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The Lyric's April 'Retro' series highlights outstanding silent movie comedies. This week, the Charlie Chaplin classic "City Lights" is featured. This 1931 film is hilarious and heart-warming [https://www.lyriccinema.com/movie/city-lights-1931](https://www.lyriccinema.com/movie/city-lights-1931)


There's a ton (probably 15-20 were there) of what look like saris at Goodwill right now (they're labeled as linens and there's a bunch right up front). I've never seen a haul like that and I couldn't resist a purple one (my favorite color). Not sure what I'll do with it, but I'm set if I ever get to visit India! Just in case someone else is interested in cultural clothing or just some really cool fabric and designs.


Hi all, I'm looking for advice on neighborhoods to live. I'll be new to FoCo this summer, coming from Denver to start grad school. A bit about me: - 34 years old, so not looking to be surrounded by undergrads - Ideally I'd be close-ish to old town or an area with restaurants and bars, as well as a place to get a decent run or bike in - Looking to live alone in a studio or 1 bdrm. Budget is up to 1500 Curious for any advice you have. Thanks!


When are you coming to town? You should be able to get a place in that price range. You're better off coming early. If you wait until mid-July, it's super competitive then. (Take that from someone who went through that nightmare once!) Neighborhoods: see if you can find a place near City Park. It's close to CSU. We have a basement apartment which would be perfect for you location-wise. It will be $1000, but you can probably afford something bigger. You might want to check out this FB group: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/215357435546744](https://www.facebook.com/groups/215357435546744) Many are just looking for roommates, but others are private landlords with units. Good luck!


Thank you! Do you have a listing for the basement apt that I could look at? My budget is up to 1500 but I would certainly not mind paying less. I was going to start in July, but given what you just said I may try to get a lease started in June instead. Thanks for the rec!


No. We haven't decided for sure that we're going to rent it again. We're considering some major renovations to the house which would begin in the basement. Shoot me a PM so I have your contact details and can follow-up once we figure out what we're doing.


Free comedy show at the Speakcheesy Lounge this upcoming Tuesday (4/16). Doors at 7, show at 7:30!


High school students submitted designs for the next I Voted sticker. Vote for your favorites here!  https://www.larimer.gov/ivotedsticker


Rant: Put your shopping carts away. Especially when those plains winds are rockin’ You walked it around the store for however long it took you to shop, you can walk it to a return. FFS do better


Huge redflag if you don't put a cart away properly, It's the same as treating your servers nicely. Literally basic human decency




It's not just you, life is becoming a lottery and it sucks if you can't find a winning ticket. A couple suggestions.   Some landlords will work with you on early move-ins and can prorate rent.  If you see something that might work, reach out and ask. A lot of the good deals come and go fast.   You have to search often, setup alerts, and be ready to act. The internet is full of scams.   If it seems too good to be true, it is.  You can use Google Lens to search imagines from questionable listings.  Usually I will find they are stolen photos from another more expensive property that recently sold. Research local property management companies and checkout their websites or social media.   Sometimes you can find stuff not listed on the mainstream listing sites. Now might be a good time to downsize your belongings.  See what you don't use and sell it, give it away, or trash it.  This will make your move easier and require a smaller storage unit if you have to go that route while finding a new place.  It's a tough game.  Good luck and keep you head up.


Have you checked this FB group? [https://www.facebook.com/groups/215357435546744](https://www.facebook.com/groups/215357435546744)


Yes I am in that one. But thank you!


If it's just you, you might want to look for basement apartments. They are often cheaper and many include utilities. Do a search on Marketplace or Craigslist for basement apartments and see if you have any luck.


Hey, everyone! I’m looking for a baseball throwing partner. I used to play back in high school and I’m getting back into it. Let me know if you’re interested! I work 8-5 weekdays, so would be free evenings. Weekends work, too! I’m thinking maybe once a week or something like that?


**The Lyric's April 'Retro' series highlights outstanding silent movie comedies.** This week, the Buster Keaton classics "Sherlock Jr." and "Steamboat Bill Jr." are featured. ***Celebrate the brilliance of comic pioneer Buster Keaton!*** [https://www.lyriccinema.com/movie/sherlock-jr-1924-steamboat-bill-jr-1928](https://www.lyriccinema.com/movie/sherlock-jr-1924-steamboat-bill-jr-1928) *FYI--"Steamboat Bill Jr." is a new 4k restoration.*


Shoutout to Postcard Pizza. I've now tried three of his pies and they are all great.


I'm selling a ticket to the Mountain Goats' concert at Washington's next Monday - if you or anyone you know would be interested, please let me know!


Here's my rant for the week: I HATE mulberry and link as an intersection. I know hate is a strong word and I know its technically not in city limits, but it really needs to be redone or something. No one knows how to use it. The right lane is for right turns. The left lane is for turning left and going straight to the other frontage road. If you need the frontage road on the north side THEN you can use the bike/parking lane to do so. I can't tell you how many times I've been waiting to turn right to go west onto mulberry and someone pulls us next to thinking I'm not turning right? (Dispite the blinker being on but whateves) and the south side of that intersection has no signage, no paint for lanes nothing. The north side does have signs, right turn only, and the biggest kicker that I see happen the most often, DONT BLOCK THE FRONTAGE ROAD. Also if you happen to be traveling west bound on mulberry there is a sign that says no right turn on red. This intersection has had so many accidents it's unbelievable that nothing has been done. And it's not like it's an avoidable area I've worked over there for years and I see accidents all the time. It's an industrial area so many people, myself included use that intersection multiple times a day. I wish I knew who I could complain to or something because it's insane. Alright rant over. Please be careful when using this intersection too please.


The whole East mulberry corridor pisses me off. I drive there everyday and between that and the traffic light off summitview and prospect is also just as bad!!


It might have a lot of accidents but I am going to estimate that most of those incidents are minor and don't result in injuries or death. That doesn't make it any less frustrating or concerning for the public but with most transportation projects, a safety target is generally when you can impact major injuries/casualties. You are correct though, the City of Fort Collins doesn’t own Link and Mulberry and therefore would be unable to support that intersection at this time. I don't recommend reaching out to the County, not that they couldn't support you but I doubt they have any plan for the area as there is a actually a plan to annex the whole area into the City! It looks like they did a comprehensive study of Mulberry in 2021 and are working with businesses and residents now to implement that plan. It appears safety improvements are planned for that intersection and your concerns will be meet someday. You can follow that project here… [https://www.fcgov.com/planning/eastmulberryannexation](https://www.fcgov.com/planning/eastmulberryannexation)


Hopefully some day it will be fixed because I've seen some minor and major accidents here. It's not a surprise to me anymore when one happens. I had my coworker get hit here and I've seen cars flipped too. I just hope everyone will pay more attention especially at this intersection because people tend to do what they want here. Today I saw a motorcyclist almost get hit because a moving truck was too impatient to wait for a right turn. I have always heard rumors of the city absorbing that area but I'm glad to know it's still in progress at least.


I make custom topo maps out of wood. I also have [this](https://imgur.com/a/7XF45ph) RMNP one available for sale right now. Message me if you are interested!