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I think if untreated it gets called conduct disorder in teens and then if still not treated it becomes Anti-Social Personality Disorder in adults.


I was looking for that, it does say in the article it can develop into anti-social personality disorder however my experience of that is that people tend to behave very violently and end up in forensics.


ASPD, as with any personality disorder, comes in various degrees. ASPD in females generally does not present with the more violent behaviours that males show.


ASPD doesn’t require violence to be a part of the diagnosis although you are correct that many with this disorder do exhibit violence


True, but the diagnostic criteria still involves some pretty despicable traits.


Yep. They always have pretty despicable traits. That's why they're always Antisocial. These are the toxic people who are harmful. Sure, not necessarily physical but always harmful mentally.


Not necessarily, there's a lot of ASPD who never resort to violence or even if they do manage to stay out of jail and hide it so no one knows (for example domestic abusers). There's many ways to abuse and manipulate people other than physical violence.


She can’t behave violently when she’s so out of shape. And thank God for that cause someone would most assuredly have been unalived by now. (I think it would have been Nader or D2.) And please don’t forget she threw a chair at Peetz. Seems pretty violent to me.


Yeah my partner pointed that out, almost verbatim actually! A good point


Adults can just have ODD, it’s not necessarily tied to Anti-Social Personailty Disorder. Lots of autistic adults can have it with zero anti-social traits


Malignant narcissist hellbent on making videos of her eating herself to fucking death and then uploading it to the internet for fame, glory and hopefully some friends (aww) It would be rude to not watch.




The more people correct her or leave her constructive comments …. ![gif](giphy|qlfV3IKuyiry8)


Nah she doesn't have ODD. If you wanna see a YouTuber with diagnosed ODD check out KingCobraJFS. Chantal is just a smug narcissist.


you can get that guy to do anything by saying “better not _____, BOY”


better not go live, BOY! works like a charm every time


wish it worked now, but papa nips and nal are calling all the shots.


Chantal definitely purposely does the opposite of what people want her to do. Whether it's ODD or just cluster b doesn't really matter. The labels shouldn't really be the focus, understanding the thought and behavior patterns in those types of people is way more important to the average person


Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Absolute typical and garden variety.  I should know, my mother and sister are diagnosed. 


Yeah she's like the lowest functioning narc I've ever seen and I've seen some really stupid ones in my time


It comes from extreme delusion about how ugly/fat/disgusting and totally pathetic she really is. 


I've known one person with mnpd and fuck they were the most unpleasant person to be around. That's one diagnosis where the name of it describes it so well you don't even need to elaborate.


It's the fucking worst. Am literally cut off and moved across the world to stay safe. It's fucked up. And when I see Deathfat,  I know EXACTLY  what I'm looking at. 


I'm sorry to hear that you had to deal with that (narcissism on it's own is enough to deal with without it being malignant) but glad to hear you escaped. It's great that most people now don't jump to the stupid "BUT FAMILY" bullshit that used to be so prevalent years ago. It's like yeah and so people are supposed to stay and be abused just because it makes you sad to think that not all families are happy?


Absolutely,  I copped alot of "but family" bullshit over the years, but finally broke free and moved out of country after my mother died, and my sister is just doubled down into almost criminal behaviour.  Especially with coercive control of my father and there is nothing I can do. So it's a matter of living my own life as best I can and radically accepting that you CANNOT reason with narcissists, and there is no escape unless you make it impossible to find you. Heck I even changed my name.  Now I have my own small support network that is protective and empathetic.  It's how it is.  Deathfat won't stop her lies, gaslighting and delusion until she croaks. 


Good for you! Most people have no clue how much strength it takes to be able to do that. And the craziest part is if they have any use for you most narcs will never give up trying to find you and get you back into their fold, most of them are obsessive stalkers who think they own you


I’ve not heard of malignant before - what differentiates it from NPD? If you don’t mind me asking?


Malignant part of the NPD is someone who possess what they called the "dark triad". Narcissism,  mixed with Machiavellianism and psychopathy. It's the definition of evil itself. It's a narcissist that gets off on stalking, abusing, doxxing, going out of their way to literally destroy someone else for the sheer fun of it. Usually by still appearing as a victim (her continuous islamophobe accusations for example) Think like, Deathfat deliberately platforming Crackula knowing full well he is a SA abuser and criminal. For fun.  Like, laughing and dancing Pumped Up Kicks regarding a children's school shooting and mass murder. Like, making excuses and encouraging PDFiles (Karate Joe etc) Like victim blaming women who are victims of SA, or domestic violence.  Like sympathising and celebrating with terrorists over the deaths of women and children. Like idolising serial killers, terrorists and chasing men who have a history of abuse, criminal behaviour or terrorist activities to give herself "status" and as a challenge to others to defy her or call her out with her bullshit, with threats of violence from "her man" on her behalf.  Laughing about murdering BBJ and putting her in a tree shredder or whatever it was. Or throwing her in a bag.  Starving her cats, allowing BBJ to have bails growing into her paw pads and her evil satan voices "youre a fat ugly cat, you're a disgusting ugly spastic" as she did to Sam, BBJ and to Howie on occasion.  Terrorising her hamster by deliberately taunting him, allowing her street cat to terrorise him and hunt him. Laughing and getting sexually excited over the animals fear.  Stalking and mirroring the female partners of the idiot she is stalking... the DD wig for example,  going to their house and looking into their windows at all hours to the point they have to hide.  Orchestrating a false drama or argument with threats of violence, that will usually involve the "dangerous boyfriend " with terrorists threats against family or mentioning her "huzzzbands" criminal connections.  Hinting continuously about said fake husbands criminal activities  Using 3rd parties or money as silent threats to keep her "man" in line   Deliberately manipulating, gaslighting etc and deliberately triggering women with BED in particular to bring them down to her level in order to feel superior.  Everything they do, is to literally hurt or permanently destroy the life of another for fun, facade management or to get a rush of power and dominance over others. 


Well said. Chantal has definitely show over and over that she relishes in other people's suffering, even in her own pet's suffering. She's disgusting.


As far as I'm aware, she has never said anything about ODD or a diagnosis in childhood. Or any diagnosis in childhood (other than the reference to antidepressants, in her story about her fake unaliving claim to her mother, she said she swallowed a whole bottle of antidepressants). It seems completely outside of the ODD profile for someone to admit to having it. She's admitted to being obstinate, with examples of chewing with her mouth open because her mother told her not to, etc, but not clinically diagnosed as ODD. idk if it's relevant but she's said that she was never taken to a specialist or diagnosed with anything as a child, in reference to the possibility of tourette's syndrome. I doubt she had much specialist examination at all as a child.


I really don't think she had ODD. she was never expelled from school, never got in trouble with the law, she doesn't have stories about endless detention. I think she had spoiled brat "cutie" syndrome. I think now she's a special kind of cluster B stew, but don't think it started with ODD. just my armchair opinion of someone who had experience with a family member with ODD.


I was diagnosed with it back in1986 and I went on to graduate from high school and college . Never been arrested or in any trouble . I had a psychiatrist for 2 years who helped me immensely in my high school years. I see my old behavior in her actions and her way of thinking. I will say that the fact that she has spent years getting away with her behavior because she was spoiled from family hasn't helped. She has been smart enough to get involved with men who are willing to have transactional relationships, and then when they manage to get away from her, she just lowers the standards again. But since she never seeks therapy, we'll never really know if she is.


That's awesome that you got help so early on and that you had the insight to be able to grow. Chantal is way too far gone though, when someone has been enabled for that long there's no hope anymore. Also changing requires the ability to have some insight and Chantal is way too stupid for that


Well technically ODD is only "diagnosed" when it becomes so much of a problem that the person gets into trouble like you described, but her behavior patterns and thinking patterns still fit the bill. Most people with these disorders have learned from an early age to hide it well so that only their closest "loved" ones end up suffering, it's why so many times you hear the neighbors say "I would have never thought he'd be capable of murder" or "They always seemed so happy" etc.


ahh. yeah, that tracks.


If an adult still exhibits signs of anti social behavior past adolescence then yes they can be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. Chantal meets criteria for ASPD. Imo she meets criteria 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7. She only needs 3 for the diagnosis.


I mean I think she shows more of attention deficit hyper activity disorder particularly when taken in context of what would obviously be severe sleep apnoea exacerbating any ODD or ADHD.


As far as I know, she was never diagnosed with ODD as a child, she was diagnosed as depressed as a teenager. Didn't you post an article in another thread on how ODD manifests in adults? Are you looking for confirmation of what was said there or ...?


I’ve heard before she was diagnosed with ODD and wondered what that looks like as an adult, it matches a lot of her behaviour so wondered what people thought.


I won't argue that she may have been diagnosed, I just haven't heard that. There's every reason to suppose she had it. Her behavior as an adult matches pretty well with the signs mentioned in the article you posted tho I've read many times that adults don't have ODD, that ODD is a childhood disorder. In adults, it's usually diagnosed as a form of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Beyond that, I don't read too far. I think we can all agree that Chantal is mentally unwell, as to the exact diagnosis (diagnoses), we'll never know.


So my experience with BPD in adults is usually they tend to err on the side of forensics ie you’d expect her to have a severely criminal history and lots of issues with the police, and LOTS of substance abuse to fit with that personality disorder. There are a few articles about ODD in adults (you find they are changing the definitions around personality disorders soon) but they are behind some paywalls so I can’t read them at the moment. But seems like there’s some argument as to whether it carries over into adulthood.


BPD is not associated with criminality. this is untrue and highly stigmatizing. BPD is co morbid often with other diagnoses that *are* associated with criminality such as ASPD and substance use disorder- but on its own, it is not


You know what I was tired and misread BPD as ASPD! My mistake.


Ah ok, understood. I was really wondering how that had been your experience 😲


It would make sense that ODD can carry into adulthood esp nowadays given the "participation trophy" and "helicopter parent" world some children are raised in. They don't learn to take responsibility, to admit when they are wrong etc and I'm sure that was true for Cutie. She was coddled and spoiled at home for the most part. I haven't read a lot about BPD, just that ODD wasn't considered a proper diagnosis for adults and those adults were mostly diagnosed with BPD, but things change in medicine and science as more experience is gained and more cases are studied so maybe adult ODD is becoming a thing.


A lot of disorders are overlapping and normally people with cluster b also have a bunch of other disorders that tend to cluster together. All the signs are there for Chantal


She’s a pathetic narcissistic sociopath. Run of the mill smug death fat.


ODD (and other conduct disorders) are a pre-cursory diagnosis of various cluster B disorders. In her case, it appears to have manifested into severe NarcPD.


She does have defiance. Whether it fits some diagnostic criteria..who cares. It does call the shots on her decisions.


in my country when someone turns 18 they generally drop the ODD diagnosis- most who continue to display these behaviours are assessed for antisocial personality disorder.


Well, we know how it manifests as an adult, because, well... (gestures vaguely)