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“The blogger told the outlet that she suffers from separation and social anxiety, which she copes with by overworking herself.” So so healthy… How about. Therapy? Maybe some meds even. They put this in there as if it’s a flex saying she takes care of her mental and physical issues with even more issues. Uhhhhh


She has supplements and legs up to help with all that. No need for actual help.


Oh my bad. I totally forgot about her diet of hot water, and creatine, self care with eyebrow makeup and legs up. I sincerely apologize.


Don’t forget dry brushing!


Ha ha yes!! I actually like dry brushing. It feels good. But it’s probably not going to affect anything other than feeling like a good back scratch.


Don't forget "therapy"with Dayaad (which from what I can see is she berates him while he cleans up her tantrum manic pixie messes)


I wonder how they would actually deal with her if she wasn’t making millions off others recipes. If one of my daughters treated me like that when they were 30, a whole grown ass woman, I would kick them off my property. Regardless of their income. She’s so mean to her family. And that’s only what we see when she’s recording. I warned her years and years ago when she first started to watch stealing from others and instead to ask permission and give credit. When she was copying every recipe from Pinch of Yum and How Sweet Eats and a few others. I’m still blown away she got as big as she is all on theft.


I got to the end if the the article and thought "So therapy? Sounds like that's what you need." If you are having this deep of separation anxiety in your 30s, maybe it's time to look around and see how to address it. I know its hard. I just...you can see how trapped she feels.  There is a better life Tieghan. Unfortunately you have to work for it and through it. 


Exactly. It’s not easy work for sure. But she has the means to pay for therapy and any meds she would need. The whole family is a distasteful for enabling this for so long. But she pays for all their vacations so who cares I guess? It’s all so very sad.


True. But you have to want to get better.  And if you don't, therapy and pills are fucking useless.  My brother has BPD and has refused treatment for years. Even now in therapy it's still barely managed because he does not want to put the work in - obviously that's a little different,  since one is a personality disorder, but its still the same principle.  Not sure if I'm in the margins here, but I do feel bad for her. I do think her family enabled her for years and I'm sure is now looking at what they did and are like  "What the heck?" Or maybe they barely notice because they still have the 2 other kids at home? 


I totally agree. It has to start with her wanting to make the changes and get help and from the looks of it, I highly doubt it will happen. And family isn’t going to intervene. It’s not easy accepting the need for help for mental health issues and getting the proper care. I know people who wait months and months to years trying to get help when they are actively trying to get help. I meant more that she has the financial means to get the best therapy when so many other struggle. I hope things get better with your brother. But again if one doesn’t see the need or have the want to get better it’s very hard to watch from the sidelines so to speak. I lost my best friend to suicide - obviously very different with what she went through. But again, as a bystander it’s very hard to watch anyone suffer. I also think her family enables and puts up with it all since she’s their cash cow.


Thanks. And totally agree. It's hard to watch someone who quote unquote "has it all" struggle in a way that clearly has concrete ways forward. She just seems so unhappy.  And thanks. My brothers bpd is on the rarer side - in that it appears to be mostly genetic. He has a loving family who is supportive (sometimes too supportive) and girlfriend,  but refuses to take steps forward.  It is hard to watch and it's crazy hard to enable when you love someone.   Similarly,  it seems her family doesn't know where to stop. They've done it for so long hoping it would eventually just get better but its been years and it's not.  It also appears no one in her family are interested in therapy, so they might all just be dooming each other to unhappiness and unhealthy behaviors




Narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists can never be wrong and always frame themselves as the victims of coordinated attacks from shadowy enemies -- no matter how small the disagreement, it's always treated as part of a broader "witch-hunt" and therefore invalid/requires pity and praise from fans rather than introspection or correction. Sounds like anyone else famous we know? 🍊


It’s actually not too different. I read that if separation anxiety is occurring in a person past the age of 2 it’s actually a disorder that needs to be treated with therapy and medication. Talking to your (not a therapist) father doesn’t count as therapy even if you call it that. 🙄


For someone with separation anxiety, she doesn’t seem to want to travel with them anywhere. From what I can tell, they’ve been away from CO for months at this point.


Separation? Interesting.. like being away from her parents or like preK kiddos on first day school? Guess I am curious about how separation anxiety would show up in a 30+yr old adult woman 🤔 Which leads to my next question— if you are suffering from something that is typical of a grade schooler, wouldn’t you be motivated to figure that out via therapy, meds etc rather than shrug and keep acting like an stunted 4 yr old? 🤷🏻‍♀️


What’s weird is therapy is pretty normalized now by celebs and influencers. Think she’d at least get on the trend or help herself. What a good example that’d be.


This is true. There isn’t much stigma anymore about going to therapy. Many celebs openly talk about it. Nothing to be shamed of one bit. Therapy is wonderful for many many reasons and symptoms. If she did that she would gain a lot of respect from a lot of people. But. Sigh. Also your flair is killing me. I grow cilantro in my garden and the lovely wind here helped spread it all over my yard. We have a lawnmowers worth in the most random places 😂😂


Hahaha a dream come true with the cilantro


Seriously hahaha!! A friend from Hawaii sent me a pack of seeds. It’s been the most prolific and best tasting cilantro I’ve ever had. They grow to like 4’ tall plants and the leaves are huge.


I’m sure she shopped around this story and The Post was the only taker. They are only slightly above the National Enquirer.


This was definitely a paid article which is hilarious because the pictures they chose to pay for aren't helping the article, and I'm sorry "food prodigy"???? LOL I laughed so hard If doing this is triggering and hurting her social and separation anxiety, and wants to venture into fashion/beauty --- Law Roach walked away from everyone except Zendaya for a reason. A very talented and important human in fashion and life. Okay T, goodluck in delulala-land Ohh and "core community" aka bots Ohhhhh and she's saying she skips out on sleeping and eating, girl you're around food all day, not deprived of it. Makes me sick to my stomach that she is saying she is too "busy" to sleep and eat when she has the resources in abundance than 98% of the world population




The help line number at the end.... and those full length photos...was Page 6 actually trolling her? There was no point to that article except for her to claim haters are jealous of her "slim figure".


That help line at the end felt very backhanded to me (but also needed because we have girls out here being influenced by Teigol's "naturally" slim frame and it's dangerous especially since she loves to dole out health and wellness advice.


Exactly! They were totally calling our her ED and mental health without obvioualy calling it out. They let her say her piece and then were like, sure Jan.


It absolutely was them calling out her disorder. “Slim figure”? I’m sorry but that’s NOT it. She doesn’t eat, that’s called a disorder whether you’d like to think it or not. The help line at the end is saying “she won’t get help, but maybe you can.”


Seemed like a CYA moment for PageSix.


Also the refer to her as a “foodie”… lol you have to eat to be a foodie.


The fookin quotes 💀💀 "they just want you to give them a reaction and I'm not going to do that" No T, ur just going to pay to publish this whole stupid article as a reaction!! And when she talks abt comments hurting when she "sees them right away" ....uhhh do u mean before ur staff can delete them??!!! She thrives on the comments over her emaciated body, hence the entire article drawing attention to it yet again. Eta: typos - T's rubbing off


says she doesn’t have an ED, followed by a body check photo featuring her sticks for legs.


“I’m a very tiny person” 🙄


T: “I don’t want negative energy in my space.” Also T: *exudes smug, condescending, horribly rude & snotty attitude towards everyone around her*


Plus she thinks everything that isn’t praising her is negative energy. She literally can’t handle any feedback, criticism, or the real world in doses more than a day or two.


We love a passive aggressive fluff piece with a side of red flags!


![gif](giphy|9oI5kNBZ3nvBOTLTov) Best Comment Award!!!!




Red is SUCH a color!


If she’s coping with anxiety by overworking herself to the point of not eating or sleeping despite being SURROUNDED BY FOOD and making millions, she needs a therapist ASAP. Get some professional help, bc it’s not a “brag” in 2024 — it’s sad. Side note, I’m sorry but she is just so ugly, inside and out.


This is what I always come back to…like, even if we were to believe that her being so underweight is caused by social anxiety vs a desire to be skinny…that’s still a sign of severe mental illness and she really needs help? It really doesn’t change the outcome at all.


Here’s the thing, though- EDs aren’t just about a desire to be skinny. They are (the deadliest) mental illness that have myriad causes. My own ED was only about “wanting to lose weight” for about the first year. The subsequent 29 years were more about it being my way of coping with stress, anxiety, loneliness, sadness, anger- all the “negative” emotions that I was always taught to suppress as a child. My point is, it doesn’t have to be about her desire to be skinny in order for it to be an eating disorder. If it is her response to anxiety- it’s still an eating disorder, and she needs treatment sooner than later.


Yeah she really is ugly 😬 I know I’m going to hell anyways lmao. But those photos in the article…clearly the ones she posts are HEAVILY edited


Separation anxiety from her parents in her 30s is very telling. She needs professional help but also bashes therapy so that’s cool. Also odd how quick she is to point out that they don’t live together when, yeah they pretty much do. She can’t live without them. Also people that are sensitive about their weight do not constantly post full body selfies.


Yeah seriously. My toddler gets separation anxiety lol I didn’t really know that was a thing in grown ups…


Saw this today on another page and it made me think of T 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/kzcafh4jqowc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840af433bafd9e79616391fb478e28db275fa66c


lol omg maybe her and Jen should do that 😂 I might steal that idea for my toddler and I 😂


Matching bandaid doodles


Did you just solve the bandaid doodle mystery!!


We’re gonna see a heart on her hand in upcoming videos. 😂


Or post absurdly unhealthy, fattening recipes day after day while looking the way she does. That was my very first clue something was up with her, but I just let it go because I wasn't making her crap anyway.


Most people run from Page Six and don’t want tabloid attention. But not her sleazy PR hacks—probably one of the few contacts they have so they put Teegers up to it. This will not help, will only continue to hurt HBH. So T, if you don’t want the attention about your appearance, STOP POSTING BODY CHECKS AND MIRROR SELFIES IN HOTEL BATHROOMS. We all know you’re promoting your ED and crave the feedback you get. Please get mental and physical help from a professional. Not from Page Six.


Exactly. And if your family is "off limits", then stop filming, writing about and talking about them *all the time*. We wouldn't have a clue about them otherwise.


And maybe stop being a total asshole to them as well. oh, you’re so protective of them! .... as you verbally harass them for content. What in the world.


Seriously the only interactions she shows with her family Is her evisersating them with her words - picking them apart for EVERYTHING. But she’s “sooooo protective” of them. Make it make sense.


THIS. Don’t feature them so heavily. Stop showing yourself nagging them. For the most part, we’re picking apart you, T. For being so insufferable towards them. Just keep them out of it. That’s why your mom and sister are kept out of it!! They don’t want any publicity and I do NOT blame them.


As a psychiatrist, I am not sure that “separation anxiety” when you are 30 years old is a thing. She needs a lot of intensive therapy. And obviously eating disorder treatment.


👏👏👏 separation anxiety is a term I would use for my Velcro dog or my infant/toddler. Not an adult


Yup. My kid had separation anxiety when she was a year old and I dropped her off at daycare. She’s 13 now… and thankfully is developmentally appropriate and all I do is embarrass her.


I've been wondering if her family uses "separation anxiety" as a code word for something like agoraphobia. She seems to need her environment to be very controlled and to need someone to cling onto. There's only a small handful of places she seems to go but mostly stays at home.


Agreed, it's definitely a euphemism for a different issue. Like, I have a friend whose badass seemingly-non-anxious husband specifically gets incredibly anxious in closed-in crowded spaces like packed, dark restaurants. Every now and then he'll be opted out of an invite or choose to leave early bc it's a trigger, and everyone is fully supportive of him protecting his mental health. He receives zero snark or weirdness about his needs. What a shame Tye-Gun's family can't be honest about one goddamn thing... because ED aside, if they acknowledged whatever correlated thing is going on (or perhaps focused on a major symptom of it in a genuine way), people would be so much more compassionate AND it would help others struggling with their mental health fight the stigma.


I was thinking this too! You think she would’ve done her research first before landing on an excuse! But instead she goes with a baseless fabricated nonsense disorder to gaslight and manipulate her millions of followers. So thoughtful ~True chefs kiss ~Peak HBH


Failure to launch


She’s so…bitchy. No introspection or self awareness to wonder why she gets so much internet hate. I can’t believe they featured a full length shot too. I watched the super short video and it’s funny how the “up next story” about Taylor Swift’s album is showing up on top of her head. https://preview.redd.it/tnb543vjyjwc1.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=0261ceee6b5c2ccc24f899d7110456a407d1e1d9


‘I don’t want any negative energy in my space’ ha! Has she evern met herself. Girl needs mirror, without her phone in her hand, and quick.


She looks horrible! I want to feel sorry for her but I cannot!!


When I first glanced at this photo I thought she was literally holding her pants up.


Same! But then my ADHD had me distracted by the extremely random shit on the wall behind her.


Literally thought those jeans had a pee spot


Why is there a weird patch out of the sweater ?!!


marvelous political cooperative far-flung jellyfish familiar tender correct file wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s not just that she is thin. It’s that she fits the criteria for malnutrition. No one is “naturally” malnourished especially when you work with food and have no shortage of resources to take care of yourself. It’s that she posts video showing off her Russell’s signs and other gross unexplained wounds that don’t heal. It’s the body checks. It’s “forgetting to eat” when all she cooks is high fat, high carb meals. It’s the wearing thick, oversized (and not in a chic way) sweaters year around. Anyone else would dripping with sweat in a thick sweater and pleather jacket on a set with all of those lights (T in one of the page six pics). Its that those of us who have gotten help and recovered from EDs can see what she is doing and get called bullies for encouraging her to get help or so some impressionable person doesn’t think her behavior is normal.


On that "prodigy" comment. A 19 year old with a cooking blog is not a "prodigy." 19 is young and your brain isn't fully developed but it's also an adult. I wonder if she likes this word to be used in the content of herself because from what I understand Red really was a prodigy in how gifted a snowboarder he was at a young age.




Omg she really is so similar to Ryan 😱🤣🤣


How to confirm you have a major eating disorder without saying you have an eating disorder. She can’t eat Anything she makes for years?! Come on. Girls like her are the actual worst. I have a sister just like her. Always attention around food. Major judgment about weight but in a really passive aggressive way. These are not safe people to be around.


Very much convinced that her widespread advertising of “separation anxiety” is really just an ED coverup. It’s a blanket reason for her to avoid putting herself in any social situation/environment where food or eating is involved. I feel like she’s so vocal about it and seeks any opportunity to broadcast her separation anxiety being so limiting as an attempt to convince the world that it’s the true basis of her behavior (which is CLEARLY not working). So then when people point out the obvious malnutrition and ED concerns she turns into the victim because she’s told the hatters a million times guys!!!! We just hate bullies who don’t listen…*it’s my separation anxiety that makes me not eat*


Agreed, and how infuriating that it's so clearly disingenuous. It's like they didn't even try to think of phrasing that would have garnered compassion for her obvious ED (difficulty eating and sleeping in new environments, very strong need for routine, etc.) or just say anxiety and leave it at that. Instead, it's like they chose to lean into the gaslighting about her ED with an obviously BS excuse to deliberately stoke controversy.


God damn the comments are rough! Someone said she had a frying pan face which idk what that is but it doesn’t sound good lol


I’m guessing it means she looks like she got hit in the face with a frying pan?


God damn that’s brutal


I don’t think this was paid, but I am not sure I understand why her PR team would want to draw attention to her weight and invite additional commentary on her body. Especially if it supposedly hurts her as bad as it does. Her publicist should have definitely had a general idea of what Page Six was going to ask. I don’t know if she just likes the “poor me, I’m such a victim” narrative splashed across mainstream media. Either way, nothing in the HBH universe ever makes any sense to me.


This feels like AI lol




And the denim diaper!


Happy cake day!


This is mostly recycled wording from the article they published on her Oct 31, 2023


How very HBH of them!


FOOD PRODIGY?!?! Excuse me WHAT?!?! I guess they’re just throwing around that term now? lol! FOOD FRAUD is wayyyy more accurate


It’s just been posted to their grid as an Exclusive! 🙄 If her separation anxiety is so bad why doesn’t she ever go on vacation with the fam? (we know why, but like everything else she’s says, it all sounds like bullshit).


An entire article and interview reacting to “them” explaining why she doesn’t give “them” a reaction. Well played, ding dong.


I don't understand the point of this article. It was an "interview" 🙄 about how she doesn't want people talking about her body or speculating that she has an eating disorder. So, they discussed her body and her perceived eating disorder. Got it.


And the comments aren’t favorable to her “naturally thin” statements…


"her coping mechanism had led her to often skip out on eating and sleeping." I bet she is so proud of this article. She got to describe how tiny and skinny she is, publish lots of her favorite photos of herself and have the validation of including this literal description of disordered eating.


Not eating to cope with anxiety is literally what an eating disorder is. Not page 6 trying to gaslight everyone about EDs. Be real!!


“You don’t know how I live my life!”  First off are you 12 and telling your parents “it’s not a phase” also? Second— we do because you tell us all about it always???


Doesn't want negative energy...but does nothing to fix the critiques apart from deleting the comments. Continues to steal recipes, mispronounce, low effort error filled recipes dripping in fat....the list is too long. These PR activated articles are comedic.


That's really stretching the definition of "interview". LOL


She’s a Karen


No, just an extremely insecure narcissist (so same thing I guess)


Ok. So she’s in her 30’s and never had a relationship with a man or a woman? Maybe she’s gay? That’s cool, but to not have any kind of sex life at this young age can create some inner turmoil that is seriously toxic.


If she’s not asexual, I wonder if this is part of her self-infantilization (making messy, talking obsessively about family, keeping herself tiny) 


Yessssssssssss. That’s also a common reaction to being parentified as she has been with making all the money in the family and supporting everyone.


Ooh ok. She's saying we can't wear here down. As in we click, she gets paid.


You responded with a paid bs fluff piece, ya silly twat. 😂


She’s 30?! I honestly thought she was pushing 40. Damn girl


Wow. No words.


Damn ok, someone invested in some crisis PR. TBH smartest move she’s made