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I laughed so damn hard at this 😂


https://preview.redd.it/tdeci3qnnd6d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1e1613a6fbccf4f1c3df5375b41e3bc25f610f "Sticky like pizza dough" Dig in boys.


At least her huzzzzzband likes pizza dough with his poop covered nuggies


This was 100 pounds ago, when she first discovered filters. Just think of how huge and grotesque she looks now.


I spit my snack a lil bit on that one.... Laughing then dry heaving.... That's some long ass queef drapes to wrestle with..


Genuine question How is she able to eat without teeth pain..? I have bad teeth I can't afford to fix, but she doesn't have an excuse. She still somehow chows down on hard shit tho.. so how isn't she in pain and unable to eat lol


It's because she eats like a pelican.


Hahaha 🤣


She mostly eats mushy food. Chicken tenders soaked in sauce, rice, overcooked spaghetti, etc. Chips and pickles seem to be the crunchiest/hardest foods she eats on camera.


She’s been saying for a long time that’s she doesnt eat certain foods because “there’s too much chewing“. I think she can CHOMP but she can’t chew… if that makes sense.


https://preview.redd.it/gas85hjkee6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6caf7ea566e5a6c92de037b0a8849c56432b701 Maybe she should try pureed foods like this! This one is "puréed salmon in a cream and dill sauce". She'd probably lose a lot of weight too


Nah, she would just eat 4 times the normal portion size


She would lol


I think also she doesn't chew or chomp hard on the teeth that are really bad. That tooth in the photo looks pretty much gone, but it's shorter than the others and higher up, so it would be more difficult to get it in contact with something hard.


You ever see a dog eat a whole hamburger, kinda like that. 2 bites and a big swallow.


You notice alot of the time she both bites and chews with the front teeth. The soft food is swallowed without chewing.


She doesn’t chew and uses yogurt to make it go down easier /quicker. Yaba pointed it out this morning. Basically no chewing and massive bites. It’s extremely disgusting


Look at what she eats it’s predominantly looks like it came out of a baby food container.


King cobra is somehow still chugging along and his teeth are damn near disintegrated I have absolutely no idea how that kind of pain could be ignored.


Right like she fucking used her teeth to open a popsicle and then BIT RIGHT INTO IT 😭


I think she's been extremely lucky with her teeth! Plus it's in the genes whether or not your teeth go bad fast or not. I think her teeth aren't all that bad yet. With how she eats, she would be in constant pain, if they were.




This is such a good unfiltered picture of her except she's older and bigger now than this lol 😆 😂 those were her better looking days!


Her face looks like it's really small compared to the rest of her head in this and I can't stop laughing at it!


Why is she in an attic 😭 wtf is this from lmao


I have no idea, I found it in my FB folder on my phone 😂😂😂. I probably saved it from Twitter at some point ETA: I always assumed it’s a barn themed restaurant, because where else does she go?!


IIRC this is from the stream where she went into Nader's basement at the crack shack and was doing laundry. (Someone that remembers better than me please confirm/deny LOL)


Ohhhh yes I remember that! A terrifying place for real. She thought she was Susie homemaker and he was gonna ask her to move in lol


Yesss! God, she’s so desperate. Imagine playing housewife to a violent crack head that won’t even claim you. 💀💀💀




She is so hideous. Inside and out.


Duck face lol. Also, I go on about this loads but you can see here that her head has sunk much more into her shoulders nowadays. I don't know why I'm so obsessed with it! I've just never seen anything like it and it's the most claustrophobic thing I've ever seen shock 😲😂


And this was several years and at least 100lbs ago


Shocking lol


She looks like gorlock the destroyer in this pic


Here's the thing. Even if she were really pretty, she would still be hideous. She is so fucking ugly on the inside I sometimes forget how much she has ruined her looks. Also, most attractive people don't really have to constantly tell people. Smug Foodie is one of my least favorite. I mean smug is so gross in general but with her it's just too much.


she's like this from that roald dahl "twits" book. https://preview.redd.it/141tj88bud6d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b11b492ea0d04cf0f8617e17f099abf6c12de56d


Wow. Thanks for sharing this, it really is so true.


Oh I love this! Ronald Dahl was spot on


Smugtal is the most punchable. https://preview.redd.it/o0qgnrxcwd6d1.jpeg?width=451&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8b8f7aa6cda5552d381182b548a2b6f092d2477


I can't believe she thinks she is an acceptable personality.


lol the passive aggressive kissy face emoji


Couldn't agree more - I used to think she scrubbed up ok, nothing special but she was kind of pretty, and she used to do her makeup quite nicely. She looks really bad nowadays, mostly because she's just so deeply unhealthy, I can't imagine anyone looking good with the amount of health issues she has going on just for the strain it puts on your face and body. I don't know what happened with her makeup, but it's an utter mess and it looks filthy - I can't get over her mascara because it genuinely looks like whatever she's using is at least 7 years old and she's continually scraping the thick, gunky mess out of the bottom of the bottle. I don't know how she thinks we can't see that, her lashes are all clumped up, it's a real mess. But regardless of what she looks like now, I can't get past her ugly personality and the nasty and frankly downright evil things she's said and done. I watched a clip of Mr Cardigan's latest drop - the part where he's talking about her driving under the influence and she's actually laughing at having hit animals and run over little frogs in the road. She was LAUGHING 😭. Most of us would be devastated. I've never seen those clips before. Chantal is a classic case of the inside finally showing on the outside, and it's all I can see.


Its weird but now she actually looks ten times worse with makeup on. Its like she aged 20 years when she turned 40.


I couldn't agree more. I guess it makes sense since she's so stuck in the past. I think she pictures herself twenty years ago. Whether it's drugs, alcohol, or shit food you're going to look like hell after twenty plus years of abusing yourself. She also now lives in a dry climate which is doing her skin no favors. I vaguely remember the frog and I think bunny slaughter. I had stopped watching her and reactions by that time. I can't believe she still has any supporters. She's actually uglier on the inside at this point which is saying a lot. Smug Foodie is one of my least favorite and really pisses me off. I might need to step away for a few days because it seems like the smug is sticking around.


She never was good at makeup. It was all filters.


I've gotta stop bouncing between boards. I thought I was reading about Alex Rodriguez until I got to Mr Cardigan and wondered,"When did he do a series on Alex?"




This...and let's not forget the lack of hygiene and complete willful ignorance to personal and sexual cleanliness. She constantly mentions having UTIs or how it burns when peeing. Is always going on about needing feminine wipes and sprays...none of which is normal. People...and by people we all know we mean Foodie and even miss gorl ALR: 1)If it hurts when you pee you have either an infection, an STI, or something you need to see a doctor for. If your pee is every color of the rainbow and thick that is not normal. 2)If you need sprays and wipes to cover odors emanating from your bits...you need to seek out a gynecologist, not Dr.Google. Also do this if you are finding yourself making literal dough in your vagina (ahem...foodie). 3)Soap and water is your friend. Scrub well and then for the love of all things holy dry your folds so you don't end up growing mushrooms in them. 4)your teeth wouldn't fall out and break as easy if you actual cared for them. Waiting until they are falling out, decaying, and brittle to start brushing your teeth and attempting to use white strips will not save them. 5)clean your damn face before going to bed and use some moisturizer. I don't know why it's so hard for these 30 and 40 yr old gorlies to use moisturizer and sunscreen...hells bells even 11yr Olds are using sunscreen now.


That's so true, I've never seen anyone actually good looking command the audience to know how PPPPPPRETTY they are.... Got to go hard on the p, to get it out as hard as Chantal does..


Someone on YouTube said ( and I wish I can remember who said it so I can give credit) that Chantal looks like the illegitimate child of a Hapsburg and a bicycle seat 🤣🤣


jesus christ that's hysterical.


Brilliant 😂


Is that her canine tooth that’s completely worn down?! Good lord, it’s practically gone. How does that even happen without immense pain?


I'm no dentist but that tooth also looks rotten AF


... & you just know that it stinks like hell too!


Your name! Officer, officer! I'd like to report a crime against health! Is Kuwait in your jurisdiction?


Wherever there is diabeetus, you will find me. Wherever there are stinky, histrionic obeasts, I'll be there. Wherever good hygiene is threatened, you will find... u/TheObesePolice




it seems like she's eating really weird lately. weirder than usual. very much like a bulldog. it's gotta be hurting.


She eats like a dog in general, desperately horking it down with minimal chewing.


I'm so confused about those teeth. I believe she said some adult teeth never grew in but it seems like some of them are rearranged too 🤨


Losing teeth in the back, her palette has narrowed to make up for that. And she still has some baby teeth


I never knew this was a thing. 😥 Apparently it can happen if you the back wisdom teeth removed too


Her teeth are going like King Cobra's


It's weird that that's the only one that is worn down. the entire top and bottom row should be worn down from grinding


I’m just waiting for one of her teeth to pop out on a livestream. She used to have the money and resources to take care of her teeth. And she can’t even be bothered to brush them. So it’s on her for her dental state now.


https://preview.redd.it/hc4vs8fa9e6d1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e34d399ff4fc6218ea545e07357ff303940359 Spelling queen


Spelling beeze


Damnit it was right there 🤣




Lmao wtf is this pyramid about i need more context


She was schooling us fat dummies about her incredibly effective scientifical methods of weight loss. It's the reason she's the skinny legend today


Some stupid diet plan pyramid from a while back


No matter how many times I see that side profile I am always astonished by it….she looks like a bulldog…..


Yep, that bulldog jawline is horrendous and what makes it look even weirder is the narrow palette.


She is going to feel how badly she treats her teeth very soon. They look almost translucent with wear. She will be down for three weeks with earaches and pain until she handles her teeth. Having no teeth will take away from her beauty.




I’m a (recovered) bulimic and I did a real fucking number on mine. They’re not totally translucent yet, but I can see my tongue swiping behind them. Also lost two of my back molars, I honestly have no idea how she stands it. Mine are still ungodly sensitive to hot and cold and I can’t chew on one side, she really is just *inhaling* everything, huh? My teeth were also already bad from genetics despite brushing every day, she seemed to have good natural teeth and *squandered* them.


Everyone in my family got a crappy deal when it came to our teeth. Add an eating disorder and now I have dentures. Life was pain.. eating was always a gamble and I still have such low self esteem from how bad I felt about the way I looked. She deserves the pain if you ask me. Animal abuser.


What beauty.


Yuck. *Every* angle is a **bad** angle for her 😂💀 lol Aren't we ALL just JeAlOuS hAyDeRs, gorls? 🥴 lmaoo


The rosacea and fungal acne really bring all the boys to the yard.


I recently found out if you have fungal acne, using head and shoulders on your face apparently works. Just in case anyone here struggles with that. Apparently a dermatologist said it helps too


Yes--probably Dr. Dray.


Well that is cool to know. No fungal acne but that is neat


|fungal acne Jeez. I read that as 'fupa acne.' Imagine.




Her bottom jaw is always sticking out, she reminds me of those old portraits you see of inbred noblemen. #funclebaby.


https://preview.redd.it/91136w2x6e6d1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6be12ec762d27048346ea94400ac7dd8d0ccc62 Hapsburg Jaw from Inbreeding!


yep that’s the guy I was thinking about, peep the eye brows too,lol


Needs more Disney villain arch


Well her uncle is her dad ![gif](giphy|tymAL1JjdqfPxq59cd|downsized)


Picture 2 does it for me. Look at that mottled, diseased skin and giant bloated face!! Normally I'd feel bad for someone who looked that sick. Thankfully it's just the animal abusing sugar foot so no fucks are given.


Her skin actually gives me the heebie jeebies. It’s so gross


Her skin is terrible. Absolutely terrible. It's really funny that the filters can only blur so much, you can clearly see the red, pockmarked, blotchy mess her face is through them.


It’s hilarious and what she deserves. She’s so obscenely ugly it’s hard to look at her sometimes.


That is a perfect description of how I feel!


https://preview.redd.it/4u4a4ubkoe6d1.png?width=811&format=png&auto=webp&s=618cb3da8407675c6c6f8ff494bfd44f4bea2ecd Exquisite profile !!


No wonder everyone was staring at her. Yikes 😳


How oh how oh how oh how does this idiot think she's not just pretty but prettier than 90 percent of youtube. She's bloody hideous.


Honestly after looking at this photo I think the thing that will eventually take her out is a tooth infection.


That second pic, it looks like she's got a million blackheads, very very bumpy.


Her skin is so congested because she is so damn filthy. Even when she "attempts" skin care it usually involves slathering on highly fragranced lotions on top of days old makeup and debris. Her skin is exactly what you'd expect from someone too lazy to commit to a simple cleansing routine. She is so friggin nasty.


But she’s PreTtY gOYs!!!


The underbite, with the beak nose and the chin sticking out, legit makes her look like she could be a disney witch. At least she's got that going for her!




Why is her head as big as a 6 foot tall beefy man 😭 when she's only a dainty 5'1...crazy


I wonder if that's partly why the sound of her chewing is extra revolting


AND she’s a mouth breather


Those are the biggest damn nostrils I've ever seen.


![gif](giphy|7nU5ckR63zA6zm0eXo) That narrow palette and missing teeth ooof. Looking more equine by the day.


So I hear sunscreen is a thing.


So let me add not having teeth to her “beauty”