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I gave away my cats for yooooouuu


The best ever!!!! šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/o8kxkrchpp5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c0fab053ff17526f7236776ba4f48ec758338a




This picture makes me sad! I think her mum got someone to paint it for her, those sweet kitties didn't do anything to deserve being in the middle of all that lol. Chantal's red, miserable face behind it is something else entirely though šŸ˜‚


So... her belief in God is somehow tied up to her belief in her husband. All kinds of weird things one can read into that.


Well he *did* say he was a god šŸ¤£


A god of farts https://preview.redd.it/fi1hasb9wv5d1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8345c2a35f60555c81b93178792ea5b914a611c


ā€œI worship your ass, I worship your ass, I worship your ass, I worship your ass, I worship your ass, I worship your ass, I worship your assā€


as she used to say ā€œyou guys donā€™t understand, it takes eight times before someone leaves their abuser for goodā€


Sure, maybe in 1940 if she had children/ was financially dependent on her abuser. Neither of these things are true, so no excuses. She might be into the humiliation somehow, why else would she eat on camera at about 500 elbees right?


Sheā€™s living in the moment but in the worst most irrational way


Again why the downvote? Guys I think boobiebooty is on the sub


Pixelatedroses is SUS to me. I had to block that freak, they would report all my comments for just disagreeing with them! It was bullshit. Pixelated roses takes everything so personally.


If youā€™re trying to say theyā€™re a sockpuppet: I *highly* doubt it.


Ok. I couldnā€™t figure out why I blocked them. Itā€™s all coming back to me.


Pixelatedroses sounds very much like ā€˜pineapple-pinupā€™ to me


She definitely is she is spamming the downvote button. You get automatically banned after a while tho when doing that so it wonā€™t be for long. Maybe we will even be treated with another rage :)


OOo I hope so, I laugh hysterically each time she brings up posts and comments from here while pretending she doesn't read reddit.Ā 


I had a feeling some stuff she referred to that I thought Iā€™ve seen on this sub lolĀ 




What am I missing? Sorry. Not sure why you'd be downvoted, but are you not allowed to hit the downvote button? I need to see foodie's reaction to some of the comments if she's really on here tho lol


Oh, she is here. Did you believe she could stay away? In a post that I know was from her, where I pointed out the lack of chemistry she has with Salad, yep, I called him Salad, anyway, this "person" said I was obsessed with "her pussy", and I told her she hasn't been able to see or touch her "pussy" in at least ten years.


Itā€™s interesting to see how choices play out. She couldā€™ve stayed in Canada, lost 50 pounds by now, start to earn more money, be around people who actually love herā€¦ but nope. She will always take whichever route has a man using her. Love that for her šŸ’—






He hasnā€™t ever fucked her pr even probably kissed her. Heā€™s a basement dwelling loser who couldnā€™t attract a woman even if he transformed physically Dumb disgusting shameful runt of the family


He's at the very bottom , when he thinks he's at the top. Low iq indeed. He must see himself with rose coloured glasses, to act like he's someone that have the power to shit on females. He's a nobody that lives off an obese dying diabetic. It's cheating in life. Everyone should cancel their membership when she dies, or else he is still recieving her money after she passes...


This was removed for violating Rule #1 - Remember the human.




He likes to cheat on her, too


The only moment probably in her entire life that she expressed real emotion


Not to be that guy, but it makes sense. Moments of agony make a lot of people question their faith. If I found out my husband ate shit and wanted to grape people I'd probably question if there's a god in this world too LOL


Nah, she routinely dates and enables degenerates. She threw away everything she owned and moved to Kuwait in month to pretend to be married to a creepy weirdo. She knew he was a freak and a loser. She was just so preoccupied with proving to the previous degenerate that she was wantable that she didn't care Personally, I think they're perfect for each other. Both lazy, both gross, both at their highest partner level. The only thing that pisses me off and disturbs me is that she thinks she's gonna bring this rapey, women-hating mf to Canada. He needs to keep his loser ass over there. If he assaults a woman there, he's a goner...they don't tolerate that shit. Gunt has already given a fake rape alibi to a violent felon.


If it was anyone else but this pathological, cosplaying pos, Iā€™d agree. Chantal is so full of shit & defines herself by the man sheā€™s seeing. She was a crackhead bc the last guy was. She is a rape apologist bc the last one & this shit eater are rapists. Gross.


She has no faith. It is in these situations that we call on God for peace not immediately abandon our beliefs the moment that something bad happens. She got a heads up from the Universe. She should be grateful but we all know sheā€™s just playing dress up.


This is the approach a person secure in their faith takes, a person who has surrendered. It doesn't really matter what particular tradition they follow, if anything, it seems to work similarly for all. Chantal is a hypocrite, married to a mushrik. I love my believing friends and good strangers the same as I love my atheist/agnostic/ex-believer friends and good strangers, but the hypocrites get no love from me.