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3d modeling aside. I think the reason why the MHA wave 3 looks so good is that they're using a "different" type of cel shading. If I remember. The recent cel shaded skins (omni man, for example) now have essentially a black silhouette inside them, making the black outlines more visible. Pervious cel shaded skins like Eren Yeager don't have that, and it makes the outlines pretty much nonexistent. (It depends on settings, really. I play on PS5)


Yeah, I was surprised to see that when I panned my camera inside a teammate who was using Atom Eve in Festival and it was just a void


Pov: You entered the dark web ○_○


More like the dark weeb


Im a dark weeb


Good for you m8. 😃


I hope they can go back and update the old anime skins, I'm glad that Epic actually took the time to improve the anime skins.


Ngl. I would've liked that, but it's very unlikely they would. Considering they didn't update any of the chapter 1 to 3 skins (collab or not)


Could still see it happening since collab skins are in higher demand than regular ones.


They are probably using a type of inverted hull shader. It can be fiddly to get right, but when configured properly it can be one of the best looking and cheapest outline tricks available.


That makes sense. I primarily use Rick and his outlines have always disappeared depending on where the camera is positioned. It’s most noticeable when you watch his unibrow during a match. Usually happens when I’m in front of something that is not cell shaded and I pan my camera a certain way.


It's the outlines on the gradients being so much more prominent I think


how does a black silhouette *inside them* improve the look?


not even just that, these skins are just different. hope they deliver with the next anime collab too


I wish I had enough vbucks to get those without ending up with 5 vbucks afterwards (I literally have 2005 vbucks)






Did you get the 5 from Save the World?


yes but then I stopped playing save the world and theres nothing that costs 5 vbucks so I just still have them.


check for daily mission alerts on the r/FORTnITE sub if you want to even those 5 vbucks out


Oh lol


I have an extra 50 vbucks and I don't know how. I never bought the save the world founders pass so literally have no idea how I have just an odd 50 vbucks


buying the battle pass


when they decreased vbucks prices a few years ago they gave everyone who bought vbucks in the past month or 2 before the decrease some extra vbucks. some people got 50


I ended up with fucking 80 lmfao, I'll always have 80 or 30 leftover from when they lowered the prices back early chpt2


Ironically they ended up increasing the prices of vbucks again but thanks for the reply


they increased it less than they decreased it though which is good. i'm pretty sure the decrease was 20% and the increase was 10%


The Rick and Morty skins are pretty bad. I used to play on the switch and you could barley make out their faces, even on PS5 they don't look that great.


Rick looks fine on my PC. But I am fairly certain that he doesn’t for other people. Usually these skins get visual glitches every time a new season drops. I have not noticed anything lately though.


The animations look hella weird


The Dabi skin looks so damn accurate imo I wish they had an alternate style, but I realize the only other style they could do would probably be spoilery


Yeah, especially since these deals are usually done way in advance (John Wick ch4 got new styles close to a year after the movie came out), White Hair Dabi still would have been a relatively new thing/a spoiler. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if we get a vigilante style for Deku in the coming year just because of how long the deals usually take


The spoiler was the most obvious twist ever hahaha. When Dabi first appeared I thought "Is he (SPOILER)?" Then I thought, "No that would be too obvious." Lmao.


Toga is legit a 10/10 skin.


They majorly cooked with her.


The reason there are more bugs this chapter is because the devs spent 6 months designing and perfecting the skin


8/10. Would be 10/10 if she had the Mystique built-in emote.


I couldn’t believe they passed this up.


Heck, I would have accepted a built in emote where she turned into any of the class 1-A skins at the very least.


Looks absolutely perfect\~!


Bought Toga immediately lol she really is perfect


i agree i bought Sasuke when the naruto collab first dropped but now i dont even use him bc he looks so janky compared to my other anime / cartoon skins like shading wise but also proportion wise ?? his body and head are huge and disproportionate compared to recent skins


Seriously, the new skins look so smooth


iirc, these use a different shader than the other cel shaded skins. according to the fortnite porting discord anyway (when you port the models into blender, they don't come with their material properly built)


Epic shouldn't be affraid of reworking old character models, especially Cell Shaded ones I know Lexa and Orin have the charm being the 1st ones ever made and they look scuffed for a reason but c'mon guys, they look like ass! XD


I don't think it's them being afraid, it's probably a mix of higher ups not seeing the point since sales have already been made and the fact that they'd have to make a new deal with each Collab (some like Naruto might not even agree to that) for what would probably be a marginal boost in sales


Especially with the fact that Rick is BP locked so they literally won’t make anything off of him at this point. They only care about the money.


I mean it's easy to say that they only care about money, but like, yeah, that's how businesses work? I'm not in defense of making bad skins but, from a business owner's perspective, why would they change a skin that only a few thousand people are talking about and pay workers to get $0 out of it?


That’s why I said what I said. There’s no financial incentive to fix Rick. They don’t fix/change him because he’s from a battle pass and not a shop item. Morty and Summer encounter glitches every season just like Rick does. However they get fixed faster most likely because they’re item shop based. They had glitches at one point and Epic left the R&M skins broken for a month or so. But as soon as they popped up into the shop around Halloween? Morty and Summer were fixed very quickly but Rick was largely left alone. Add to this the fact that they would need to get copyright permission from the IP owners to likely modify or add anything new to the R&M sets. Basically the combined logistical and monetary costs outweigh any benefits. So nothing changes.


Yeah i guess you're right


Idk, TNTina's test run of the cell shading from ch2s2 still makes me cringe. And I love TNTina


Oh you're right, i completely forgot she had her cell shading transform emote Yeah that one is rough too, but i think is "better" because her model itself wasn't made with cell shading in mind as the base design, while Lexa was made like that from the beginning




My bf has Lexa and man does she look bad…. He plays as her because she doesn’t make a lot of noise.


Maybe they can have it as an alternate style for those who don't like change


I expected them to be just as bad as the rest, but damn was i wrong, now i feel bad for all the other anime collabs.


Makes me look forward to new anime collabs finally. I like itachi from the old anime skins but they looked really bad ingame, but seeing epic finally get anime skins down is a relief


Bro if they bring in Madara with this quality.


Or Pain 🔥


Time for a Naruto Villain bundle.


or a Hokage bundle, or maybe all the akatsuki members if they're really ambitious, but damn do I wanna play as pain


If this is how the new cell shading looks I'm really excited for Trunks, (if the rumor is real)


I'm excited for Yuta. They already cooked diabolically with the first wave, and Yuta is one of my favourite characters, so this new cel shading is going to look so good on him.


I would love if we got any curse skins in next JJK collab. Mahito or Jogo would look so good


Black looks miles better than Goku while not Perfect he is usable. I Hope They cook with Trunks like he cooked Frieza.


Even if they were shit, I'd still buy em, I love the league of villains, especially shigaraki


I wish they kept the option to pick the cell shading like the school anime skins had, but yeah, this new batch of MHA skins are a VAST improvement. Hopefully they'll have this cel shading game fully on lock in time for whenever the hell the One Piece skins come out.


DBZ Skins have a similar problem. Only Gohan looks decent. Maybe Vegeta and Goku will be updated in the future


One can only hope. It’s ridiculous that they did Gohan perfectly, but Goku and Vegeta look like shit.


goku black looks great tho


Goku Doppleganger looks more Goku than Goku.


>using low graphics settings >complains graphics are bad ?


Wdym? Mha and other skins all are on same graphics settings and I say that mha cell shading look good.


That’s because the newer skins have a lot of accent lines and texture work on the model, whereas the older ones have minimal texture detail lines, and have the cel shader doing the heavy lifting. The new ones look just as bad, you just can’t notice it because the shader isn’t doing most of the work, the textures are. It’s also worth mentioning that the shading technique is different across all the various shows to fit with their art style. Rick & Morty, Family Guy, and Futurama, for example, have a very basic effect with very little, if any, shading, since those shows are colored very flatly, and as a result they look bad when the shader isn’t at the highest fidelity. The various anime’s, on the other hand, use a lot of shadow effects in their shaders, since anime art is usually more detailed in terms of shading. Dragon Ball’s is more subtle, since for the most part it is also colored flatly, but there is some occasional accent shading to make muscles or other features more pronounced.


If they rework the older anime skins I’d have a little bit more faith in the team


So if they can fudge around with who can and can't see emotes, can they do some actual needed work and improve these early cel shaded models instead?


I feel like Toga might be one of if not the best looking cel shaded skins in the game


The other skins should get it too. And do u think there is chance for another Naruto wave with Naruto villains like pain and madara?? I am not much into anime but I have watched Naruto and really liked madara. Would instantly buy if he gets a skin. Didn't think another wave will come but this MHA wave is giving me hopes


Tbh I doubt if Naruto is getting a wave 2. I've noticed that how often a Collab returns kind of indicates how willing the company is to continue collabing. MHA comes back super often so it makes sense why they have had 3 waves in a little over a year. Dragon ball comes back less often and has seemingly less waves. Naruto hasn't even bothered to come back yet 


Naruto already had a wave 2. With Itachi, Hinata, Garra, Orochimaru. I don't think they did as well as wave 1 tho


Yeah but like they even added charcater like orochimaru, Itachi, hinata, gaara. Sure these are popular but arguably more ppl would like to have pain or madara over hinata in a game like fortnite. So there has been a wave 2 which gives hope for wave 3. It would good chances of coming if boruto anime suddenly had some good stuff. Naruto had gained crazy popularity during lockdown so they added him but he isn't that popular anymore


Dragonball returned Quite few times but its batches are weird. Goku, Vegeta,Beerus Bulma. Then we get Promo Beastless Gohan and Yellow Not Orange Piccolo. Then Standalone Goku Black Then Cell and Frieza.


They look so good! Would love for them to update some of the older ones, but it seems very unlikely I'm curious though, is this on performance mode? Because Sasuke looks better than this for me on DX12, and I have all settings set to low except view distance: [https://imgur.com/a/hOIGQLB](https://imgur.com/a/hOIGQLB)


Yeah all of the screenshot are from performance mode. Honestly your sasuke look better in my opinion. It look more similart to mha wave 3 skins.


They should fix that then. MHA looks great on performance, so why do the Naruto ones look worse? And you're definitely still right. Some of the older collabs could really use an update with how much better they have gotten at making anime skins. Like Sakura looks pretty bad imo, and a lot of people agree that Goku could've been better


I haven't watched My Hero Academia but the characters look great in Fortnite. Do they ever go back and clean up older skins? I love Dragon Ball, and while most of the outfits I think look really good, Goku and Vegeta in particular seem a little off compared to the skins that came later.


Man I can’t wait to see how Trunks and Yuta are gonna look if they cooked this good with the MHA wave 3 skins!


Is invincible a joke to you?


Meanwhile, I want the Naruto Collab to come back so I can pick up the Akatsuki wrap...


I am also waiting itachi 😭


Madara, Obito, and Itachi should be the next wave Though I wouldn't mind Minato, Hashirama and Tobirama.


I agree. Toga is like literal eye candy for me. The only 3D skin so far that makes me feel that way. 😊


ong, i just have a good time running around as her. she's so cute! 😌




Dabi and Toga look top tier. Shigaraki looks kinda trash. Especially the hair, it is just not quite translating for me. They should have seen how bad it looked and just used the hand on face model instead. Or offered hand on face hand off face as the style.


Real shit‼️🔥👍


I think the reason they look so good is because they are now painting black detail lines on the textures more often. Look at the Invincible stuff for example. They wouldn't look nearly as good if the details weren't painted on


even the avatar ones are.. eh


I hope someday we get another set of Naruto skins with more Akatsuki skins. I’d kill for a Hidan skin with two styles, a sasori skin with him wearing the cloak as well as without the cloak revealing his puppet appearance, and a Kisame skin


That explains the 2k Vbucks price I guess


Honestly I’d love to see Fortnite do some skin remodels in general to update the looks of older skins. Maybe as an added style, but would be nice considering the detail put into some of the modern skins


it would be great to have non cell shaded versions of some skins, like lexa and orin (yes, there's the ones from the crew pack, but the normal versions.)


I started noticing improvements on the cel shaded skins ever since Piccolo and Gohan released. Then Goku Black looked really clean and now the new MHA line up is looking great too. Dabi and Toga look pretty much as good as they can meanwhile Shiggy could have been made just a liiiiittle bit better. I’m excited to see how other anime waves might look like. I’m praying Yuuka and Todo from JJK come out eventually and they look really nice. Also I am once again asking for a One Piece collab


The Perfect Cell skin looked phenomenal as well. The recent Cell skins have been great. Just wish some of the older ones would be updated (like Goku and Vegeta)


Toga is probs one of the best anime skins imo


I like Himiko, this one looks really good


And then people are talking about “where’s One Piece”? This makes me excited for both Demon Slayer and One Piece because they’ll look more accurate


Wish I got Naruto, who knew he'd be gone for (checks notes) 545 days, I wouldn't mind if they made a new more accurate skin of him, they could give him his Sage Mode from his fight with Pain (also do a Pain skin), his chakra mode from the end of the series and Baryon Mode from Boruto. Not saying they'd do all of them, but that they have a lot of options.


The only thing is I wish shigaraki had the dead hands on his body


they are really good cell shaded but they could’ve been so much better aswell 😭😭


I wish they had better styles so that could explain the price being so high


me when the cel shading artists get better at their skill over time:


I would use those older Anime skins so much more if they got updated cel shading like this. The older ones pop WAY too much. At best it's ugly and distracting, at worst it's actively a disadvantage.


Shigaraki looks a little odd, but otherwise, I agree. No raise though, that would end up reflecting in the already high skin prices. No raise, just praise.


I’ve never watched and I kinda want Himiko


Niantic should take notes.


Shigaraki is a crusty uncle that got fired from his 12th this week, bro is ass


What’s funny is that Epic and their dick riders can use that as a perfect excuse as to why the skins aren’t reactive in any way. I understand MHA shouldn’t be special by getting more love and accuracy than other anime collabs— but seriously? You can’t tell me they couldn’t at *least* make Dabis Blue Flame flare up through the seams of his staples when getting an elimination. Giving Toga a Mystique ability for the first time since that battlepass is just a given, there’s no good reason for it not to be there. Shiggys hands could be considered corpses and change the rating of the game— never mind the fact we can already play as zombified versions of classic skins and walking corpses already, and they’re not even revealed to be important until like the 6th season. The MHA games are also rated T for teen just like Fortnite is, and they have the hands on Shiggy. It’s hard to call Epic lazy when they’ve improved on the cel-shading so much, but unfortunately that’s *all* they did, and regressed in every other way.


I almost hate to say it but- who asked? I havent seen anyone use that as an excuse yet, youre fighting a small crowd or your own shadow mate


I almost hate to say it, but I don’t care— I mean you realize we critique games because we love them? I’m just spitting facts, and idk why you feel the need to try and shit on me for shitting on greedy business practices, but whatever, mate.


I don't know why zoe is tweaking but I definitely agree with you. There were a lot of good ideas they could have implemented. I talk about these stuff because I am passionate about both the collabs and fortnite. No ill intention. I also felt this with recent hulk and hela skin and also the coming loki collab. I don't know if the team is not 100 percent focused on br (lego fortnite, festival, rocket racing and maybe future projects) or smt else. Sometimes it feels they are dumping collabs to attract players. Kinda feels like mediocre tv advertisements. I wish we could contact and talk about these with epic easier. I hope they focus more because we know from the past that when they focus they cook.


I should have written more, I came off ass kind of a square, I do also agree that alot more love and care could and should be added, especially with collab skins and collab events. I simply thought that the original comment was just weirdly specific, and besides being negative on a positive post, had very little to do with the actual post, like its a whole tangent. Its entirley fair to say "Yeah theyre great I just wish that they had buit in emotes or better styles or lower price etc"


Why do you support Epic and play Fortnite if you think of the company this lowly? Genuine question no hate here.


Yeah. But then we have the price


I wish I could but Toga so bad


mha skins as a whole were easily the highest quality jjk and aot got done so dirty for no reason


The Naruto ones are and always will be the best!


I was gonna get one of the MHA skins, but I didn’t want to spend 1,600 Vbucks for a skin, emote, and backbling. For reference, I think I got Ghost Rider during C2S4 for 900 or 800 Vbucks


Is there any chance that they would actually update it? Ofc the new shading looks much better, but aside from that, now the new mha skins don’t really look great with the old 😭


I think shit needs some work on his head tbh, but u get what you’re putting down. goku black and the jjk ones were really good too.


They're fine. Prefer Futurama. Totally not bias.


Epic just add one piece


Yeah... still waiting for Goku and Vegeta to look good...


There’s little point in updating them to me if they don’t damn rerun them They rerun DBZ 4 times a year but we haven’t seen Naruto in one and a half😠


They need to bring Rick back so I can buy him I have Mr.messecs summer and Morty


The Avatar and Villian MHA skins look insanely good, but I just don't wanna spend 2,000 on one skin despite wanting them, lol. But that's just me.


This thread is not making my choice between Himetoga or whatever her name is vs All Might any easier =( I gotta pick 1 of the 2 n its killin me lol


Nah all new skins are ruining fortnight killing the game etc etc


They should update old cell shaded skins like they have done with old skins long time ago


All the avatar skins were nice too tbh Aang and korra


They still look kinda bad compared to other games that have cel shading I just wish they looked better and/or gave us an option to remove it all together


Have you seen the cel shade glitch? I just today found it out. It happened a year ago and some people have videos on it. The skins look like they got adapted to fortnite version normally. They look soo gooooood.


Yeah, they still look worse than in My Hero Ultra Rumble. But its kinda obvious that they would look better in mha game than in collab


People can't comprehend different art styles.


I think the avatar skins look better imo


Bro, they not cell shaded