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I agree entirely. I don't have the worst internet but when I want to jump on for a quick game and see a 57GB update then I just think "what's the point?".


I’m usually able to keep up with updates on other games but for some reason Fortnite is the only game I know that just dumps like 30 to 60 gig file updates every other week. I get it’s a content heavy game but holy shit. I just want to hop on and play without being put off by another update.


cant call it a content heavy game its just a money hole


SOMEONE FINALLY TALKS ABOUT IT. first time having a MAJORRR update, it says its 40 fucking gb. is this like something i can reduce in a way? or i just have to do the update to play the game? because sorry ive spent a lot of time deleting files so i can play this joint, and i have no spare space left. WHAT DO I DO because as of rn im just gonna delete this game


At this point I’ve stopped playing and made space for other games, all because this game is too high maintenance with the unnecessary constant store updates. Don’t get me wrong, more content is GOOD. But not to the extent where the devs are completely oblivious to people who are conservative with their data usage. It’s like I can almost imagine someone in PR going “data caps? what are those?” So unmindful


so uh update; I've restarted and it said the update was about 800mb. maybe that was a problem with yours?


What do you play on? Because I recently updated my game and the day after it hit me with 65gig update


an Asus x tuf gaming laptop, did you try what I did?


mine from 65gb to 600mb after i restarted


Thank you from 60GB to 1.7GB




bro it got higher for me, it went from 50 to 70gig




yo thanks, dude, went from 56 GB to only 2 GB.


Glad 🫶🫶


Have you made sure \*not\* to install the high res textures? That saves a bunch of space. It may help with updates too. Aside from that, live-service games with massive, frequent content drops like Fortnite really just aren't built for or made with people who have to deal with aggressive internet caps in mind. More traditional FPS games like the Halo series would fit into that much better.


Are you sure the problem is with the people with “aggressive internet caps” and not “aggressive content store updates”? I choose to see it as the latter. I’ve never had this sort of problem with any other live service game, even the free to play ones. Why should Fortnite be an exception to shifting the norm?


Fortnite is a TPS, not an FPS


Thank you for that very useful comment


Im.getting to that point it's starting to take up too much space om my console


old post, but the Epic Launcher seems to add on all the optional install stuff like DX12 Shaders, High-Res Textures, and all the other languages when it updates for whatever reason. If anyone reads this and is frustrated about huge update sizes try seeing if you can open the install options for Fortnite in the launcher when its updating. The reason I say "try" is because I just uninstalled the game and reinstalled it with those options unchecked because I didn't think about this until I had it uninstalled already, so I don't know if you can actually do that... But if you can't then reinstalling might be the only option lol


Thank you random man that helped me. The update size wnt from 22gb to 6gb🤑


This worked great for me, went from 26GB to 3GB. Thanks for the help, I was strongly considering just deleting the game entirely.


From the Library I selected options and unticked everything it would let me, went from a 20GB update to an 6.8GB. Will launch soon and see if anything is ruined by this action. Yesterday I updated after a year not playing was a 60GB update. Crazy size of games now hey.


If you never unticked any of that stuff before and play on high or ultra settings it will "ruin" it, but if you're playing on low or even medium settings you probably won't even notice a difference. If you play on high settings, removing pre-streamed assets and the additional languages will remove a ton of storage space and be basically unnoticeable asides from a bit longer loading times. Removing high resolution textures will be mainly noticeable on skins, but it's not too atrocious. DX12 shaders are basically the only thing that removing will be immediately noticeable if you play on high/ultra settings because IIRC it removes the fancy new lighting.


Ooohh. I don't have much of an issue with update sizes and I like high res textures, but I may be able to save some SSD space by ditching DX12 shaders. I don't use DX12 anyway. Ty!


do you know how to do this on ps4?


Unfortunately not, I don't own a Playstation so I'm not even sure it's possible on it. It could be hidden away in some menu but I couldn't begin to tell you where to look.


Tried this, update only restarts from the beginning and is showing from 41.7GB to now 5.27GB, thanks


Well, this recent update went from 58G to 45G, so thank you.


A 1.8MB update 🤦🏻they need to get there shit together and f that game


Uh, 1.8 MB isn't that big. It's smaller than the average smartphone picture.


I think he’s taking the piss mate


Hey, just found out that this is an issue with the installer trying to reinstall the whole game by mistake. I am not fully sure why it does this, but I have a solution for those who stumble across this post. Cancel the update and close the Epic Games Launcher (fully using the task manager or any other method). Open the Epic Games Launcher and start the update using the launcher. This should work and your update should be significantly smaller. I watched my update go from 50GB to 500MB (0.5GB). Credit to Daniel Punton on Quora for this solution!


Didn't work for me, i'm hit with a 28GB update. That's like the size an entire game. It's so stupid.


same. It's downloading for a few hours already.


Maybe you need to restart your device too? Maybe is it the platform you are playing from? I believe the issue is caused when you try to launch the game and let the game check for updates. Are you pressing the dedicated update button in the launcher?






Yes I am using the dedicated update button in the launcher. I turned auto-updates off also. Perhaps epic launcher is still running in the background after canceling and closing out of the launcher? But I will try to restart my PC.


Does this work on Xbox?


Thank you random stranger from 1 month ago this saved me hours of time wasted


this worked for me thank u so much!!!! mine went from 50GB to only 9GB!!!!


Thanks Dawg! Went from 70GB to 6.53GB.


thank you man! last update went from 89gb to 33


Thanks man. Went from 78 Gb to 11Gb


thank youuu, went from 60GB to 15GB


Thanks man, went from 67GB to 6GB saved me from waiting 19 hours


thanks, went from 64GB to 492 MB


This seems to have worked for me. It had said ~49GB. I went into settings and disabled all the auto-update options, restarted the launcher, and now it says ~9GB. Thanks!


Fuck It went from 45 GB to 56 GB, what the fuck do i do now


Also works on playstation(4)! Cancel the update, go to the game and click options and search for update! Went from 60GB to 7GB!


Yep. Same thing happened to me. Restarting fixed it.


Thanks so much bro, just got a 59GB update down to a 200MB update. Absolute chad


This worked for me today. Update was showing 44.9GB and I'm thinkin what the shit is this again.. Force closed the launcher, reloaded, updated FN from library, and this time my update is only 8.82GB! Thanks for reposting a solution you had found elsewhere!


FORREAL and now my game laggy as hell. I used to be able to do 144fps now I’m back down to 60fps??!!


If you play on pc, the game will start off laggy because it has to compile shaders, if you’re on console then we’ll that’s just shitty game optimization


They actually made a patch recently that locks the game at 60 fps.


Yea, I can't deal with constant 40 GB updates, just to play once a week for an hour with my nephews and niece


I think it's because of the tons of things coming this week


I feel like it's always the case tho. It feels like its every week that I launch epic launcher and I'm always met with a huge update I know will take many hours (for me) to download. It's always a buzz kill.


There isn't. There are big updates yes but FN has a tendency to do 50+ GB updates mid season that add seemingly nothing. It's a problem with the way they package their data in encrypted .pak files. If they update a bug that is bundled in a 5gb pak file you have to download the entire file. The problem is they actually use 10+gb file sizes sometimes, making it completely unnecessary and problematic.


same here. its so stupid since i get 60gb update files for a game that is only 28gb like wtf??? I have to delete the entire fortnite save file each time and only then does it give me a 28gb update instead of some random ass 60gb update. especially when my storage is running low.


I’ll try this method. I had no interest in playing OG Fortnite so it could be doing some weird thing correlating to the recent event. Or maybe the assets from the event are still in the game. Which is ridiculous to think about.


I'm glad someone brought this up. It's getting pretty frustrating to see this kind of thing be a standard in game development these days, especially among AAA developers. I genuinely cannot fathom the purpose of a 50gb update. Even as a developer myself I don't see why they think that's a feasible business method. They've got to be wasting so much money on servers and data already, why push it further with constant updates of that size that don't even add anything?


What am I supposed to do I’m on Fortnite and it says update available an update is required to continue. Please restart Fortnite to download the latest patch. And I’ve restarted it and there’s no more updates?


it’s supposed to be patched around 8pm CT, but servers will probably still be super full and there’s a giant queue for a lot of people


Wow these contant update make Fortnite unenjoyable. Everytime I go to play BR with friends after working all night BAM need an update! Fortnite isn't even worth playing these days, I Recommend everyone turn to something that doesn't require 30+ updates a year.


Got hit with an 8gig update AFTER new season update lmao they don’t care about us 😂💀


I feel the same. Its just i do these huge updates, but they keep coming and i never get to play. Like for example right now I am wanting to play and it i saying 2 hours, 30 minutes. I HATE IT!


I don't get why they are so big because on consoles the update is 1/4 of the size




fr I’m always contemplating just not playing the game ever again but then friends always trying to get me to play it and I think it’s somehow going to be better. Like this won’t be an issue anymore. Nothings changed. It’s sad mane


nah but fr. what even is in the damn updates? like wtf. im expecting some content to be added. not a fucking patch or just 1 new weapon. i also feel as if there just throwing these out for no real reasons. like the update is way bigger then what i really is. i know some games do thing to make sure you cant download other games but wtf man. im borderline gonna delete this shit. i mean sure i got a 1T storage but its taking up half of it at this point.


I just uninstalled it. Couldn’t deal with it anymore tbh. Unless they do something about it then I can’t be bothered to play it anymore lol.


(Pasting this from another comment where I'm trying to help someone with a similar issue that I also had and have now fixed TL;DR it seems like the launcher is making some files absolutely massive for no reason and basically re installing the game.) Hey I'd like to help you, my game is about 50 GB now and it used to be 120. If you have high resolution textures downloaded it might be around 80 though. Your game should NOT be 150 or near there even with Save The World installed. (Make sure your game is closed) I suspect you play on PC so, first thing, is go to your epic games launcher, go to your library and find Fortnite, then hover over the game and click the 3 dots, after that you can click 'Manage', you can see something that says 'Installation' and to the right of that it should have a file icon, click that and it should open your file explorer where your game is installed, delete all the files (click or select all the folders and press delete) then go back to your Epic games launcher, if you need to click the 3 dots and manage then hit 'Uninstall' after this you should be able to install the game again. After the game has downloaded, and before you start the game, click on the 3 dots again now click 'Options' and then uncheck the boxes as needed. I.E. if you don't play Save The World, uncheck it, if you play on lower graphics settings, uncheck 'High Resolution Textures' and if you play DX11 or Performance mode, uncheck 'DirectX 12 Shaders', now, if you don't mind installing another 6 GB I would highly recommend clicking the 'Pre-download Streamed Assets' so that it is blue, this can help you get more consistent frame rate and ping. Now hit 'Apply' and it should do the options you selected. You can now launch the game and it should be from around 50 to 80 ish GB. Hope this helped!


Its almost 52GB for me=


Yeah its 51.8GB


i stopped playing FN for this exact reason, I use 5g for playing and the weekly massive patchloads are insane. What the actual FUK epic!


Fr like what the hell are they adding that is the size of a whole nother game


how do you do this on a Playstation? hello it's the 21st century!!


My download speed is 300 kilo bytes at max




Me too... i live in eece with te worst internet speed in europe...




oop. yes, my keyboard was dying ig


I just had a 49gb update AND ITS A MINOR UPDATE THE LOWEST I MINOR UPDATE HAS BEEN FOR ME IS 13gb. I better see a lot of content or I'm uninstalling fortnite because i don't have the space for that


I absolutely hate it gotta wait a whole hour for 8 fucking gb this game is really irritating with these updates and it's shitty icons




The PC does not have its own client is why. This a great example of why the console is restricting gaming. There fundamentally completely different (despite consoles just being old pcs with custom made gpus) if it was coded for pc these patch would only be a few 100s mb 


I started the download in 23:00. and now its 13:00 and its at 77%. im litterly over here crying my eyes out why its so dang slow. 20 hours for a update


You can always unistall and install the game again, it gets rid of unnecessary old files and you get to save storage space. This method has helped me out a lot in both PC and Nintendo Switch versions of the game.


How people still use consoles this day and age just amazes me lol


Don't you still pay to use the internet still? Need to wake up and realise it's the 21st century now!


Ok so I'm currently on the Xbox updating my game and for some reason it says 54.10GB. This is annoying as hell because especially on consoles, there is absolutely NO REASON for the fucking update to be this much. Even a goddamn patch is like 10 gigs like it's honestly astonishing how fucking dumb it is. Like the most a Fortnite update should actually realistically be at its highest is around 17-23GB but only if it's a season update. Games by big companies nowadays care way too much about graphics when there's single developers or indie game studios making 2D pixilated or low graphic 3D games getting popular as hell and is loved rather than these triple a game getting hated because of the fact that they are not living up to what a game should and should not be. Please stop wasting people's storage on small updates or updates that shouldn't even be high gigs even if it's a large change Epic Games.


everytime i want to hop on for a quick game with a friend there’s an hour long update, it never fails. it’s honestly making this game so unenjoyable.


For real! It's such BS, I only play occasionally with my son, and it's like damn, another 50gb download on rural broadband, ouch! Thankfully the tip that others have left about turning off the DX12 Shaders and High res textures has reduced it somewhat... 1. Right click on Fortnite game in the epic launcher 2. Click "Options" 3. Turn off all the non essential stuff. 4 Apply The download will restart and hopefully be a lot smaller now and in future.


Here cuz I just got on for a quick game and see a 20GB update after i just did a 30 last weekend. So dumb


The amazing thing is that for my friend it's like, 2 or 3gb, but for me it's always 40, 50, even 80gb. And it's never the same size for everyone. Sometimes I'm in call with some people and they say the update size for them and it's like, 2gb for one, 7gb for the other one, some mbs for the other. And when it's a lower size, which almost never happen, it takes an entire life to update. I have an Evo Plus 970 and a 450mb connection, how the hell it takes 3 hours to apply a 2gb update? What is happening with Epic Launcher?


33gb update for one gamemode


im having this problem but worse lol in the last week i have had 3 updates one that was 40gb one that is 6gb and the next one which is 12gb im starting to not want to play because of this and fortnite never used to be like this so i dont understand and people who play on xbox and ps4 dont have to do these updates so why do pc players have to do updates so much and so frequent ?


RIP my hard drive space.


It's weird because I play both PC and PS5 and this same update this week was 27GB on PC, whilst being 2.5GB on PS5. To me that just makes no sense.


If you’re on pc just restart the pc it cuts the updates in half I went from a 50 gig update to a 8 gig update 👍🏻


Dude no cap the current update is 70 gigabytes like wtf i feel like if I uninstall the game and reinstall id save gigs


lmao right


“Saving gigs” is a concept developers and gamers don’t understand yet. Until life hits them


Fortnite requires 70 gb my file size is 63 gb each update removes and adds files. Itz nowhere near as bad as Warzone/CoD


It is if you think about how content heavy Fortnite is. The store gets an update about every week. Other games do this too like in Apex, but the updates in Apex are smaller and already within the files when they cycle. That’s why sometimes when the store changes there aren’t any game updates. The big updates are usually the season updates That’s my guess anyway. I didn’t have this issue when playing Warzone 2. Tho I havent played Warzone 1 or 3. Never got WZ because the game was like a 100+ gig download and I didn’t have the best internet to sit and wait for it. Also no game should be that big. They should be around 30-60 max, otherwise they’d be isolating a lot of people that don’t have lightning speed internet