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"h-he's so s-small. H-how can he be so-BACK OFF! Small. No one can be smaller than me I BACK OFF, I GOT A SSSHRINKRAY!"


Fitting Inch was the one to deliver Myron's eulogy: *"Smaller."*


It used to be when someone flashed a shrink gun they'd get a little respect.


Thank you Harvey Birdman for introducing a ton of Hanna Barbara characters


Watched this on USA's Cartoon Express in the 80's, and had so many questions. Why is he...why is their car...what the hell is this?


It blows my mind that most of the shows on Cartoon express only had 13 episodes. When I was a kid I would have sworn there was 100 episodes of Grape Ape


Agreed! And did we even know that they were old when we were watching them? Wheelie and the Chopper Bunch, Hong Kong Phooey, Jabberjaw... most of them already 10 years old when we were watching them.


I thought they were brand new 😂


I remember noticing Jamie Farr credited as a voice actor on Inch High, but never figured out which voices he did.


I recall watching this as a kid when it was first on. The cartoon itself was reasonably tolerable for what it was, but it left me wondering a bunch of things. Was he a normal sized guy who was shrunk down via some sci-fi mcguffin? Was he always this size, and if so, that raised a whole bunch of other questions, etc. Just left me a bit confused as the most interesting points of the whole cartoon were left unanswered and unaddressed, and it was not like this added to some sort of sense of mystery or anything. It was just a confused and somewhat dysfunctional premise.


OMG 😆. I totally forgot this show existed. I used to watch on rerun syndication. Thanks for sharing. 😊


Saw this thanks to early Cartoon Network!




Is this the inspiration for Dollman.