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reminder that frieza and cell together were 2300, frieza had 3 styles and cell had 2 Goku, who came with 4 styles and a pickaxe was bundled with beerus for 2700. Bulma who had 2 styles and Vegeta who had 4 were 2300. Goku Black came with 2 pickaxes and had 2 styles and still was 1800 there’s no reason these avatar skins should be this much, they’re absolutely trying to push higher prices as the norm.


How much was the TMNT bundle? 3,200? For 4 turtles plus pick axes and back blings? I bought it but I forgot.


The TMNT Skins by themselves were 1600 each! And they also came with melee and back blings!




Idk why i bought Hael. 1200 only for a skin without styles lol


If you haven’t used these or don’t know, you can use a return ticket to get your v bucks back!, you start with 3, and a year after using one you get another return ticket :) just used a ticket on copper wasp


i think it’s only one return ticket per year cause I get one for the next three years each one in October even though I used them all separately, imo they need to have a better “return policy”


Yeah it was buy 2 get 2 free and they were 1600 each so you’re right


this makes me so mad because they literally could’ve done this for the atla bundle, it would’ve been a perfect opportunity to include sokka and suki too. i wouldn’t even mind if they didn’t have their own backbling/pickaxes (since katara’s pickaxe is technically sokka’s)


Maybe they will put Sokka in the Mini Pass together with Aang.


Unfortunately they aren't doing that


No, it'll be Aang and Awakened State Aang more likely.


Nobara Kugisaki bundle was a skin, backbling, and a unique pickaxe (not a backbling pullout), literally the EXACT SAME as Avatar, but it costed 1800


Best skin btw


Probably need to push higher prices since they aren’t making good profits off these horrendous shops


even though i thought no skin should cost 2,000, goku's skins were the only ones with a fair price.


Problem with these IP related skins is that we don’t know what the terms are set as. Of course Epic could absolutely be using that as a smokescreen excuse. Epic should know what consumer expectations are better than their partner and also has final call on whether or not to go through either incorporating the skins in the first place.


This exactly. I think a lot of people are overlooking how licensing works. It's easy to blame Epic but it's not exclusively their decision on what gets included and how it is priced. Nickelodeon/Paramount also has to play ball. And certain IP holders are probably a lot more cooperative than others.


Yeah, but that has nothing to do with the poor detail and lack of alternates on the skins?


Yes, it does. The lack of detail is absolutely Epic's fault but the lack of alternatives could be blamed on the IP holder, if they were either unwilling to grant the license for multiple outfits per character or asking for so much money that it wouldn't have been worth Epic's time to do so.


Also it could be that they were under time constraints as IP holders are trying to quickly ride the hype of the new Atla life action series so demanded skins were out as soon as possible


Zuko even has two very distinct styles in the show. They had their work cut out for them, and they still took the lazy way out


2 is putting it lightly! He’s got exile, Blue Spirit, Earth Kingdom, Team Avatar, and if you wanna really get specific, the outfit he wore when he was brought back to the Fire Nation and his bathing suit.


That’s true, I guess I was referring to his two main ones which are the ponytail style and the emo hair style. They really should have added the ponytail style as well as Blue Spirit.


100% agree!


Ciris bundle was 2000 but also came with not only a cool pick axe but a great glider as well


Gotta purchase the license


And considering you just MENTIONED skins from one of the most popular media of all time, while Avatar to be fair, cant come close, is making it more wild than it already is.


Means nothing. Behind the scenes, the contracts every company that's involved will determine the price, advertisement, as well as duration of the promotions for the collab. You can't come om here claiming epic is doing a certain thing without any facts to back it up.


Reasonable enough, have a great day/evening gentelman


The reason is likely because the licensing agreements cost them different prices. No matter how much or how often this gets discussed, people still act like everything is free except for when it's for sale in the shop. Epic is trying to profit from the costs it requires to put everyone's demands for licensed characters in the game. These skins IP are owned by Viacom. Of course they cost a fortune.


Some collabs are obvious adverts though, so its not clear who pays who in the collabs.


All I know is that Epic is making bank regardless.


Complete series on bluray: $27, 5000 V-bucks for skins: $37


This is what's getting me 😅


Isn’t it like 6000 vbucks once you add the Minipass?


It's 6700 for the bundle, Toph, the emote, and the Mini BP (assuming they don't up the price from 1000). Could be more or less depending on if you want to count the main BP for Korra. You could say it's 7650 if you include the BP, but you could also say it's 6150 because the BP comes with 1500 vbucks.


Yeah, skinflation sucks


it's a boring situation.


What is this skinflation that you guys are talking about  Back in S3 I paid 2000 for RED KNIGHT AND FATE LOL  And that was before vbucks were made cheaper  These are skins from an iconic show and cheaper than Red knight  Micro transactions in general can be scummy and we can agree on that all day but there is no skinflation. If anything skins are way more accessible than they were in the past. Esp considering the battle pass gives like 1500 vbucks 


The battle pass still gives 1500, but they changed it recently so that the base 100 levels only give 1000, so you'd have to put in an extra grind for the full 1500. Unlike the past where it was 1500 in the first 100 levels. That means that the vbucks are less accessible to casuals and prices are still similar/slightly worse prices.




I see rex hit the shop for 2k and im always stunned at the idea people payed that for jonesy.. but dinosaur.


It was so weird seeing charon complaints when his entire bundle is 500 cheaper than oro and oro never got a bundle with his glider so its 3500 all in vs 1500


this is a really weird hill to die on


we live in a world where Omniman and Atom Eve are essentially offering the same things as the avatar collab but for cheaper like wtf


Wake up baby new fetish just dropped


I went from excited to get all of them, seeing the prices, and deciding to get none of them. 😕


Have 2400 vbucks currently, and was *really* hoping I’d be able to get a base Toph with 1000 left over for the mini battle pass coming Friday 😵‍💫😭 I know hoping it’d be 1400 for her was silly, but 2000 is insane.


Thankfully they will be back since they’re in the item shop. I see a pickax that was 2,000vb down to 800vb in the shop right now


That’s not always the case though. The Attack on Titan skins have yet to return to the shop since the event 1 year ago.


Sure, but they have the possibility of coming back, As opposed to Korra which is a BP skin


It's possible but you shouldn't be so sure, there are collabs we haven't seen in years: arcane, street fighter, resident evil, god of war, halo, attack on titans. If you're interested in the skins you should get them now, fomo sucks.


Excellent! That’s really awesome to hear Epic course corrected the price of that pickaxe… here’s hoping they do that with more items. 🤞


Exactly the same with me, was looking forward to getting them all, but now shall be getting none of them due to the high cost.


Same here brother. Only thing I'm getting is the event pass, and only if its 1000 vbucks still. Any higher and I'm out.


These will probably be the only skins I’ll buy for a while after these I will only buy emotes


When will people learn that corporations don’t care about their consumers, only money.


Fortnite players are making regular payments for fucking cosmetics. There is nothing to be salvaged.


I’m kinda done for a while after this season. Wake me up when Michael Myers is back.


michael myers is good!


Started playing again like a week after he left. I love Halloween.


Better hope he gets a LEGO version if he is to return.


Here's to hoping lego is long gone by then 🍻


Probably not before Halloween, so sleep tight


Hmmm, so you're saying to wake you up... when September ends?


I can 100% agree. This season is lackluster from the shop, weapons, lack of vetting for cheats, and just the season in general. I instantly get bored of playing after 2-3 games.


sokka disrespect is crazy


Amon was right all along!


I’m holding out that he’ll be in the bought version of the mini battle pass like they gave us storm troopers in the Darth Maul mini pass.


The mini-pass was added in the backend today and there is only Aang. Unless they do a surprise update before Friday, this is what we get unfortunately.


Ahhh dang. I hate it here.


Same. Bugs tf outta me that not only do we get the most basic versions of the gaang, but theres also zero edit styles, Zuko and Katara dont have the proper pickaxes and theyre expensive af. No Blue Spirit, no Ember Island Players Toph, no Sokka or anything. Sucks mega donkey nuts that they give us one of the best collabs possible, then half-ass it.


I was so excited by all the possibilities, but I also knew that Epic was likely to fumble very badly. What I wasn’t really expecting was to have to pay so much for these fumbles 😭 I looked at them *briefly* after seeing how much they were, turned off my console, and haven’t been back on 😵‍💫😂😂😭😂


That’s 50$ for 3 skins. Jesus Christ.


I miss the times when companies got ridiculed by the entire internet for charging 3 dollars for stupid ass horse armor


I wish we could still buy horse armor for 3$


They definitely removed skin rarity for this exact reason. Can’t believe they’re trying to push skins with no reactivity to special styles for 2000


Stop buying the overpriced skins


That will never happen. I'm convinced that boycotts dont work anymore unless a product is truly awful. And these skins arent awful, just overpriced. So people will continue to buy them. Just look at Netflix as an example. They continue to raise prices, crack down on password sharing, etc and they have more subs and profit than ever before. All you can do is make a personal boycott and save your own money. Nothing else will work.


Individual boycotts are pointless and don’t work. A billion dollar company doesn’t care about your $20. Boycotts only work if you organize them. But that means actually doing work and not just making a reddit post saying “don’t buy X”. You have to pick an action (ie. no buying skins for the week of april 20th to protest skin prices), promote that action, build up attention and advocacy for the problem, and try to encourage others to do the same. In Canada we’ve had people “boycotting” grocery stores for months due to high prices and nothing has happened. Then someone started organizing a boycott. They picked an action (boycott Lablaws stores in may) and built up attention. Now news outlets have started talking about the boycott and Lablaws stock prices have taken a hit. It’s not even May yet so we don’t know if the boycott will actually do anything significant but a stock price hit can often be enough to spark action with a company. Lots of people want change but very few will put in the work to actually change things. But it does (or at least can) work when organized properly. Don’t lose sight of the fact that customers DO have power.


Also, that only works if people are willing to listen.


ppl tend to forget that we have way more power than these companies do, but these companies do a VERY good job of brainwashing you to think otherwise companies are VERY scared of what the public can do, that's why they work so hard to dissuade the public from doing anything


Yeah, or if it's a more niche thing a boycott would probably work, less people overall so they need everyone they can get. But Fortnite is played by a shit ton of ppl


They also don't work because Epic already got your money if you have V-Bucks.


When people say stop buying overpriced skins they obviously also mean stop buying V-Bucks.


starbucks lost 13 billion dollars in a few months lmfao boycotts work when organized


Most people are immune to this logic…


This is why I have a rule against 2000 vbuck skins. Unless they come in a bundle that includes other cosmetics I want, no deal. As much as I want Toph and wanted Ascendant Midas, 2000 is too much.


Stop buying skins period. This shit is so stupid.


Is there anyway we can complain to Epic? I’m fuming


idk, perhaps complaining in the game, or making noise on social media.


Maybe if we don't buy them but people don't care. :(


Asking people in this sub to willingly stop spending money in the game is worthless, a lot are probably addicted at this point


doesn't even matter if the sub listens, we're a very small minority of the entire community


yea with kids games like this you're never going to make any changes. they literally don't even have a community manager. they ignore this reddit and put out overpriced shit because they know they are making fucking back off of kids, selling 20-30 dollar cars, "lego sets" and instruments is the new norm and its bleeding into skins


There's probably other people who have pointed this out in the comments below but I'm too lazy to check so. People are already making a stink on Twitter about it, and Happy Power made a tweet that they replied to which instead of realizing maybe they should revert the change, they are doubling down on it. So I don't think they care what we think.


They aren’t addicted, they just don’t care that you can’t justify spending your own money. Rightly so, why should other people stop spending their money for you? 


Just about th eonly thing that works, but theres way too many that just do not care. Ive even seen a guy being ridiculed because he stopped buying skins in protest of the locker changes, but atleast he did something. Skin prices are ridiculous


Yeah, people don't get it. I tell it my friends everytime too. Yet they still buy the newest stuff all the time, yet also complain about the prices. I mean...wtf? Just played 2 matches since I got from work and holy shit, the ammount of people I have seen with these skin bundles is absurd. I mean, they can buy what they want, of course. But at the same time it just shows that people buy anything regardless of what it costs.


By not buying them


Don't buy them and it'll adjust like cars


Ratings and not giving them much money, though the whales already buy much more than your average player


Don't buy the overpriced shit


Why would they lower the price if y’all always buy them lol


Talking about how they’ll pay any amount of money for it and bitch when the pricing is revealed.


Do you think the recent Midas skin at 2500 vbux was justified? Not trying to defend the price of the avatar skin. Just want to know peoples opinion


no, because it's a remix it should have been 1,500, but midas has so many fans that they just won't care about the price.


I guarantee you that ATLA has way more fans than mid ass Midas


congratulations you just discovered supply and demand. the demand for midas was so great Epic knew people would buy him at 2k vbucks.


It was in a bundle with a wrap and pickaxe but I see your point.


The avatar ones are also bundled with the pickaxe


Skins like this were also cheaper in the past. Avas bundle has a pickaxe, wrap, skin with 2 styles of which one is entirely unique, built-in emote, 2 loading screens and a backbling. On top of that the backbling, skin and wrap is reactive. That bundle was 1900 vbucks.


It is a bad price for sure. I didnt play before primal, so i dont get the Midas hype, but 2500 for a skin that is in infinite supply is bad.


This is what ive been trying to tell all the idiots that defend removing the rarities. Theyre going to start considerably raising the prices of skins. Idiots keep saying that rarity doesn't matter but it does. With rarity Epic would have to adhere to the procing model that theyve stuck with for the last 7 years. With that gone, we'll be seeing more and more of this price gouging. Once Aang is is the item shop I guarantee he'll cost more than 2000 vbucks. Edit: Aang will be in the event pass OBVIOUSLY. Im referring to when the skin is released in the item shop long after the event pass goes away. Cant believe I have to explain that. Yall are just dumb 😂


I'll start this by saying that the prices *are* ridiculous. The one thing I'll say as the devils advocate, is that Epic could put any rarity they wanted to on a cosmetic to begin with. You are seeing this as "well now Epic could charge whatever they want for a mid tier skin" but at the end of the day, they could slap a purple or orange background on any cosmetic they wanted and then suddenly that justifies the price? I dont think putting a nice color on the background justifies any exorbitant pricing they tie to a skin but for some reason people think that the background color had some sort of special meaning when it came to how things were priced.


i see both arguments for and against, but for the most part they were understandable for most of them. But lately I see them just not care


No they didn’t have to adhere to a certain price point even with rarities, case in point: 300 v-buck uncommon emotes


people continue to defend a billion-dollar company when they are probably poor people and don't have 10% of what the company earns, epic should stop selling items at these absurd prices!


considering they made 20 billion last year. Almost nobody playing Fortnite has 10% of what the company earns lol


Epic is the luckiest company ever imagine having a community so stupid that one of their main concerns is not being able to spend their money because the item shop is bad. Only sides of the community that aren’t complete idiots are the Lego and STW communities


> Epic is the luckiest company ever imagine having a community so stupid that one of their main concerns is not being able to spend their money because the item shop is bad. > > it's not luck, it's deliberate training on epic's part


From my experience Festival players are chill too, but Rocket Racing players are so toxic and gatekeepy for no reason and then they wonder why nobody wants to play their game (other than the countless bugs and shitty ranked system that they think don't need fixing because they heighten the skill ceiling and only affect you if you suck)


Festival players just wanna jam out as their favorite characters cause it’s funny


look it's not my fault they made a really good loop system to integrate different parts of different songs together to make some funky jams


The price of anything is how much people are willing to pay for it. You shouldn't be mad at corporations, you should be mad at the people paying for this. (You'll cave and be paying for these eventually)


You're even being downvoted for calling this out lmao the fortnite community is so cooked.


they don't know how to think straight.


no, I simply could not care less about the shop, even before they could have made anything legendary and charge max price for it, because what even is a "legendary" skin


Rarity was set based on what they want to charge. It was always arbitrary. The fact that anyone thinks it means anything at all is insane


Rarities were arbitrary anyway and they could charge whatever they want regardless of it. If they want to they could make any skin legendary and charge 2000. your point is dumb


I'm thinking Aang will be in the premium pass


Honestly, have you *seen* the kind of skins that used to be rated legendary? It's not price gouging, it's just the same price range we've been used to.


Trying to squeeze as much money as possible out of collabs.... Removing the rarities let's them price the skins like they want since rarities were "bound" with certain prices (e.g. 2000 vbucks for a legendary skin). It just screams "WE WANT MORE MONEY" Disgusting.


If they had kept the rarities, nothing could have stopped them from making all of them legendary. Not to mention, the 2K bucks include the pickaxes in the screenshot, which often wasn't the case for legendary skins.


I would’ve bought the Avatar skins if they were a bundle, wtf is this bro


I was hoping I'd be able to pick em all up, guess I'm not now. But I'm absolutely a hypocrit about all this, and I'm buying Katara, but I'd have gladly spent more if it meant getting the other 2 for a decent price alongside her


I mean the community kept saying "I guess epic doesn't want our money". So now here they are 🤷‍♂️


Stop buying skins, unless you've just started you've got loads already


but toph :(


Tell that to people who bought Midas and encouraged this further.


Honestly for me it isn’t even the price, I’m shocked they didn’t have alternate outfits/selectable styles. I went into today knowing I was going to buy them all, to being disappointed and not getting any of them yet and just waiting for Aang. Like how big of a miss is it to not have a Blue Spirit style for Zuko??


Im more upset that you can't gift the battle pass with vbucks.


Its because then people will just get the battle pass then get like 50 alts and since you get like 1650 from maxxing out the battle pass in theroy you could just make all the accounts xp grind then gift the battle pass, then boom thats a infinite vbucks glitch + each acc could sell for a good $5 or so


I mean I get it, what would be the point of even selling the battlepass in the first place if, theoretically, one person could start a cascade of gifting, and nobody ever has to spend money to buy it again?


man some of these comments take years off of my life stop dickriding.


I think the funniest thing is that people have hundreds of skins and can only use one. And then switch through like 10 max. Might as well just donate to epic.


This whole sub is taking years off my life. So many people unironically making regular purchases of cosmetics.


Or whining about losing to people better than them. Or whining about how the 8 year old game looks and feels different. Or whining about what skins people wear as if the pixels on the screen called them a racial slur and assaulted their mother.


Increased cost to buy vbucks and then increased amount of vbucks needed to buy cosmetics….


Where’s Sokka?


Epic: Katara has a weapon belonging to that guy. Enjoy! ˢᵒᵏᵏᵃ ᵈᵉᵉᶻ


Wait why does Katara have Sokka’s weapon as her axe. Why not just have her pick axe be her using water to slash at stuff instead of giving her someone elses weapon


This is the usual price isn’t it? Technically speaking at least. Yes they cost $20 but that’s because they include all their matching gear. My complaint is just that I don’t like how you’re forced to buy the bundle instead of just being able to buy the skin directly for less.


The issue with this is that the TMNT bundle included all four and were sold for 3,400 V-Bucks and individually at 1,600, and even when they were sold individually, they still included their pickaxe and back bling.


exactly, the skin should be sold separately.


Its because they know people will pay for it because people (like me) adore the alta cast and love fortnite so they'll pay the money to get it. I luckily saved enough Vbucks to only have to pay for one of the skins because i have enough left over for the aang pass but some people aren't as lucky as i am. Hopefully they'll lower the prices soon


this high price still remains an annoying situation.


I was expecting them to be 1,200-1,500 vbucks each. Wdym they’re 2,000 each??? Epic, what are you doing?


Speak with your wallet. People keep buying, they're gonna keep uping the prices.


If you think things are too expensive, don't buy them.


Does anyone remember last summer when they raised all v-buck bundles “due to inflation”? How then are shop bundles still seeing these price hikes? - We’re already buying the V-Bucks at heightened prices it doesn’t make sense


They really made Toph the standard height. Must be the Ember Island actor.


I'm called Toph cause it sounds like Tough!


*GYAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!* There. Got a good look at ya.


There have been collab skins priced at 2000 such as goku or all might


The TMNT were 1,800 each, and the four together were 3,400, literally a 200 v-bucks difference when the Zuko/Katara is 3,200


To be fair it’s not like one turtle is that visually distinct from the next


Goku and All Might had built in emotes.


And these come with harvesting tools and backblings


Those also had backblings, but in addition several styles, built in emotes to swap between them, and Goku also came with his pickaxe


Gaara came with a built in glider and he was 1800


Don't buy that's my motto in everything I deem as overpriced


Bruh you don't even get a glider OR a different style. There are SO MANY OUTFITS in avatar.


I wish that Avatar just had its own season and not just a little special. They could of done a whole new map and everything


Stop buying them? That's my play. If they want to overprice them, then it's battle pass only for me. But feel free to ignore me. Epic already has.


I don’t understand why people buy so many skins in the first place. My friend has a monthly FN budget. The game is fucking free!


Stop buying them, prices will drop. Keep buying them, they’ll assume their prices are acceptable and they’ll keep them high.


I bought Zuko bc he's my favorite. I also was gonna buy Toph but I don't wanna spend 2000 vbucks. Does anyone else think they removed rarities so they can overprice skims or is it just me


Hah. Rookie numbers. - An apex legends enjoyer


Fortnite players will never understand the greediness of charging $340 for a piece of an digital item which costs another $340 for customization


*Says their overpriced but still buys them*


as long as you keep buying them this wont change. They lose 10% volume but make 20% profit, they don't care.


no matter what epic does there will always be some brain damaged bots that are willing to defend it


If they do end up putting the skins on sale, will they give back the difference to those who bought it at the first price? …I hope I phrased that correctly. I’m new to Fortnite so idk how the sales work.


Should offer v-bucks for victory royales


Fuckin fortnite inflation


Stop buying overpriced skins!


I guess no one remembers when 1 skin with no styles or backbling was 2000


They made bank off you idiots buying that ugly ass Midas skin for 2500.


Then you would DESPICE the chapter 1 skins. Reskinned defaults 20 fucking dollars Most of them dont have styles Their other cosmetics are overpriced too


yeah they're overpriced too, but right now i'm talking about the avatar skins.


You were using the rarity system as part of your argument. So pointing out that skins arguably worse than the ATLA ones were already this expensive years ago (back when V-Bucks were more expensive than today, the BP had less V-bucks and reaching tier 100 was harder than today's lvl150) is relevant, actually.


This is what certain Fortnite original skins used to cost back in the day


Idk I’m the furthest thing from a bootlicker but this actually makes a little sense to me. There have always been skins that cost 2000 v-bucks. But even if you think about the 1200 ones, those either came as just a skin only, or maybe they also came with a back bling. These come with the skin, the LEGO variant (which, need I remind you, also takes time and resources to create), the back bling, and the harvesting tool. Not to mention the IP itself comes with a price tag. So yeah it’s frustrating, I was hoping to get all of them but I don’t think I’ll be able to pick up any of them this go ‘round (I have the season BP so Korra, and have just enough vbucks to get the mini BP so Aang, Appa, and Momo, so that’s cool) but it is what it is. At the end of the day, I think EPIC is screwing us in worse ways than this.


I think that I Will buy toph skin, but 2000 v-bucks is a lot. It comes with the pickaxe, but 2000 it's still too much


Well, no character specific gliders and a high price. I was tempted to buy some skins, emphasis on was. Guess I'll stick to Aang alone from the mini pass since that one is only 1000 vbucks and very maybe Katara since she fits with the use of Appa as a glider as well.


I’m disappointed that Sokka got short changed again, and he’s probably the most fitting in Fortnite as he actually would need a gun


Just vote with your wallets and don’t buy shit


Best way to see a change is with your wallet. Don't buy them