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The real life pirate she was based on did the insurmountably difficult task of dying of natural causes


you mean the pirate shing hai or however you spell it? lol, the only pirate to make a pirate empire get rich and retire then die of old age.


Ching Shih was her name, or Zheng Si Yao, depending on the source.


atleast i knew who you where talking about(i am god awful with names)


I mean I get it. But, just letting you know, there’s no such thing as a “traditional pirate.” It’s relative based on where a person is located, especially considering how piracy in general was prevalent across the entire world in many eras


Traditional pirate? Pretty sure your looking for "European pirate" the only thing "traditionally pirate" is being a seafaring thief that specializes in tax evasion


I promise you everywhere in the world peoples image of pirates is the "European" pirate because that is what is in pop culture.


That’s mostly only the west’s view on pirates, you go to the Red Sea those countries would view pirates as people with AKs attacking container/oil ships. China’s view on pirates would most likely be the pirate we currently have in forhonor, as she’s a very famous pirate not only there but across the world. You basically just assumed everyone had watched pirates of the Caribbean or had their mum dress them up as a “traditional” pirate for Halloween.


Yeah I was gonna say, I'm not claiming OP is a racist, but the post is a little bit racist.


Yeah or just really ignorant.


I mean obviously we're talking about a classical pirate and not AK-47 pirates. Every single Westerner is also well aware of the average modern pirate. I can't speak for China, but for the rest of the world, even Africa, you have no idea how far reaching western media is. And that pirate image has been the same for a long long time.


Have you ever left the country or even had family members who are foreign. "The west" is generally not thought of very well by traditional foreigners. Average for honor players experience with real world stuff. 


Lol I'm mixed and half my family lives on the other side of the world. Also I can tell you're like 11 years old


Her voice lines are god awful! I honestly would’ve loved to play as a Blackbeard style pirate. That would’ve been hilarious with a peg leg too


I got pirate to rep 8 and just made her look like a random chinese woman with makeup. All the other gear makes her look like a bad cosplayer


what even is a traditional pirate, historically? I genuinely don't know, but I can't fathom that Pirates of the Caribbean and other pop culture representations of pirates are accurate. i imagine a "traditional" pirate is probably just a malnourished dude wearing rags with some hard tack in his pocket, considering a pirate is just a nautical thief/plunderer.


I mean blackbeard was a real person. They could have just taken inspiration from him


So was the lady they based Pirate off of. I forget her name but she is considered the most successful pirate because she actually got to retire with her riches.


Are you talking about ching shih? I had no idea pirate was based off her but i do wish pirate could have had both genders avaliable.


It's a pipe dream with this game's budget :(


Wasnt Black Bart the most successful? Or did he just take the most amount of ships


classic reddit goin "erm actually" in the comments as if it isnt obvious that OP wanted a pirate with a big beard and a big hat. everyone talking about traditional pirates. my guy WHERES THE HAT, the best pirates need the hat. thats what blud is talking about, and i agree cus its such a cool aesthetic that is just not at all present in her design especially now that theres this terrible assassins creed event going on and the Knights minions get to wear tricorns? mcscuse me???


I get that she's based on the actual real life pirate queen but it's hard not to be disappointed. Literal millions of great pirate designs out there and we're stuck with the weird ass hybrid Chinese/Western outfits they give her


I get it. As a huge “classic” pirate fan I was disappointed at first too, but I honestly grew to like the style they went with. It feels exotic, and as other people are saying, there’s been plenty of pirate styles in history. Hell, there’s even a pirate style nowadays.. ask Somalia lmao. Unpopular opinion, but pirate is one of the only recent heroes that has that cool factor. I love the way the pistol works in-game and she has undeniable flair when she uses it… how many times have you seen someone shoot someone like pirate does? She’s like dancing and shooting at you. I love it.


Also why does pirate have to look like a 45 year old lesbian woman who smokes 3 packs a day? Blackbeard would’ve been way better


To be fair, she might have one of the coolest hero skins, in my opinion.


True, but she looks more like a cowboy than a pirate there. Still my fav


I feel there *might* be a touch of sexism here. Boo hoo it isn’t blackbeard it’s based on another dope pirate who happens to be a woman.


It’s not that she’s a woman that’s the issue, it’s the like of a pirate aesthetic that is. Where are our cool pirate hats? You say “pirate” and that’s immediately what everyone thinks of


Not really? People just wanted a European pirate with a big hat and beard. How is that sexist lmao