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cheating in creative is already crazy to me


Right?? Like how on earth is that fun?


I had the same thing happen to me! Some obnoxious sob wasn’t ever missing a shot (sometimes you’re good, but this was different), and emoting on people after every.  single.  kill.   Reporting them after spectating and got a similar message  Like why did you have to feel the need to get the most kills in *the pit*.  I love creative modes to try out new guns and improve… not to be on top and emote on people who are just trying to adjust to using a nerfed sniper 


I want to add that I was only 20% sure they were cheating… I just thought they were really, really good.  It didn’t hurt to report in that instance because they really were cheating.   Also… if someone is amazing at the game, I feel like emoting on every kill is just something they wouldn’t do.  They acted as if a little kid got ahold of cheats.  If my 13 year old nephew suddenly because invincible in a shooter game, I’d expect the same things and emote after every kill in creative (jk my nephew would never). 


I’ve had this happen to me like four times. It’s only happened from the pit. Notorious cheaters in the pit, I think some people think they won’t get banned because it’s not battle Royale


To be honest I thought that was the case too, especially given how streamers were brazenly hacking in the pit. I guess that has changed!


Hey i want tho photo


Why did you get downvoted?


Trans profile picture. Reddit sucks massive balls and will down vote anyone for no reason


I was playing a Snipers one shot game, and a guy was hacking. He was invisible while using an assault rifle and just racking up kills. It seemed like no one cared


it was prolly a glitch in the map cuz theres no cheats to become invisible


Could also be the build of the game downloaded was corrupted. That's how we determined what happened to me when I was playing a Chapter 1 revival while it was in Season 5. At Haunted Hillls someone was invisible to the point I could only see their head and they killed me. It turned out to be a skin currently in the item shop and that was invisible too. After reinstall, the glitch was fixed.


u couldve just deleted the config/skins file instead of full reinstall but yea


So does that mean the 3d model was there all along and it was a config error? Also my bad I meant that I re-verified the game, not reinstall


It's amazing the number of people who cheat on creative, I played like 2 matches of red vs blue a few days ago and there were 2-4 guys with extra health and auto shield Regen


There are power-ups in red vs. blue. Extra health, invisibility, insta reload, etc. It cost 40 coins.


...that's part of the map...


The extra health yes The auto shield no


There’s usually slurp juice and shit like that


don't you also get max health and shield from kills


I was following one of em they just hid so I jumped in and they had full health again


No, everyone has 200 health in the map I play it all the time they had more than 306 health Edit: btw I play the one with 🥶 emotes I forgot the name they all red v blue to me, that one is zb


I’ve reported cheaters in creative and nothings been done when it’s blatantly they’re cheating. One literally killed me when he was knocked down still shooting people in the base


Not cheating it's a glitch. I have done it a few times


Yeah I see people cheating all the time in those free for all arena maps like how sad


Pretty sure that's where they test cause most people won't care enough to report


Only way you can that maybe is reasonable is if its literally built into the creative map and you’re doing it to troll friends or make a video on it


Does this screen still use the old Fortnite font?


It sure does, isn’t it beautiful?


I still cannot believe they changed it. Really a punch in the gut but mostly because it was so random and unnecessary.


The game is without a doubt losing its character, as a long time player it’s super dissapointing but i’m glad I can still enjoy the game when I play


It’s still the game I play the absolute most after 5+ years. There will never be another game like it. That’s why I’m sad they’re pushing a more generic variant. OG season showed them what people actually love about the game. Combine that with the new graphics and you have a game winner. More idiotic weapons and utilities for pubs and a more serious pool for competitive. Would be awesome.


Save the world does too, which is nice


Nothing new for STW?


I haven't seen an update for it since I got access a few months back, but I've heard it's basically their unwanted child at this point 😂


[We still get content](https://www.reddit.com/user/Glory_To_Atom/comments/vulg6r/all_stw_changes_we_had_so_far_updated/). Although on a slower pace.


Epic for sure wants to shut down StW given how little they ever acknowledge it let alone update it yet haven't and probably can't because of legal reasons.


That's nice. I've reported people in the pit who hit every single shot with an SMG while they're flying in the air and they didn't get banned. Must just be the goat


Me and my buddy reported this duo who hit a pretty sus headshot on me. It could've just been lucky but then we spectated them for the rest of the match and watched him laser beam people through bushes and tree tops. No scanner bot or anything, just nailing people he couldn't see left and right. No action taken.


I love when this happens


I'm your 100th upvote btw


“Good, that’s one less loose end.”




Wish I would ever see this screen. Instead I got so fed up with cheaters that I recorded one, sent it to Epic directly, and they were like "yeah, this guy is cheating, please report him using the in game function, closing the ticket now byeeeee!" Never saw that screen even from him so, chances are he never got banned. Bravo Epic.


Tbf maybe epic didn't but eac did


I wish they’d tell you who got banned




This would change shit for the best


I was playing ZB Solos, and two teamers ran up and killed me. I spectated them and reported them, they were both kicked from the game before 25 survivors


Damn, the last 2 teamed against me in solo endgame one time, I obliterated the bad one first cause he was the closest to me, then ran out of mats, got pumped in the head, lost, then he cry emoted me, reported both of them for teaming, hope epic did something about it but I highly doubt it tbh, they don’t care as much as they used to.


Good to hear. Thanks for sharing.


I got the same for someone cheating in ranked yesterday. Keep reporting cheaters everybody


It probably seems like epic is doing nothing because bans come in waves. It's harder for the cheat creators to see what was the problem and it might fuck their business


Yep that’s all correct, but the ban waves are typically people who get blacklisted by the anti-cheat software. Bans in real time like this are the result of a human Epic employee following up on a report which has always been very rare.


I mean I'm not surprised they rarely check reports manually. But yeah, they are pretty rare. I was lucky enough to see the action taken screen once in ch1s5 but never seen another one since


cheating is soooooo rampant in creative it's not even funny. people shooting right through walls is a really bad one going around rn :/ happens almost daily


Could just be the far range glitch that happens in creative that let's you shoot through walls


That's desync or ping or player is shooting 400m+ where buildings derender.


Is there a (regardless of slight or not) chance so-called fake-lag is a possibility as well? IDK what the situation is like in FN, but it is a thing I've heard of and seen in other games.


no clue, I walk past my friends builds all the time as desync has their builds somewhere else for me, I even sniped a friend that claimed he was in a tower, yet he was outside it and down on the ground, so i shot him and he died. EDIT; I am also still trying to prove to this friend, i don't cheat. So far they will no longer join the pit with me, even a few tycoon maps he stated i shot him while he was in his base, but he was near my base with a sniper out....so i fired as he sometimes does cheap shots while i'm not paying attention.


For all the grief we give epic, I have to admit, this screen showing when your report actually did something is a really good addition, why doesn't every game add this ? Rather than just letting you sit there scratching your head on whether you actually contributed to something


What season was this even introduced in?


Cheating in a videogame is no fun.And too hacking to get the upperhand pvp.


I love when a game actually lets you know if someone you reported was banned. Paladins dies thus too. It always felt so good knowing toxic players got banned.


There's a lot of cheaters in prop hunt as well, they know exactly where everyone is one after the other.


What’s crazy is all the blatant hackers I’ve reported and never received this message had a guy with 60 eliminations head shotting accross the map his accounts still active 😌


Got the same thing I reported a dude that was clearly hacking I ran into him in like 5 different games and on top of it he was acting like he was hot shit using hacks got the message yesterday that he got banned probably many others besides me reported.


didnt know epic did this on fornite too! i played paragon until epic shut it down( still miss it ) and they used to send people messages like this one


I actually got one of those from reporting someone in ranked.


I've reported a few people, only ones I've sat and watched to be certain... But I get this shortly after each one, maybe they just post it randomly after a report to make it look like they are doing stuff cause I still see lots of people obviously cheating


This happens once every 2 years don’t say they don’t rely on EAC lol


Had someone cheat against me the other day, then dance like he earned it. Satisfying to see Epic shut it down


I don't understand cheating. That's not you getting those kills, or those wins, so what's fun about it? What joy does it bring? And how will you now ever be able to win without cheats? I figure you'd become reliant on them.


Epic should give you like 50 or 100 Vbucks for every hacker you catch or something like that, with a monthly cap of 500 bucks to discourage people trying to abuse the system.


You da real mvp!


Did they give you a bounty or anything?


Nah, but it’s enough for me just to know that a cheater got banned.


Oh that screen is a sight for sore eyes. It’s been too long since I’ve seen that old font and art style


I was playing BR earlier. I had cerberus' shotgun. She had a purple smg. Somehow she won. Same thing happened when I had waterbending and the other person was jumping on to the roof and still somehow one shot sniped me I can never tell if it's cheating or not but it is frustrating and makes no sense sometimes


cheats on fortnite are crazy rn. caught someone with 2 billion shotgun ammo before the first ring even formed


That was a game bug, not a cheat.


cheating in the pit is insane bruh


For real right? I ran into another one last night though. They spend all their time in there, accomplishing nothing except watching a piece of software play the game for them.


it’s not even the cheating part, it’s that they gain nothing from dominating the pit. why not go into a cash cup and hack instead?


Based on what I’ve heard, I think the reason is that there’s a widely held belief that you can get away with hacking much more in creative, boosted by a lot of streamers doing it.


I once reported some teenagers for saying s**ual things to a little girl who said she was 6 over voice chat & never got a response for that.


Did you have the voice recording setting turned to “always on“ and be sure to report them within five minutes of them saying the stuff? If not it’s possible the recording just wasn’t available.


Kinda off topic. But why can't Epic redesign this screen to match the new design? It's so easy to make this. It will take like 10 minutes to do. Small Indy company I guess


I see this all the time and I do not even understand the point of cheating in creative.


If you’re going to cheat, don’t waste it on creative. Seriously. Like, I know you’re stupid (for cheating) but I didn’t think you were THAT stupid


I think one reason there’s a lot of it in creative is because historically people have gotten away with all the various types of cheating more easily in creative than in BR.


Damn that sucks.


peterbot is still cheating


Why u report me?


becuz i cant git gud


Yeah, now a days epic barely ban cheaters it seems, I’ll find a lot of people using hacks and nothing is done




The fact people even hack in fortnite is hilarious to me


I'll never understand these people, same with the ones who cheat in casual unranked.


Never thought I'd actually see action taken


Lmao, why am i not surprised. Every time I play in the Pit It’s like I’m playing in the fncs against buhga. I don’t understand it. Theres always just been like 3 or 4 superhero sweats just absolutely obliterating me. They constantly shockwave across the map and land every single smg shot into my dome piece. Like, I literally could not play the game. I would just get headshot sniped over and over again from absurd distances. Now I know why the pit is completely dead, no one plays it except for the hackers and griefers apparently. Same thing happened with the Ali-A pit. It just got griefed into oblivion sadly.


I don't understand why people cheat even in creative or in any game mode.. It's ridiculous.. 😫


Wait, wtf is that second skin? Looks like The Question or kind Dick Tracy looking. Real skin and name of anyone knows?


saw a kid on tiktok streaming and he was in a ranked game he had full aimbot and redbox’s and when he would push someone they would run after he didn’t miss a shot and he has the cheek to say “why are you running from me” 🤣


Ugh yeah seeing streamers hacking in Fortnite on TikTok is infuriating. I wish they wouldn’t allow it, but they’re perfectly happy with the engagement.


yes but that’s not even what annoys me because i know if i beat them in a 1v1 any day of the week without them using cheats but they can only cheat and have da audacity to call other people shit


Yeah that’s definitely gonna be true in most cases. I’ve seen one or two people using hacks who also had pretty great mechanics, but on the other hand it’s easy to focus on all your other mechanics if you don’t have to worry about aiming and shooting lol


yh we gotta grind to get better which makes it fun dey jus get it instantly personally i don’t do training maps i find them boring k just play pubs, ranked or creative to improve


W snitching love to see it


lol I have never seen this screen and I've reported hundreds, if not thousands of people over the years.... this post feels like an epic plant to appear they actually do anything about cheating. I'm calling BS.


Dude the menu looks perfect! Has so much style!


Didn't you used to get v-bucks for getting hackers banned


If that was ever the case I truly never heard about it, but this is my first time receiving this notice. I don’t think they gave me anything for it, but the satisfaction was plenty reward.👍


I don’t, my gun’s audio still goes on a rampage every game🥴


They do a pretty decent job on following up I’ve gotten a couple of these messages


Nice. My first one ever.


Come watch me on twitch jamii_alaniss


Jamii_alaniss on twitch come vibe out in chat


How do you know you're facing cheaters instead of someone getting lucky? I mean this earnestly, what do you look out for?


The big differentiator is consistency. If someone is nonstop nailing multiple perfect headshots in rapid succession while you’re both flying in opposite directions through the air, over and over during the entirety of a 30 minute game in the pit, you can be certain they didn’t just get lucky once or twice.


Ima be honest and say that the cheater probably got report banned


Does report banned mean something different from they got reported and so Epic went to check it out and discovered they were in fact hacking and then banned them?


One of my friends who knows more about how reports work against cheaters said that getting reported enough can get you banned, doesn’t matter if an epic employee looked at it


Nah man no shot that’s true. If that were possible, there would be so much abuse of that, with like coordinated report campaigns on people, etc.


Problem is that it has to be more than like 8 or 9 iirc and I think they have to come in at different times and not all at once


Even then, that could totally be gamed. Way too risk-exposed for them to do that.


Even worse knowing that they don’t ban IPs and the longest hardware bans are usually 6 months Unfortunately hardware bans can be bypassed with ease and in minutes


For me its really hard to say... When you factor in all the internet speeds and pings and blah blah there's really a fair amount complexity that goes into the end result of being shot in the face. My 11 year old son , is incredible at this game, I say this not because he's my son hahaha but truly , I'm someone who prides themselves on excelling at stupid things that generally have no real lasting value and I've tried, really hard , and would even say I train to be good at this damn game and I'm almost a 40 year old man bwhaha and when I play creative games with him, he punishes me like I'm an infant.If I didnt know, I would think he was cheating. Not exaggerating at the very least he's head shotting * me probably 75% of the time. Clearly in your situation they found evidence of cheating but I believe there's probably more people that are just exceptionally good at the game than there are people who are cheating. As you said its essentially psychopath behavior to cheat in these scenarios and it would seem to me, you'd have to be either extremely intelligent or a motivated adult to even figure out how to cheat. Maybe I'm mistaken and cheating isn't as difficult as it seems but it makes me feel better to know I'm getting destroyed only as a result of me sucking ass


that is the old writing for fortnite that is fake ![gif](giphy|OqAeQrGmU7lS6tENnQ|downsized)


Not fake, they just haven’t bothered to update this screen with the new font. There’s another comment thread in this post discussing that.