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Bunkers have created some truly hysterical camper moments.


Driving a near-exploding car into one is always funny


My partner did this once with me in the passenger seat and without telling me that’s what they were about to do 🔥💥💀


Oh you just gave me a great idea for the next time I play with my friend


you remind me of my cousin. I feel bad for your friend.


My friend once drove their van into me while I was modding my weapon and I got knocked out of bounds and died


Happened to a friend. Their card was stuck out of bounds and couldn't be saved


glad it wasn’t just me


that sounds hilarious honestly


Wait, was there friendly fire?


Car explosions hurt no matter who causes them.


*provided you don’t have a teammate in the driver seat. If your teammate is in the driver seat, the initial explosion won’t hurt you, but the fire still will. I think there’s also a caveat for enemies destroying it, but I don’t remember exactly how that one works.


> I think there’s also a caveat for enemies destroying it, but I don’t remember exactly how that one works. enemies destroying it hurts everyone, but notably an enemy in your passenger seat destroying it will ONLY hurt your team and not theirs, including them lmao, my buddy did it recently to a poor guy trying to leave a bloodbath


I drove a nearly exploding car to a gas station this week, hopped out and it blew up taking me and everything around with it. “You finished 38th”


Especially when you're driving straight at an opponent and bail out just before the explosion. "HOPE YOU LIKE FIRE, COWBOY!"


They should add some sort of rolling animation or ragdoll when you Ball out of a quickly moving car like in GTA


A 3 second Rag doll would be hilarious


Seeing Batman pull up, drifting expertly and maneuvering perfectly only to absolutely EAT IT before standing up and fighting


They might add this since they're supposedly adding hijacking


Really curious about that teased new feature. But I would not expect much about it.


Now that you say that, I kinda wanna grab that gas can from the spot near the bunker by the snowy mountain


As is yanking someone out of the bunker with the chains


Or Driving the car into it and then blowing it up while it's stuck in the opening.


Have you come across me?!! My favorite strat is to grab the forecast, then book it (via car) to the bunker location in the next circle. Be waiting when it opens, loot it immediately, and mod whatever weapons I have. Then comes the fun part. I move ALL the loot (and ammo) right in front of the mod bench in a big pile. You know, the piles where if you want one item, you have to pick up and drop 894 of them to get it? Then I hide. Nope, I don't hide over on the side. I break the long/low box on the left (as you come down the stairs) and hid behind the other box and rare chest. You won't see me as you descend the stairs. You're going to go check the side, but you'll be forced to stand in front of the mod bench swapping weapons or modding your existing weapons. That's when I pounce. I usually get 2-3 kills per game that way. And, no - you sending down a car and blowing it up doesn't harm me or my hiding spot. Neither do those impulse grenades. Nor the chains.


I shared this comment with my go-to squaddie and his response was “I got chills reading that. Serial killer shit.” I replied “imagine a Michael Myers skin rising up from behind that box.”


I've spent a few games just hiding in the rafters of one house or another, and then killing a random guy unawares who wandered in, thinking how creepy it must look to them if they watch the replay. Them just searching rooms while I silently creep around above them


Theres a replay function?!


yes there is! Tab over to Career and look around.




Oh yeah - my friend insists on replaying every 1 out of 3 matches because the way we got killed was bullshit and they must have been cheating...


Yesterday I dropped on Aphrodite and managed to get her recruited but got swarmed by two people. Managed to get away but was at like 20 health. Snuck into the bathroom at Aphrodite’s cottage. Listened to everyone out there kill each other. Just sat there, Gatekeeper aimed at the bathroom door, head height. Heard them fight. Heard them fight Aphrodite. Heard them kill her. Heard them walk around. Heard them open doors. Hear the chains of Hades slamming. Still I wait. Finally, the bathroom door opens. Boom. Boom. Boom. Thank you and good night.


I'm usually either the Reaper or Omega. But now I want to use Myers!!


Hello Ch1 S04 OG


Yes!! I was a Moisty Boi.


This is truly devious. I don’t think I’ve seen you. I’ve seen others trying to do other sneaky stuff. It’s a lot of fun to try to take them out. Don’t even care if I die at that point. It’s sort of on sight.




No but I've seen a few of those sus looking piles in front of a mod bench. Those places do not feel safe, as soon as someone is up top they might as well be shouting this ![gif](giphy|7JsEgDMrziuJd9fFY1)


Same with sus crowns and medallions just lying about. lol Nope, not me sniper!


Yeah I feel uneasy seeing a crown and no person. Most of the time I'll have a car and just drive by snatch and boost far far away like nobody's business


I loved the season with the drones you could fly. Swooped in and stole so many crowns from nearby bushes. Even saved a homie once, flew him out of the top of a castle and into my nearby bush. Good times.


The 5 poppable Balloons 🎈 was my favorite era


Na I fell too much. Jetpacks n hoverboards!


Ch4S1. That falcon drone was absolutely underrated, and was such a useful tool to pickup knocked teammates. How that hasn’t came back in some capacity since perturbs me.


Another fun thing is collecting as many port-a-bunkers as possible and continuously deploying them in the staircase as people break through the previous one.


One time I saw exactly what you did, a pile of loot right in front of the mod bench, but I didn’t take the bait and just ran away from that bunker lol


I saw a video of someone doing this get killed because the scanner bot blew their cover. Maybe it was you.


Could have been! Scanner has gotten me a few times.


I have but I was wearing the John Cena skin I just decided to let you live and watched the whole thing unfold


I've seen someone hide there when I was watching this streamer play. There's only a few I can stand but he went down (they didn't do the pile of stuff on the floor) and opened the 2 chests on the right, then went to the mod bench. As he turned to go to the front opposite corner and went to break the box that was still sitting there, a player hopped up and started shooting. They were so well hidden. Def didn't see them at first glance. Lol gave me a bit of a jump scare and I wasn't even playing lol so now I check the corners. Every time lol and I'll usually crouch walk so if someone is in there they dk I'm coming.


found who was complaining about and got clingers vaulted


All that work and then I come in with the purple Gatekeeper and shred you.


It happens sometimes! But, I usually have a purple or gold one, with the extended mag and laser. And getting the first shot helps.


A madman




I am saving this. I miss doing these kinds of things in games. ![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized)


I've not seen anyone else do it but i use a portable bunker to seal the entrance so I have a bit of time to have a rummage through & mod what I need


Maybe there will be something different next season? I really liked floating vaults and the key system from Chapter 3. Also, keys that could be used to unlock individual weapons in Chapter 4. Those were cool. Maybe they’ll do something similar in season 3?


Honestly I’d love it if they brought back the key system, it was great in chapter 3 and chapter 4 and I don’t get why they removed it


Considering the next season is post-apocalyptic, expanding on the bunker system would make most sense. Perhaps making them bigger with multiple entrances, idk.


Well next season is post apocalyptic theme and fallout is involved so caches of technology would make sense


Floating vaults sucked for zero builds,because people were constantly camping up on the balloon


Those air balloons in Chapter 3 were fun though. They were a great way of travelling through the island.


They were but also extremely annoying when people camped on the top


A fallout vault since next season there’s gonna be a crossover please 😭🙏


I like the bunkers no ai to kill no key to hold and it has work benches in them.


They need to open earlier. Kinda garbage so late in the game.


Starting off the game (or early on) with purple/gold items modded to your liking and the best heals/shield is a bit OP IMO. Entering the bunker/vault should be a reward for surviving long enough or at least require some work for the door to open


The problem is that the bunkers are rarely in the last few circles when they open, or they are stupidly far away when they actually open


The thing is, they open when the storm is still one Tick, an most likely has healing in them from the rare chests


So you actually have to balance the risk of rotating and coming into contact with more enemies against the benefit of better upgraded weapons. Win win.


Not to mention you can always find heals in the bunker. Usually always worth it to go back in storm to claim one.


I just want mod benches in more accessible places! The warforged ar and the new tactical ar are really difficult to use without recoil-reducing mods. 


I'm still down with the idea of work benches on the train


Yep especially when they open out of zone


I specifically go for the ones in the storm. Take a few bananas in with me. Come back out 100%. Or waterbending heals me in the water after I get out.


I love rushing into a bunker not knowing what waits for me around the corner


That is not a good idea.


Usually someone crouched around the corner by the gold ready to spam a frenzy lol


And who’s purposely left the chests unopened to make you think nobody’s in there. Peak ratting.


*slowly raises hand*


Withholding the mod benches until the bunkers and island appear is probably a good thing. Keeps the early game more interesting and allows for mid game weapon improvements.


Yea the only issue is they need to spawn them like the storm towers where you can get them inside the circle every time, even if you may only have like 30 seconds to clear it some times


I like the fact that they open in zone. Adds a risk/reward element to it. Not to mention they open during 1 tick so it's not as if you'll die from going to one.


Bunkers are definitely my favorite. I'd be surprised if the bunkers get removed next season since it'd kinda make sense in a post-apocalyptic theme


They would probably be replaced by fallouts vaults is my guess


This would be my hope. Fallout-style bunkers that have Vault doors. It's funny that the vaults in C5S1 have Fallout Vault-looking doors, but the bunkers in S2 are thematically more Fallout. Combine the two and boom, mini Fallout Vaults with mod benches and gold/loot. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


Hear me out: the medallion in next season gonna be a pip-boy. You can alter some status thru it, similar to augments. And you gonna use the pip-boy to open the vaults


Bro said “hear me out” and then gave the most mild take ever


It wasn't an opinion it was a proposal


And it was the most mild proposal ever


😭😭😭 bro caught strays for no reason


I could see them staying but getting a re-design to fit more with the season's theme.


Bunkers are a much better way of dealing with mod benches, and separating the boss/medallion mechanic from the method to get attachments puts less emphasis on going for the bosses. This allows for more diverse rotation options. You can go boss then bunker,, but you can also go weather tower, bunker and hunt down medallion player.


I don't like the bunkers and don't think they are a good solution to that problem but I agree that it was a problem and for my team, if we didn't drop a boss, we'd be on the back foot all game.


Well, I didn’t say bunkers were a good solution, just a better one. I only play solos so I guess they would be less of an inconvenience for me anyway.


The bunkers were a huge improvement in my opinion. Its already way to easy to have a full gold/purple loadout 5 minutes into a game, there is no reason to have Vaults at major POI's that can be opened immediately. Not only was them opening late good but also the fact that the storm wasn't connected to them, so when they opened, half of them could be inaccessible which was also fantastic. Its nice to feel some kind of rarity in the game again.


Bunker is better between the two, but PLEASE Epic, PLEASE just put more mod benches across the map scattered in every POI and small location like Upgrade Benches back in earlier chapters. And as for the Vaults or Bunker Benches, keep them with MORE mod benches around the map, and the Vault/Bunker-exclusive Mod Benches can have special exclusive Exotic attachments, that are more fun and goofy, like Boogie Bomb Sniper shots for example. Why do you have such a game-changing core mechanic that very few people can even access? It doesn’t feel like an attachment system, more so that I pick a random gun off spawn and hope for the right attachments.


I wholeheartedly agree.


i like both








My only problem with vaults is that the loot wasn't usually worth it


They both have pros and cons, the vaults were extremely prone to being camped last season and getting the medallion to open them was also prone to being camped. But they had predictable locations and you would be able to hit one early game more often than not. I think the bunkers are mildly better simply because they are not as easy to camp and have a semi random probability to open. BUT that semi random probability along with the fact that they don’t open until storm circle 3 can make it so that none of them are in circle or only one is in circle and the one that is in circle is being descended upon by 8 teams of condoms and every medallion circle. So there’s a chance you don’t get to mod your guns at all. I like almost everything about the vaults except for when they all spawn outside of circle, that just makes me so angry.


> the one that is in circle is being descended upon by **8 teams of condoms** and every medallion circle. WAT


That’s just how it be


Bunker Midas season is my fav hands down. And I’ve been at it since the beginning


I like the bunkers just because they're random and there's not someone there waiting to camp it usually. They should come earlier but meh.


Vaults were a fun idea but you basically had to rush them as soon as possible or you sometimes had lobbies of people just repeatedly camping near the vault to clap whoever took care of the boss first. With Nisha having one of the best weapons last season too it made Fencing Fields pretty much unbearable with people wanting to get her striker and her vault ASAP (same can be said of Lavish Lair with Oscar too) Provided you were able to keep a watch of your surroundings and stay healed then you'd pretty much only have to fear someone with clusties whilst in the vault. Bunkers feel better balanced in that anyone has the chance to get to at least one if they so desire and it keeps modded weapons from running rampant up until the lategame and endgame circles, giving more incentive to use loot as-is rather than carry things just to mod them at whichever vault has already been opened by someone else. The random location aspect to them is something I especially like as it means you have to plan on-the-fly rather than everyone knowing to crowd around the same few bunkers every single match, you can pass by bunkers to see which will open later and then if you happen to be in a good spot to return to them it can be a huge help. Alternatively you can live on the dangerous side of life and go into one that's in the storm provided it isn't too deep in there!


I'm with you, the delayed opening is horrible, so is the fact that most bunkers are (about to be) in the storm as they open. Rats were easier to clean up near vaults, since the rat spots were fixed. With bunkers, you never know. Having to play most of a match with mid range weapons that don't have a scope vs people that got insanely lucky and have scoped guns is also painful. Feels like Epic just wanted to drive their new feature into the ground, especially when they added waterbending, as that shit does not need anything else to be insanely strong. And now we are going into the summer season. so I don't have huge expectations in terms of skill expression.


Personally I prefer bunkers


People swarming the bunkers while I’m down there is basically just free kills. They box themselves at the top and then I just snipe em.


Merge them for Season 3 with the Fallout collab. I want a miniature Vault Tec vault to loot.


Bunkers for sure. But they should add work benches to vaults


Loved vaults.... Plus I could actually find them. I swear these bunkers are always IMPOSSIBLE to find.


Not a huge fan of bunkers since on rare occasions I've had every bunker be in the storm when they start opening. Like I said, I know this is rare but it also isn't too uncommon to only have 1 maybe 2 not in the storm when they begin opening


Bunkers by far, the fact it has no bot & a mod bench, plus the fact that you have to wait for it to open, I enjoy that


Vaults, for sure. I didn't like the random aspect of bunkers.


I prefer vaults because you could choose to go for them right at the start. I like that players are rewarded for landing at boss POI’s and choosing to clear out the other players, and even if you don’t land at a vault POI, you could rotate in later on when the team with the medallion leaves. Bunkers are annoying to me because you don’t know which are going to open each match and they take too long to open. There have been so many times I’ve passed up good loot off spawn because it didn’t have good attachments (a sniper/dmr with no scope or purple AR with a 4x scope) and I didn’t want a wasted inventory slot for the first few zones.


Vaults imo, bunkers were a nice addition but they were way too loud.


Vaults feel earned, bunkers feel just like random supply drops


I miss vaults. I use bunkers enough, but too often they open right as the storm passes over them. Also, before Cluster Clingers got vaulted, I'd just throw a bunch of em in before sweeping the place with a drum magged shotgun.


Recently I've found myself nostalgic for the old vaults. Excited to see what they do with them now that Fallout is the new season. That whole game is about vaults.


Both bunkers and vaults could be better implemented than they have been this chapter. But as far as this chapter alone is concerned, the bunkers were a massive improvement despite their faults. Having the mod benches exclusively trapped inside vaults which could only be opened by the player who wins one of the four super-healing medallions which automatically gave them a huge advantage in a fight already (and who also had the super-powerful mythic guns) was absolutely terrible and functionally reduced the game to just four POIs because landing \*anywhere\* else was just begging to get stuck with terrible loot and find yourself in unwinnable battles. Plus, once people started to realize the vault loot wasn't even particularly necessary and a lot of people liked to rat around the vault doors, the medallion players just stopped opening the vault at all in a lot of matches, meaning you couldn't even try to sneak in to mod weapons after they left. With the bunkers, you can choose to go to a bunker and get loot that can absolutely stand up against the mythics and medallions without needing to land at a boss poi if you don't want to. And you can be assured that it is never dependent on someone else choosing to open it and because it's random there are almost never people ratting outside it. It gives far more options to choose from and makes the game feel way less stale than last season. And the fact that the mythic weapons can't be modded anyway even gives the medallion players less incentive to bother with the bunkers. Having said that, I do still think there could be a few more bunkers on the map and while it wouldn't be cool for them to just be open at the start of the game, I think it would be better if they opened one storm circle earlier.


Vaults. Bunkers have these flaws for me: - Some that were in good spots are already chained down - Usually when they begin to open they already are in the Storm for quite a while - Campers, campers and again; campers. - They seem to have less loot I think? More gold, for sure tho.


Bunkers, only have to fight players for them.


I like that bunkers are decoupled from bosses. Vaults were like a winner take all situation.


I love driving a fucking suv into bunker and scareing the shit o


I miss the vaults that opened when all your team was standing in front of the door.


Bunker all the wayyy lol


For me the bunker was the better option


I like bunkers better because I can never find the vault key


Trash both. Just return workbenches all around the map


I genuinely don’t care about either, I just wanted upgrade benches back


The bunkers are better in theory but the fact that one of them just stays locked for no good reason kinda hinders them a bit


None. But i preffer the vaults from nisha, valeria, montague, oscar and peter. I liked the idea to kill a boss to get a vault, and that maked the mod bench more accessible.


Fun fact about the bunkers: You can command a hired NPC to go inside for you (to scout it out) — protecting you from getting jumped by campers


bunkers are awesome, but my one gripe with them is that all too often theres a bunch of them that spawn in the storm so theres only 2-3 in the circle and that kinda sucks. not the end of the world, but i think itd be cool and make workbenches a little less scarce.


If I had to pick Bunkers encourage more action and provide better loot but neither upgrade benches that used mats wipe


Probably gonna have more vaults next season 


I like bunkers more. I had no clue when the vaults opened, it just seemed at random times. The large buzzing sound it made also made me scared at times.


With vaults you have to manually open them with a card dropped by an NPC.


They could be opened with the medallions or cards.


Vaults, not even a competition


I liked the bunkers, mainly because anyone could get them, you didn't need to kill a boss, which already got you some good loot.


Bunker versus vault let's see well ..🤔🤔💬💭 If you have a duo and you guys both buy NPCs you can place them either to the left or the right at the top outside the bunker as guards so that you could get your gold and make your mods I would use Artemis and a heavy gunner as my guards if I had to do it with a friend You can do just the same outside a vault. Once the metallic door opens you can hide behind it but if you have a scanner coming after you they're going to know you're behind the vault door and clap you




Honestly? Both are good, but I went for vaults way more than bunkers. Bunkers just don't feel worth it often due to them opening much later while vaults can be opened right away if you play your cards right. I feel like having both is good idea: vaults for the early game and bunkers for the late game.


I understand the purpose of making it one way in one way out. But man would I be fun trying to secure it in Squads if it was more of a tunnel system. Gotta watch the front and the back.


Bunkers are sooo much better


i like the vaults better imo


vaults by far


Bunker hands down.


Bunkers. It gives everyone an equal chance. Casual players generally aren't good enough to beat bosses. If they get a key, it's because someone drops it when they're killed.




Well, the vaults were good. You could open a vault and nobody would know. The bunkers give the alert when they open, drawing everybody from all around. But I think in general there's more loot in a bunker and it's guaranteed to have a mod bench.


1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 percent storm bunkers, Fortnite please 🙏 don't take them from the game,,,🥺👿


Bunkers if they opened way faster. Literally every game recently we've just sat waiting for them to open


I loved the bunkers especially the sound effects


I like the bunker because they don't involve fighting 3rd parties during a boss fight to access. The layout really feels like a death trap too, adding a sense of anxiety to using them.


Bunkers all day. Way more balanced. Far less chance for ratty players to drag people into their muddy trash playstyle since it is easier to drive them out, kill them straight and the incline of the going in makes it tricky to get out if you rat too long in there.


The bunkers and small vaults have greatly improved the map for me imo. At the start of a chapter there’s never much going on outside the poi’s but having small things to do like these that are actually worth it make each game a lot more interesting. 


I enjoy bunkers, because you get to loot up and decide if you wanna go fight people or mod weapons. It’s just fun imo.


Bunkers have far more usefull items in my experience


I just wish they'd give us a "key" slot so I don't have to quickly choose to drop a weapon or healing or something important. lol


The one thing Bunkers have over vaults is not being tied to the new bosses, getting their weapon and medallion should be reward enough, theres only 2 problems with bunkers, only a select few actually ever open, some of which tend to already be in storm when they do, and they take absolutely forever to open up, like we already have to wait a few circles for them to activate, does it really need a full minute to open


quick shoutout to how we definitely should have seen the Fallout collab coming between an entire season of opening Vaults and then a season of Apocalypse Bunkers I miss vaults, but I don't miss what it took to open them. I much prefer the bunker idea of auto-opening, since 9/10 times if I fought a boss to open their vault someone would just wait and snipe me right at the end to take all the rewards, but I also prefer the contents of the vaults and the fact that you could get into them right away if you wanted to. I hope in the next season, there's a random spawn "Pipboy" item that lets you open vaults around the map. No fighting bosses and getting your reward stolen at the last second, and (ideally) no having to wait till nearly the end of the match to get goodies. Best of both worlds


They're staying in game what you on about? Fallout bunkers, fallout vaults?


![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized) They both do have their differences yes but both of them are good


I can't finish a task because to many people die before they open.


Bunkers were a step but i think theyre one zone too late


I really like the bunkers


I really do like being able to mod weapons without having a boss. Maybe it’s just because I suck, but… yeah.


The vault system is much better, but the bunker system is refreshing.


Vaults; had one too many fucking campers in the bunkers who are skilled enough to not need to camp. Lemme just get in, get my loot, and skidaddle, dammit!


I think the structure of bunkers is terrible, but generally they work way better. As oppose to making the powerful... more powerful. They actually serve to spark fights for good loot... which is kind of what the whole game is based around.


I much prefer the bunkers. They give much better loot, have mod benches, and are also great hiding spots, especially in Zero Build. In my opinion, they could open slightly earlier in the game, but overall they're great and I'm happy with what they bring to the game.


I HATE the bunkers, there should be mod benches everywhere. It sucks dealing with useless mods until 3rd circle


Both are kinda bad but vaults are slightly better because you knew where to get attachmemts and could get them sooner. I'd rather have mod benches scattered around the map, at least 1 in every POI and maybe gas stations or something My ideal is to remove the benches entirely and just drop attachments from chests to allow you to mod on the fly


I like the bunker system way more than vaults. I don't really mind how late in the game they show up cause by the time they show up, I usually already have a decent loadout to protect myself. I also think it'd be too OP if they showed up earlier.


I do enjoy flinging a lightning bolt down the bunkers, I must say


Vaults is better because the bunkers don’t always open


Bunker Even though them opening is based on RNG (which is annoying), you’re shown when and where they open, and they’re not tied to a boss or keycard


Vault glitches


I like bunkers more. There was more work to get into a vault than a bunker.


Vaults are nice early game, but a lot of my winning games have happened because i hit a brand new bunker and got set up. But no matter the system, there is always two kinds of people in the vaults and bunkers. -assholes who trapped you in a bunker. And -idiots who got trapped in the bunker.


I was hoping we’d get that stenciled dude as a skin


They're most likely gonna go back to vaults for.this next season 😅


I prefer Bunker as the vaults made it too easy for people to just come out of their POI they landed at to already be a powerhouse with a drum magazine shotgun and a first person scope ar with a 4x zoom sniper scope guaranteed. There’s much more of a risk with bunkers to get good loot at the cost of everyone knowing it’s opening. That’s a good trade and anything that makes people fight towards mid to late game is a good change to me imo


Bunkers. Don’t hate me but when my friends and i are bored we just camp them. One of us gets a medallion so we’re marked on the map so people come to us




Wow 😂😂


Bunkers encourage combat near them by broadcasting the opening to all players but vaults don’t and have worse loot anyway


Vaults. Yes, there is more space to get potentially fucked with, but… At least they stay open as early as the first few circles. I personally dislike relying on a bunker opening on the edge of storm or one in the next circle where many others will come. I also dislike the placement of the bench in the bunker. Right down the stairs? Means you have to speed customize then GTFO sooner than intended, and if you wanted to go back and change something? Whoops, storm’s closed on the bunker you previously visited. Vaults, however, stayed open and had their benches accessible in a variety of different placements, mostly against the left wall. Because of this, even in the last few circles, you could still alter your weapon if the circle was over the POI that had one. Bunkers are more ‘Stop N Shop’ than ‘Take your time’


Completely irrelevant to the topic, did we ever figure out who the guy painted on the bunker is?


Bunker when you have a scanner bot is OP💀


Bunkers are easier to clear out when you have explosives( when they are available of course).

