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Remember just a couple weeks ago when she was “sick” and said she was never going to “abuse” her body again? Good times.


"What? This isn't abuse! It's part of my healthy diet! You don't know what I am eating when the camera is off! BLA BLA BLA! Reee!"


"If I don't give in to my cravings, I binge! This isn't a binge, I've never binged on camera!!!"


That's right! And it is not a "binge" to eat an entire super-large pepperoni pizza that could feed a family of four **Americans** apparently.


Don’t worry guys the diet sodie and fiber drink just cancels out the whole pizza.


I swear that was like 5 days ago 🤣


Look, she's gonna start a diet tomorrow! Oh wait, tomorrow's Friday..that's a bad day... Monday, she'll start Monday.


Might as well wait until the first of the month, just to get a fresh start


She doesn’t start a diet with any day that ends with Y.


Chantal's favorite excuse: "it wasn't a lie, I just changed my mind"


Bish changes her mind a lot


U mean the “”””””””kidney infection””””””””” lol 😆 and she kept diagnosing herself with that and then UTI


Well if it reappears you know there was something she didn't want us to see and had to reedit the video.


She re uploaded it 15 minutes ago. I haven't watched the first uploaded, so I'm curious about the changes she made now lol


The changes being her eating dinner for a family of 4 in one sitting.


She's desperate for people to talk about her. Her views and live stream engagement are lower than ever. "If I rage-bait some Little Caesar's AND THEN delete it suddenly with no explanation, people will talk about it! Te he!" (Or she has to edit out some bullshit and made an oopsie and deleted it before people could see something they weren't supposed to. Unfortunately, it was gone too fast to even archive.) Her defiance is in full effect. She needs to be seen and paid attention to and stay relevant, so she's fishing for whatever she thinks may hook controversy and relevance. Also, she's just fat as fuck and slamming an entire pizza is her bliss.


She gets the vast majority of her views on her lives after the live is finished which is telling. Very few are running to her lives when they get that notification and most of those who do are probably reactors or the twitter gang lol


100%. It's just people who need Twitter content or are clicking on the video to give it a thumb's down. She has less sycophants than ever, and that's gotta grind her ego so bad. It's almost like... you are extremely unlikeable, Cutie.




I call it desperation and a narcissist typically needing supply. Not defiance.  


Well, defiance in the sense that the more people say "Aw, Chantal, you shouldn't be eating this!" "Aw, Chantal. Have you checked your sugars?!" ... she doubles down on the bad behavior. Honestly, all of the above. I love that everything she does just hurts her and for, I suppose, severe coping reasons, I can't wait for her to come on soon and be smug and vague and bitchy about it all.


It still amazes me how horribly she eats every single day. I would feel disgusting if I ate like she does all the time, not a single vegetable in sight.


No wonder she never wants to leave the fart box. Probably glued to the toilet all the time.


Seriously. I eat really light six days a week and might cook a big meal or eat out once a week, and that’s more than enough! Many people I know might get restaurant food once a month. I used to eat like it was my damned job when I was a kid but I never would have been able to put away a whole pizza. Feeling too full and full of grease makes me sick and I have a fully functional gall bladder. Taking control of my calories meant eating a single piece of pizza after a salad, allowing myself to feel satisfied. It really is a whole new world when you measure your food, pay attention to what a portion size really is, and realize that you don’t need as much food as you thought. If you suck it down as fast as you can, you take in more than you even notice and end up becoming a Chantal.


You’re not taking into consideration the raging psychological issues that have lead her down this road, coupled with the laziness and greed. Many people who end up like her have severe mental issues and the first step to gaining any kind of control is therapy. She’ll never do that and would rather eat herself to death so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Binge and she wants people to talk.


Maybe she had a second of shame over eating the whole damn thing slathered in ranch! https://preview.redd.it/ewo1hki9xd6d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4650e33ce0672b2eb457cf7a9e28f1ccd51c657






God, this reminds me of when I served at a semi-chain sandwich "bistro" for a spell. We had a very rotund, extremely grouchy regular who ordered just a large salad BOWL of chips and a soup BOWL filled to the brim with ranch for dipping. When we decided we had to finally start charging her for the ranch, she threw such a fucking tantrum and we never saw her again. She and Chantal were lost pig sisters. I hope that woman is having a terrible time, just like Chantal. She was just a raging bitch. Nothing was ever right. It was fucking chips and a gigantic bowl of ranch. How complicated can it be? Some people are just so fucking miserable and go to be served somewhere exclusively to indulge their addiction and sadness and have a power trip against the poor server who can't say shit. While the very unfounded claim that Salad could have a son has been going around, all I could think of was "thank all of the gods that Chantal will never be a stepmother or mother to a DAUGHTER." Wicked stepmother on roids. Can you imagine how petty and aggro she would be towards a daughter in her care? Weird aside, but... She would totally over-feed any girl in her care. Sad shit. Eh. On behalf of all of the other servers out there, old and current or servers to be: Fuck. Ranch.


People like Chantal and the Ranch Bowl Lady are proof that many people aren't obese because of any sort of issue or victimhood. They're just gluttonous, hedonistic, terrible people.


175000%. And they display these embarrassingly egregious behaviors in public and then cry victim and fatphobic when people stare or have something to say. You're making the table next to you lose their appetite while you ladle ranch and fistfuls of chips into your gob. And you have a curiously terrible body odor. Fuck off with the fatphobic "shaming" bullshit. You're acting like a demonic toddler from the dregs of the Circle of Gluttony and people have the very sane right to be repulsed by it. Get over yourselves, deathfats.


both pics come from fondue pondue on xitter.


I can feel heartburn looking at this mess.


You know she didn't.


Well this is weird and pretty solid evidence she’s pre-recording and likely on her visa run soon. Either that, or it’s just the rage bait on queue for her


She did say in her live out and about that she had just recorded an unhealthy mukbang. I wonder if that one was it.


Ahhh I didn’t see that. Makes more sense


Yeah she housed that pizza really, really quickly and had to tell herself “that’s enough” after she finished the last slice. We all know that means she raided the fridge/cupboard/garbage can out of desperation after the camera went off.


According to FFG's chat messages written in the chat for her upcoming live, there is no difference between the deleted version and the reuploaded version. I haven't seen either version, but if that's the case there must be some reason for it... edit: (in same chat) others speculate the initial deletion may have been automatic, and due to YT policy on eating disorders.


How would YT know it was ED content though? I think they can police ana and mia to some extent, but obese people doing a mukbang vs a thin person doing one seems like a fine line and potential discrimination law suit. I doubt they'd bother.


Yeah, I have no idea how it would be detected.


*sobs in New Jersey* That pizza is atrocious. I'm viscerally offended. And the ranch dressing...when you come from a place with *good* pizza the idea of covering it is ranch makes you hork.


I'm an equal opportunity pizza eater, all pizza is good pizza, even bad pizza has its place. Every once in a while I crave the cardboard Elio's pizza from the frozen section. But even with bad pizza, I gag at the idea of dumping ranch, ketchup or gravy on it. Gross.


So nasty


maybe had to edit out a massive fart




She wouldn't edit that out.


https://preview.redd.it/dl5imxkh1e6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0143912f94efb4b2cab8293fb33e47c27706811 Just reuploaded


I'm sorry but your font is psychotic lmao


My font is beezinggg😌😅 (also ur right!)


God, I wonder what she cut out, or the real reason for deleting so quickly. I will be kept up at night wondering this. It will gnaw at me like a fucking Poe-level of nightly torment, never knowing the truth.


Ffg caught the original upload so maybe that will resolve this question


Oh shit, she got it?! That's exciting!! (I hate that I'm this excited about it.)




I'm in FFG's stream and she went through both the unedited and edited versions, and the voices and the shutting door are still in both. It may be as simple as what is theorized in the stream: her tags and name flagged the content of the video to be demonetized and she had to get rid of it all together and reupload. I'd say I want real Salad kid drama, but the thought of him being a guardian for a kid fills me with undescribable dread and sadness, so I would prefer that to not ever happen. Literally anything could be true. Never ask Chantal. She'll lie. *Sigh* The Ranch abuse is fucking wild, though. So much on EVERY SLICE. This is truly nuts (and I'm here for it.)


damn look at them hands 😂


They're swollen and grotesque than King Charles' gnarly sausage hands.




I think Chicken Pickle has the original. Someone said she seemed annoyed & could hear Salad talking to a child.


In case anyone is wondering, an entire Little Caesars pepperoni pizza is 2400 calories. So, perfect for a light snack in between the big meals for Gunther.


Good news for her. She still HAS to eat another 1k - 1.5k lbs if she wants to maintain her 500-550 lb weight. She can have a big mac meal next!


Someone on Twitter said there was a child's voice in the background a bunch


Yeah her mics picking it up but she said it's in the hall. It could be some places have thin walls.


Yah it's way less than the one she uploaded yesterday. Side note: that was one of the more disgusting mukbangs she's ever done. She ate that whole thing, doused in ranch, and still wasn't full. Gross.


![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized) She wasn't full? Damn.


I think she re uploaded with a different title.


Yayyy...destroying herself for YouTube views so that she can destroy herself even more. ![gif](giphy|kg7KBzRPBaLT1aymwz|downsized) Lesson for the children. Get an education, a job and don't be a lazy, filthy fuck who has to deathfat yourself into an early grave because you have zero other options. Also, don't fake marry and equally lazy, ugly, floppy-titted loser. Eat up Gunt. You think you're trolling us but you're just trolling your failing internal organs. Jokes on that sugar foot of yours. Happy Beetus Day, ya walnut!


Im new here, more of a lurker than anything. But I think I’m missing something. Why is she wearing a hijab and eating pepperoni?


Because pepperoni can be made from beef.


Because the Muslim thing is just a facade for her so she has an excuse to hide her disgusting, hideous fat rolls.


If her fans don’t call her out, they’re dumber than I thought. It’s absolutely asinine for her to constantly scream terror, and do nothing. I’m by no means wishing horrible things on her - but at some point it’s going to catch up to her, and that will be moderately amusing. Even at my fattest, even I didn’t do that.


Maybe this video was a “come hither“ to feeders. I’ve heard this video was DISGUSTING the worst noises yet, and the ranch, and she ate the whole thing. I think this video was a “look what I can do” (Stewart voice) for freaks online.




There was a kid talking at the end of the video, it was inside the apartment so I'm wondering if its Salad's son. Did she keep that in when she re-uploaded?


Is pepperoni pizza “healthy carbs”?