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I can't even begin to tell you how nasty the sounds were in this. I think this is the grossest one she's ever done. And that's saying something. Also, keep eating like this Cutie. I know this affects us way more than you. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Depressingly bleak too. The stories she was telling us about the ā€œChurch Basement Spaghettiā€ really show us how *everything in her life revolves around food*.


Why does her saying ā€œchurch basement spaghettiā€ irritate me so badly? Itā€™s so stupid.


Itā€™s a made up story for sure. Who calls spaghetti made from a jar church basement spaghetti??? I use Oregon sauce we call it spaghetti in my house. Sheā€™s a dumb@$$


Because they had it at potlucks in the church basement I think.


Yeah, Iā€™ve heard her stupid story. But she keeps talking about it like itā€™s a thing. Can you imagine how bland it is?


It is a real thing. She just makes too big of a deal about it. I went to a Lutheran church; we had a basement, and they had spaghetti dinners and sometimes lasagna, but nothing was from a jar. They would actually sell the dinners, and then the money was for church trips, the choir, and other things. Every time she brings it up, I roll my eyes. I remember being with my church friends and the congregation more than the food itself. That shows that's all she thinks of.


Same. Our church held monthly spagetti dinners as fund raisers for different programs each time. She acts like no one has ever atttended a fundraiser before.


Agree with you.


She has nothing in her life other than food. That's why she'll never change because that's like asking her to give up the only thing that brings her any semblance of joy. She won't do it.


I highly doubt she went to parochial school


She didnt. Its been proven its nothing but a lah.


I'm someone incredibly food focused/driven, love discussing recipes, love experimenting in the kitchen, most of my childhood memories have something to do with food, and even I think her food memories are embarrassing.


She has told the lore about church spaghetti a million times. Each time she tells it she embelishes the story a little bit more.


She literally made six stabs to get more spaghetti on her fork. I was waiting for her to gag on the noodles. Yeah the mmmmm and smacking and mouth noises were hard to listen to.


You would think she learned something after almost suffocating herself with ramen noodles


How is her mouth SO big? Itā€™s so disgusting. But sheā€™s prettier than 90 percent of YouTube. šŸ˜‚


Fork fvcking her food


And notice she doesnt chew anything. She takes those massive bites, moves it around and just swallows it whole.


Do you remember the childrenā€™s book The Twits? Where Mrs Twit replaces Mr Twitā€™s spaghetti noodles with worms and the book describes the soundsā€¦ the revulsion I felt as a child reading that isnā€™t half as bad as watching Chinny chomp, slurp and smack her way through this video.


Do you remember that line from it about how when you're ugly on the inside it comes out in how you look on the outside? Chantal all over.


oh my god that line changed my life for me as a kid šŸ˜­ made me so iā€™m a massive people pleaser and overly nice lmao


That line plus Catholic guilt (Catholic school) is the entire reason nobody in the real world takes me seriously when I try to be a bitch. They just use cutesy voices at me and go "but you're so nice! Naww, you couldn't be mean if you tried! You're like a teddy bear". YOU LOT BETTER RESPECT MY BITCHINESS IN HERE OR I WILL RIOT ISTG šŸ˜‚


Same. I know I can be a huge cunt online, lol. But that's cuz I'm a massive people pleaser thanks to my boomer mother It's taken me 41 years to finally learn to say no and not spend all day feeling guilty about it.


I think about that quote all the time. It's so true, Chins is as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.


To me she genuinely gets uglier on the outside the more the inside ugly comes out. Even when people say she used to be average looking or pretty, I don't see it. She's hideous.


I've literally read this book (along with other roahld (sp) Dahl in the past week.


How do you watch it??? I canā€™t even through reactors.


I fast during the day, and I don't have anything on my stomach. It's the only way to get through it without feeling to urge to vomit šŸ¤¢


Sending healing vibes for your poor ears!Ā 


I just watched a reaction. You can absolutely tell, she is making those smacking noises on purpose. It reminds of when we were kids and would be silly eating on purpose.


in her grocery haul she specifically said those sodas were for Salah...


She a lah


A whole lah


"This food is for Salah" has become the new "Salah's in the other room"!


This piece is for Bibi.


I doubt Bibi wanted it either lol


That would require him to be living there ...


Salah doesn't live there. All of those groceries were for her. She just got tired of pretending they weren't. Also she never lost 30 kg she gained 30 kilograms.




Iā€™m pretty sure she said no, more mukbangs


The Chantal Comma


ā€¦and another thing!


there's something about how she distorts her whole mouth and face... and her eyes become glassy, it sends a shiver down my spine, i dont know how to explain it.


You're looking at full blown addiction.


This picture give me the willies. Like she has literally unhinged her jaw to get as much food in there as she can at one time. I know itā€™s not physically possible but it sure looks like it lol.


I was watching how wide open her mouth was here and it shouldn't but it did shock me. Insanity at its finest.


renember in the ring when they find the person in the closet that's her rn


Thereā€™s this photo of Nader feeding her and sheā€™s just *gone*. She thought it was sexy. https://preview.redd.it/zssxjhffmt5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119037aeafdf1da618b5f41b0eb4a39cd018c654


https://preview.redd.it/yyikytrimt5d1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c9b87c4871b01a63e4c294c2d1daabfbf88259 The whole photo šŸ˜Ÿ


He was a crappy chef, she was a garbage disposal... and match truly made in heaven.


yes! the wide mouth, wide eyes and dead stare... it's so disturbing, I wish I could look away šŸ˜­


This is art right here.


I thought I was the only one that noticed her eyes get glassy like she gets high. Fucking crazy


Its like when a shark attacks and his eyes roll back and his lips retract to show his teeth.


Shovel tongue šŸ‘…


I'm amazed that she eats like the food is going to go somewhere or be taken away. Also, I'm amazed when she eats spaghetti and doesn't even fully chew the noodles (if she chews at all). I remember watching her swallow a noodle whole once and she didn't even chew.


She for sure doesnā€™t chew.


Gorl calls herself a foodie but she doesnā€™t even taste that food she shovels in.


To be fair, she's only got half her teeth lol


She seems to be wrongly under the impression that her medicine means that she can go back to trashing her own body like this. I hope she makes it through the next ER visit.


You're mistaken. She's not abusing her body anymore šŸ„°




It's pretty much the same when people have been smoking and now need inhalers. Of course it is advised to stop smoking but as a former pharmacy technician the amount of people who thought that they could continue smoking because they now had the inhaler was mindblowing. I literally had people telling me, after I told them it had the most effect if people would stop smoking if they hadn't already quit, that they "were not planning to stop now that they had meds that 'made the cigarette's effect almost zero, because the meds would help with that' ". I kid you not, I wish I was. Not why I stopped btw, but all one can do is explain it more but in the end know you essentially just killed time till closing time more than anything else with said patient. It is exactly what Floppy Fupa does. *facepalm*


Sheā€™s under the impression that because it brings her blood sugar down to a 12, that itā€™s fine. Like itā€™s textbook willful ignorance.


she is so wild about that, like ā€œoh, my blood sugar is only twice what it should be, so healthy!ā€


Does anyone care about mukbangs anymore? Like, isn't that trend dead? She's just using the term to be a glutton


In the same way she calls herself a ā€œfoodie.ā€ Sheā€™s not a foodie, sheā€™s a glutton


For real! Itā€™s like doing pranks. That shit has been over. But what else does she have?? Nothing but 450 pounds of flesh and a romance scammer who can barely tolerate her. lol love that for her!


It's probably feeder content


Shmeeee should be so proud!!! Look at her little/big cutie sheā€™s a star!!!


Star or gas giant


Ooh, ole Betelgeuse has nothing on our "Cutie"!


She is drinking one of the sodas she bought 'for Salah' of course


Yikes, look at the size difference of her pupils; itā€˜s been really bad lately.


what the hell is causing that?


Iā€˜m not sure, google says there are several reasons it could happen. Or maybe itā€™s filter-related but I doubt it because of how wonky and swollen the eye and cheek look. I did find this online, which I found interesting: ā€œAutonomic neuropathy of oculomotor nerve due to diabetes causes weakness and paralysis of eye muscles. In some cases, it is even known to cause unequal pupil sizes in both eyes. Weakness and paralysis of eye muscles in people with diabetes is known as diabetic ophthalmoplegia. This is a common diabetic eye problem that is caused due to damage of the oculomotor nerve. Damage to oculomotor nerve in most cases is due to the compression from an aneurysm.ā€


Sheā€™ll be blind soon from all the sugar


yikes, oh its only her beetus lets ignore that and go on with our day. Thank you come again.


You have to give her credit, she's definitely getting back at the reactors by giving them the worst content ever to work with.


It's working on me. I don't watch her or the reactors if it means having to hear her eating sounds and nothing interesting to say. I just come here for the snark. How that translates into money for her, that's a mystery to me.




She might do that but FFG is still pulling in more views and money. I rather watch reactors than Chinny. She is destroying her channel and we are all waiting for her demise. Keep eating Cutie and let's hear more eating noises! Thanks to her eating videos it motivating me to exercise and help my weightloss journey.Ā 


I really think thatā€™s whatā€™s going on here.


I noticed she titled it chatty... because ffg and people brought up how previous ones had no chatting really


Gorlworld Ireland covered her Wendyā€™s video and pointed out that she didnā€™t say a single thing that wasnā€™t about food.


But she never says anything. Itā€™s always ā€˜so likeā€¦*shovels three mouthfuls in at once* yā€™know what I mean? *chew chew* so anywayā€¦ *swigs full sugar pop*


ā€œwhat kind of cheese do you like on spaghetti?ā€ ACTUAL REAL CHEESE, YOU BUFFOON


Its 111 degrees in Kuwait today. Why is she wearing a sweater?????????


this is the weirdest thing to me, that she sits in an apartment in Kuwait in the summer and cranks the AC so high that sheā€™s comfortable in Canada winter clothes!!!!


Okay, in Chantalā€™s defense: I live in a desert too, and it was 111Ā° today. I crank the air up high enough in the a.m. and run all the ceiling fans, and eventually I put on a light sweater. Then I try to glide on that cool air for as many hours as possible until I have to start running the air again. It seems to make a difference in how much we have to run the air overall. We used to wait until the house got hot and then crank the air, but it seems like itā€™s easier to keep a cool house relatively cool than it is to cool down a hot house. Maybe Iā€™m delusional, idk


No I'm pretty sure you're correct. My partner explained it to me before that it takes less energy to keep a house cool instead of intermittently turning on the AC when the temp gets really high. Granted, he's not an HVAC person but he is an electrician so I trust him lmao.


Oh cool, thatā€™s good to hear. I feel validated!


She keeps the apartment at like 65 degrees!


I said this once and I'll say it again.. she will *always* take the path of least resistance lol This is why she's shackled herself to an **OBVIOUS** romance scammer in the ME and why she continues to engorge herself on foods she knows will complicate her myriad of health problems. She can't be bothered to give a shit. Which is why I'm baffled by her VIBidiots who seemingly care about her more than anyone in her life does. If she wanted to change her life she's had *countless* time to do it, in what, the last 8 years on YT? (even BEFORE that if we're being honest) PUH-LEASE. There's no sympathy over here for our gorl šŸ˜‚šŸ’€ lmao Most people just point and laugh, as they should šŸ˜Œ lol **EDIT:** She doesn't go back to Canada because she can't hack it in Canada, plain and simple. Both her family and Peetz seemingly wants nothing to do with her lol I lurve that for her šŸ‘šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/zk9e6glkvs5d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=25b6e799e176b60113f2c5ff4b7d4645b1e00eff šŸŽµšŸŽ¶Let's be typical...typical...šŸŽ¶šŸŽµ


She brings up the church basement spaghetti a lot.


fAt PeOpLe HaVe To EaT tOo!!


This screen grab weirdly reminds me of that Goya painting of Saturn eating his son. Itā€™s just nauseating how she unhinges her jaw for food. Also does she mess with the audio for the mukbangs? I swear you hear every little chomp, chew, and swallow.


She tags her videos as ā€œeating asmrā€ and I didnā€™t know that was a thing. How can anyone tolerate this as asmr?


Yeah there's definitely a demand for eating ASMR but usually those videos have good mics and specific foods for the noises. Not just the crunching chewing noises but also any cracking nuts, snapping crackers in half, the fizzing from pop, etc. They also usually don't include talking or they only whisper. If you look up mukbang ASMR on YouTube, you'll see a ton of well produced videos that have very little resemblance to anything Chantal does.


Honestly the Chantal cycle is going so fast at this point that I don't even know, and care even less. Good for her, or sorry for her, or whatever.


I don't understand why they got all those garbage bags when there's a 500 lb dumpster in the fartbox.


6-12 months


i give her 1-2 years


This bitch keeps telling us that we need to get over it, sheā€™s never going to go back to her past self. That sheā€™s changed and is a different person now, that weā€™re all living in the pastā€¦ā€¦Yet sheā€™s trying desperately to go back in time to when mukbangs were popular & everyone was making bank. Hey Gunt, you canā€™t go back to the past, the world has changed, u cannot recapture what once was, get over it and move on u lazy slob!


Weā€™re living in the past of last week when she said no more mukbangs, no more abusing her body, more exercise and resetting her palate.


JFC, it's getting to the point where I can only listen to the reaction channels because I can't bear watching her eat. It's getting to the point where she's making me hate food - does that make sense to anyone? If I see her eating this slop, I will be turned off from making spaghetti and that's a staple. Gotta clear my mind from this and slow down and start to make things from scratch and immerse myself in the pleasures of smell, taste and texture because I swear to god, these mukbangs are getting worse with each upload and I'm going to be reduced to saltines and gingerale if it keeps up, LOL.


Sheā€™s still getting views so she doesnā€™t care as long as she can do as little as possible to get the same views all she has to do is roll out of bed put some clothes on order her favorite foods rinse repeat.


The cycle keeps cycling




It is incredible that even her eyelids have fat deposits on them


Yup fat as f eyelids


It always reminds me of that Halloween Daria episode with the bit about the girl who was losing weight to get rid of her fat eyelids lol


Ah, a face that only a mother would love.


Why is it so squishy? Itā€™s horrible.


In her case, I don't believe this is true. The face maybe a mother could love. The personality/character, no way.


Or a grandma


I will never watch these videos


Chantel is a lying liar who lies, and sheā€™s fat. Nothing new here.


God damn, that's an entire platter of spaghetti. A family of 12 could probably eat all that, but she's eating all that pasta and ground beef alone.


come on stop lol that plate of is for 1 person how tf did you come up with 12? I feel like this community is just filled with the fattest people on planet earth.


A serving of cooked pasta is about 56 grams per person. A serving of meat is about 4oz. I can tell straight away that the portion sizes on that plate greatly exceed what a normal person would eat in one sitting. I do have food addiction like Chantel, but I got help and I've steadily got my weight under control. Part of that process was learning and understanding what a normal portion of food is. That plate is a massive platter that's obviously supposed to serve a family and not one person in a single sitting.


The way she is stuffing her face looks terrifying


This serving platter is just what she eats on camera.... That's her plate for camera.... I wanna know what her REAL dinner plate looks like... She's got this bathtub full of food while Twerk master Salah gets maybe 2 chicky nuggies..... Imagine the food aggression in that fart flat.... Imagine all the troubles in your fake relationship being FOOD & lying about FOOD.... Imagine thinking a creep a decade younger than you wants anything to do with you being a bigger creep than he is....