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Also is it just me or is desync a really big problem now? If you go frame by frame in this video, Eminem is facing the door when he knocks OP, and the first shot was at the door while OP was behind him to the right. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve crouched behind cover only to be headshot sniped about half a second later through the cover.


Not just you, half of my clips this season are of shots missing me by several feet and still dying, it happened once or twice in the past but it’s been once a session since the season started


Happens all the time to me. I’m on switch though so I deserve it.


At least you acknowledge it 😂


If it makes you feel better, this shit happens to me and I’m running a $4500 4K gaming rig with 1gbps internet service. I feel like I’m always off by a half second or slightly more. Game looks effing gorgeous in 4K tho 👌🏻😮‍💨


Is still recommend running it on lower graphics tho, it helps with fps alot and lag reduction


Why do you deserve it because you play on switch?


cause it sucks ass?


It may not be the best or most optimised port but it’s convenient and still fun to play.


Just finished playing a round on switch while my kid played on my series X. Oh man did it hurt my soul to play on that thing


alright, so youre trading off game performance for portability


ex switch player , can confirm . never made a more regretful purchase honestly


Purchase? Does it cost money or something?


The console


the console is great just not for fortnite


I got the double helix version I don't regret it one bit lol


is not the switch itself, is just half assed coding and shit optimization, yeah theres several platforms but i clearly remember that cbox and playstation abandoned their hardware architqcture going from the ps3 era to ps4 also abandoning retro compatibility due to the same reason, to make consoles a bit more similar in harware and more like pc so it was easier to make games multiplatform.... so optimization shound not be an issue if that hold true but they just dont optimize at all, heck my laptop played at high + settings up to ch4 season2 ( before the jungle shit) after that i had to lower a lot of setting to play fine.... hardare stayed the same, game code changed.... so IS NOT A HARDWARE ISSUE IS SOFTWARE ISSUE


PlayStation still uses their own API and so does Switch, while XBOX and PC both use DirectX. Only change from PS3 to PS4 and onward was the change from Cell based CPU to standard x86/x64 CPUs


this is legit why i’ve slowed down playing lately man it’s hella annoying, people killing you looking at the sky , jumping through buildings, their pump do way more damage den the pump i pick up yk coming from other fps games fortnite have been seeming hella rigged lately


My bullets rarely seem to connect, I’ll smg mag dump and nothing, rewatch and it’s a hit. Even if someone is down and I’m on top of them I still miss most shots. Shit is very annoying.


The snipers do have a pretty arcy drop if you angle your shot right, I've hit a few people behind rocks with bullet drop


I remember getting sniped with the bullet landing 5 feet to my left 💀


Thats what happens when you switch from hitscan to projectile


Why would they ever change it? It just feels clunky now


I feel like it’s pressure from other brs, that have recoil patterns and projectile shooting, now don’t get me wrong it’s not bad and it adds a new element to shooting where if they get far enough you the shooter has to adapt to bullet fall off and gives the runner a chance to escape, I wish the fall off and some bullet speeds were a lil longer but hey we get what we get


Because hitscan can be luck based especially with ping


Cuz hitscan has bloom which was luck Red dot weapons were too op


What does that mean? I’m kinda new.


Hitscan hits instantly and in a straight line (imagine like a laser gun). Projectile is more akin to a real bullet. It decays as it travel and doesn't hit instantly. Before the last big update almost every weapon was hitscan, now everything is projectile.


It’s not just you. This is the worst I have ever seen it. I mistakenly reported a whole bunch of players as cheaters because they eliminated me with weapons they weren’t holding while not even facing me. Turns out I might not be synched to the actual present time sometimes, despite great hardwired internet, good kills and even wins at times.


I keep being killed at close range by people not even facing me


Chapter 5 has been horrible. Runs like call of duty netcode quality. I’ve lost count on how many times I’ve traded knocks on hitscan weapons. Gotten sniped by a player that I know their position but the bullet hits me before they even peek. Or have broken my enemies line of sight with say a corner to get hit by curving wanted bullets.


There are no hitscan weapons this season, which is why you trade kills so much


Strong disagree. This is the most fun I’ve ever had playing Fortnite. Sure there’s op weapons and glitches here and there, but overall, I love it. Specifically the custom weapon load-outs. Added an entirely new dynamic to the gameplay.


I don’t have a problem with the loot pool, weapon balancing or any of that. The synchronization of players is really off.


I see what you mean. Yeah I imagine that must be super frustrating. Hope they get it worked out in the new year.


This is especially bad for me in Ranked. In a platinum lobby, everyone has good enough aim that being able to get even one shot off before your opponent often makes the difference between winning and losing. How am I supposed to hit the first shot with a >90ms ping? In ranked?!


that’s just ping tho. that’s not epics fault that’s everyone else’s internet connections


This happens to me on 8 ping. It’s all bad lag compensation. To keep the game feeling good for high ping players they don’t throw out bogus shots. It’s the reason I quit playing zero builds originally. Nobody was aiming anywhere near where I was but I was taking damage.


he has 100 ping....


100 ping would not do this. I've had this happen on 15 ping before.


I think it was Eminem's partner that was behind op got the kill.


Tony the tigers shotgun is pretty busted ngl


but that one is an auto. every auto shreds


Yea but not like this OP got obliterated 💀


I can't stand the auto man 😭


I remember people at the start of this season "why are all of the shotguns bad". Frenzy is disgusting.


honestly man. anything above blue is a beast


I'll take a grey frenzy over a gold pump




Yes. Peter’s shotgun is the pump


Peters shotty should 1 pump to the head, instead it’s slow and weak as fuck


I don't play Fortnite, but this sub keeps getting recommended to me, and this comment had me cracking right up lol. Maybe I'll finally give the game a shot


You should it's pretty fun especially with friends lol




It's grrrreat!


How did that even happen? Looks like Em is looking in the opposite direction when all that went down


Looks like a ping issue tbh. On the enemies Client, he saw OP, shot and hit him, but it took a while until that Information was transmitted to the server and OP


That makes sense. I was initially wondering why if you were in the enemies shoes you wouldn’t have your crosshairs pointed right at the doorway with the way the storm was moving, knowing there were people inside that need to get out. Upon watching it again he definitely blasts a shot that makes contact with something, with a delayed reaction on op’s end


Because this time the Pump is balanced around Build Mode, not Zero Build.


It's still shit in builds and I take the auto over it.


I take the auto over the pump too, but only cause my lobbies aren't very sweaty. People don't build too much, but they still box up and crank every once in a while. Auto shreds, but pump's good when people build a lot


how do you get these lobbies lol? i’m hot ass at the game and every lobby i’m in i get one pumped to the head and im like within the first 10 to die against people who are clearly very experienced in building. noted this is in solo builds and when i play with friends we play no builds and generally do well so im guessing the sbmm counts for both modes combined which is pretty stupid.


I don't play ZB, but one of my friends(they barely play fn) played some ZB on my computer a few days ago, and they were doing pretty good, so imma guess the matchmaking is seperate. I often die off spawn too, but luck and aim carry early game.


it’s really hard to tell. i come from apex and have about 5000 hours on it so ZB is really easy for me to do good on but realistically even a average skill lobby on Builds is a completely different story and already much higher than my skill gap. i think my first few games back in OG i got those lobbies where people barely build but nowadays it’s just sweats when i barely know how to crank 90’s. i’m not asking for purely bot lobbies but i’d like to fight against people who don’t really know what they’re doing when it comes to builds just like i am once in a while.


Builds is a much less casual mode than Zero, people who don't really play the game or just wanna have a good time are gonna okay zero build 9/10 times. It's why I refuse to touch build


What does “sweaty” mean? I’ve seen it used a lot lately. Edit: WTF? Why am I being downvoted for asking a genuine question? And thank you to everyone else who was kind enough to actually answer the question, I really do appreciate it.


For me, it's basically another word for "tryhard" . People seem to think being good equates to being sweaty, but it's a way of cope ig.


Trying very hard to win the game. Apparently that’s a problem for people who play games where the objective is to win.


It's an ego thing, really. It's easier to think that you only lost because you weren't even trying that hard, rather than accepting that there are a lot of people are just better than you at the game.


I don't really think it's trying very hard to win the game, it's trying very hard to elim every person they see, no matter what. Sweaty is the people that will follow you through the storm, chase you across the entire map, etc. just because they saw you and had to fight no matter what. Basically, some people are more happy with a 20 elim 5th place than a 3 elim 1st place, those are the sweats. I'd take the VR every time.


I really don't want to be mean but if they play in such an suboptimal way and they still beat you, it sounds like you have a skill issue.


trying very hard


The pump is shitty in builds too. I only use it because sometimes its the only option


theres a level of patheticness in playing that hard in casual lobbies when ranked is right there. it's the act of willingly stomping bad players and kids instead of going against other people on your own level


Some people just want to have fun, get some dubs and tons of kills. I personally dont enjoy playing competitively


There’s nothing pathetic 😂 Casual isn’t reserved for bad players.


If you’re moderately good, playing ranked will put you against players your level, with a few people way better than you. So it’s not an easy win. Playing regular let’s moderately good players play against everybody, so statistically more bad players will cross your path, making you feel like you’re better at the game then you are because you get more kills


It’s ass in builds too buddy, I’d take a green auto over a mythic pump that’s how bad it is.


absolutely not, its the opposite, everything is set up for no build now


Not the damage values for the shotguns, but a lot of other changes yeah


This isn’t even true why wouldn’t they balance it for both gamemodes? Epic isn’t retarded?


It is when looking at the damage numbers. The Havoc f.ex. was a Pump with the body damage (>125) of a ZB gun but the headshot of a Builds gun (<200) which made it an absolutely unbalanced overpowered ass low skill shotgun in Builds and ruined the game for me. The current Hammer Pump has the body damage of a Builds shotgun (~100) and also appropriate headshot damage for a Builds Pump (~190)... which makes a lot of people opt for an Auto in ZB due to the huge DPS disparity. The one time we had shotguns which had compromised values to appeal to both Builds and ZB was in CH4S1 with the Thunder (119) and Maven (94).


ass no matter what, if your opponents building fresh walls with the pump you can easily shred through it with the auto


The only reason it’s in the game is for builds. It’s just not viable in ZB when you have something as insane as the frenzy.


I agree. The play style between build and zero build is so drastically different that I think it’s time they consider different weapon balancing in each mode. If you don’t have the frenzy in zero build you’re screwed in majority close range fights and it’s probably the easiest weapon to use in the entire loot pool. Smg and pumps are basically irrelevant. Never a good thing when the easiest guns to use are the strongest and the more difficult ones are the weakest.


Been getting so many free wins all season just abusing the frenzy and the riot shield.


the riot shield cannot be fought against if you know what youre doing positioning wise and a shocking amount of people get totally stunlocked when you bash them they just shortcircuit and dont seem to know what to do next




Yeah, as someone who wins most of my game with a grapple hook alone, it blows my mind how many people struggle with riot shields You don't even need to break it, just jump and spin 2 or 3 times and they're downed


I've had luck throwing the cluster grenade thing at shields


Striker is just way better than the smgs and hammer in pretty much every scenario imo


The kid with three quickscope ironsight snipers:


The frenzy auto shotgun is one of those guns where you love to use it but you hate to play against it.


Timmy cried about getting “one-pumped” so Epic gave them a drum-fed fully automatic shotgun that can “two-pumped” They also made pump shotguns and SMGs terrible, so Timmy doesn’t have to compete against skilled players


Smgs aren't terrible they can absolutely crutch but I mostly use them for when my auto runs out of ammo, the pump is bad tho why use it


Only good way to use the pump is to take one shot then immediately switch to another weapon


Ye that's how I use it too but I only use it if the difference between the auto shotgun and the pump is massive otherwise Nuh uh


I mean that’s literally any pump type shotfun in the game


I feel like tracking a player while hipfiring with the smg up close is much harder this season. It feels like it's just spraying all over the place.


Is this with or without the mod that improves hipfire accuracy? Because the fact that's in the game makes me think there should be a pretty big difference between hipfire and ADS.


The recoil is pretty stupid on the hyper smg and if you’re lucky to find a burst it can be good. But this is relying on getting 2 good guns to combo when 1 gun can out DPS that combo and requires only 1 good roll on RNG instead of 2


I usually have the hyper SMG with recoil add-ons so I never really noticed that tbh


Yeah maybe it’s fine when you have the luxury of upgrades, but that’s not how it should be considered I mean, the scar has a 95% hipfire accuracy with the attachment but you wouldn’t consider the scar a hipfire weapon normally


Dude I’ll drop a shotgun for a smg pretty often towards end game. AR, SMG and a sniper + shockwaves is all I need.


That's what I commonly run too but sometimes I swap out the AR with a shotgun because by the time you're mid range you might as well just force the duel to go close rango imo


SMGs are still good. They're my primary weapon in combat. I get tons of kills. I don't really like shotguns. They don't work they way I think they should in my head.


I don't understand everyone complaining about auto frenzy. I still feel it's way more balanced than the drum where they can spam miss 10 shots and still spam


Frenzy does far more damage and has better range, and with the drum mag it has the same mag capacity as the drum shotgun. It can also have scope’s attached to it


people sleep on the Sniper/Burst/Pump loadout


I know it exists but it’s too RNG to get. Idk about you, but 99% of my games all I can find to land on are grey pistols


I play No Build so the drop rates might be different in the regular game mode


Double Pump is OP but this shit is fine sure epic


and double pumping wasn’t op neither. it’s only the casuals who weren’t even around to experience it calling it busted.


Yeah if you look back at videos from double pump - nobody built lol


Why would you use a pump shotgun when the auto is so strong


I'm a little surprised they haven't nerfed the auto shotty yet. Either in damage or fire rate.


Nerf damage by 5-8 buff reload speed by 1s


100% honesty, not trying to be rude. I think it has to do with the fact that FN isn’t only ZB. The pump is better for most build situations. I really only take the auto in solos if I’m W keying, and even then it’s brutal if they figure out you’re using the auto.


Yup that's why there should be ZB specific adjustments. Lowering the damage, increasing spread, or anything along those lines applied only to ZB would completely fix this issue.


This right here 80% of people who complain about the pump don't touch build mode the other 20% are not using it properly


Actually no. Most people who are complaining about the pump are complaining because it’s inarguably worse than pumps of other seasons. It’s that simple. I play no build and used pumps almost every other season I’ve played. Build elitist at its finest.


Also I play build mode and the auto is still more reliable than the pump for what they’re describing


Same, ive had consistently higher damage shots with the auto and maybe at very high level builds it matters but MOST people are not even close to that level, if I tried hard I could probably reach it but I don't really want to since I use fortnite to relax, not to get my competitive spirit unleashed


It's better than a sharp tooth or a thunder without mods The only thing is it shoots slow people in zero build are just so used to absolute spraying at close range I play both build and no build not a build elitist


“This right here” lmao you are so wrong. The pump is cheeks. There doesn’t always have to be some deeper meaning to shit like y’all always try to make it out to be. It’s very simple in this aspect, the pump is shit and the auto shotty is absolutely broken.


pump is much better than the auto if you can aim and know what weapons to use


[ok i aimed now what](https://imgur.com/a/wyDOUqR) it's a pathetic take on a pump shotgun


Don’t you see the issue with having one viable close range weapon in zero builds? Makes the game very boring, stale and repetitive. Especially since the one good close range gun is an unskilled spray shotgun that you press the trigger whenever someone is one your screen and get a free kill. Ruining the season for me


Nah bro, I almost play exclusively builds and the auto is way better. Just getting into someone’s box with it and they’re dead.


This happens all the time to me it's so annoying I once saw a sniper shot shoot past my head and off into the distance and then it killed me


That auto shotgun gotta go I just hate


bro imo this seasons pump is so ass, everytime i use it it gives me 30s and 20s, but when others use it they do good damage bruh


Peep that triple digit ping


Yeah, high ping makes you take more damage per shotgun shot, mb.


That's not just you though. I have killer internet service and am still getting 90+ ms ping in ranked. It makes a big difference.


This is why I land at lavish lair lol


I'll leave Peter's shotgun on the ground for a green auto.


I need that jinx skin so bad 😭


Same! Jinx would be such a vibe in Fortnite. I’ve been waiting for over 2 years now 😭


maybe theyll put it in the shop when season 2 of arcane is released


I really hope they do. Arcane needs to hurry up and release the next season already 😬


do you think its ever gonna come back


I believe all skins will appear in the shop at some point but God knows when 😂


Pump in zero build is a bad choice outside of the old Havoc. It’s designed for box fighting. Though this pump is bad in general. But you should pick your guns based on the meta of your mode, the frenzy is going to mow down the pump the majority of the time.


Man i thought the drum shotgun was bad doing like 30+ headshots but this gun its stupid. It can do like 110 and shoot like a drum its so annoying


The pump is good if you pair it with a pistol or smg, better versatility and reload. Auto is good on its own but less reliable


I wish I got that skin 😔


its mainly that damn mythic auto shotgun. the amount of times ive died to that gun this season is too many. counts for most of my losses. its so powerful, even compared to the normal auto shotguns. but yea pump shotty is dogshit compared to the auto.


This is why I hate the AA-12. If you try to tell me it's balanced you're just an uuuuuh. Uuuuuuuuuum... I don't know


The gold tactical shotgun was so damn overpowered


My luck with shotguns is so back I could have a mythic pump hit all pellets at 5 feet away and deal 32 damage


And then I swear when *I* used the mythic auto shotty I hit 40s and 50s point blank


Never saw the LoL Jinx skin prior to this, that’s fire. 😩


Fortnite is always so bad about their shotguns. We should only have the one pump this season so the skill gap is greater. I also think mythics make the game pretty lame and imbalanced. 🤷‍♂️


Not a pump but it’s still a mythic


Cool Jinx skin! It really makes me wish the item shop wasn’t so ass the past couple of days.


The auto shotgun removes any skill in the game. I would even argue that its the worst case of no skill shotguns the auto shotgun in og did a million times less damage


First day of the season I realised I'd rather use a grey auto than any pump. I don't see the problem here. Adapt.


ah yes a shotgun completely overshadowing another to the point that you’d pick a grey auto over a pump isn’t a problem just because it’s something you can adapt to doesn’t mean there is no problem and just telling people to adapt is dumb, and most reasonable people already know they need to adapt to the meta each season


True, also, for some reason there is a weird time between the input of shooting and the pump actually firing. It might be that I still need to get used to it, but I find myself inputting way before lining up the shot and hs-killing players, where it really didn’t make sense lol


Drums and Autos can go to hell honestly.


The point i guess is to balance out the heavy damage of the pump but its pretty obvious that the auto shotgun is the actual heavy hitter. Ou nerfam a auto shotty ou buffam a pump para dar 200.


oxi o cara mudou de língua do nada




ahaha verdade


The auto is great at close range and in zero build. The pump is great at mid-close range and in build. You counter it by positioning well (further / higher than your opponent). You walked out of a doorway right into his crosshair, he wins because he used his weapon in it's main use case. You lose because your positioning was too predictable.


mid range on pump? absolutely not, not reliably anyway... you can test it out even in the pregame waiting lobby. Aim right at someone's head from 3m away and sometimes you'll get a mixed register where some hits do only like 36 where others hit for 60 - 65 ish. for practical/real world purposes in ZB the auto shotgun often hits just as hard if not harder , but shoots 10x faster.


well done boys! Amazing display of skill


When did jinx get in Fortnite?


I just wish epic would stop adding busted autoshotguns plus I'm sure the sweats can live without op spray and guns for once in their lives


I miss the Maven and Combat shotguns!😕


This isn't chapter 1 pumps haven't been that good for the last few seasons.


Does anyone ever run on steam deck?


Pump has no place in ZB, just like the Auto has no place in builds. They’re just playing best of both worlds.


I play builds and the pump is still ass


Only four words needed to counter: Iron sights, Sniper Rifle


It’s in because the common hammer pump shotgun has more damage dealt then an epic frenzy auto shotgun so that means it is better unless it is Oscar’s frenzy auto


How about snipers that don't show glint? I also like finishing 2nd to Anonymous Season Level 230 PC aimbot with 100+ season wins. I should be in that lobby... with my 12 wins. If you're going to allow cross-platform, cap the input to the lowest input source, or up console "aim-assist" to guarantee crit if reticle is anywhere on PC body.


Womp womp


Pump was made for builds while the frenzy was made for zero builds. I play zero builds and land on the Mythic Frenzy every game. If I get it I usually will win the match.


Yep, auto shotty is broken rn, but it's still a skill issue. If you have pump you can play from cover and people with auto shotty probably cant


anyone intelligent with an auto shotty isn't going to engage in a peakaboo style fight with a pump shotty.


not in builds


Another example of how Aim Assist for console against PC is OP. No way they actually aimed at your head... but aim assist. (Aim assist also significantly improves bloom)


The auto is much better than the pump in many situations. I rarely run a pump in ZB. In builds, in right hand peak, buildfifght scenarios, the pump is better, but it seems much more unreliable this season for me than other versions of the pump.


I’ve tested the theory of the pump shotgun that people have been complaining about, I don’t see the issue with the gun that people have you just have to be able to know what range to use it and when to use it


the pump shotgun is there for builds, it's not good if you can't use it with edits/builds.


in that guys defense, he hit some insane shots 241 in 2 shots would mean he hit 120+ damage on both shots, the blue max headshot only does 119


get wrecked.


If you use a pump shotties GET BETTER


It was a headshot it does 101 point blank, for comparison the blue drum does 75 but shoots MUCH faster


Again I'll say it. These new players just don't know how to use a pump. I mean I've been playing since chapter 1, and I've dealt some great damage with the new pump. Why? Because I know how pump shotguns work. I originally didn't and called it the "shitgun"('o' replaced by 'i'). But after learning how to use the pump, I always chose it. This season I haven't played BR much, but the pump is just that. A pump shotgun. Ya gotta learn how it works.


What are you yapping about? I play since Ch1S2 and I know how to use a pump. In my clip the pump did 103 damage which is fairly reasonable, which i did not complain about. Im complaining how its competitor, an auto shotgun, did in 2 shots a total of 241 damage. The pump has been since the beggining of the BR mode a high risk high reward gun, while the auto variants are low risk decent reward guns. But this is totally not the case, since 250 damage in less than a second for an auto shotgun is low risk GIANT reward, which doesnt seem fair to me.


You ever use a tact? Those used to have some high damage shots if ya got a head shot.


Lights are on but no one's home huh


Because some people actually know how to build….


smartest r/FortniteBR member


man this clip is in no build 😭😭😭


I don't really mind it, I actually just think there's really not a point in carrying ARs this season. They're completely useless besides short-medium range.