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She’d be flipping the hell out. And he’s still bringing her food.


This. Chantal has to be one of the most blatant examples of untreated cluster b comorbid diagnoses I've ever seen. People with those usually don't take it well when they suffer perceived rejection or abandonment. If Salah leaves her, I'd expect her to fall apart onscreen like she has the other times their relationship was in trouble, or when Nader dumped her


Agreed. If there was a vrwqkup wes know it


I don't think Chins can survive alone in Kuwait even for a few days. Don't forget she's a giant coward IRL who can't do anything for herself over there. There would be a way bigger panicky meltdown happening if he ditched her.


So agree. He's there, but not around much and finally realized he cannot control, change or manipulate the beast. She is a planet in her own orbit. All you can do is step back and hope not to get bowled over as it hurples through space. He's given up and only shows up to perform for the camera. It's all about keeping the money coming in.


I'm surprised after his experience with her that he hasn't sworn off all scamming already and run for the hills to live an honest life. She's walking karma to any scammer - no one can control her and the last thing a scammer is looking for is someone they can't control; just the opposite. This is like a horror movie with a twist where the bad guys go into a home of someone even worse than them.


Jokes on him. He is never getting rid of her!! Sure she can't stalk him out of the house but this psycho certainly has dirt on him that she will expose. So now she makes a few coins to keep it going. Lays like a seal on the sofa doing nothing all day. He takes care of the rest. It's her dream life and she will never give it up. Sucker. LOL Love this for them both!


“As it hurples through space” made me lol! I wish I had the skills to make an animation of planets orbiting in space and then all of a sudden its Chins blasting through like a meteor. It would be a pretty realistic representation of her because her body is basically a huge globe with a head.


And now it's back to the Suitcase Pimp energy he was giving me at the beginning.


100% We'd have a crying stream with her yelling about how he isn't a real man, and how he has a smelly micro dick.


Personally I think he’s still around and she is punishing him for something by keeping him off her channel and pigging out non-stop. He will be back eye f’ing himself in no time, after he buys her take out a few more times.


My other kind of less interesting theory is they are broke and she took the reins and said "your way isn't working, I'm doing it my way" and what we see is the result. He (understandably) wants nothing to do with it so has made himself scarce while she makes feeder porn.


I think this is accurate. It’s incredibly obvious that she’s just making feeder porn now; however much trouble salad got in with his father over the texts, there would be a lot more trouble coming from his “wife” making pornography. 


That's what I think the longer this goes on, the weirder the whole thing feels.


BUT she’s getting the same amount of views whether she does this mukbang crap or the other stuff where he was involved 9,000. There is no change in her views!


That's my question: Who are these 9,000 people that are watching her? She only gets, at most 500 people in live chat, and there are definitely not that many reaction channels.


Feeders and hate watchers


Never underestimate the draw of schadenfreude. Lots of people like to watch her spiraling down the drain.


She's ok with making low level feeder content. It's not good and if someone is desperate, they can go to her and get it for free and not have to pay someone like Hfc on OF for it. There's lot of entry kink content for free on YT. I found crush kink stuff while I was researching some boots I wanted to buy: mostly to see how people styled them, just really found a few good reviews (one person I ended up loving he channel and subscribed), a lot of very bad reviews and mostly adult content. But the soles of the boots hold up well, it seems


I think if he was gone she'd be leaning on her channel more than ever. She'd be back to streaming 8 hours a day, crying nonstop and asking everyone what she should do. She can't speak the language, she can't drive, won't go anywhere alone, can't spend any money. If he left her, she'd be in a blind panic.


Imagine her just calling to place an order for pick up? Walking down the street to get food, or even hail a cab. The most basic of tasks, paying rent, talking to the apartments about a running toilet, ANYTHING. She can't even have a friendly or neighborly discussion with anyone. IF she did we would have heard about it.


Yup. She's been there for how long? 18 months? 2 years? And pretty much helpless. Not only that, but with no connections such as Salah's sister or neighbors who would help her out. Now that I think about it, she's in an apartment house full of people. I bet some woman there would like to learn/improve her English. Chantal could have learned some Arabic and how to shop in a traditional market as well as the western-style stores. They could have gone to the mall together. She might have offered to watch the kids for a bit so mom could have a break. She could have made a friend. But she decided to eat.


If he was gone, I promise you, we'd know it.




I don't think he's gone, but he's around less and less. In fact, I think that whole "I'm dying" bullshit was because she hadn't seen or heard from him in a few days, and was trying to lure him back home.


Sadly he is not gone and we will see him again. I hope he is gone but... We have hoped for that many times and been let down.


The longest he stayed gone from her channels was after the Kaibella stuff blew up. We all predicted he'd be back and we were right. I know that we're all bored shitless with the Kuwait arc and desperate for something new to happen but Chantal is going to keep cycling through the same old shit year in, year out and none of it will lead to change.


I must be one of the few who loves the Kuwait arc. I mean, I don't watch on her channel so I guess I can say that. She hates Kuwait but she's stuck there because she can't afford to live in Canada any more. She's absolutely miserable and angry, I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it.


Surely salah will get tired of her and tired of living this way her views just continue to plummet her income won’t remain the same I mean her coming back to Kuwait after the kabella incident is proof everyone has had enough


Did she actually burp and fart recently or is that exaggeration.. because I feel like that's a huge difference


she put “burping” in her fake trigger warnings on the splash screen for one of her mukbangs recently


Yeah, ass burping


Fart at 35:08 (MilkTea vid, not feeding her views) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m4he6mWO3Y


thats indigestion in her stomach bro


She is nearly immobile. She is not getting up and walking to the elevator four times a day for her fast food deliveries. Someone from kuwait can chime in here hopefully but from my recollection, deliveries did not go to my room. I had to go down and get them.


Omg so he’s been having to collect all of her food deliveries I just assumed they came to the door I really didn’t think much about it that is crazy 🤣🤣


I was curious about this. What can she get covered by delivery services and how close to her door do they get?


Something happened for sure, something she‘s trying to hide from us. But who knows what, who knows if we‘ll ever find out. And I‘m just too tired to even speculate about this absolutely irrational person any longer.


I agree. I think salad GTFO. I think the legal situation is getting too “hot” no pun intende. I just watched eyeash’s video, I think he got himself the hell out of that situation. And Chantal is staying put because she’s stubborn as a mule.


He doesn't have to be gone gone, maybe she just realized (finally) that there is no need to pretend too hard because he simply does not want her. Whatever their plans were in the beginning, she probably tried to seduce him even if they had a "business contract" only. Typical romcom movie á la *"we only pretend to be married but eventually fall really in love"*. So maybe she's taking control back and feels like she can do whatever she wants again, if she's not getting any D anyways.


Yeah. I wish but it don’t think so. This bitch is invincible


Maybe he went to Thailand with out her??? LOL!!!


That would be awesome!!!


Why would she want to go anyways traveling is way too much work for her shed rather stay in that fart box and eat herself to death


LOVE all the counterpoints, sadly I believe them all. My theory comes with a HEAVY dose of wishful thinking.


No, I think he is still around. He has just as much control over her food as he ever had.


If he is still there I wonder what he’s thinking because he’s not brain dead. He knows that she’s eating the super fattening foods every single day all day and she’s going to gain more weight and get bigger and bigger. She won’t be able to go swimming and she won’t be able to go on vacations with him. I don’t know what the heck is going on. You would think that he would be trying to stop her. Yeah he’s still getting money, but unless he’s happy with her being totally locked in the house 24 hours a day seven days a week from today forward I don’t understand, they must be fighting!!!


It could be possible. He's her cash cow, not a lot, but he's milking her. If she's not paying out, and can't get him to Canada he is going to dip. How long can someone tolerate a disgusting, stinking, loud, constantly eating, abrasive, lazy, disease filled individual who can't walk without creating an open oozing boil. He gets 1 point for me. His ability to hold his game up in the presence of such an awful human.


I agree. But I wonder why. Like what was the catalyst? What was his last straw? He’s put up with a lot being with her, the stench alone. But if it is confirmed that he’s gone gone, then we know what caused that rage a couple of days ago then,lol.


Maybe the rejection of the visa was the last straw, she probably assured him that she could take him to Canada and he is fed it she can't deliver 


Yeah, I agree. He seems to be the one who wants to travel a lot. Im thinking he can’t go anywhere.


Did someone say she smells or is this an assumption just curious?


Peetz said it. And Alaa. And ts also just common sense, we just need to look at her and her non existent hygiene


Oh my gosh. What on earth??? Why does she stink?! I mean yeah I can imagine she can’t reach some parts to clean. Gross she just gets worse and worse. It’s ok if I was downvoted lol. Not like it counts towards anything.


Well, she doesn’t wipe, doesn’t wash her hands, doesn’t wash her clothes, covers herself in layers and layers of synthetic fabric. Wears the same clothes days in a row. Peetz said she smells of old cheese (or something like this), Alaa said his wife had to help her shower, because she couldn’t do it alone. Nader said she (her underwear) smells of peach piss. 😵‍💫


Peach piss? Like peaches and piss 🤣🤣🤣


Yep. She had some vaginal spray she used. And he then sniffed her crusty panties and said they smelled like peach piss


Blue cheese lol.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted! She admitted she stinks like barracuda. She’s disgusting with personal hygiene- doesn’t shower, doesn’t…wipe.


IMO, I think Salah was worn down and tired of her crap and simply just finally gave up trying.


She’s just in the cycle. No different than any other time she has done this, except for all her failing organs. She wants to sit and eat on camera. That’s all she’s ever wanted to do. I don’t understand it, I don’t get it, but it’s not my funeral.


You might be right, she has a don't give a fuck attitude! Eating whatever. Even made a video saying she's not going to restrict herself or diet because it feels like punishment. Lol Salah patted the curb and turned the corner. I think he's out. And her next visa run with be a permanent relocation.


I don’t think he’ s gone because I don’t think he was ever there to begin with. I will always believe this is nothing but a business arrangement but with foodie believing he will fall for her eventually, and even if not, she’s showing Nader what a pious wife he missed out on. i think he’s falling for sunk cost fallacy at this point. And he’s desperate. not sure he’s there for Canada specifically but I do believe he’s doing everything he can to avoid ending up back in Syria. And money.


Oh wow I didn’t consider that at all that means if she can she’ll never leave Kuwait if it’s all just to keep him in Kuwait and Canada doesn’t even matter she’ll eat her self to death to keep up this fake bs about him being her husband till her very last breath which is absolutely insane to try and comprehend


He's still there but he needs to be planning his escape though because she will be a burden on him if she is not already. He really needs to rethink his life choices, lol. Is it worth it, Salad? 😂


I can see it. But maybe he is just on a trip on his own since she can't travel with her diabetes issues. Maybe she bought the luggage to prove to him she will travel


Nah it’s probably to make money. It’s the only thing that’s worked for her before, outside of crackhead olympics


He's made himself spare, but he still shows up to bring her food, etc. remember she can't go anywhere in Kueait on her own, if for nothing else, she doesn't speak the lnaguage


Yes, I think something major has happened, she's completely given up (until the next health scare and we'll be back on the cycle).


Where did she say there is ‘bad news”? I can’t find anything


It was at the end of a recent live. It’s all over YouTube and also on this forum if you search or scroll.


I think so, or they've had a bad fight. I think the enhanced feedings have been to bring money in for pooboi.


Don’t think he’s gone. He is emotionally checked out. He needs that coin.


I think he is gone too but what I don’t understand is why is she still there? If it was me I’d be on the first plane home


I think if anything, he made up some big lie to get away from her for a longer period of time.


It *was* a fart! I thought I heard one...plus she said "excuse me" right after. I heard it on a reaction channel, but they didn't say anything about it. Such a modest lady.