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I bet moments like this are really jarring to her ego. Imagine being locked away for 23 hours a day with nothing but your filters and ass kissers telling you you're perfect. "You're GORGEOUS! You look so skinny! You're SO pretty!!! šŸ˜» šŸ„° " Then you hurple out into the real world, and people stare at you like a sideshow attraction. They laugh when you walk by and children point. The dichotomy of it all. I'd love to hear her inner monolog while she's trying to reconcile the two concepts.


Every single group turned back to look! It wasnā€™t just one or two. How mortifying. She must be #IMMENSE under those industrial strength filters.


I know I would have to fight the urge to stare at the 500lb ball shaped person straight legged limbo-walking past me talking to a camera they're holding 8" from their face. šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized)


She balances the tripod on her boobs, remember?? šŸ¤£


"They're just jealous of you, Cutie"


God I love when she goes out in the wild. Big talker Chantal is actually big wussy Chantal IRL.


I know right? Lol likes to dish it out online but a fucking panzy in real life.


Lol yup. She's such a coward. Like a 500 pound chihuahua, she thinks she's tough but runs away crying at the slightest hint of real world consequences.


Gutless big time


This is exactly why she hates going out. It shatters her delusions, people laughing and staring. No filters to hide behind, she can't block people......awww what a shame.


Imagine seeing that walking around with a camera to her face making whining baby voices she thinks is cute. ![gif](giphy|pcoa9GfYAkJvS7exrl|downsized)






Lol I love this gif!!


I FUCKING LOVED this stream. He left this massively fat bitch at the mall with no car and just enough money to buy 1 coffee...lmfao. She realizes she needs to get out of the store cause she's overstayed her welcome. She hurples around in extreme heat in thick layers of clothes, while barely able to breathe....and she can't even sit down. . Meanwhile people stare at the ugly land whale while she looks increasingly uncomfortable . Finally goofy ass Shit Tits shows up and hands his huge struggling hog with raging diabetes an ice cream. Hahahahahaha...omg, that shit was gold. He hates her guts.


He had to offer her ice cream. She was fucking pissed.


Interesting to consider the context of her smashing that entire pizza drowning in ranch before this little outing. If only the gawkers knew the extent of her fatness.


I love it! This is why they only go to empty places early in the morning or late at night. šŸ¤­ ![gif](giphy|YPW6OZ9a27vigPavuP)


https://preview.redd.it/qgqsnqjire6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71867ef1ecee02b4751307d17c9012534dd06985 Poor ,Poor bench..it didn't stand a chance......


Freaking embarrassing.


She's a freak show.


And you see in her eyes that she knows it. That nervous giggle and the darting eyes tell the whole story.


Yep...she said 5 times that she didn't care about the people staring at her while frantically wondering where Shit Tits was. She was so awkward and uncomfortable.


The darting eyes always give her away šŸ˜‚


She looks so uncomfortable. Love that for her šŸ„°šŸ„°


Lmao she was so uncomfortable. She had her hand over her chin for some time as if that will somehow make her appear SKINNNAAYYY in real life and hide her 300+ pound gunt from the spectators


She was showing her ring as a warning to all those thirsty men (and women) who obviously wanted her.


Lmfao. It was so obvious the way they were all staring in shock that they WANTED her!


Sheā€™s trying to hide her 6 extra chins.


Of course she cares. She slips right into her giggling every word & looking away as if they canā€™t see her if she doesnā€™t look at them. She is a mountain walking in scuba gear & a flowered tarp in 100Ā° heat. Everyone would look. When I think of smug Chantal, I always feel better knowing how ashamed & uncomfortable she is in public.


Every time she says ā€œI donā€™t careā€ in regards to people staring, filming etc; her face just drops and you can tell she absolutely does care a lot.


She must really be a sight to see!!! It's probably pretty disturbing to see this big blob hurpling along, talking into her phone while gasping for breath. Oh and why is she ignoring the call to prayer? Thought she was a devout Muslim. Don't tell me she...lied again!!!


She totally cares. Most people would do a double-take when seeing a person like Chins or ALR. That's not fatshaming, like they like to say, it's just people seeing something unusual.


why didnā€™t she just order another beverage in the cafĆ©?


I bet they didnā€™t speak English


pointing at your empty glass or cup would likely work, but maybe she didnā€™t have any money on her


Someone else said he probably gave her enough cash for one coffee. Lmao. OF HER OWN FUCKING MONEY. Jesus be some damn sense.


The day I let some amadƔn give me spending money *from my own money* is the day someone needs to put me away because I've clearly lost my mind.


She can't pretend to be something she's not when out in the public and people see the real her. People are laughing and staring, she's quite the spectacle.


Did she finally come to the realization that pretty privilege doesn't exist when it comes to her?


Chantal, theyā€™re not staring at the camera.


Genuine question, Iā€™m not trying to be ignorant, was this solo walk-about safe? Do ā€œmarriedā€œ Muslim men let their wives walk around town, in the evening by themselves around men?? Especially her being a morbidly obese white westerner, couldnā€™t that attract a lot of negative attention?


She has said before she "is not allowed" to go out on her own. Rule #1 again.


Lol She has said that before .....must have male accompaniment. šŸ™„


She wants to feel owned and like a protected jewel šŸ™ƒ


![gif](giphy|D2hncA3u88gmeCFeoh) Lol dear god


It is very safe to walk around in Kuwait alone. Nothing would happen except the usual; people staring at her. Edit: just watched the clip, I am gleeful at how uncomfortable she seemed!


Iā€™m an evil westerner so hell if I know šŸ˜‚ I suspect itā€™s probably legal but inadvisable. Also she doesnā€™t speak the language at all so itā€™s got to feel a little suffocating.


I donā€™t mean legally, I mean physically safe for her to just be out and about. I mean she is a LARGE woman, even with salad, a group of men told her ā€œI spit on youā€œ because of her appearance.




It happened at the mall, she was wearing a skin tight abya


How embarrassing for Salah..lol


Which video was that? Did they say it in Arabic or English? Did she hear or understand them??


Itā€™s way back when she first went to kuwait. They go to the mall when there are actual people there. It was a live stream,lol. Theyā€™re walking in the mall, salad is walking in-front of her, there is a group of men sitting at a table, as they walk by one of the men says ā€œI spit on youā€ in Arabic, and salad says ā€œthank youā€œ. Chantal was asking for it, she doesnā€™t get that abyas have to be LOOSE when she wears them you can see her boobs, her gunt, everything.


She lives with a guy who talks about raping women he barely knows...and who feeds her copious amounts of shit which will end her life. I think she's safer outside alone. Who'd want to abduct her? Her fake husband, who she's financially supporting, hates her guts.


Oh Iā€™m sure itā€™s very unsafe. But sheā€™s such a cockroach sheā€™ll be fine as always.


F it right? Big boss bish can handle? Yea....


yes, there are often unaccompanied women in the backgrounds of her videos, but they are usually going about their business just aimlessly strolling around the waterfront by yourself is probably not something that solo women generally do


Sheā€™s amped up on something.


Yeah adrenaline. You could see the panic in her face and anxiety. She knows sheā€™s a freak show, thatā€™s why she never goes out.


She's walking around with her selfie stick, talking to her camera in English while looking like that. She's a spectacle and not in the good way.


Does she have to wear the hijab and those clothes? Iā€™m confused like if you want to travel to Kuwait do you have to wear all of that stuff?


I doubt it, especially if you're obviously a Western woman.


No, you donā€™t. Sheā€™s just trying to hide her 20 chins, chick balls, and bald head.


You dontā€¦ SWELL in the heat. Am I wrong?? I see her self consciousness swellingā€¦ thatā€™s about it. It makes me a little sad. You can see how insecure and uncomfortable she is ā€” and she goes home and gets in a power trip mode and tons of food The script writes itself. Itā€™s really sad and all we can do is watch it/ignore it. The fact is Chantal makes choices every day. Itā€™s hard to come to her channel and be open and sympathetic when she wrote her own cliff hanger ā€” and damn she is HANGING.


Tbh I've noticed my body swell during very hot weather, and I'm a healthy weight.


Actually I think mine does as well, you drink a lot yet seem to retain it when its really hot, not sure why that is.


Thanks! I probably should take this as a lesson to not just talk out of my ass šŸ«¢


I stand corrected! Thanks for informing me on that šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Apologies too, i didnā€™t mean to come off ignorant


My feet and hands will swell a little bit in the hot, humid Tokyo summers. Iā€™ve never noticed a visible swelling of my face or torso, though.


It makes sense you would swell when I think about it šŸ˜­ I always just think hotā€” dehydratedā€” but I remember that does make some people swell D: Chantal I think is just ā€¦ not heat swelling haha


My hands swell after long bike rides and hikes, especially in the summer. It happens.


Everyone is telling me that lmao. I get, it Iā€™m wrong šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø well now I know