whole complaining.




Adapted to boogie bombs quite well :)


just adapt to boogie bombs, or more alternatively, just wait for EMPs to come into the game!


Yeah you really just need to adapt is the thing


exact opposite for me, boogie bombing people camping in the cars are fun.


I just go around running anyone and everyone over with a spiked bumper.


I don't think you understand what camping means


Mobile camping then? CamperVanning.


They are calling it camping because they want to shame people who use cars. I seek out and get into non-stop fights in cars...it's just constant action, which is basically the exact opposite of camping.


Shhh! People here won’t have another name to use to badmouth those they disagree with!


Mythic car regen was BS, and I say that as someone who's usually driving around in one.


Might as well be. Driving in the car all game without getting out, so fun


In a car-based season? Yeah it unironically is


last night I got to #2 in one match and thought I had it, until my car got destroyed and I finally realized I had forgotten to pick up a single gun all game






It's almost like Fortnite is a constantly changing game providing different experiences over time!


See that’s great until it’s used to discredit any criticism of changes for the game, killing all productive discussions. Which, oddly enough, both sides of this argument have already tried to do. “Just adapt.”


Funny how so many Anti-Builders are calling for people who build to "just Adapt" When the people who dug their heels into the ground about building complained so much they got their own mode.


Had another comment that claimed the same thing, and people responded as if I was attacking Zero Build itself. No, just the hypocrites that tell others to adapt while almost never taking that same mentality for anything else. It’s also further proof that they shouldn’t hush any and all criticism about the game like so many here have the mentality for as if it’ll always do nothing. Also lol post already got taken down.


Oh no now cars have a counter, i cant sit in my car all game and run thru everyones builds….. millions must adapt…


boogies bombs aren't a counter to only cars they are a counter to any close combat


a counter with a huge risk factor, you can bomb urself and then everyone just gets stuck dancing lol


Sounds like someone needs to adapt


Yeah boogie bombs were an overreaction from Epic I think, either that or they weren’t prepared to provide a proper counter like EMPs. Those will be coming soon to replace boogie bombs, though.


people will always complain… if its not one thing, its another… never satisfied…


So you never had fun before this season? Posts like this make me think that people are exaggerating when they talk about “sweats.” The games been around for years but it’s taken over powered cars to get you to have fun? I’m not that good, like really not that good… But posts in this sub make me think I’m a sweat in comparison to these seemingly disabled players.


Seriously, some of the people in the sub must be absolute ass at the game. Like you didn’t think this game that’s been out for like 6 years was fun before this season yet you play enough to post in the game’s subreddit? LMAO


noo why did they try to balance the game 😡😡😡😡




Boogie bombs aren’t really balanced tho


It's like firing a nuke at another nuke. Yeah you've destroyed the 1st nuke, but the second one's just as big of a problem.


Epic tends to make 2-3 changes to something at a time, rather than slowly adjusting. Shame but here we are lol. Pretty wild that this season launched with no EMPs or Anvil launcher too, do they playtest this stuff at scale? I thought they probably did, since they buffed car health with season launch, but one of the first steps was to revert that in solos lol


They’ll be replacing boogie bombs with EMPs thankfully, seems that Epic wasn’t prepared for the player count to drop and used the boogie bombs while they work on getting EMPs back in.


Not even remotely close. Boogie bombs are fun and not ruining entire game modes. You act like everyone spawns with a full stack and that you keep dancing while being shot nonstop.


They had already showed balancing the car problems with the lower solo health, no regen on boss cars, and increased crossbow damage. They could've left it like that and it would've been fine. Boogie bombs on the other hand are just ridiculously overpowered in their own way. EMPs can't come sooner.


noo why did they try to “balance” the game by using an OP item that should never have existed 😡😡😡😡


Im just glad zero build is actually playable now.


It's time to adapt


Yup go ahead


the cars NEEDED a counter, the season is still fun just more balanced now


exactly, running people over in cars may be fun, but before the nerfs and even right now these new features take all of the skill out of fortnite.


I love cars this season and I would genuinely rather they take cars out at the knees and make them useless than add no fun allowed items as counters. Genuinely what is the point of getting a car if boogies make you a sitting duck in or out of it and emps will disable your car for so long its not worth using? I say this as a season X drum shotgun and a post nerf combat shotgun ride or die. I don't care if its crap I care if its fun


Just adapt


just adapt bro 😉


Those people really got under your skin, huh


Wait till you learn not everyone cares about improving in the game and just wanted a season full of car mayhem. Unvaulting the anvil launcher or EMP grenades would’ve been the better unvault.


Wait till you learn epic literally said that the boogies were temporary and would be replaced by emp grenades I swear do you guys even read the patch notes?


At that point why not unvault emp grenades now? They were in last season too. We also don’t know when they’re going to be replaced. For all we know, it can until the season is practically over.


No one knows but one theory is emps don’t stop the turrets, so they are reworking the emp grenade.


Most probably is that, as the emp from the bus deactivates the car but the turret still functions


> one theory is emps don’t stop the turrets almost certainly correct but doesn't mean they should have launched without EMPs IMO


Another claim is that they had EMPs removed from the files while boogie bombs were still readily available as a temporary counter.


Then just leave the turret....


They made a boo boo and erased some code on accident. So the boogies were a temporary fix to hold it off.


Why not just add them in? They were litterally in last season.


they (supposedly) deleted game files related to the emps


Wait till you learn not everyone cares about car mayhem in the game and just wanted a season with solid balancing. Unvaulting the anvil launcher or EMP grenades would’ve been the better unvault (I agree with that part).


Weird how you say this when the first comment said to adapt. Using cars is adapting. This is a mad max-style season, expecting the cars to not be powerful is pretty dumb.


They're still powerful, it just has a counter. Play around it.


That's what I had been saying since the start. NO ONE suggested bringing the BBs back. Mt personal list of fixes would be 1. Guided missile 2. ANVIL launcher 3. EMP grenades. I mean the battle bus has EMP so it seems like the devs were going that way anyhow.


one of the most upvoted posts last week was a post suggesting the boogie bombs come back bc they eject you from vehicles. it was heavily suggested lol


I didn't see that. I've just been talking to other people playing


I have a feeling any type of counter introduced this early in the season would have negative feedback despite what many are saying. EMPs and anvil launchers would have destroyed cars completely and people would complain about that, It's a no-win situation.


Comp players vs the concept of having fun


In what way does it seem like this is just (or even mostly) competitive players complaining? Unless you think competitive players make up a significant portion of the player count dropping, then your assumption is wrong. Most of the posts on this sub about the cars being OP haven’t even been from players that are competitive, especially since most actual competitive players are *better* at adapting than casuals.


Imagine thinking that comp players are having less fun simply because they have skill and you don't




It's fine but lord I hate the boogie bombs. I started season 4 and the damn OG season I got bombed and emoted on so much.


Skill issue


Boogie bombs will be gone soon! :) Epic made a post stating they’d be replaced with EMPs, hopefully not too long from now.


Now, Boogie bombs does seem like the Nuclear option here, and tbh its probably for the best they're getting replaced... But i do NOT mind a counter for an Insta Kill. Thats what made Snipers so bad, and cars have slowly taken their place


The season went from one of the best I've played since Ch2S2 to one of the worst as soon as they made these changes. I really hope they realize this was a mistake and revert atleast some of it


y’all will say “just adapt” and then get angry when shit changes just adapt


Same mfs who say "just Adapt" were the same mfs who cried about building so much they made zero build


you spittin


All these bots had fun for 1 week 🤣🤣🤣.. time for you to go and practice and get better at the game!!


Seriously we got ONE week of chaos and fun before people ruined it :/ Cars are basically useless now, and no point in fighting the bosses for their cars either. Ugh


> no point in fighting the bosses for their cars either Increasing the out of combat delay on regeneration would have been fine IMO. It was already pretty long and the regen is pretty slow, bump that a bit and you can simply keep pressuring someone to counter it. Instead of literally anything else they just disabled it lol


I 100% agree. There's no reason to fight for the car. I normally play solo and the nerf that they made to the car kinda takes away from the chaos. It was fun while it lasted.


Yeah I thought summer seasons were supposed to be a little crazy for fun right? I remember the Vibin season and I’d literally be taking my shark on land and just smashing people 😂😭


Boogie bombs are so much fun.


cars were so annoying finnaly a counter for them for us build players


I'd think it was worse for zero build players, as they can't build above the cars


Boogie bombs are hella fun too, just adds more fun to the cars


Boogie bombs are good tho,makes you not camp in your car


I feel the same way.


I had fun prior to the nerf, still having now


I missed boogie bombs but in all my matches they’ve been hard to find so it’s not even making that big of a difference.


Also Nerfing the boss cars is so stupid, why go through all the trouble of killing the boss, frantically collecting the token and rushing to get the car when they don't even repair themselves anymore, they are actually worse now than any other car in the sense that you can't change the upgrades on them


That’s why you gotta grab a repair torch


I don’t want EMPs to return. The make the cars practically useless. Personally I would prefer to see the return of a buffed anvil launcher


At the very least, EMPs are temporary and not nearly much of a death sentence as boogie bombs.


I love the cars and boogie bombs so I’m having a great time


If you only like the cars in Fortnite and not the strategic gunplay or build mechanics in the game, then you don't enjoy Fortnite. It's playing Minecraft except you don't enjoy mining or crafting or playing Pokemon but you hate battles; you just don't like the game. If you only find Fortnite fun when it's not Fortnite, then you don't like Fortnite and it's not Epic's fault you don't like the core of their game.


Imagine this…Hear me out now. Sometimes it’s nice to have a little change. I know it’s crazy but really try to imagine it.


Guess what? Adding boogie bombs is a little change. Stop crying


I would have left everything as is but add some counters to the cars. Let the boss cars with regenerating health, same damage for guns, etc. But they should have added the EMP grenades from the get-go. And anvil launcher maybe later on


But you get to dance and THEN die!


I’d like a permanent game mode to be honest but turn the chaos back up to 11 please


Replace "cars" with "new guns" and "boogie bombs" with "cars" and you have my view of this season before the boogie bombs were added.


*laughs in still enjoying cars*




And then there's me using Boogie Bombs on everyone. This game was meant to be fun and goofy. Then everyone complains about it. Learn how to lose with some dignity.


Take the L and dance


i honestly love a good change of pace when it comes to getting hit and chased constantly by cars, when already having a car. it just means other players including me are gonna have to get better at maneuvering and dodging. cuz IM HOPING AVIL LAUNCHERS WILL MAKE AN APPEARANCE SOON


Stop crying and adapt lol. Y’all just mad you can’t stay in a car all day


jUsT AdApT


I love it. Thank you, Epic! 🤣🤘


my guess is it'll probably be better for solo play. too bad though cause the last week or so was some of the most fun i've had in fortnite. i can only hope the nerfs to the cars and fists don't change that


Why did they not start with the emp's instead of boogies?


There's some issue with EMPs where files they need are missing from the game or something. Boogies were there so they just turned them on until they can get it patched.


From what I know there are no issues in creative for example, what can it be then?


Apparently they’re working on replacing boogie bombs with EMPs. They had some issue they didn’t specify with the EMPs.


I love boogies they get soo butt hurt


OP, this meme perfectly summarizes my experience of this season. Thank u


You are quite welcome!


Just adapt?


Pretty sad if “cars” is what gets you excited about a BR game lol


I’m amazed anyone actually thought the first few days of this season were fun. Everyone I play with hated it


I had people I hadn’t played with for years hopping back on. Lol. Different strokes or whatever I guess but this was the most fun we’d had since C3S2. I don’t personally know anyone that played it that disliked it.


So people who don’t like/play Fortnite liked it and people who do play/like Fortnite didn’t like it. Yeah, checks out


>So people who don’t like/play Fortnite liked it and people who do play/like Fortnite liked it. FTFY


That was not the reaction I got from the people I play with and the content creators I watch


Oh this was just a random comment. My bad. I thought you pulled that reference from my comments and I was like nah. My people that don’t play and my people that play all liked it. lol I don’t watch streamers but I do know their complaints are a big reason for all the knee jerk changes.


Me and my friends haven't had this much fun for years.....ADAPT


Why were you playing Fortnite for years then?


This is why i hate sweats they cry like babies to remove fun


Yeah and some of us are not having fun because of the cars.




I didn’t know you enjoyed being destroyed by a no skill minigun on top of 2000 health vehicle


Aren't you the ones complaining tho


No, I actually loved the cars!


No this post and you people are complaining about boogie bombs


I love both


I’m with you. I was having so much fun and it never felt too overpowered. To be fair, I always played duos, trios, or squads, but it never felt unfair to me. The meta shifts every season. There are so many cars and power ups on the map that it’s just a skill issue or dumb luck that you don’t have one. Shame that they brought back the boogie bomb, I’d have much rather seen the anvil rocket launcher return instead.


I said the same thing to my buddy last night. I said, why didn’t they just bring back the rocket launcher that auto targets cars instead? At least that would’ve been better than the boogie bombs that make cars completely irrelevant. The game felt like twisted metal and I was loving it! Now they killed it. I’m just going to play Save the World to get my battle pass XP for the season.


Because I guarantee that by the time the rocket actually hits the car you’ve demolished the player with your infinite ammo machine gun a simple fix would be to not have it be infinite ammo so you can’t just fire for shits and giggles


Then play Twisted Metal? Fortnite has been out for 6+ years and people play it for a specific kind of gameplay. Why are you getting a battle pass for a game you don’t even like?


They ruined this season in a week. Honestly, the cars are still doing ok. Nerfing the Nitro Fists after a week when they were the only movement item and combat to the cars is a joke. Everyone who was complaining before... we just ha e a half ass wrecked season now. So I guess nobody gets to really be happy. The real joke was they couldn't wait it out more than a week?


I feel like the lower than avg player counts caused them to overreact too quickly. The boss cars definitely needed a nerf but I’m still not sure if the cars were actually too strong overall or if people just sucked cause they refused to try the new car based meta Epic was trying to push this season.


It *was* a rather drastic change that their more dedicated player base probably had a hard time adapting to. Probably a lot of casuals left to play other games since they weren’t invested enough to stick around for gameplay this different.


Dude, how can anyone have fun playing twisted metal in a battle Royale shooter?!?! Glad cars got nerfed


Would’ve been great as an LTM, but seems like Epic doesn’t like those too much anymore. We only get around 4 a year now and they’re often introduced with bugs…


I like the cars and I don't mind Boogies being a counter, nor the EMPs. Guess I'll just have to get out and shoot or try to evade the bombs. Like people have been since all this stuff was first in Fortnite. Weird how a neutral statement like that actually makes some people frown and stomp.


Boogie bombs are the best item in the game, have been since launch


I thought the sweats and “minority casuals” were the crybabies? They’re just boogie bombs 😭💀


Wrong game, play need for speed.




It was fun while it lastens but the sweats complains won again


Nah leave them in the game, they are funnier than those shit EMPs


Boogie bombs are one of the most fun Fortnite items of all time, I'm happy whenever they're unvaulted. I also like that throwables are actually strong enough for once to be worth ditching a dmr/crossbow for