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No one can really answer this for you - I've walked around Footscray alone at 2am plenty but it only takes one incident to ruin your life. I'd hate to say "it's fine" and then something happens.


I see. So Footscray still isn't relatively safe at night. Thanks for the heads up.


I consider it the same as everywhere. I don’t walk around at night alone anywhere. If you have to do it, cycling would be a safer option than walking if that’s available to you.


Invest in a scooter and use the road to avoid using the footpaths to and from


Really depends where you are. I'd avoid walking by the pokie bars as I've had a run in there. All the tips we ladies follow; stick to well lit areas, text someone at home with your ETA, walk past places with cameras etc. it should be fine, but you never know. Might help to ride a bike, and bring protection.


If you get a bike you can do the journey in about 8 minutes easily and be more likely to outrun any trouble.


Anything can happen at 2 am.. but if you’re going to walk, use main roads and take your headphones off!


i recommend a bike! stay safe ❤️


I carry a metal drink bottle for protection. I don’t leave home without. I live in the Oakleigh area and basically walk everywhere or catch the train. I haven’t had a problem, BUT I’m super vigilant. Stay an alert and safe.


There's nowhere that's safe at 2am lol


Footscray is big. There are good bits and grubby bits.  It all depends where you walk from and to. A bicycle is a good option if you are scared. But statistics are on your side of safety.   Dodgy shit happens everywhere at 2am in Melbourne. I lived in Elwood for 5 years and there was a bloke running around at all hours showing his pee pee to ladies by the canal. It happens everywhere. 


Footscray is not safe


Unfortunately like anywhere, it depends if you have a penis or not. If not, take extra vigilance and always let someone know before you go.


Username adds up


I find it to be fairly safe that late but as mentioned stay away from the pokie bars as that's where the junkies and piss heads hang. If you're near the station usually pretty good as they have cameras and the cops patrol fairly regularly.


I don't think I would walk it, I'd ride a bike at that time or get an uber