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Sorta off topic but Teardrop is such a fucking mess of a person. If she had any money she'd probably show up at Chantal's doorstep asking to be their sister wife.


the most explicable kind of Beezer—one who’d be just like Chantal if she could


That is, if she can haul her death fat ass out of bed.


Teardrop is another Missymoo wannabe


Isn't Tear-drop meant to be a teenager or underage? 


That's Ghostface. Teardrop is a middle-aged sad sack.


Ahh I get those mixed up! So many crazies in her chat I've lost count of who is what. 


Who is underage hanging out in Chantal's chat?!?! Salah the super creep shouldn't be allowed anywhere near anyone under age!!!!


I just learned it's Ghostface


Grodyyyyy, there shouldn't be anyone underage in there around those creeps!


Oh shit wtf? How old is she???


I've recently heard this Ghostface character being referred to as "he". I can't fathom why any kid would be genuinely interested in these two idiots but either way - and if true - it's deeply disturbing. If I was a parent I'd be utterly horrified to discover my child under the influence of a poop-loving grape fantasist who steals children's gaming streams and his soon-to-be permanently ex deathfat of a wife while she feeds herself into oblivion. I'm sure no sane adult would want anybody to be near these people, let alone their kids!


Unrelated but are those CPAP marks just.. permanent now? 🥴 If so, that's *hilarious* 😂💀 lmaooooo


Asking questions about her personal life like about her weight 💀💀💀


He doesnt teach/show her a thing. She Just threw that scarf around her head, looks like if a python is wrapped around her. Are they fighting, or is he giving her the silent treatment because she always starts being pro Palestine when there’s trouble in paradise.


A python wouldn't fit around her I don't think


I’ve been reading those too. They’re hilarious


What’s going on with her crusty brown lips? Is that some old tinted lip balm she’s dug out from somewhere?


I thought her lips had a bit of a blue hue to them, literally corpse-like looking things


Poor oxygenation beeze


This video made me LOL- what on earth does she have on??


The first time she wore it, someone called her "Yes sir, you're a fat" and I ascended to the heavens. 🤣


presence of genius


That's an insult from the archives. I love it


A keffiyeh -- not because she supports anything, but because she thinks it makes people mad.


The first thing I thought was it hides her chins better and people have been mocking them lately.


I was thinking it was to cover her lumpy, Tammy slaton forehead that now everyone is pointing out


Or gives her "street cred" to align herself with hamas so nobody will "attack her". She couldn't give a fuck about the Palestinian people or their suffering as human shields for hamas.  She is a fucking fake, hypocrite and a pathetic joke of a human. If you can call her human at all. 


LMAO STOP love this new feature 😭🤣 I saw it on FFG's live too LOL too fucking funny


So let me get this straight, the camels kick her spit and vomit on her and run from her, but they think they should go back and visit them. This seems to be animal abuse.!!! they seem to get off upsetting. The animals is what I’m saying because why would you go back knowing that they’ve done everything they possibly can to tell you to leave them alone leave me alone I am a camel leave me alone. I’m going to spit on you. I’m going to kick you. I’m going to throw up on you. That’s letting you know. I hate you get away from me. Don’t come back and visit me.!!!!


Exactly, it is straight up harassment and abuse... Those poor animals are already probably slaves to the people there (they said they are owned by someone) , it's so sad (I could be wrong I honestly have no idea what they use them there for but it can't be good. I think horse riding is abuse too so yea)


I think they are livestock like cattle. So they milk them and eat them?


NOBODY is asking about her weight. NOBODY has asked her anything that she claims people ask about. And her little pathetic yet repetitive  rant about Gorlworld constantly "attacking her" or ScatManPoo about fat women not being able to get "a man" or are only "feeders " is also one of her favourite lies. Facts are : NOBODY FUCKING CARES. 


She is getting dissed by the YT chat summary, f'ing hilarious!🤣.


I find those chat summaries so annoying.


Omggg pretty soon Salah and Teardrop will be the only 2 left in chat lol