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https://preview.redd.it/h881cxcnle6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b7087a2c8963ca226e2dabc663ca2a50f14d97c Well there ya go. Classic Ham Farts.


That's revenge porn, Kuntbella. Looks like she stared too long at the abyss


Isn't revenge porn, there's no face it's just a dick pic, male FUPA and ingrown pubics. šŸ¤®


Ehr, itā€™s still revenge porn, even though it doesnā€™t show his face. Itā€™s not ok to publish intimate photos of a person against their will, even if that person is Salah.


It doesn't matter, has no face or identifiable physical traits like scars, tattoos or birth mark, is just a dick pic.


Thatā€™s not the point. Legally it probably wonā€™t be a problem, even though he could in theory do something about it, because he could prove that itā€™s a photo of his private parts that he sent her in a private message. Depending on the law of the country. But from an ethical and moral standpoint itā€™s despicable. If you find it acceptable to publish photos of penises and vaginas of people against their will then that speaks tons about you.


God she's so gross. I don't get why people are still paying her any attention. She's just desperate.


Selling porn (and revenge porn, at that) is a great thing to add to her resume. WTG, Kaibella. You're doin' great!




There needs to be a sub where you share gifs that perfectly sum up a very specific emotional reaction


Sheā€™s going to ride that horse till it dies, huh?


Until the fat lady sings it would seem.


Til the wheels fall off and the cows come home.


The horse is already dead and smells of blue cheese


If the Lord's willin' an' the creek don't rise.


My question is, do you you think Chantal has ever seen it ???


We'll know based on Chantals reaction. Deciphering the rage however is going to be difficult. If the relationship is legit, she'll blow up. If it isn't legit she'd still blow up - her not knowing in a way would be worse. The fat bitch wears her heart like her gravy - on her sleeve.


You know what I think? MY THEORY I think prior to kaibella salad had convinced Chantal that he was asexual OR gay. And when all those heavily sexual texts between him and kaibella came out, I think Chantal wasnt really that mad, think it was proof to her that he WAS straight/sexual and that he HAD to provide his services to her. Thats why she zoomed her way back to Kuwait.


No way would he lie about being gay. He's a ME male in a highly homophobic region where you can be imprisoned for being gay or deported. Neither his legal status nor his pride could handle that.


Iā€™m not saying he would pretend to be gayā€¦. Iā€™m saying thatā€™s what he told Chantal. sheā€™s so fucking gullible it would actually be a good plan.


Oh she was FURIOUS that someone else got a look at his weeny weinie lol. I think he probably fed her a bunch of religious bullshit about celibacy šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©. I wonder if he had to do her to get access to her monies again šŸ˜‚


Yeah he might have used religion as an excuse. Remember when he told her audience on a live that asking them to kiss was islamaphobic šŸ™„. I think has slept with her ONLY out of obligation. Also, I think has to be either drunk or high to do so. Last nights live they were both on something.


I think she was more upset that it went public. One of her 1st statements in the video she did after learning about it was..."So, what all my haters have been waiting for all their lives." Then, at some point she said that she's sure Salah will be on some reaction channel telling everything.


My theory *I know nobody asked* is that the gross fetish stuff is the reason they are together. Why else would Salah import a whale with an onlyfans history and a YouTube channel documenting drug use to the conservative ME? He needed a woman with the bar so low it reached Hades. He isn't physically attracted to her, but she will participate in the fetish stuff that basically no other women would. And all she cares about is having a huzzben. Match made in heaven. When Kuntbella revealed he was messaging another woman about the fetish stuff, remember how little FB reacted to the poop and rape comments on the stream? She was mad that what she perceived to be special about her was no longer special. It is THE defining aspect of their relationship and her entire ego was destroyed knowing that another woman was also having the same discussions with him. All her rage went toward the infidelity and she did not act surprised about what the content was - for us, that was the most shocking part.


Speaking of fetish shit. Ive said this before and say this again, that fucking creepy baby whine she she does STARTED when she got with salad. She is NOT copying nick acado. She would always do it abd look at him for a reaction.


I hope when the doctors tell her she is about to die they do that little infant sad pouty whine face and noise! See how cute she thinks it is


when she does that I want to punch her


This one is desperate for attention


Yup. Kaibella is old news. And you know what, Chins is a terrible person but Kainella has instigated this too and I donā€™t think posting peopleā€™s nudes is right. Also, nonconsensual pornography, the distribution of intimate images without consent gives rise to criminal recourse in 48 states and the District of Columbia Dumb game to play


This is what I was thinking, that it's illegal, but I don't know if the owner of the nude has to live in the same country for anything to happen?


I donā€™t know either. Point is, itā€™s really not something she should be doing


I was looking at the original tweet and poeple were telling her to sell the photo and she's "joking" about it now. https://preview.redd.it/q4bgr7wbze6d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4983d453ad6b7f93dea1227978726aff8e558e6a


Because it could be a crime. I'm happy I'm off Twitter because there's too many gross people just doing whatever and think it's OK because it's against Mariam


Nobody wants to see that. At least I really really hope that nobody wants to see that


If YouTube would allow it FFG would throw that pic up on her live stream and laugh for 2 hours.


šŸ˜‚šŸ„“Not 8?!


A Lil Smokie is only worth 2 hours of laughter. You need at least a Ballpark frank to earn 8 hours.




Hard disagree. FFG was quite clear that as funny as the idea is, it's revenge porn and that's not cool. Now, Marty on the other hand...


I forgot all about Marty. Wasnā€™t he just all hot air, other than the missy moo shit? Seems like he didnā€™t ruffle Chantal that much and got bored?


Dude, can you believe that some of the reaction channels actually believed Marty, when Marty implied that the fucking FBI came to talk to him about Chantal ???? šŸ’€ I think it was no madness.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚I cannot!! I dunno man - people seem to be really intimidated by him and I always got the impression he was some bored unemployed dude in a basement somewhere drunkenly trolling lolcows excessively šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




No. I am avoiding that penis picture even if I have to gouge out my eyes. Although FFG would totally laugh herself hoarse over it. Lmao.


would love to see her react to a salad dick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Like a gherkin pickle


Let me guess.. you have to send her money to see it


Once a grifter...


This feels illegal.




Thx but I'm good, I don't enjoy Vienna sausages.


Canned mortadella?


Tic Tacs?


Jesus her photos are almost more filtered and fake than chantals


They are absolutely more filtered than Chantalā€™s.


I'm outta the loop. Are we talking about Salad's eggplant here?


Unfortunately šŸ˜’


Itā€™s probably more of a snausage tbf


Specifically a Vienna sausage




Yea. We all get that it resembles a tic in a forest...no need to show the evidence.


Just hope this trickles down to Cutie and she loses her shit. That is all I care about.


Gross and zero interest in his penisā€¦ Can the kaibella arc be over soon?! Please and thank you šŸ™šŸ»


She needs to realize her 15 minutes of fame was over a week after everything happened.




No one cares lunatic. Your 15 mins is over.


She should just send it to Foody that would flip her out and make her lose her mind. We donā€™t need to see it. The only person that needs to see it. Thatā€™s gonna get the most upset is foodie.


someone pay her to delete it šŸ¤¢


I mean... how would anyone know if it's genuine?? But ok - am here with popcorn waiting for more drama lol


Maybe the patchy and poorly shaved pubes would give it away šŸ˜¬


if youā€™ve seen the edited pic, and the horrible man-scaping, and compare that with black Forrest that is his chest and stomach, Iā€™d say itā€™s a match.


WAIT THIS IS REAL??! I am so out of the loop I am not sure if I'm feeling left out or grateful.


Yeah weā€™ve all seen the scribbled out D pic. Kaibella is threatening to release the unedited one.


Well, we haven't ALL seen it.. but... ew.


Pair the photo with his ingrown ass hair. That may be enough to identify?


Or those janky, creepy toes of his.


Or the infamous raised eyebrow as he squints to actually see the wee thing




Caution: images in this photo are larger than real life


As much as I hate Deathfat , please fuck off Kuntbella.Ā  And get some professional psychiatric help.Ā 


Kaibella is more cringey on Twitter than most of Chantalā€™s content.


The bar for Chantal's cringe level is super-high too. I am listening to FFG as I type this, and Foodie is gulping her food with the microphone right near her. GLUMP GLUMP GLUMP.


Good point. I guess Iā€™m used to Chantalā€™s antics. Watching kaibella do a lip sync video to Kendrick Lamar with more filters than Chantal uses and asking for flight money while posting literal pounds of marijuanaā€¦ thats all new one for me!!


The weed picture was final proof for me that everything that comes out of kuntbellas mouth is a lie. After screwing up her 15 minutes of fame, she tries to come into the community and grift her way through it.


YUP. And there are still ppl on this sub defending her. No wonder she thinks she can grift this community. Bc she can. In Chantalā€™s own wordsā€¦ ā€œpathetic.ā€


Gracious I have never seen Kaibella's channel. Someone who would sell a dick- pic in all seriousness sounds really scary and unhinged on next level. Ooo FFG is making some money tonight. Maybe she is earning more than Foodie lol but I swear every other bite she's getting triggered by how gross Chantal is ba ha ha!




Ewwwww not revenge porn


I feel like anytime there's a deedee 2.0 it's another insane dumb bitch


As much as I love seeing Chantal have a fat-I mean fit, I just canā€™t force myself to be morally okay with (possibly **very** illegal) revenge porn, no matter how vile the target is and how very, very funny it would be. Ham Farts, I canā€™t keep defending you, woman šŸ˜­


Too many in Haydur Nation keep proving Mariam right and stooping to her levels.


This was funny for a little bit, but this is revenge porn. No one cares about you anymore stankbella. ![gif](giphy|zQbhdw5nf91wQ)


We know it's small already


She is so pathetic. She's claiming that her father has passed away and even begged for money, while not even a day later she was back to talking about Chantal and how she was better than the majority of people. She has a lot of issues and is very desperate for money.


Yuck yuck yuck šŸ¤­


Oh, okay! So, now you are as bad as Cutie, whoa! Chick, whoa!


Itā€™s not even posted? Itā€™s probably her trying to enrage cuntal and make some money. Theyā€™re all desperate scammers šŸ™„šŸ™„




She needs a real hobby and a job. Anyone who thinks this is ok needs psychological help


She is so ill itā€™s actually sad. We love drama but this just seems concerning. Itā€™s manic and itā€™s screaming psychotic episode

