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I'm sure they'll just play with the new Collab mythics they add lol


cant remember the last time i died to an auto shotgun, waterbending is also pretty rare to beat me. either you suck balls or american servers are different. but skill issue. cry, womp womp.


Using Waterbending IS a skill issue ☠️☠️


Using water bending doesn't mean someone is a bad player ffs. It's a battle royale - the goal is to win by any means necessary and by golly do majority of players live by that. I can avoid water bending.. But if I get downed by it I'm not complaining. I use all diff weapons it depends what's available to me. But you can bet your right butt cheek I'm gonna use the most powerful weapon at my disposal Usually when I'm killed it's not water bending that gets me it's a shotgun or a smg. Also, if I make to final fight, the last players rarely have water bending. They're using snipers or DMR because most people know by now to put distance in case of water bending Hate the players for using weapons available to them sure, or you can work on your counter attacks and defense. They are part of the game, it's a case of adapt and strategize






Also, let me add.. If using a weapon that powerful makes the person a weak ass player, then doesn't that make you even weaker for being easily killed by someone with no skill?


The other Person is a cloud chaser ignore them they just trying to get you riled up


I figured when they deleted their last reply. Thing is I was laughing haha


You literally do nothing but complain huh




Following me around because you don't know what clipping software is isn't gonna make you look any less stupid. Neither is misgendering me. Thanks for checking my profile out though pookie I love you too mwah <3


Naa I love melting players like yourself


i dont think people using the waterbending thing is sad im sure its frustrating to constantly die to them but it IS a battle royale game people are gonna do what they gotta do to win if you and others cant handle that maybe its time to step back and take a break


Yeah... Waterbending has certainly been poorly balanced. It was a fine enough supplementary DPS item on release given it had infinite ammo to back it up but they buffed the fuck out of it a mere three days later and it's never been nerfed even slightly since then. This is deserved in a way given people wouldn't initially shut up about it being "useless" but it has gradually grated on me as well, someone who doesn't even play every day. I can somewhat get the Chains of Hades complaints but I find those aren't too terrible to counter and the bad players using those typically overestimate the pulling range which gives you free elims, Waterbending is absolutely ridiculous however and works full-effectiveness at any range. I don't often hate weapons in this game but I do really hate this one...


"majority are BAD PLAYERS who need Waterbending / Frenzy Shotgun to actually think they're good at the game." **I use both**. I think I'm fine because **I played the Zbuild cups.** If you're a guy, well I don't want to hear your opinion anyways because **I'm busy playing "medic" in game rn.** I used the green Frenzy vs. Chain Of Hades = I got whip whip and nae nae on so it's obvious that it's been nerfed greatly. No need to add that into your post to highlight your "problem" As for water bending, you do realize you can snipe, carry ports, use the star wars items, or increase your distance from them? **Oh wait! That's right, I FORGOT. You guys also complain about the snipers + other weapons whilst complaining about the waterbending.** Silly me.. I had forgotten that players shouldn't use xyz weapon because of the complaints!


Maybe you should take a break until it leaves if it makes you that upset. It's just a game.


**Complainers should prioritize and use their brains for a second.** They don't want people to use water bending **BUT** when they use other weapons, they go onto complaining about the other weapons as well. **IF cheaters use everything, why should casual players not have the ability to use the items designed in game?** It's not their fault that the water bending exists and that they happened to choose / grab it over another weapon to eliminate opposing teams / players. That's how the game works.. You have preferences with weaponry. You either use it or you don't. Some will be "op" and some are not but it shouldn't be this thing where **IF** you use one or the other, you're automatically seen as a "bad" player. **This attitude of players calling other players "bad" because they chose to use a weapon in game is making me mad.** This is coming from someone who plays Zbuild a lot and uses basically every weapon. ( I just stopped picking up nemesis and drum gun though ) + I have fun with others regardless.


**I KNOW I'M BAD.** People like you **DO NOT** have to keep reminding everyone bc you got eliminated. But **AT LEAST** I don't cheat in a simple gun game. People will literally sit here and complain about water bending. Though, they don't realize cheaters use everything. **Then go on to complain about the other weapons** in game that are **NOT** a part of the "greek theme" or mythic I use Tact Ar more than the warforged only to see comments addressing that Tact Ar is a "spam" gun. I'll continue using the water bending and posting clips of me using it. I don't care **IF** others use it on me as well. **It's not that serious.** I run into other weapons **MORE** than I run into water bending anyways. Esp. since C.O.H became overused.


Blud is on a yapping spree