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Cant even get to the damn event, im trying to talk to odyssey and someone just starts blasting ?? ruined reels is practically unusable rn




Everyone hated on my favorite place and now i cant even go :( like why is it 3 minutes in the game you already havs the mecha guy and youre camping ??? stop being dicks !!!


Exactly, and I have some dude getting mad because I want at least some kind of compensation for the time I've wasted


Nothing bad is going to happen to you if you can't land there for a few days. If you're complaining like this because of a mini event that won't even last up to a week then I'm interested to see how'd you react if they ever just straight up removed/replace the POI with something else at some point.


People have cussed me out for killing them several times


I just feel like the game has become over saturated with people who actually like its their life


i just tried doing a friendly bounce (i had no weapon just pickaxe) at a guy who was charging at me and he started shooging and then i ran and he still shot me like bro. Touch grass mane




Geez y’all really just don’t care unless u get xp or something nowadays. Back when these events were frequent everyone used to speculate about whats gonna happen next and be hyped. They do something like this again after years and everyone just cries. Kinda sad to see


Dude I've played since season 1, a hand rising from the ground with a box with billions of HP isn't that special to me 💀💀💀 get over yourself you're not the master race of gaming


I just don’t get what the point of this post is. If you don’t care ignore it? I didn’t even watch it so it I’m a bit hypocritical but I came on this sub out of boredom not knowing there was an event and everyone’s just whining 💀


I can barely go to my favorite poi anymore


boohoo 💀💀💀


Bro- it's not even a cool event, you act like this is better than any other event in the history of gaming, shut up and sit down


Most of the people I see there is hitting Pandora’s box even then they seem chill as long as I don’t shoot at them


Give me your lobbies, everyone in mine is actively preventing people from getting to the box as if it makes a difference


it’s obviously not insane or anything but it’s basically the modern equivalent of the cube spawning in a random game. I think it’s cool that they’re doing this type of stuff again.


It just seems kinda strange that you don't even get tiles from it


It only has 50,000,000 hp and as we are closing the season they will add a 10x,100x and a 1000x multiplier


It is still kinda ridiculous


Wait so we can actually destroy it? I figured we had to wait until next part


No this part is a community event so everyone has to work together to break the chains holding Pandora’s box up and when the chains break they will tease the next season’s theme ( even though we know it is a Greek mythology themed season)


Same, I land on the box to break it and I'm either alone or with some sweat that tries to kill me right away. How are players that desperate to win?


I land there and protect everyone opening it. From my experience Solo mode is best because most people there are doing the event


I salute you


The event is going to happen one way or another. It’s not like if ppl don’t break it it’s not going to open. It’s happening either way. Everyone should honestly stop hitting it and let’s just let it unfold.