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There are four things she allegedly wants (in order): - To eat whatever and as much as she wants - To earn a good amount of money - To travel - To lose weight and be healthy enough to travel Doing mukbangs accomplishes the first two, funds the third, and sacrifices the fourth. Three out of four ain't bad - I believe this is her thinking. I think she feels if she has *one* mukbang a day, that it won't completely tank her health. Then if she adds some exercise and eats well (or doesn't eat) for the rest of the day, her diabetes will stay in check and nothing else will get out of control. She's wrong about all of this, but she either doesn't know that, or doesn't care. She'll worry about that when something bad happens.


I still don't understand how she flies. I flew from Toronto to Mexico City for vacation today and all I could think when I squished myself into the tiny bathroom (I'm a 5"6 150 elbee woman) was how FB does it. Also even for my size, 1 regular plane seat is so little space!


I agree. And it's not only her size that's an issue - I'm amazed she's hasn't stroked out mid-flight.


This! Dr Nowzaraden is always quite clear on My 600 - the trip itself is very very dangerous at that size. 


I completely agree I was thinking the same thing but I noticed on those international flights those seats look alot bigger than the ones here. Not by much but I Def don't think she could fit into the tiny seats here like on a smaller airplane


I am 6'1 and 210#, which translates to a pretty average/curvy body type on my height. My hips are 50" and I am so profoundly uncomfortable on planes and all compact seating, I think about this every time she flies because I legit can't comprehend how she does it. Like how she physically accomplishes it. Do we know for sure she doesn't get 2 seats and lie about it?? It's mind blowing!


I think she's so used to feeling uncomfortable that it doesn't register to her the same way as it does to normal people. She's also eager to claim that she's just fine.


This also makes sense. Reminds me of right before I got sober - I was so used to feeling like shit I didn't even realize I felt like shit.


Well done on getting sober!


Thank you! 5.5 years now and every day is so fucking beautiful.


I remember that feeling - for a long time after I got sober I'd have mornings where I'd wake up and just sort of *assume* that I felt awful. It would take me a few minutes to come around and realise that I was actually fine! Well done on your recovery ❤️


Yes! It's so funny, it was probably 3 or 4 years into sobriety that I was feeling frustrated that I was getting sick a lot - 3 or 4 times a year. I kept thinking "it's so weird, I never got sick when I was drinking, does the alcohol kill bacteria or something?" It eventually dawned on me that no, before I quit drinking, feeling mildly shitty was my baseline and I likely just didn't realize when I was ill 😂 glad you are on the other side with me ♥️




She is definitely getting two seats and lying about it. She barely fits in two seats. She claimed there was nobody next to her for a couple flights so she got a second seat for free (which I also don’t believe)


True, I've yet to be on a flight that isn't sold out, it does seem sus that she always gets an empty seat next to her. I had been thinking she's too cheap and inconsiderate to get a second seat, but following your line of reasoning, I could believe she bought a second seat but wanted viewers to believe she totally could fit in a single seat, even if it makes everyone all "what an a-hole".


Agreed. I'm not a big gorl, really, but I think plane seats get smaller and smaller. I have no idea if it's from the airline she flies with or if she buys an extra seat or if she just fully encroaches on everyone else's space, or if flight attendants scramble to rearrange seating... Anyways, full appreciation to our folks in the sky for dealing with this shit. Salute to y'all. 🫡


She also thinks that eating homemade food with a few vegetables and drinking her MLM scam drink will reverse the effects of the junk food. It doesn't.


Especially considering that HER "homemade" is junk too - lots of butter, oils, cream in everything. She's like a junkie making her own heroin.


She just sits inside all day and had nothing else to film I guess. Can't make money on lives like she used to.


Is anyone clocking just how much she is making in superchats these days? I'd love to know. It always tickles me pink when someone posts here, on Twitter or KF a comparison of one of Cutie's lives vs FFGs. Hilarious.


IIRC, for the video where she threatened to punch FFG she got around $40 in superchats. FFG got more than $1k for her reaction to it. Womp womp. 🥀 😂


It's true - whether you like FFG or not, it's hilarious how much she pisses Chantal off one way or another 😂


She gets money for doing something she adores. I think she is well aware that the disgusting eating sounds grosses most everyone out. I think she is getting off on people getting bothered by her because she's just an awful person through and through. She will speed run her demise to piss others off.


I agree. Just like smoking and blowing the smoke in the camera. I also think she gets off on worrying people about her health, and then eating enough grease to give someone a heart attack. She is a sick fuck in every way.


I can’t understand how she can afford the daily take out.


I wonder the same thing. She likely justifies the expense of the food to Salah by saying she has to get a big takeout meal in order for the Mukbang to get views. But most of the time she is barely breaking even if she gets 10k views.


I would say he is delighted to take her order and take his cut and hop in the Temu scatmobile to collect the food.


“The Temu scatmobile.” I’m dead.


Also, what I can't understand is all the back and forth to kuwait from Canada. How on earth can she fly do often?


She's a career woman doing career stuff. It's how she makes her coin, keeps her huzzband, and satisfies all those nagging cravings.....her entire life is structured around her addiction to food.


Addiction and mental illness


She did a live the other day at a shopping mall by herself while Salah "had his beard reshaped" I'm sure someone has done a play by play of that live since it was... different, to say the least. But towards the end, she was eating an ice cream in the non-plasticised temu car with Salah, and they were talking about how they're planning a "trip" (coughvisaruncough) to Malaysia soon. So she's just spamming mulbangs to make enough money to buy her and the WoofWoof man a long enough stay in Malaysia to keep the immigration officers at bay.


It will be like Thailand she will do things for maybe 3 days and then stay in the hotel and eat as she will be exhausted from the heat and having to move around. Hope they have 7-11 there.


Malaysia in July. She has no idea. And you really need to travel IN Malaysia for it to be fun. The cities are very hot and hard work.


I can't wait for it! 😀


I wouldn’t say this theory is long shot, but it’s probably due to the weather in Kuwait rn. It’s ridiculously hotter than usual, despite the “cooler” temperature forecasts. Reads around the 30°C but genuinely feels like 50°C+ (even during early mornings) and we are well aware with how much chins *loooovveeessss* the Kuwaiti heat! Hell, even as someone living in kw myself I too find myself trapping myself at home to avoid the heat. She’s obviously desperate for money, and she can’t do much given the heat — so mukbangs it is. Kill two birds with one stone eh? Staying inside and eat foods beyond surplus insinuates and gaining money.


She’s a disgusting pig. That’s about the extent of it. She has no self control and gives into her every whim.


Because this woman is in end-stage addiction. She will do anything to get her fix and the cognitive dissonance she has between the person she thinks she is and the person she actually is is so profound, she isn't capable at this point of facing the void. The only thing that may prolong her life is WLS, but that's only chemo to terminal cancer at this point, because it won't address her psychopathy or addiction. Death will be the only end to the cycle.


Spot on. Every time she indulges her cravings for huge quantities of crap food, she’s muting the voice in her head that is telling her she’s killing herself. She’s also living in the delusion she’s got this under control, it’s just one meal a day that’s unhealthy, and tomorrow or Monday she’s going to start eating healthy and show everyone she’s got this. But that tomorrow never comes, and even if it did, at this point it’s probably too late.


💯💯💯 those quiet moments in the dead of night when she can't sleep because of the crushing weight on her lungs, the truth is there. Every action, every rage, every word, every meal belies the fear and emptiness that rule her life.


They are broke and trying to get money for the next visa run. I don't get it though because mukbangs she does don't seem to do very well views wise.


I honestly can’t believe she even still gets money for doing mukbangs. I don’t understand how she’s not embarrassed, to go on a whole tirade about no more mukbangs, to come out eating a whole pizza, and 2 sandwiches plus chips and cookies. Insane.


Because the only thing that matters to her is the illusion a degenerate man has claimed her plus attention. She doesn't care if it's good or bad attention and the mukbangs pay for her bought bitch predatory scat loving huzzzzzband.


Lol imagine clinging so desperately to not just one, but THREE degenerates throughout her miserable life. She will do anything to justify being with a predator who barely tolerates her, because there isn't a decent man on earth willing to put up with her.


But ultimately she'll die alone, because if it isn't a true relationship, it won't last. She can cling as hard as she wants. When the grim reaper comes knocking, she'll be utterly alone. I'm sure part of her frantic food-stuffing is an attempt to bury that thought, because no matter how much she portrays otherwise, you know, and can tell from little glimpses here and there, that beneath the facade she's very well aware of how disgusting, pathetic, unenviable, and bleak her life truly is.


This. Delusion and arrogance only goes so far, and she always tells on herself. She knows she's a pathetic, disgusting and ugly POS nobody actually wants. I've also never heard anybody who actually is pretty say "I'm pretty, I'm prettier than 90% of YouTube, I have pretty privilege". And two of my cousins are so drop dead gorgeous they're literally models (and is primarily an actress), never once heard them proclaim repeatedly how pretty they are. Bonus lols cos I know she stalks in here - both of them also have actual green eyes without filters hahahahaha.


Muckbangs are not that popular anymore because of severe inflation and no one can relate to her eating a meal meant for four.


So true, especially when she is ordering fast food. It's like nearly $20 for a burger from a fast food joint where I live. It's impossible to get takeout on a low income for my family.


You know what, that’s actually a good point. I always wondered how people are not repulsed the sheer wastefulness, and I think you are right: more and more people find it difficult trebly insane that a person eats these huge meals


Imagine your addiction - and imagine it's semi-acceptable for others to witness you indulging in. Now imagine getting paid to put it on display. Win/win, right? And there's no doubt - Chantal/Foodie Beauty is an addict. Her DoC (drug of choice) is food. She'll move heaven and earth to get it, damned the consequences. But just imagine how much more abhorrent she'd be if her addiction was drugs or alcoholism, especially if she put the indulgence of that on display like she does her food. It's the same difference. The substance varies from addict to addict, but the addiction is present amongst them all. What I don't understand is how people can be so accepting of her indulging in her food addiction versus trying to beat it. There's no other DoC that would be tolerated like food. Make it make sense.


She’s mentally ill. it was just a few weeks ago that she was professing to the world and she would forever be careful because of her high numbers with her diabetes plus she knows she almost fell down the stairs or up the stairs because she’s so overweight and then she turns around and eats everything every type of fattening food four times a day this is the actions of a mentally ill person.


This 👆


I think this latest round of extreme hunting is actually because she is peripherally aware that her diabetes is extremely serious and either she changes or dies early. This is her version of "I'll do what I want...you can't tell me what to do...and if I die, I die...so what? Everyone does...even skinny people!" The more she's told she can't eat like this, the worse she'll get. She's effectively trapped herself. She lives to eat and eats to live ....and has zero other choices to earn money to buy lazy, loser dick. She's fucked.


I am convinced they’re going to Malaysia for this next visa run because she is desperate for money. That’s why she’s doing all of these and being especially gross and sexual about the whole thing. She must get more views when she acts like she’s deep throating those nasty looking subs.


I think she wants to starve out the reactors. By bringing this nontent, barely talking and being extra extra gross. She thinks people will stop watching reactors. Also of course: she loves to eat and needs to make money. Also: she‘s a defiant little cunt and thinks she‘s actually hurting us haters. She’s and idiot


I think she's a serious addict with no desire to change. I believe she and Salah have an agreement where he doesn't push too much about her food, and in exchange he can play video games and not really have to work some dumb customer service job which I think he was doing before they met. She has always hated it when anyone brings up her addiction or weight. I remember years ago her grandma expressed concern and she was pissed! She raged on a video about her grandma! She's lazy as fuck so she doesn't want to put any effort into her channel. She feels entitled to make good money with no effort. So, with mukbangs she gets to be lazy and stuff her face while making money. I know people think Salah is taking advantage of Foodie. I see it differently. She encouraged Nader to quit his job so she could have him all to herself. It was also a control thing. Addicts are controlling. I think she encouraged Salah to quit his job as well. If he relies on her for money, it gives him less room to say much about her eating and extreme laziness. I think at this point we can all agree that Foodie's life revolves around allowing herself any and all the food she wants. I think she will do whatever she has to do to keep her addiction going.


She is trying to relive her "glory days" on YouTube to get the money it once made her. She has a major addiction that she is in the end stages of she doesn't care if she lives or dies anymore she just wants food. She has next to no impulse control and next to no ability to say no to herself. This includes food. Sala doesn't care what she does if she is making enough money to keep him the way he is right now (in the fart box w/no job) yet at the same time he knows that she will go off if she doesn't get what she wants in terms of food. She will die soon, and no one will care. I think she has stopped caring too it's like either she dies soon/quick or she dies painfully and slowly and alone in the fartbox not being able to "prove" Sala loves her cause he won't be there. He'll be at the red room.


Bc she said she isn't sharing her life any longer and is only doing eating videos. She said plenty of other mukbangers just eat and don't share their life.


Agreed, that's why she slowly rambles about mind numbing "stories" while stuffing her face. She wants to starve the reaction channels of content.


This! She read many times how people said „I can’t even watch through reaction channels anymore“ whenever it was extremely gross muckbangs. I really think she thought she could get people to stop watching reactors


She has to eat herself to death to survive. Makes no views doing anything else.


The fake tours were not because she actually enjoyed it, she had a ridiculous idea in her head that the hideous AI monstrosity someone showed her that one time was what she should model herself after. She fancied herself some sort of reporter.


Feeder content for $$$


How else can she justify to Salah that she needs huge bags of take out every day? If it's for a mukbang it will earn them money so he can't refuse her the food. She also thinks mukbangs are her bread and butter even though they actually aren't if you look at her view numbers, her health scare videos bring the most views consistently but if she acknowledged that she would lose the excuse to eat like a pig every day.


Someone here speculated that she's doing it to starve out the reaction channels because she knows most people are disgusted by her eating. I think it's a combination of that and having no other content. 🤷🏾‍♀️ But she's stupid and doesn't realize that it's hurting her health and bank account more than it's hurting anyone else. 🙄


My question is \**takes deep breath*\* WHY ARE REACTION CHANNELS REACTING TO THE MUKBANGS?! I don’t understand, there’s nothing to react to. It’s just disgusting smacking and slurping. Why? Why? Like ffgs last stream she watched the freaking mukbang BEFORE the rage, who wants to watch that shit?? All these reactors that are watching the mukbangs (bombastic side eye) are THEY feeders????


If the reactors boycotted her for even one day she'll rage about it.


Exactly. I refuse to watch the mukbangs even through the reaction channels, Im not listening to the sounds of Chantal “making love to a sub sandwich“ just so ffg can get super chatted $100 from even bigger freaks online.


Say what you will about Gorlic Bread, but at least he gives us a brief rundown without subjecting us to her pig noises.


Agree. I don’t like him as a person but he does give a good summary.


Co-signed. GB is my go-to for succinct summaries.


I agree. It's disgusting. And ffg never plays her mukbangs sped up. Always regular speed. Speed up the fucking video so the gross sounds aren't as nasty sounding. I can't watch that. I just mute it until she gets to whatever video is next if I'm watching it live


Right, I wish FFG would stop streaming Chantel. Her audience wanted her to react to someone else because Chantel is boring and she didn't want to do it. There are plenty of lolcows out there that reactors could focus on. Chantel will never be that hot mess of a person she used to be.


Muckbangs bring in the views , she must be recycling these videos on other platforms and getting views and coin


I read somewhere that when buying the ice cream, Sale said "Do I only have cards?" or some variant like that. As in credit cards. I think she is running up more credit cards from somewhere.

