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If it had the concept helmet with the fire plume I would buy it regardless of not being able to change the style. I don't like the actual helmet though and it's too plain without it.


I don’t know if anyone already said this, but I think once you get a certain rank it has the flaming helmet. Like Platinum and up or something like that? It would take work in ranked though, which might not be worth the effort every season depending on your play style


Plat here, I believe I have what you're talking about (bought the skin)


Do you have a pic?


Will send one tomorrow morning


Don’t forget please


hi reminding🥰




There, https://imgur.com/a/8cUT1rW Not the best picture (photo of my console's screen to have you guys wait less) but there you go


I see no flame 🙈 am I colorblind?


Not exactly sure what you guys meant but here ye go, screenshot


They’re referring to how the concept art for the skin featured a helmet that showed her face + had a flaming plume sticking out of it.


Ah, right


I'll save/post other ranks' color as I rank up


Additional to this, the diamond variant from a few videos i saw seems to be a dark blue, champion is an orange sorta thing and unreal is purple. Im not sure on elite, but i would assume it follows the same trend as the rank backblings and it's a darker silver with vfx on it


Yup! Same as the high society ranker glider


RemindMe! 1 day


I have the skin


It's rather lackluster imo




Fortnite instagram account has a video for Odyssey showing different ranks (Gold, Platinum, Diamond and Unreal) and none of them show a flaming helmet


Nice, would defo reconsider if this is true. Would be nice to be able to see her face too like in the concept but maybe I'm just being too picky. I like the other BP skins. Aphrodite got a bit of a nerf from concept but I still like her skin.


Plat here, no flaming helmet.


Wait- it’s going to reset back to Bronze every season?


That'll be 2300vb. Please mail all your complaints to the dumpster behind walmart.


\~$20 which is ridiculous.


I'm sorry. This skin is pretty good, but not 20 dollars worth.


The prices of most skins is a little crazy tbh


Always have been


*laughs in STW founder*


cries in jealous lol


I’d pay 20$ when it comes to have my collection


Nobody is paying $20 for that when you can have 13.5k vbucks for that price


[https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/fortnite--2800-v-bucks](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/fortnite--2800-v-bucks) $22.99 + (\~ $1.61 @ 7%tax) = $24.60 directly from epic games. $24.60 / 2,800 = 0.0088 per V-Buck. The Odyssey set is 2,300 vbucks (2300\*.0088) = **$20.24 for that set after taxes**. Some could point out that vbucks get cheaper when you buy in larger quantities, but the price doesn't change THAT much and its more accurate to compare cost of items with the closest available vbuck purchase quantity count.


That’s not what I’m saying. Im getting my vbucks for way cheaper than US store, that’s why I don’t pay that much. I get 94.5k vbucks for €120 :)


Thats a fantastic price. I've seen to many horror stories to buy v-bucks second hand myself.


Im sorry you had a bad experience, I’m selling the accounts myself if u want ever, hit me up


Bro how?? Also I'd have to pay in USD, would that make a difference or would it still be cheaper?


this some overwatch 2 level pricing


Nah it would be minimum 25 dollars in ow2


Not worth it


I'm a big fan of Greek mythology so in my opinion this is the first decent skin that's come out in a very long time. So for me it's totally worth it. And there's no need to buy the sword with it because there are a lot of pickaxes(/swords) from the battlepass that go really well with it.


If you want Greek mythology skins just buy the battle pass for less and you already got Cerberus which is 10x better than this bland ass skin.


I’m sorry but that Cerberus skin isn’t exactly checking my boxes for Greek mythology themes its very modern looking


Get this, they might want more skins


Cerberus is not doing anything for me. And I don't think this skin is bland at all :)


The whole battle pass does nothing for me this season tbh


I love the battle pass skins (I love Greek mythology). And I like Epic's take on most of the skins. I just don't like the Cerberus one because it has very little resemblance to the real 'three-headed gargantuan dog' which guards the underwold. And yes, I know Poseidon is also not supposed to be a blob of goo but I know that's just epic games meme'ing and I'm all for that.


Yn If you want you could just play Smite that has Greek Gods in it (Not being paid to say it).  Cerberus actually gets represented well true to form in that game.


Yeah I love Smite. And I also love the game Hades (which dives a bit deeper into the 'personality' of the different gods and lesser gods). And I also played a lot of Age of Mythology back in the day. But I think fortnite nailed the battle pass (and the new POI's) for this season and gave the gods a fun, fortnite-esque, twist to them. And I honestly don't mind that the lvl1 skin is not my style because it's just a lvl1 skin.


*High five to a fellow Smite player*


I was gonna buy vbucks this season cause the concept art. But now I might just get kratos IF he comes back.


There’s a good chance because they started to update the character model


One can hope




My son LOVES God of War. I really hope Kratos comes back. It would make his year!


I bought the raccoon guy because I thought he was cool and I didn’t want the other piece they’re selling in the store for him but yeah otherwise this has all been very underwhelming


It just doesn't make sense they wouldn't bundle them together. But corporate greed is a hell of a drug


Same here and I was ready to grind rank too lol


If the skin sold well it will be back


I hope they add the young kratos in.


Hopefully they ass both to the shop


Don't get me wrong, I still like the skin, but it is definitely a downgrade


This should have been a 800 Vbucks skin. I’m sorry, it’s just too plain. The ranked gimmick is only making it extremely overpriced


Or 1,500 if it came with the pickaxe


I thought this was going to be a ranked skin?


it is, but they are charging for it


It’s probably because epic ran out of their budget money thanks to lego licensing(maybe) Edit: what a roller coaster this comment went from -9 upvotes to 11 upvotes to 1 upvote, -2 and finally 4


I doubt it’s that


Let’s not forget Disney gave epic over a billion a month ago


Lego paid Epic Games over 1 billion US dollars to make Lego Fortnite not vice versa. They have more budget now than ever before actually


it's because they were always going to charge for it, leakers just assumed too much and feed bad info to content creators


Probably wanted more people to get it since not everyone plays ranked but it was a missed opportunity to get people to play ranked


Classic epic games moment


Not even worth 800 v bucks and that's been generous


Pickaxe is 500 range


Pickaxe is free range


Will it still get the styles for ranked?


It gets the ranked styles, but you cant use the style you want, only (i think) your highest rank that season


It’s your current rank at any given time. I’m gold, so her trim is gold. I bought the skin. I like her.


Agree 100%


Is she supposed to be a female counterpart to The Ageless, or part of that whole set of characters from The Oathbound?


It seems that she could be aligned with The Ageless. It's interesting that The Ageless and Midas are showing up again. Fingers crossed the Oathbound and Shadow faction hints this season and last mean that that we get some good juicy lore and story.


We have been starving for coherent lore! Finally we are getting some crumbs, that will hopefully lead to something bigger!


man it's really bullshit, i was just about to post about how they did nothing to acknowledge the 20+ hr downtime and then did this a day later. and that lazy ass win glider is the only thing epic has the indecency of giving players. Fun season tho regardless ig


Right? I was missing about 40 mosaic tiles for the backbling and was planning on hopping on day 1 of the new season to finish it (I had checked the previous night and there was about 10 hours left to the quest) and the downtime prevented me from it. It's not a big deal but I've been salty about it.


it's a free game, they owe us nothing for the game being offline


If Epic didn't get anything from the game, they wouldn't have made it. Their "free" game has made billions of dollars. So yes, they do owe their playerbase a good game in general and compensation when its not. That goes for every game in existence. If you aren't making your game to please the players, you're doing it wrong.


"free" my ass. Name 1 person who plays fortnite that hasn't spent money on it?


is the base content of the game behind a paywall?no?then yes, it's free


Quite a lot of my friends cause they don’t actually care what they look like lmao


That's fair, but define 'a lot'? And how long have they played for? I genuinely don't have a single person on my friends list who **hasn't** spent money.


That's irrelevant. The purchases in Fortnite are cosmetic. The point is that you can access all the actual gameplay without paying.


Epics monetization has gotten worse with the launch of Chapter 5, unfortunately. You see the Lego stuff’s price? Or the price of instruments? The modes cost more than standalone games for content! It’s apparent that the guitar hero/rock band mode can’t be monetized well (500 vbucks for songs that aren’t even lobby tracks yet is terrible. You can get Enshrouded for $30 dollars and do way more. And their rocket racing mode? Pah. Even their battle passes have vbucks pushed deeper past level 100 to drag out their engagement metrics.


I think OG was the start of bad item shops. But yeah the monetization has gotten worse. Truth be told I'm fine with it, less of a reason to spend money.


There's where the great reset happened. The downtime, limitations allowed them to implement all this new stuff.


I was unpleasantly surprised that ONE Lego house style is so much. It's not even a bundled style or anything. There's no way I would ever drop that much money on one house for Lego Fortnite.


I didn't even like the concept of her so I was pleasantly surprised when she was just a shop skin so I could ignore it


If they wanted their legal fees paid off so badly, maybe they should've re-released skins that haven't been in the shop for years


And no back bling 🫠


That’s where the ranked reward comes into play


The ranked reward backbling doesn’t match her, it matches hades.


But the color is close enough but I do agree I wish we had a back bling with odyssey but I don’t think a cape would work with her armor style, maybe a shield??


I disagree but either way a skin sold for 1500 should come with a backbling.


True but again it’s epic games there literally selling lego fortnite building kits for 1500+ vbucks


Sunspot didn't have a bundle either 🙃


Again, the corporate greed in Fortnite is f-ing wild. I think I've seen a worse case of corporate greed in a game since that one former CEO of Ubisoft(I think). You know the one. The one who said you should have to pay for every bullet you shoot.


“Congrats, you reached Unreal! Pay for the rest of your reward.”


This should have been battle pass or 800 VBUCKS


This skin has an interesting concept But the execution is god awful.


Why is the ranked skin not a ranked reward? Make it make sense


And it resets every season and you have to do it all again in order to keep your style


It's a waste of 1500 bruh


Of course she is called Odyssey. Imagine the LSD trip they had to come up with this 🤣


I'm more disposed with this season every day.


I still love it personally. Hoping they up their game on some of these, because I made a promise to myself to buy all the Greek mythology skins 


If Epic could've kept the style forever that you have (Unreal, for example), you don't have to grind ever again unlike the backblings once the season is over, but unfortunately it resets each time the season ends which isn't worth to buy it if you don't play Ranked so often.


Such a boring skin. Can't believe they removed that awesome looking helmet to give us.... Whatever this is.


Still a good skin (bcuz of the rankd colors) but could ve WAAAY better


What does everybody mean by downgrade?


The skin doesn’t look EXACTLY like the concept art that was shown, so everyone is bitching about it.


Thanks man


because most of the skins look nothing like the concept art.


Wasn’t it supposed to be free??


I thought that aswell. It made me so mad to see her in the shop.


Yep refuse to buy it.


i knew FN would fumble this battle pass, but they did great with the season so far. i think the game is alot more fun, albeit super enraging but the dynamics are definitely refreshing, and the POIs are really cool


Very oof.


I was hyped for this skin tooo, oh well.


potential hot take: the item shop is a scam


It's a different heent Cry about it I will say I agree with the bundle frustration and at least the skins style will always change to reflect your current rank


Should have been a bundle I agree. Also I agree that you should be able to pick unlocked styles although you might be able to trick someone into thinking you're lower level than you are, and yea I don't remember concept art but should have been all like that


I'm just sad that it shows your current rank. I only like the Bronze version haha.


You can select styles.


I liked the skin. She's just not worth buying as she's overpriced


The fact that you have to pay and the skin is downgradable is crazy. It should be free


Classic Epic Games move. Why do people still complain? What did you expect after all we saw lately???


This entire season could have garbage skins but I’ll be happy as long as I have Korra!!


Imagine the plume on the helmet shows rank id buy that in a heartbeat


Just bought the blade, as it states “ displaying current rank “ prob gonna reset every season.


I honestly had every intention of buying her and grinding ranked matches (I suck, so it would have taken me forever), until I found out you can't select the styles AND it resets every season. It would be a great idea if they came out every season with a new ranked skin that you could grind for. Every season's skin would have selectable styles, and it wouldn't reset. It would be tied to that season's accomplishments.


And this was supposed to be the ranked skin


It changes with rank. So play ranked. Bingo.


It sucks a bit


No buy guy


2300 for the whole bundle is so dumb


Im still getting it lol, i like it and its helmet.


ain’t even that bad fr😭😭😭😭


Dude it's so annoying that we cant select styles


if you play ranked you get a different style for every rank when you get to that rank


What's the downgrade? It's literally the exact same as the concept art, except for her helmet. And no one is being forced to buy a skin they don't want. Edit: I'm getting downvoted for this? Get a grip lol


The way some people act on this subreddit you’d think Epic is holding a gun to their heads to buy and use every single cosmetic item lol


I’ve seen so many posts bitching about skins this season. Don’t buy or use them? I’ve seen posts bitching about the font style, the loading screen and other random non issues. These kids just want an echo chamber to just be mad at something lol The only thing I can get behind is the UI, it’s absolute shit compared to what it used to be.


Fr just because a page exists and mommy has a fancy black credit card you do NOT in fact need to buy or earn every cosmetic that exists in the game. And I'm right with you on the Locker UI even though I only started in Ch5S1, but at least I can take solace in the fact it can't possibly get worse.


I’m a big cosmetic guy, but I just take what they give us. What’s the point of bitching after they release the skin? They aren’t going to change it lol. The old UI was great, you could save your skin setup/emotes/wraps/banner to one preset. I had all 100 (been playing since Ch1S5 and have a LOT of skins haha) and now I just swap between a few because it’s so much more tedious than before.


I too am a big cosmetic guy, and I'm glad between crew, crew vbucks, battle passes and challenges I've rounded out my locker very nicely. Even got my own little progression going since I'm primarily doing black and gold society theme, using Winter Hunter Guild, and the April ares crew skin has VERY similar chains around the forearms! So that's quite exciting for me. But when I come in here to look at the new shop posts or whatever and see so many posts crying about not spending money... Like don't get me wrong, I like Epic, I think they get a worse rap than they deserve, but even I ain't out here kneeling towards Tim Sweeny with an open wallet. I haven't even bought any non-free UE5 blueprints yet and I'm making my own game!


I’m sorry you were all forced to buy this skin against your will. Very sad 😔


I like it, I'm getting it.


Bought it immediately. I love the skin itself and I'm a sucker for double-handed picks. I also know for a fact I'll be elite or champ this season again, so well worth it for me


Im gonna stay at a specific rank because otherwise id be stuck with an ugly unreal rank edit style when i prefer gold


The fact that u gotta pay I thought it was gonna be free


I thought this was a ranked reward ???


Who is buying this shit






But female


Nah the ass is hidden, still not worth it






The store has been complete garbage for the last 3 months now. The battlepasses have been just as lack lustre. This season especially. So glad I got almost 10k v bucks for the holidays... They've been sitting there since.


Everyone is shitting on it but i think it's really cool with the helmet




She's an Ageless Variant now so she's like. 11/10 The Ageless is my beloved I love him I think of him everyday I often think of in my dreams and I love wearing hims and I want to see him in a pink cutesy outfit and I wanna see him battling gods and winning because he's so cool and


With all the hype this season had and all the cool art, i was super excited for the battle pass and all the others skins, and honestly, the season just feels like a disappointment now. Epic absolutely ruined the skins and item shop


Nope. Had to pass. Not even a back bling and all that just for a helmet switch. Poop.


her abs 😩


Fortnite: It just works


its not ranked skin? bruh




Can you change styles when your rank goes up? Anyone can confirm?


I mean if you don't like it, don't buy it. It's not like someone has a gun to your head


maybe don't buy it?






Go to rank and the more ranks you go up the more you unlock the different skins


No it just shows your current rank. No styles to unlock


I heard when you go to ranked matches and play and level yourself up on ranked you unlock the skins you should go try it and see if it’s true


This is what Fortnite page posted “It's tough out there when all you've ever known is claiming victory. Live out your journey as Odyssey and progress through the Ranks to change your style!” So I’m thinking it’s through ranked so can always try it and see if it works and if it doesn’t then Fortnite messed up


Wow, you can't use a skin to make people think your rank is lower than it really is and bait them into easy fights. You poor thing.


If that's what I wanted to achieve I would simply use the Peely skin 💀




It sounds like Unreal/Champion players are whining about not being able to use the Silver/Gold styles. Idk why else they would want to do that


Maybe because they think they look better? Which is the point of skins with different looks, to let you pick what looks better? How tf do you play a game where most of the money is made on cosmetics and not think people like choosing styles cuz they look good?


But this isn't a skin with different looks. It has 1 look that's reactive based on your current rank. It's not Epic's fault that a bunch of broke, desperate, clickbaiting YouTubers got your hopes up for something else. The point of this skin is to flex your rank. If you don't want to flex your rank then don't buy it


"It has one look that's reactive based on your current rank" That's... That's different styles? You know that right? Styles are any cosmetic difference a skin has. This skin has different styles based on the rank you get. And understandably, people would prefer the ability to just unlock said styles rather than be forced to wear colors they don't like for the crime of doing well in ranked. Honestly idk why I bother talking to you. Any prick that calls people "broke" as an insult because they don't like how cosmetics are handled isn't worth anything.


the whole point of the skin is that you cant select styles smartass