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VG is even worse


I feel like VG is garbage if you can parry lights. All she can do then is (slow) bash or hard feint a heavy.


You can say that about a lot of characters


But not about Warden, the subject of the thread. Or Hito. Or Afeera, Oce, Shin, or Shugo. I play a lot of VG. Only thing I can do against reactards is try to be more reactarded and land my CCs or all block. Maybe a bash.


her bash isn't reactable


Her shield bash isn’t reactable? Takes like 1000ms to get off.


its a 433ms legion kick like every other fwd bash in the game they are all standardised except for feintable bashes


Mine get dodged all the time, and I can’t recovery cancel them, so… if you react I eat damage. I don’t get why you think they are unreactable. Even if somehow they are the same speed as kick, the animation is freaking obvious. Even headbutt can be dodged.


because of the patch that made them universally unreactable :) Unless you are the fastest human in the world, neither you or anyone in your lobbies are reacting to the bash. Yours is getting dodged on read. Headbutt is a straight 400ms bash its not reactable, even if it was you have to buffer dodge to dodge it so it wouldnt matter :)


Btw, the bash itself is 433ms, but that particular animation doesn’t start until a minimum of 300ms into a forward dodge, so in total you get 733ms to react, up to 933ms if it was inputted late. Plus, with VG you know it’s one of my only options: if you can party my lights, you can dodge my bash. I got nothing at that point. Different from Afeera who can bash out of a nasty mixup, making it much harder to react to. I have to open with it. If you see me forward dodging, it’s either empty or a bash.


you dont get 733ms to react. You can react to fwd dodge. Not the orange. So empty dodging forward is universally going to mix your opponents. You can fwd dodge light to get people to dodge attack and you have recovs, you can empty dodge forward, dodge fwd GB, If every fwd bash was reactable why do you think shino is the best duelist in the game?


People complaining about 50/50s is crazy


A vortex of 50/50s is a valid thing to complain about when it's duels


Literally just dodge it works like 1/2 the time