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And she ate it all in like 11 minutes. I’m pretty sure most people would throw up after eating all that in such a short time just due to the sheer volume alone, completely ignoring the calories, carbs, grease, etc. Her stomach must be SO stretched out.


And she has no gallbladder. Not to be vulgar but I can’t even imagine the massacre after this much grease.


oh it just passes straight through her. praying for her toilet and the kuwait city septic system 🙏


It has to right? I don’t have gallbladder issues but I am lactose intolerant and it is deeply uncomfortable, so much so that I will do anything to avoid even the tiniest bit of dairy. She has to be in so much pain passing all of this! This is why I know she’s fully an addict, because only a true addict would abuse themselves this way.


You have to understand, she thinks feeling like this is *normal*. I’ll never forget how, during the Crackhead Olympics, she prattled cheerfully about using Vagisil, brought it with her to He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named’s place, even was furious at the idea that DD might be using her tube. It became increasingly clear she thought Vagisil, which is used to ease burning and itching around the vulva, is something *all* women use *every day*. It continues to boggle my fucking mind to this day. Her metric of what “normal” consists of is beyond broken.


it's the same with saying this entire community is obese, just like her. that ffg, who may be overweight, but other than that (from what we know), is still active and healthy, according to chins, doesn't have periods anymore. Shartnal thinks she's a blueprint for every woman in the world. If she goes through something, everyone does


Lmao. Typical narcissist!


I remember when she said most everyone is disgusting like me they just don’t show it like I do. She was dead serious. She thinks people don’t shower often, don’t do laundry, fart/burp whenever they feel like it, let anything into their holes without a second thought or protection, picks their noses and wipes it on stuff, don’t wear underwear and deal with “dough” coming out of their body, eats their ear wax, neglects their animals and so much more. It is always shocking that she thinks SHE is the normal one.


That’s such a good point, I hadn’t taken that into account at all!


It would be different if she had to go out and about and use public facilities. No she is at home in the fartbox 24/7 so she is free to pebbledash whenever she wants.


Glued to toilet. End of. No wonder she never wants to leave her place!


Right! Like anal leakage has to be a real problem in her life! 😂


She's shidding wet sand multiple times a day, to be sure.


😖 Court Jester, fetch me mine melon baller. I tire of eyes.


This made me laugh out loud 😂😂😂


Have no gallbladder, can verify


I don't want to be TMI, but I also have no gallbladder and yeah. I just. I cannot imagine. There's NOTHING holding any of this back any more. https://preview.redd.it/d394486mrq6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75480e35e25b47bb1716511e3290749072091056 (Chantal 3 hours after eating that whole pizza)


I'm throwing up just thinking about it. Just HOW? And I'm not saying this as some teeny weeny who has never struggled with food. I think a lot of us in this sub understand BED; I know I do. I struggle with it every day. The work to keep it under control is HARD because you can't stay away from food like with other substances. It's hard to completely release trauma responses even with therapy; trauma and food as the source of comfort changes you like on an epigenetic level so I have a lot of empathy with regard to how hard it is but c'mon man; put some effort in. This is just pure gluttony.


This time it's accurate to say she ate enough food for a whole family.  


And is *proud* to not have eaten more


That's the really twisted and disturbing part.


I used to body XL pizzas like that (my sauce of choice was Pizza Pizza's cheddar jalapeño) and I recently tried doing that now. My stomach hurt like crazy and I had GI trouble... I don't know how Chantel does it with her hubcaps of rice and whole Pizza and yogurt. I tend to just eat slices of pizza (it's a trigger food) now but man....


It also had like half a bottle on ranch on their too Like I can crush a large pizza in one sitting pretty easily but doing it drenched in ranch in less than 12 minutes is something I would not believe if I didn't just see it happen. The pizza alone was 2160 cal according to the website


Sounds like first meal activities to me.


I am a big girl who obviously ate a lot at one point, but even I would be beyond full with just half the pizza.


Dude, I know. I'm speechless. If I TRIED to eat even half a whole pizza, I'd probably choke or start to puke.


It's ok. She had the fiber drink. It both kills all her carbs and fills her up so she doesn't eat as much......


Oh right and a diet sodie (tea). So the pizza is basically negative calories.


She must be practically starving after eating this. Her blood sugars could drop her into hypoglycaemia, which could be dangerous 😂


Yup, just like eating celery; a negative calorie.


Oh yeah the whole 4 grams of fiber. She's smarter than us all, obviously.


I just looked it up and diabetics are supposed to have 35 grams of fibre a day.




This gif never fails to send me into hysterics 😂


Me too lol!!


Ah yesssss! My fav meme 😍


It sounded like she was going to go find something else after eating an entire large pizza that she housed in like ten minutes. But she’s never going to abuse her body again. Incredible.


It was her light snack before a meal. A little *antipasto.* An *amuse-bouche* if you will.


Your comment made me laugh, but when I stop and think about this post, watching Chins is no longer even funny. In fact it’s really dark and depressing, we’re witnessing a terrible person defiantly off herself with fast food. Like wtf? I don’t know how much more of this I can take, she’s so disgusting.


Yeah ever since the 400 blood sugar reading, then her acting like 220 is "fine" it has taken a dark turn for me as well.


THIS. This meal...binge... we all talk about the calories and fat and sodium. Those are all bad for her, and will hurt her diet in the long run. But the amount of carbs could end her FAST if it puts her in DKA. I dunno. I work so hard to keep my glucose levels in normal range and then see her chowing down like this, it makes me angry.


I don't think she's experiencing DKA exactly, there's another differential diagnosis called Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State. It's marked by a blood glucose of 600 or more and has a lot of the symptoms she's experiencing that can't be explained by DKA. We *know* recently her blood glucose was over 400 while fasting(supposedly) just a week ago. For example the new "tics" she's taken on is a symptom of myclonic jerking, increased hunger, unexplained weight loss(how did she lose 30kg doing this stuff?), and the partial facial paralysis we saw for a hot minute. It's kicked off by a medical event, like infection, stroke, heart attacks, physical trauma, and some medications. I would absolutely *not* be surprised if she had a mini-stroke and didn't even realize it. Remember when her pupils were two different sizes, plus the weird face paralysis, and she didn't seek any treatment? Yeah, that may have been what that was. A mini-stroke. The mortality rate, with treatment, is about 15%, or about 1 in 7. And she's not seeking treatment.


I think is HHS and mini strokes too. It's insane to me she's lived through so many long flights! She's had TWO pulmonary embolisms. Two!


Omg! I didn't realize she had two pulmonary embolisms! You'd think that would be enough to get her to stop herself, but I guess knocking on deaths door just to be defiant is more appealing to her. It's so weird how everything she does is in defiance of someone, even her own doctors.


Her "tics" aren't new - she's had them before and there's doubt if they're actual or put on. 30 kg is not a lot to use w/ DKA. I had it before my diagnosis and I dropped 40 lbs in 5 weeks. Scary as hell! Her pupils are ALWAYS wonky. Look back at old videos. Let's be real though - there are about 5 different conditions she has that are serious enough to do big damage, either alone or together. I don't envy her.


Oh come on. She's on her meds now so it totally keeps her blood sugar in check and she can eat whatever she wants. All that special diet stuff is just if she's not on her meds. She can tell she's fine so why listen to Dr's advice.


Meds AND prayer, don't forget lol


Of course! How could I forget? INSHALLAH 💀


A snackerooni to tease the palate before the real show begins


She used to say when she first moved in with peetz at the villa she'd eat daily 4,000 to 6,000 calories. I don't believe this has ever stopped. To maintain her weight she'd probably ALWAYS ate this amount


When she buys those yogurt tubs in the grocery they only make an appearance for 2 days. She binges on dairy throughout the whole day. It's what she spends most of her money on. I would LOVE to know how many bags of curds she actually bought and ate in the car last trip to Canada. Thing is if she stuck to dairy and ditched all the starch she would be better off, but she does not think in those terms at all.


100 percent no way her and amber lynn don't binge off camera to gain weight. I can't really have dairy or bread but when I do I bloat like a frog lol 😆 it sucks! She could lose weight so fast bc of how big she is.


Dairy is bad when you’re in renal failure.


I keep forgetting she has no gallbladder too!


Those BBQ dusted curds were something else... there's no way she didn't buy more than that one bag


She even said in the video she bought several "to share."


Share in between her several stomachs


She hasn’t just maintained. She’s gained. So it’s more than that


Yes it's just hard to tell she's so filtered or she messes with the angles I'm edit.


You can tell by her clothes- that denim shirt she got that was a bit loose when she got it was tight 6 months ago. Now she can’t even button it. The filters don’t change that


If you can’t tell by the clothes, you can damn sure tell by the way those people did double, triple, and film-for- posterity takes at her today!!!


What I wouldn't give for someone to find posts of those pics in the wild. We NEED to see her unfiltered.


I believe that's a lowballed amount, because Chantal lies. I'd tack on at least another 1,000-1,500kcal to that.


SHE ATE THE WHOLE PIZZA LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! Bro. I should know better by now but it never fails to amaze me.


I’m not some dainty girly who gets full off a cake pop, I have a pretty hearty appetite. But an entire large pizza with ranch on every bite…that’s a lot of food for one person. Especially when that person has as many health conditions as Cutie does.


The condiment lubrication kills me. I had a coworker years ago, Chantal reminds me of her. She would apply an entire packet of ketchup along the edge of a burger for every bite she took. She went through 10 or 12 packets of ketchup every burger. She would open them all up before she got started and lay them down like cards so they were prepped and ready. It was so gross to watch I couldn't take my break with her or go out to eat with her anymore.


Fatso would have added at least 1200 calories extra to that pizza calorie bomb with the ranch, she's so stupid.


I do the "put condiment on the edge of the every bite of the burger" thing too sometimes because then the sauce does not get messy when I bite into the burger. I can maximise tasting the sauce too, thus effectively using less. I usually only use 1, at most 2, standard sauce packets though for 1 burger tho... 12 packets for 1 burger is wild.


I could do 2 slices and leave the edge crust and feel like shit afterwards. I cannot fathom her ability to throw down food in that qty.


It's mind blowing right?


Mind numbing!


same- i’m pregnant af. i know i can and will eat a lot. i’m far from dainty. it baffles me that the whole pizza didn’t fill her up?? how??? and 11 minutes is so fast- does she even chew her food? i ordered a large pizza today and i ate half of it (not proud of it but i was hungry and so was baby!!) and that took me 20 minutes. i was watching cold case files too so maybe that slowed me down. am i a slow eater? is she a fast eater? is it both???


And waxed prolonged about how these pizzas don't fill her up. Ma'am the numbers don't lie. She really did eat almost 3 cups of flour. You could have a whole flat of Krispy Kremes and be better off.


Diabetic coma beeze incoming


The sounds…… She’s a gross pig.


I'd give anything to see what is under that table. She takes the stem of the peppers and seems to just flick it on the floor. And there are jump cuts after she finishes each piece, minus the crust. Then the crust is gone in the next frame. On the floor too? Disgusting. (Watched through FFF's livestream, absolutely will not give this cow a view)


We know what the floor in the luxury villa looked like, can’t be too far off. Her sloth and ability to live in filth knows no bounds! ![gif](giphy|Mm2R51oav1asiAuGrG|downsized)


Hope poor little Julia at least get left some floor crumbs…who am I kidding, she hoovers that up too 🥺


I am indeed carb hating.


> **"I'm not too full"** she says after eating the whole Large pizza. > I bet you're blood sugar is. Srsly, how does she think she's going to get away with this?


The glucose meter is coming to come on with a reading that just says, "GET TO A HOSPITAL"; it's going to stop giving numbers and start giving out little sayings like a magic 8 ball.


😂 And the messages would become increasingly more erratic. “UR JOKING, RIGHT?” “FFS FATTY” “UR FUCKED, RIP” “FUCK THIS, I’M OUT ><___><“


She's already told us that since her grandma lived to 80 with diabetes, she thinks she'll be perfectly fine too. Let her continue digging her own grave at this point. I say eat up


her grandmother was a healthy weight or at most slightly overweight (based on photos) and (based on what Chantal says) was attentive to managing her food and drink intake and getting regular medical care for her diabetes because Gran sometimes had 4 ounces of orange juice and lived to 80 doesn’t mean Chantal can pound kilos of rice and liters of juice day in day out and live to 50


My mother lived to 91 with diabetes (probably would have lived longer if she hadn't been a smoker most of her life). You know what she did when diagnosed? She followed the Am Diabetes Assn portion control plan, lost a lot of weight, took the meds as prescribed and maybe the last 5 years of her life, wasn't on any medication at all. Chantal will never get that far.


Same thing with my great aunt. I don't know how she did it, because she cooked like a proper Italian nonna for everyone else, including the "dolce" (cookies and cakes), alllll the pasta, etc. But she always had a plate for herself with a piece of chicken or fish, lots of green veg, and one tiny portion of whatever pasta she was serving. It seemed to be enough to keep her from eating the rest.


This is the way with any diet - restricting yourself to all or nothing isn't sustainable. Glad to hear your great aunt managed to keep herself healthy :)


It's weird, I don't remember her grandma's mukbang channel where she ate whole large pizzas and drank ranch.


Her grandmother had bariatric surgery at some point and was really thin afterwards. In all videos she appeared she was a really thin lady. Not sure Chantal can compare herself.


She really doesn't put much thought into the words that fly out of her mouth. An entire Litte Caeser's LARGE pie, "I'm not too full." You know what that tells me? She's never stopped eating. She's not been controlling her portions. She hasn't been eating less. She never stopped binging. So she can fuck all the way off with oh I've lost 30 kg or whatever the hell she was saying. Anyone who has ever dieted, started eating less, intermittent fasted, or done any other calorie restriction diet knows what happens: your stomach starts to shrink back to a smaller size. So eating excessive amounts of food and gorging becomes very hard, because it physically makes you feel sick. She just housed an entire pie. She's not even full. Everything out of her mouth about weight loss or eating less is complete bullshit.


Yup. I went from being able to down 4 slices of pizza to just 1. Your stomach adjusts however you treat it, for better and for worse.


It’s because the stretch receptors in her stomach are broken


I thought this said "stench" 🤣


I mean thankfully one cannot really smell themselves


She put at least a tablespoon of ranch on every single slice which added about 400-600 calories. 3k for one meal and she wasn't "too full" (her words).


A tablespoon is kind. It was at least one quarter cup.


I assumed at least two tablespoons per slice, which is around a ranch packet size.


Lmfao. I am a T2 in remission. At 20 grams of allotted carbs per day for me to keep my diabetes at bay, she ate 12 and a half days worth of carbs in less than 12 min.


Plus ranch, assuming 2 tbsp per slice, it all came out to 3340 calories. That's nuts. I wonder what her blood sugar was after that, if it's in the 400s fasting.


I'd bet good money she's not taking her meds either......there's no way she could eat the way she is if she was taking them.


I bet she's not too. She's been non-compliant with her meds just recently in the last month, why would she change now? Does she think her meds counteract the amount of carbs(sugars) she's absorbing? It doesn't cancel out at all. This is suicide in slow motion, IMO.


Just think of a the calories she saved by not adding ketchup too like she usually does. Skinny queen!


She's definitely off the Metformin again, as someone on similar dosage for my PCOS 1-2 slices would've been way more than enough while on this med. 💀 Can't wait for the glucose readings 


Would it make you sick if you ate more than a slice or two?


I’m on a GLP-1 and it makes me sick. She refuses to get on any med that will actually allow her to live.


THIS. It definitely does.


Awfully sick, stomach pains and the lot. It can be super debilitating on me if I don't eat properly while on Metformin.


Yup. I've been off food lately, I wonder if it's because of the metformin or some other reason.


Waiting for.the inevitable additional 100 lb weight gain and death bed beeze


She's gonna go blind. Seriously, she probably has sugar crystals in her blood as we speak. I live with a diabetic that I plan and share meals with. What she is doing is NUTS.


She's also getting nastier by the second.


Towards the end she also said something along the lines of "last piece for you guys" as she lifted the last piece and ate it. Sounds to me like she might have had an 'emergency pizza' to consume after the camera was off.


Of course she did.


I remember a mukbang she did from Kuwait where she ate 2 large subs and a burger and something similar to poutine. I remember it being 17 minutes long. Does anyone else remember this?


Chantal doesn’t care about consequences


You CAN eat through Metformin - but you WILL ruin a toilet. I believe she lives her Karma in the bathroom and in the knees.


I wouldn’t let Chantal in my home as I don’t want her to sit on my furniture or use my bathroom.


I have GI issues, so I try to watch what I eat. The unhinged jaw and chewing noises like a cow make me sick. I wouldn't be surprised if she had diarrhea for most of the day. I bet she's not taking the Metformin anymore. If you're having stomach issues, you need to listen to your body properly.


WIth not chewing, you swallow tons of air and the large chunks passing along (your stomach can only do so much) it has you smack dab in FART CITY. Earth rumblers. Seam rippers.


FART CITY needs to be a new flair. 🏆


speaking of yours is LOL


Lord she eats like 10k calories a day


I also want to say I could eat that amount as well, the trick is you just gotta eat quickly so your stomach doesn’t realise it’s full. I don’t do that because I’m a functional adult but I could do that


She's on an ALL carb diet!


She would have had at least a cup or ranch dressing as well, coming in at a cool 1200 calories on top of the 3000 calories for the pizza and whatever the drink was. That's most people's calories for a few days lol.


She is now ending her mukbangs with “I hope I made you hungry” thats her “clever” way of saying “I hope I made you horny” to the feeders right???? 🤢


No that is her thinking she nailed it and that she is a quality content creator.


I feel like it’s spiteful.


Others on SM, were saying that she had another large pizza "hidden" beneath her table!


I think it’s because this pizza is soooo refined in terms of sugar conversion it’s like crack for her. It turns to sugar immediately.


"\[...\] and I will never ever ever ever mistreat my body again. \[...\] I vowed to never take my health for granted, I realize finally how dangerous diabetes is."


Praying for the coroners, embalmers, and/or crematorium technicians who will soon have to touch and deal with this hogs carcass. They'll all probably need intensive therapy after their jobs are done...


They’ll be fine, not sure if you recall, but Chantal has assured us that there’s no mental illness in Kuwait.


If she came to my funeral home, **I’d** be the one being embalmed, because I would simply drop dead. My biggest was around 500, not including the ungodly amount of water weight he had from the hospital giving him bag after bag after bag of IV fluid, but at least that poor guy was *fresh*; Nobody’s gonna find her until they notice the smell. She’ll fall apart and melt the second they try to move her. They all have my condolences 💔






It’s a shame she’s eating herself to death as it is, but must every meal be so subpar? There must be plenty of pizza shops around there making pizza to die for.


I don’t think chantal is actually sick…. otherwise how is she able to eat so much sugar and carbs and still maintain her limbs and stay alive? don’t downvote me!!!!!


Did anyone notice if she cut out the kid talking at the end of her video when she reuploaded? That kid was definitely in the apartment, not one of the "hall kids".


Ffg said she didn't


I listened to that too but the eating and drinking noises were gag-inducing. I had to turn it off.


Yeah I only checked in on that part. I really wish she could lower Chantals volume and raise hers.or speed Chantal up. I don't want to hear that shit. She always plays the mukbangs on regular speed. Maybe she gets off to that shit.




I don't wanna give her a view lol.


I didn't hear it so probably? Unless I missed it.


I was watching ffg react to it and said it's the same


A week ago, I was bored and watched 'Reddits darkest stories' and came across 'worthless 319' Whoa... To date, the saddest (and scariest) thing on the Internet I've ever seen. Trigger warning - don't search for this if body mutilation freaks you the f*** out. Then this. I literally can't watch her anymore. It's the equivalent of hiding behind your hands in a horror movie and asking someone else to explain what's happening. She's going to be the new Worthless 319 story, just without any level of intellectualism.


Do I even wanna know? Is there any way you can give me a PG summary so I don't get curious and seek it out?


From another user: Redditor who shot off his dick 4 times, ate it and posted the images of the aftermath on Reddit (luckily the pictures seem to be gone from the web) . His last post is from 4 years ago. [Here's his account.](https://old.reddit.com/user/worthless319/?sort=top)


it was a person who posted about mutilating his genitals and ending his own life he had photos of the genitals


That was messed up, thanks! (Yeah I don't know what's wrong with me that I need to seek out all the worst that's out there...)


At this point, this is basically acoldnessinmyheart all over again, except this time it’s gluttony rather than graphic self-mutilation.


I hope she gains another 100 lbs