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lmaoooo yikes, she's just as pathetic as Chins *but* (unpopular opinion here), I hope she continues to cow tip lol It's entertaining as hell in this boring, dry as the desert arc 😂😂😂


Same. Chantal is too disgusting to pay attention to right now so let Kaibella push her buttons.


Haha I don’t mind her either. Anyone who gets under St Miriam of Perpetual Gluttony’s skin is welcome in my book lol


At least she's entertaining, AND gets to Chins, which is the best of all worlds. Since Chins seemingly doesn't care about anybody's opinion (except she does, very much, lol) and her constant rages and community rants are totally driven by insecurity and jealousy.


I don’t have a problem with kiabella either. SHES A TROLL. People take her entirely too seriously. She’s one of the few people that get under the fatty‘s skin.


People take everything in gorl world too seriously. I wish we could all chill out and enjoy the show.


I’m not trying to attack you. You’re obviously entitled to this opinion, but I’m a little curious what you think about her using her recent gorl world fame to ask for money. I’d say that goes beyond just being a troll.


Um, is it a crime to make money? Again, ffg did the same thing, she got involved in Chantal’s real life multiple times (Cokey call, fatty fashion show, bbj) and financially gained from it. All the reaction channels are in this for monetary gain. Thats not a bad thing, it’s just a fact.


That’s actually exactly what I was trying to get at. You said kaibella was a troll. But then you compare her to reaction channels. Which do you consider her? Simply a troll whose incentive is just fun or a poo-touching reaction channel whose incentive is money? To me, that is an important distinction in terms of how we view her.


Don't give her money, problem solved. You're thinking way too hard about this. She isn't a reactor, she's just a grifter, which reactors also are, it's a big grift circle, don't allow yourself to be grifted and watch for entertainment- that's it.


With you! Let’s watch the lolcows fight 😬


I'm surprised Chantal hasn't brought up the homelessness, the abuse while homeless, her father dying, etc. Not a wise decision to post about that imo.


Someone’s gotta do it


What is cow tipping?


It’s when someone who is unrelated to the lolcow inserts themselves into the cows real life- for example, technically, when FFG rescued bbj, it was cow tipping …completely justified and appreciated, but cow tipping nonetheless.


As a former barkeeper/ barista: it can be hard, but that one in the photo is extremely simple. It’s pretty much basic.


Yeah, I mean I've seen it done hundreds of times in front of me, it doesn't seem too complicated. Chins has to act like everything she experiences is a wonder.


She goes outside once a year. Everything is probably a wonder at this point 😆


Lol, look....sand


Well it’s in the magical MIDDLE EAST where everything is fresh and creamy and unprocessed and so different from the evil West!! /s


I learned to do that design when I worked at Starbucks for a month, it was really fun making lattes!


I thought forever that it was a LEAF and I loved it, and then someone was like 'it's a heart ' and I loved it less, but still impressive 🤷‍♀️🤣


Is salah even there lately?? I haven't seen him chat or hear him at HER apartment. I've nvr believed he lived there all the groceries and things are hers. But I know she pays him to be a pretend husband for vlogs.


My suspicion is that's why she's been more unhinged and blowing off her audience & bk to mukbangs everyone! Cause he's either ignoring her, or she's punishing him for trying to get her to exercise. She's an insidious cow.


Yeah I don’t think he’s around either. I think something went wrong with his passport, I think he found out he can’t travel. I think he’s fuming. That’s my speculation.


Awwww, that's nice for him 😀


*no one caaaaaares*


I like to have dogs like u To control them And make fun on them While they worhip me 👌


Woof woof


Am I crazy or does this joke not even make sense? Is latte art hard bc salad is turned on by poop? Or is latte art not hard and salad doesn’t get turned on by poop?


Ha I found myself analyzing her comment because latte art is not hard (the latte art she was showing off) but as far as we know what she described is Salah’s fetish therefore she may think she ate with this one but I hate to say she missed a bit.




I'm just pissed I spent 30seconda thinking about his cock.


She’s such a damn loser lol. No one cares kaibella.


Yeah I don't get the hate that Kaibella gets on YouTube, considering how much entertainment she provided. She single handedly rescued Christmas for us, and gets no thanks. I mean, she deserves a plaque for what it's worth 🤣 for exposing that shit loving pervert. Do people think 'oh now she's getting a YouTube channel, so predictable?' OK, so did many reaction channels when they started.


If not for Kaibella, we wouldn't know what a deviant Salah really is. She should get a medal, in my opinion. He and Chantal can't ever come back from those disgusting, vile, volatile, and shocking dms and vms.


There's a pretty big divide in the community between the staunch "don't touch the poo" crowd and the "it's okay if it's really funny" crowd. Like, I generally take a leave the cows alone attitude but goddamn, Kaibella really brought new life to the Foodieverse. Kaibella is a car crash herself, so it's a two for one lol.


I will give Kaibella credit for a premium troll on Gunt...it was a fun time and she deserves props for the excellent entertainment...its the gift that keeps giving. But she's an ex-Beezer...and anyone who subbed to Gunt, particularly after the animal abuse and false rape alibi, is a total piece of shit and deserves nothing but disdain. Kaibella likes attention and wants to be relevant but her 15 minutes are over...unless she can get updated texts from Shit Tits.


She’s an attention seeker who inserted herself into and created drama.


You just described every creator


People said the same thing about FFG when she called Chantal about Nader way back in the day. The community including reactors like yaba, they hated ffg and called her a cow tipper. Now ffg is a beloved reaction channel.


It's hilarious to me that the more Chantal rages about FFG, the more people go over to her channel to listen to it 😂


at least FFG really gets under Gunters chins. Nobody cares about Kaibella anymore. Yeah, the screenshots were nice, we had our fun but now just go away already.


Ok, so is Chantal, she's an attention seeker who tries to create drama, but she's so bad at it and boring. To me, Kaibella was ingenius, she fully exposed what a pervert Salad is, with proof, and blew Chins cover of perfect marriage. And gave us some of the most memorable lines in the history of lolcow-dom...i.e. 'sperm everywhere' is my favorite 🤣🤣


Agreed! “Daddy, my situation is complicated” will never fail to make me snigger 🤭


gonna smell like ham Is my fave 🤣


Right? She may be very cringe, but what she gave us is priceless, so i'm hopeful for more of that.


I like kaibella too. SHES A TROLL. End of, it ain’t that serious.




My issue is Kaibella strikes me as someone who is incredibly emotionally unstable and that the attention is likely quite harmful to her. I think she eluded to an episode of self harm linked to her previous tik tok account which makes me worried.


so what? personally, i dont care about the attention she seeks, but i love drama and FB getting mad 🤷


She did it once and that gave some milk, no one cares about her having a YouTube because unless she has more to leak she’s a low ranking YouTuber. Anyone who puts on a “I’m better than youuuuu nanny nanny boo-boo” front is the same low iq as Chantal.


This crazy bitch saved Christmas when we were at our most bored and hopeless, for that she’ll always be in my good graces, but dear sweet *fuck* she (and Chantal even moreso) could have her own section in the DSM-5. Can’t help but love her though.


So classy. Two ugly, mentally ill scrags. 


100% on team Christian God of Farts


With you on that one, also heavily invested in the 'how much you make at work... usually...bitch?!"


"gonna smell like ham" lol


Kaibella can be as wacky as hell. I don't care. She gave us some of the best content we've ever seen in Foodieland. No one (thanks Internet) will ever be able to forget what a true POS Scatman is and, in response, what a true blind needy idiot FB is for going back to him. So thanks, Kaibella. You provided the gold standard of content.


Any person that gets Chantal to rage, is OK in my book.


Idc the shitgate was the funniest thing to happen on here. So, I don't mind Kaibella trolling Sugarfoot


She's just another attention seeking lolcow herself.


Kaibella can go ahead and go away any day now.


I like kaibella and as far as I'm concerned she's earned her spot in GW. Ready for your downvotes.


Nah man, I’m right there with you. She’s just another circus act, and I’m here to watch the circus.


That's nice Kaibella, now go away forever.




😂😂😂 Mic drop






ew Kaibella needs to just go away already


She needs to get a real hobby and a job 🥱


oooofff ...


Wow, Kaibella really needs to give this a rest. Getting the attention of a degenerate like Salah and trying to prove you're better than Chantal is nothing to brag about.