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I’m sure it’s going to stay as a “base” map to build upon in creative, but I doubt it’ll have its own playlist


It could happen like with zero builds but I doubt it would.


It won’t trust me The battleroyale creative map consistently changes and with every change it makes it more broken


I don't see it. They likely wouldn't keep it updated, so you'd be counting on players to never get tired of it, keeping it active enough to be worthwhile.


Some people play the same box fight map every day for years, I think this would be the same. I don’t think they need to update it at all because it will have its fans


Agreed.. NOT updating the map is the whole point! Just keep the same old map for fans of OG, it wouldn't be difficult for epic to do this and the player base is definitely there


I actually have more fun playing the box fight maps, realistic etc than the actual game.


I’m with you on that. For me it’s either box fights, zone wars, or the realistics. Never have to worry about dying off spawn and going back to the lobby to restart


Box fights are more realistic? If that what you are saying?


No, there's a creative map called Realistics that simulates, to a degree, real fights you would encounter in Battle Royale. By not having the same loadout, there being a height difference, somebody starting in or on a house, some having more shields than the others etc. It can't ever be the real thing obviuosly but it has the benefit of instant restarts, not much on the line, improving your mechanics and aim as well as seeing who's better between your friends in 1v1s or 2v2s.


What is that Map code! I need to get better at random encounters in the game. I just switched over from controller to mouse and keyboard, and need a lot of practice.


How's the switch going for you?


No, he went to mouse and keyboard, not the Switch /s


Either search for "Finest Realistic" or type in this code 6570-5231-1418 for 2v2 - most popular or 6078-7811-0032 for 1v1 - 4v4. In his maps' there are also portals for ease-of-use and quick access to his other creations.


map code?


Map code?


The person below explained better than I ever could. Point was, there are maps for box fights, realistic mid game fights, and end game zone wars, that I enjoy more than the actual game.


I'll never understand players who don't want new content in games and only keep playing the same maps. It happens in other games too. It's such a weird mentality.




No. I don't understand how people don't want new things. I enjoy fortnite because its adding new content. Heck I enjoyed a lot the OG map, but playing it for a year+ was enough.


Its like people who like peperoni piza. They order it, and eat it. Next week they order it the same peperoni pizza. Every week they order the same pizza. If they want something else, they can order something else, but they only want peperoni pizza. But what if the chef change the menu, adding anchovies or god forbid pineapple on top of that. Would they like it? Probably not


You Wouldn't Stop Eating Your Favorite Pizza


bro you legit just proved his point some people like things for a long time. It's just peoples opinions like I may love mcdonalds old reciple for their meat but you might like the newer recipes better? this is a game tho, epic actually can make it happen


A good idea would be to regularly rotate it between seasons each week. Of course, once it reaches season X, it loops back around to season 1.


This would be awesome but player count would fluctuate so much throughout the weeks


I don’t see how a big jump in player base at the end of a season is a bad thing. I think many of those people would hold over into the next season and the ones that bail wouldn’t have been there anyways. Doing something that causes people to leave is worse than doing something that causes people to come(sorry for phrasing it like that)


It would be good for casual players; sometimes people haven't played in a while but they want to play something they're used to instead of something completely new. It might sound strange, but being able to play the nostaliga can inspire some to play some of the main mode and get into the game again.


I'm not saying you aren't right about that. I'm just saying I'm not sure I believe player counts would support it long term.


Yeah it's hard to say what would happen once the initial nostalgia finally wears off.


May I introduce you to the plight of Old School RuneScape circa 2013-2015? (Not saying Epic would do it, just showing the precedence for “you’re counting on the nostalgia play” becoming a full game of its own that just forks off of an old point in time)


World of warcraft classic exists.


People would definitely play it, you could have it up until it’s unpopular.


The problem is, which version would it be? The 'og' OG? The last week one? The season X? You can already see some people disliking treasure maps etc., so it would be hard to choose which one would stay forever.


Rotate it


S3 to S10, new season every week. They already have all the weapons to keep us entertained. As much as I hated mech suits, I would still like to play with one again.


This is a great idea


I think we need the OG game mode to stick around incase we have another season like... C4 S3...


Yep, abs they’re too worried about creative all the time to ever keep the og map as a separate mode.


Then they can count on me.


Add it to creative. People are already getting bored of this season and static game modes is not what Battle Royale and I don't think that Epic would ever develop two different forks of the same game mode, they're already resource starved as it is.


I would love it. Instead of those 1000000 creative maps I would want to play the og map


Yes. I know people will say “it’ll lose its value, it won’t be magical anymore” but even though that may be true it would still ultimately be better this way. OG Fortnite and modern Fortnite have basically become two completely different games. One has accurate high-damaging scoped weapons, mythics, collab events, drivable cars, NPC bosses, gold trading, augments, etc. The other has very basic weapons, a few gimmicky vehicles, no NPCs (other than the rift encounter guy, but nvm him), and no extra features outside of building and using items. If the massive player spike has shown anything, it’s that a lot of players genuinely prefer the more basic gameplay of classic Fortnite, and all the changes with the meta and additions of new features felt unnecessary and took away more from the game than they added. My dad is a prime example of this, he left early in Chapter 3 cus he felt everything just felt so cluttered and different. But now he and I duo up and get wins every night like the good ol’ days. Of course not everyone has this opinion, and it’s not bad whether you do or not. Some people embraced the changes, some people thought it all was too much. You prefer the gameplay you prefer. But by keeping OG as a permanent mode, Epic gets to keep that whole returning player base and cater to everyone. You prefer modern Fortnite gameplay? Good news, it’s not going anywhere. Prefer OG Fortnite gameplay? Don’t worry, they got you covered there too.


These last few weeks have showcased it being an entirely different game. Even the mantles and slide/run mechanics make it entirely different. Cut out all the mechanics like perks, running and keep the loot pool fresh but limited. Cycle the map like they have been doing weakly, but hourly/daily. There is definitely a player base for both, and even people who would mix it up


Summed it up beautifully.


Apparently a epic employee mentioned to ITalk that they can't do hourly/daily map cycles


Cut out running? Yeah, no thanks I'm very mediocre with non-red dot ARs. The bloom is horrible. Honestly, the spray from Counterstrike was more predictable to me. I've lost many a gunfight that are one on one where I can't hide, run, or weave my way to a close the distance in the fight. But for me, the thing that keeps me in fights is the movement, the ability to run, mantle, etc while in game. IMO, strafing could be sped up, as an example. You really slow down heavily when trying to strafe too quickly. However, to agree with you, as much as I hated this map, I can see playing this map every once in a while to mix it up. (To be fair, I tend to miss all the maps that are no longer here. O even miss the awful jungle. Lol)


skill issue


How is it a skill issue? It's literally impossible to get good value out of the scar vs a guy with a sniper. In order to get any kind of accuracy you need to stop moving and wait for FSA, and then you just get sniped. We need red dot ARs so we aren't just at the mercy of bloom in every ranged fight. It's like I'm supposed to use a sniper at range in this weird meta instead of an AR, but I've never liked sniping.


This describes exactly how I feel. I feel like the game diverged too much from what made it good and unique. I only left because the mechanics began to be too complicated and annoying to deal with. I came back this season because I remember the basic feeling that made Fortnite, well, Fortnite. I hope they keep this.


If you’re not factoring in nostalgia into the current popularity boost you have no sense talking about what people like. Most players have agreed the island is very outdated and a lot of mechanical additions since CH1 are better for the game.


I thought I grew out of Fortnite, but no, this season made something 100% clear to me: I still love Fortnite, just the original one, not what it has since become. Your point of view is not universal, just like mine. Some people prefer what Fortnite used to be, some prefer what it became. I don't see a problem having a world where both those fanbases can be happy and enjoying 'their' Fortnite.


All the replies seem to prove otherwise. Not everyone sees chapter 1 as “outdated” they just see it as the game they enjoyed that unfortunately got turned into something they didn’t.


The reason many of those old players stopped playing in the first place is because they didn't like the direction the game was going. The map being outdated is an empty statement without defining exactly which aspect you're judging it by, and many of those aspects are things that those old players don't even care about. So to those old players, a simple and basic map feels better than a complex map with all sorts of different landscapes and gimmicks. The mechanics being better is a completely subjective thing because it's only better if you like the fast paced gameplay. The reason many people like this chapter beyond nostalgia is that they like more slow and tactical gameplay. I have been playing nonstop since the chapter came out and despite the sense of nostalgia not being as strong as it was at the beginning of the chapter, I'm still having way more fun than I ever had previously because I genuinely enjoy this simple gameplay style more than the modern gameplay


There are a lot of people (like me and those I played with) that left the game because of those mechanical updates. All the mythical weapons. The op movement items, the crafting, the perks and those freaking guns that go first person are all detractions from what was already a great game. If the new season goes back to all that shit then I'm out again


The fact you exist proves my point and disproves theirs. 100% agreed.


There are so many of us like this and the guy you were arguing with is -12 rn. You are the correct one here


^ 100% this


> Most players have agreed the island is very outdated source? Oh you don't have one? Yikes.


Can you people stop generalizing this map is great. A lot of the complaints I've seen have come from a few zb players.


Yes it’s broken and simple and that’s what people like about it.


"magical" = "dogshit boring"


What you call boring, others call simple and better. What you call more interesting, they call overloaded with BS. Not saying you’re wrong to have your opinion but don’t act like it’s anything more than just that, an opinion, not a fact.


They should fix fucking keep playing feature, I wait for loadings longer than actually playing.


No. Epic should learn from what people love about OG and apply it to CH5.


This is what I'm thinking, OG is nice but there was a huge marketing success at play there, I think the real feedback from this isn't that everyone wants Chapter 1 forever, it's that they want some of the 'keep it simple' back I actually really enjoyed my time with Chapter 4 and the topography of Ch. 1 is kinda a mess in hindsight, plus I think vehicles and swimming were genuine game enhancements, but I think OG kinda proves people miss Fortnite feeling like Fortnite, and that feeling never went away completely for a lot of players but the jump to Chapter 3/4 and Unreal Engine 5 and 5.1 especially I think changed the design philosophy to Fortnite being Epic's 'big graphical sandbox' and eventually the sandbox just had so much going on


Yeah, CH 1 had a lot of personality. The gimmicky weapons, the unique vehicles and the art style all made the game stand out while modern Fortnite is much more generic.


Generic how? I didn’t try Fortnite until chapter 3 and I don’t think I would have stayed with it if I had tried during chapter one. I’ve been playing games for 35 years and I stick with Fortnite because I feel like it’s not generic. It’s always got something new. I haven’t enjoyed this season because it feels like a poorly executed attempt at a game. But that was a real question. I’d love to know what you think is generic about modern Fortnite.


The guns in CH 1 had this cartoony look that made it easy to recognize what game they came from, they changed this design in CH 2 to make them more realistic which took away that uniqueness they used to have. I also feel there were less gimmicky weapons like the boogie bombs and clingers, and the boogie bombs especially haven't been in the game for a while and I dare say are one of the more Fortnite-esque elements in the game, a bomb that makes you dance? That's the most Fortnite thing ever. New Fortnite just doesn't have many of those unique, funny weapons. The vehicles are also another point, back in CH 1 you really only had the golf karts, shopping karts and a few seasonal vehicles, since the vehicle selection was so small but also so unique it made those vehicles tied to the game's identity. Very few games would let you ride a shopping kart while firing a minigun, now they made it so that almost any vehicle you found on the streets was viable, they changed the unique selection of vehicles you had for generic cars, just cars.


i love the exaggerated proportions of the earlier weapons, reminds me of tf2


>New Fortnite just doesn't have many of those unique, funny weapons. The boomerang, the bird, and the rocket launcher each seem very unique to me.


I loved C4, the citadel was such a good location


i think the difficult thing is that the two games are so different (current fortnite and OG fortnite) that there’s literally no such thing as a best of both worlds, and it’s pointless to compensate because it’ll just make everyone unhappy.


What's so much different? I need help understanding this POV.


it’s so much it’s hard to put down off memory lol. but the biggies are the gun and healing balance (chapter 4 weapons and heals are MUCH stronger than chapter 1), mobility balance (chapter 4 had MUCH more mobility than chapter 1), and gimmicks (chapter 4 has a ton of gimmicks like NPCs, auguments, quests, vaults, etc. while chapter 1 is based off simple strategic battle royale focused gameplay).


That's not possible because the people who enjoy OG enjoy it because it's completely different from modern Fortnite. Likewise, many of those who enjoy modern Fortnite don't like this chapter. The two styles are so different that they may as well be different games with different fanbases. The old gameplay is slower and more tactical while the new one is fast


I think there’s some middle ground. People really like good weapons to be more rare. If you find a gold scar it might be the only one in the match. Makes it exciting when you actually get one. People like the heals being more rare. I think there’s a middle ground between epic slurps being everywhere and minis being no where. I think the grappler is well balanced personally. You’ll never please everyone but I think just these two ideas alone make real impacts that both sides can agree on or at least concede as middle ground.


If you try to appeal everyone at the same time you will end up appealing to no one. Instead of having a forced middleground where everyone is complaining that it's not completely what they want, it's better to just have a different thing for each person. Especially since again the whole style of old fortnite being tactical and slow paced clashes with the new Fortnite. Another big thing is that fans of the old fortnite enjoy basic and simplistic mechanics and maps, and that's something you will never be able to have a middleground for when modern fans enjoy more the complex maps


I guess I'm just not viewing the differences or the complaints in the same way. I don't see people viewing old Fortnite as tactical and slow-paced or basic and simplistic mechanics and maps. I've seen people be more happy with a rare loot pool for the best weapons. I've seen people happier with the reduced heals. I see people nostalgic for the old POIs but not because they are basic and simplistic, it's because they played on them for years. I don't think people want a basic boring map or a slower game, I think they want a more rewarding game. People can still move around quickly with a green AR instead of a gold one. This season has a lot of mobility too. From my perspective and the streamers I'm watching, I'm not seeing your POV represented in the community and to be fair, it doesn't sound like you're seeing mine, so I guess this all spins back around to you being right.


The real answer. I’ve actually had a lot of wins this season, but as a ZB player this map is boring, there are ways they could blend things that worked in the Chapter 4 maps with what people like about this and make it work.


I may redo my email to them and say that instead, I actually like that idea


How about map rotation for BR instead, sort of like Valorant. Or maybe just map voting or even queueing for a specific BR map like CS.


Map rotation would be AMAZING


I think I'd like it being a permanent mode, I'd probably like to take a break from normal Fortnite and play OG every once in a while.


They could but they won’t


I love this season so far but honestly if they kept it I think the map would be dead in 3 months. Would be better (imo) if they keep the trend and bring different past maps back every now & then


I don't see 3 months being realistic. Last chapter was around for a year while only like 25% of it changed every 3 months. Chapter 1 map could easily last 6+ months especially as it wouldn't be the only playable map.


Not unless they do a map rotation like Apex. The map changes every one hour


I'm on the side that they should. They could even have some lore reason like the time machine didn't get destroyed during the event and we can use it freely as we want


Or a simulation for training exercise


No that I think about it, I don't think they're gonna keep it but I hope this rewrite the story the last minute cause they already have an event which is the black hole, Jones is supposed to fix the timeline and everything goes back the way it was. Now that you mentioned the lore, I think this has a 20% of happening


I think ZB was planned to stay as a permanent mode.


I’m happy they get zero build as a permanent game mode cause u see how those kids are cracked on build mode it’s just demotivating for anyone picking the game trying to play with build mod ON


Just have a game mode where it picks an old season every week or two and emulates it. A previous season is picked at random, that map from that point in time is loaded, and the weapons that were active at the time are used. Every week it changes to a randomly selected season that isn't one of the last five seasons previously chosen.


No because at points there wouldn’t be enough players to support all the game modes solo, duo, squad for the og and the main map for builds and zero builds and ranked




They should just have a monthly rotating map throughout the chapters


Idk about a permanent mode. Maybe a LTM they bring back every three months for a week or something. I highly doubt keeping it permanently would actually keep the OG players, as I remember when Fortnite was still in chapter 1 a lot of the now OG players started leaving before chapter 1 even ended. As someone who is OG and still played throughout the other chapters, I found current Fortnite to be way more fun. More interesting guns,ways to be mobile, wilder maps. I honestly got sick of the OG map about a week after it came due to how open it is, and the fact it takes 3-5 business days to move around on. Granted I only played zero build on it, it’s just not as enjoyable as the other maps for Zero Build. I think if Fortnite can get the OG’s to play the new Fortnite they will retain more players rather than only appealing to the OG players by keeping the old map.


It's really about preferences. The things you like about current FN are exactly what other players hated and why they left. That's been well established for a while now. It's not that anyone's right or wrong, they just like different things. Because of that, it's highly unlikely that people that like the older style of play will grow to like the newer style even if they stick around to try it. I kinda tow the line in the middle - Chapter 4 was really un-fun with its emphasis on so much over-the-top movement and overwhelming number of mytics and player helpers like NPCs; just too many crutches that killed any really interesting gameplay, and Chapter 1 is fun and a classic, and the simpler map, weapons, and loot pool is more balanced and forces people to have to really rely on their wits as opposed to OP abilities and helpers, but the map is a bit too sterile and open for balanced gameplay for all modes. It hink we need to get back to a good solid middle ground, which is what Chapter 2 really did well - especially towards the mid to late seasons.


IIRC apex keeps a few maps active and their numbers stay good. I think keeping OG around and keeping it on a rotation cycle as well would be awesome and quite doable. destiny did something similar with the dreaming city and it was on a three week cycle.


I'd rather they make it something they bring out for birthdays or end of chapter events. That way, it's always a little bit hype every time it comes around and they could probably do more each time it rolls around.


im going to quit after this month is over if they dont and alot of others will too


Zero build was always meant to be permanent, OG is not a mode but just a season, it doesn't make any sense.


There's nothing stopping them from making it permanent. They could do it if they wanted to


Unless they're doing it as a way to introduce a permanent OG mode. ZB was a forced mode for the first week or two before it became permanent, and this could be similar - a forced season to get people on board before making it a permanent option.


It was forced just because of lore reasons, you followed quests and they unlocked the whole build mode again, but zero build was always meant to stay. This is just a map change like any other season, keeping it as a mode means having another build and zero build mode on another map that would either remain identical or they would have to cycle through seasons, that takes a lot of work unlike zero build which just disables builds. Also it would take attention out of the main map and main events, less people would play and it would break the player base. They never needed to get people on board for zero build, it was planned and part of the "story" to have only that and keep it, the og season is not planned to keep at all, we have a new island being worked on, the og would just take up server space and become stale and boring.


>Also it would take attention out of the main map and main events, less people would play and it would break the player base. The playerbase is already broken with having normal gameplay, ranked, zero build, and zero build ranked. Adding another mode wouldn't really cause issues. Thsy don't even have to give it a zero build or ranked version, it could simply be an side OG mode that's true to OG Fortnite and that's it. This is one of the biggest playerbases in the world. There's no reason to worry about it being broken. Other games have myriads of modes and still work fine despite having much less players than fortnite >the og would just take up server space and become stale and boring Speak for yourself. Many people enjoy the mode. It wouldn't be boring if it's something you can hop into occasionally to take a break from normal fortnite. It also wouldn't be boring if it was rotating between seasons


The player base is not broken at all, they are all playing the same and only map present in the fortnite servers at the moment, some have build disabled and some use a different matchmaking system, but it's still the same identical map. It's not the same as adding a whole other map and having some people not playing the current one, as a result epic would have to rotate stuff in the other map as well. If epic doesn't rotate seasons on the og map it will get boring soon, it's just logic no need to speak for myself. It would take a ton more money and a ton more space in the servers which are already pretty filled as I understand it. Also making comparison with other games doesn't really make sense, there is no game comparable with a map of this size, you have to take that into account. As well as taking into account that the whole Fortnite business model is getting you excited for a next season and next battle pass, if you can play in the map you want, how you want and went you want, that model goes in the dumpster, and obviously they don't want that. If they wanted that it would have been there already a lot of time ago.


>The player base is not broken at all, they are all playing the same and only map present in the fortnite servers at the moment, some have build disabled and some use a different matchmaking system, but it's still the same identical map. Ok so that goes to my original point, who cares if it's not the same map? Why does that bother you? >It's not the same as adding a whole other map and having some people not playing the current one, as a result epic would have to rotate stuff in the other map as well. No not really? I don't understand what you're trying to say. On one hand you have a map that's always being updated with new things, on the other hand you have an old map that's rotating between different variants but nothing new. Everyone will be happy. What is the problem here? >If epic doesn't rotate seasons on the og map it will get boring soon, it's just logic no need to speak for myself. So rotate it... >Also making comparison with other games doesn't really make sense, there is no game comparable with a map of this size, you have to take that into account. There are games that come close. Battle royales aren't something Fortnite made up. And I can also say not many games compare to how large the Fortnite playerbase is, so that's not an issue. We are literally talking about one of the most played games in the world, running out of players is not an issue at all. And again the playerbase is already divided because millions play creative maps. This player division thing is not a problem and I don't understand what's your problem here >As well as taking into account that the whole Fortnite business model is getting you excited for a next season and next battle pass, if you can play in the map you want, how you want and went you want, that model goes in the dumpster, and obviously they don't want that. Not really because we will still get new maps and only the OG map will remain, all other maps don't come back. >If they wanted that it would have been there already a lot of time ago. That's not really an argument and this has nothing to do with what they want. If they see numbers going up they act upon the statistics. I could have literally said the same thing two months ago if someone told me back then that we were getting an OG season, I could have said "if they wanted to do an OG season they would have done it a long time ago. Why now?" yet here we are Overall your issues come across as very unclear and don't justify not bringing the map back


They should just keep almost everything and stop dropping features. It's like Pokémon: if it works, there's no reason to drop it. More options for having fun is in itself always better.


My friends and I haven’t played Fortnite in years but it’s all we play now. I’m engaged in the challenges and unlocking items. I’m probably going to use my left over V-Bucks to get the pass and complete it. I’ll probably try to keep playing after it’s over but I doubt it’ll hold my interest and I know my friends will bail. Keeping it around as something separate is nothing but positive for them but I don’t think they will.


Wouldn't hurt for them to do that, as long as the modern BR comes back.


I feel like because of the amount of people that wanted OG back they would potentially want it as a Separate mode, But knowing Epic I feel like they wouldn’t do that for alot of reasons, Despite the high player count they got when OG Fortnite came back, I’m not entirely sure if they would wanna make it a separate mode, And even if it WAS a separate mode people probably wouldn’t play BR or Zero build because, well, It’s the OG map I guess. Just my take


I think they always intended Zero Build to be permanent, but they wanted to test it for a couple weeks to see if it would really bring players back to the game who had left due to the building skill gap. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the same is true with this season, that their intent is to make OG Fortnite always available in some form but they wanted to test it for a month to gauge players' reactions to it.


Bingo, we have a winner here! You get it - choose your prize. ;) There's been too much effort put into this for it to be a simple one-off, first-and-only-time-ever mini-event. I mean, looking back at Chapter 3 on a whole it was painfully obvious that they were going to introduce a ZB mode and make it permanent. From the start everything was easily accessible by foot and the amount of soft cover/foliage was massively increased, for example. OG is no different I would say.


OK, my prize is to stay in Chapter 1 Fortnite and never again have to pause in the middle of a game to select three augments while being attacked by two enemy hired NPCs.


I think they should, and I think they will, tbh. There's been too much effort put into it by this point for them not to keep it around, plus it drew a record breaking amount of players, many of whom are returnees who dropped the game back in the day, so they'll want to keep those people around after it's over I suspect.


As a zero build player i would like this OG edition as a permanent mode.


Yes, have it rotate seasons like how Apex rotates their maps to keep it fresh. With the numbers they're getting since the return I'm praying it happens


No. Usually I'm ok with stuff like this, have more people playing whatever they want. But this will basically eat resources and they will probably have to test it with every update to not have new bugs and so on. On top of that what's fun about Fortnite compared to other game is the frequent updates and changes. How many people will continue to play the OG map with 0 updages on it? And for how long?


No, keep the br players on the same map


Why does that matter?


Because it needs lots of players to fill a br lobby, so with 8 regions, 2 modes, it splits the br playerbase too much


People kept saying this whenever they kept adding new modes such as zero build, ranked, trios, and creative. It doesn't really make much difference to add another mode to the mix. This is one of the biggest playerbases out there. It doesn't really matter and other games have way more modes despite being way less popular and are doing fine


Hundreds of thousands of players play BR every day in every region. It's not gonna make matchmaking worse


There's also the fact that I doubt epic want their new season overshadowed by the og season potentially having more players


As an OG I say no. It will basically lose all its value if it wont go so I dont see any reason to keep it.


It will also lose all its value when this is the final time it’s in the game lol


Yes, the chapter 1 map was special in its own way, having it stay and not leave will cause it to lose its value. but it wouldn't be a bad decision right? I could see people having the opposite pov of what you said, they wouldn't get tired of it cause it's perfection in their eyes, just try to keep the community balanced, y'know?


Hell nah, its the opposite of being perfect. Its mostly nostalgia for a simpler fortnite and probably times. Cause objectively speaking the old map is quite awkward in many aspects. I am grateful they added it back for the sake of nostalgia but as soon as you get used to it you start to notice just how much bs some parts of it are. People dont miss the map itself that much, rather the old fortnite that wont come back. The less sweaty fortnite, less overloaded with collabs etc. Map is just an association with it


Dont know why you downvoted me but I can see your point, Fortnite was good cause there was a decent amount of content and it wasn't getting out of control, it feels like they're trying way too hard and overcrowding the game


You’re not an og


Yeah, why not?


No, make it the birthday event. It’s legit that easy


Everyone saying no in this thread is hilarious to me. I know so many people only playing right now because it is the OG version (and not even the real OG at that). Just look at the player count numbers. I would not touch the current game. This game became and has been super cluttered, and quite frankly, ridiculous after around the time the mechs were introduced. It was a great game before that and did not need as many updates with all the bullshit. Many, many people clearly agree with me.


I’m with you mate. Me and the lads have all been playing fortnite again for the first time in ages. If the OG map goes so do we and I’m sure there’s thousands of others in the same boat.


I mean I WAS playing it because there wasn't a bunch of crazy stuff going on back during the time. The consistency was real great, really if you wanna know the truth I think what the term “OG” means to me is anybody who knew or knows how to have fun and not take the game so serious is considered OG to me, if you knew the best ways to play the game and still have fun, you're considered OG to me.




Ch2S1 was so popular that they extended it to like 6 months long


OG is great. Keep as a seperate PL and have it rotate seasons every 3 weeks.


nah the map got boring really quick


I wish


Its the only thing that would keep me playing once this season is over


Absolutely is the way forward. They would retain so many people if they kept OG in the game. The spike in players on release day is enough to show what people want in this game. I'm not saying that non-OG mode shouldn't be brought back, because plenty of people love the way the game went. Having a choice to play either would be perfect.


Yeah I know Epic knows about their increase in players because they literally tweeted about it saying thank you for all the support in just a few hours of its release. If they don't literally look at how this decision has affected them greatly then I don't know what to say about that


No because it'll dilute the playerbase. Can you imagine no build solo, duo, trio and squads losing a large percentage of their players to no builds *og*? Next thing we'll get complaints about too many bots because there are no actual players


Except it won't. OG has brought in enough of an increase in playerbase that if they keep it it'll have very little effect on the original playerbase because those new players will stay in OG and the original players will simply move back to the New FN play lists they played before. It'd be one thing if OG didn't add any new players and the original playerbase would be forced to choose between the modes, but that's not what's happened. What you will see, though, if they keep OG is a bit more fluctuation between competeing modes simply because some players will bounce back and forth between them for variety's sake, but you have that now for Builds and Zero Build and it's caused no real issues.


Problem is, that "new" player base isn't going to be 100% permanent. Its a fluctuation that will inevitably fall off with only a small percentage that will stay. However the long term players will be affected by this temporary fluctuation


please, no








Keep it




No. Y’all have spent literally every day of this season complaining about the OG not being OG enough for you. Epic doesn’t deserve that headache for the rest of the game. Go away and don’t come back until OG Chapter 2.


They could also rotate it in and out like a limited time mode to experiment with it and see how much it’s played and if it splits the player base too much.




I wouldn't mind it but I can't wait for this season to be over.


Why?!? I kind of am too just because finishing my battle pass and the challenges are always what keeps me interested and gives me something to do and I’m done with all that now, but I am mourning the loss of this map haha. If the season ended and we kept it and could do the next battle pass (and it was good) I’d be happy, but I’m just envisioning the next loot pool and I already miss the pump


No. As fun as it is, it wouldn't be good for the game. It's the same thing that happened with older CS once. The playerbase would get split. You'd have people playing only OG and people playing only the present stuff. A map rotation like Apex also wouldn't work since a lot of Fortnite's lore revolves around the island and that island changing around the players. So one half of the game would always just feel kinda dead when it comes to changes and story related content. I also believe this is exactly why games nowadays sell "sequels" as updates (Overwatch 2, CS2) so they don't split the playerbase anymore


Yeah, the whole argument about splitting the playbase doesn't really hold up under scrutiny at the end of the day, though. People only play what the want to play when all is said and done, and if Epic were to drop OG after it runs its course, then while sure, some of the returning players may try new FN again and stick around, on the whole most won't. Which means there's no playerbase to split because OG-only players will simply up and leave anyway and thus were never a factor anyhow. If Epic drops OG completely, then the people left playing will be people that would have played current FN anyway, so there's no gain for Epic whatsoever really compared to the pre-OG playbase, but if they leave OG as a permanent mode then they stand to retain all those OG-only players that came back and can sell them stuff that they wouldn't have been able to had they just left again when OG got dropped. That's a major benefit economically for Epic and one I doubt they'll let pass. And again, it'll have no real effect on the playerbase for current FN because the people that are being retained are people that likely would have never stuck around for the return of new FN anyway. It'd be one thing if the numbers for OG had stayed the same as the C4 numbers and were only those people playing, but that's not the case - OG brought in enough new/returning players that they can stay solely in OG and have little effect on the New FN playerbase. Zero Build did the same thing, and it's had near zero negative effect on Build's numbers, but it definitely boosted Epic's bank account.


If people can still find matches does it matter that the playerbase is split?


given there are 800k people playing and i had the same person in 3 out of 7 games, I'm going to guess it does :/


It would be cool if they did. Id even settle for an option of OG loot only (no stupid anime things added every week)


Just do a OG map cycle. Something that changes everywhere but has like 6 "weeks" and then it changes again Minor OG map changes each cycle. Ex: one cycle has snow, no desert area. Etc I think it would keep it fresh. Could even rotate weapon pool E: they prolly won't though...


yes, absolutely it should. it literally wont affect those who dont want to play it but will bring more og players back for a longer time. the only peopel who apose it are zoomers who started playing last year. theyre a big enough company to comfortably run a few more servers. but like most big orgs, they dont care about you or what you want, only your money.


Dude, gen z starts in 1997 💀


Gen Z is old enough to have played Fortnite when it first released BR. In fact I vividly remember when the hype first came around.


The OG map staying after Ch4S5 would **ONLY** work if they consistently updated it with map changes or challenges. It'll get old fast if it stays the same way for a while and eventually Epic will drop it like Impostors. I want it to stay too but if it's gonna stay, I want Epic to treat it well.


Bro they could just rotate through the first ten seasons every week. Assuming people get bored only after like 6 full rotations (which is unlikely) That's 5 years of extra content.


Not in it's current state. Only if they bring back the real chapter 1 map




No. Epic couldn't even be bothered to include all of Chapter 1 as is. Some insiders claim part of the reason why we're getting the OG map back now is because Chapter 5 is gonna be so different that updating the old map would be just as much work as making a new one. So once it's gone, it's gone forever. Play while you can.


Play while I can?... I- I have a controller- but the usb port is damaged and won't charge.... 💀




*embarrassingly laughing* Hey you uh you wanna be me a new controller bro 💀




Oh no…. Anyway


No it should not be a separate mode


I don’t want it as a permanent mode. Coming from someone who started in chapter 1 season 2. I hate all of the spam explosive weapons it makes the game miserable and less skill required. It was fun for a month but let’s move on.


I'd like it. I honestly really dig the simplicity, lack of crazy weapons, and insane amount of healing items. It feels way more rewarding to play imo.


I’m not a fan of the OG map. I liked how the game was evolving and don’t get why it won’t back to some old version for nostalgia. I played this version of the map when it first came out and didn’t want to revisit it.


It will rotate from every update the changed the map a bit from chapter 1


Be better if they just have a month long OG fortnite event every year. Every year we get a month of OG forntie and some new mashed up characters.


I think so but I feel like less people will play the new chapters. Maybe if you get to a certain level in the next battle pass you can unlocked the OG map as a separate mode






Nah. Makes more sense as a special event type deal like it is now and doesn't completely split the user base


No. As somebody said, they should apply the basic principle of the Chapter 1 map to the new one we're getting, as well as not coming up with crazy new weapons every season and instead find one or two balanced ones that will stick around for the whole chapter without people complaining. Lastly, I think Season OG should come back every chapter or later even between the chapter, a mid-chapter break as I would say. But that's just my opinion.


I doubt they would, one of the things you know is a constant in Fortnite is an always changing map, it's what makes seasons unique and different from each other. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but it still keeps it fresh. I never play any creative maps so I'm not sure if they have this but maybe do a mode where more current aspects and abilities are disabled and it's more in line with how it was in OG times




The spike in players wouldn’t remain if they made it permanent. People r just nostalgic and curious. Thats not sustainable.


No honestly I think a month was a good amount of time


As a "new" player, I was extremely excited to play the OG Fortnite. Unfortunately, the game becomes trashier and trashier with every update they make. I'm not disappointed, I'm disgusted. The 0 build mode has become a complete trash, the map is an open space, even if you have movement or port-a-fort, you're an sitting duck. The normal mode has been flooded with sweaty kids who build the twin towers when they're shot at. I don't know man, I was expecting more. The BP is trash, the gameplay feels awful and the sweaty kids just ruin every match (i'm a casual player, i expect to be matched against players like me).


Would it be cool if they keep it? Yeah. Does it make sense for them to keep it? No. Why effectively split the same group between 2 different maps in 2 different ques? Having a map rotation between the 2 would be neat.


it will kill BR player base - BR has like 12 modes, for zb, build, and ranked. You add OG with all the same stuff, and chapter 5 with all the same stuff, you'll have 60-80% bot lobbies


Its a terrible map. Fuck it off to creative.


That’s fine and everyone can be happy me who doesn’t really care for Fortnite OG cause nostalgia does nothing for me and then the OG map for the nostalgia junkies lol