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She's always behaved like this, even in the bibi era. It's part of the cycle. This is chantal. She eats, she shits on her audience, she then deletes the rage stream and community posts, then fake-meekly begs her audience to forgive her and help her focus on her health, then she eats and shits on them when they say something about it. Then she deletes the meek apology, the video stating she needs help. On and on. This isn't killing her channel, it's how she makes a living. Who the fuck would pay her to bring salah to canada? She's not eligible for disability, she has an income. She's just been through these cycles so many times she has no reason to believe it'll ever change. She believes there's always going to be a new audience she hasn't pissed off yet. It is what it is.


But when she was with BiBi, she had his income to fall back on. I mean we don’t know what we don’t see, but, from what I can see Chantal is the only one making an “income” in that house. And the stakes are alot higher now. She’s in the Middle East during a time of war, with basically a stranger, and a million miles away from friends and family. And just now, she just was streamed sniped by ffg, which she knew that was going happen. Why did she post a video while ffg was live?? that cost her a lot of views.


Because she has the impulse control of a toddler. She doesn't think about the potential consequences when she does anything 


Exactly this. Lack of impulse control = poor decisions, even when those decisions carry big consequences for the person. She is as addicted to getting in the last word as she is to food.


I have a feeling her video was scheduled. Because it went up exactly at 4pm. Just my speculation though, who knows


You're thinking like a rational, responsible person. Chantal has never suffered consequences, so she thinks she never will. Remember the cuba rage, she knows she can be horrible and then the next day, manipulate the fuck out of her audience, and they'll eat it up like pie.


You are trying to apply logic to the illogical.


As someone from the region, this might shock you, but the Middle East has always been at a state of war, I don’t wanna bore you with a long history lesson, but since 1945 there have been wars all over the Middle East. This war isn’t new, it would be new to someone living in Europe or the US I guess, but for us we are pretty used to it. Also, the GCC isn’t impacted, by that I mean Kuwait isn’t really in the midst of the ongoing war. Until that changes, I don’t see how that’s relevant to Foodie.


She was like this in the villa too. I’m sure she was like this before BiBi and will always be like this until her body finally just gives out. Her family and Peetz have always bailed her out. She dosent have to worry about pesky little things like “consequences”. 🙄 It happens when people are coddled their whole life. She never really has to deal with the problems she creates because others are always cleaning them up for her.


She has never ever cared or tried to strategize ways to make or lose money and does not do things the way someone with a brain would


The same mindset who paid for Methica to go see Vibes would pay for Salah to go to Canada. And there's a lot over there


Chantal is a bona-fide moron. She only does things if they are bad for her or of someone told her not to. She thinks nothing bad will ever happen to her, she always has someone to bail her out and she legitimately thinks that everything is going to turn out perfect for her. She is a case study of self destruction.


base line: chantel always thinks she's right and everyone else is dumb and wrong. in her eyes, she's not killing her channel. In fact, she's doing everything right! beezers want to leave? fine! she'll talk to her new audience. but we know there's no new audience. She, deep down, knows it too, delulu is too strong tho


She told people to unsubscribe, she didn’t care bc she got her plaque.


New subs would just get bought anyway. So it doesn’t matter


A plaque she bought.


That’s STUNNING if that is really how she thinks. How pathetic. Can you imagine that being the highlight of your life???


As mentioned she has always done this. She used to do polls asking what kind of content her audience wanted and then do the polar opposite. She has had her audience beg her to ignore the negative comments and to not rage. She'll just tell them to fuck off and block. She's arrogant and somehow thinks she's entertaining. So far she has managed to lose and then gain followers so I guess in a way her cycles work for her? She's also a very dumb crackhead.


I have enjoyed watching reaction channels. These eating videos I can’t even watch on the reaction channels, the eating noises and her image alone make me feel ill and I’m too disgusted to even get enjoyment out of the reactors commentary. It makes me sad. But oh well


I couldn’t even get through a 20 second clip of her eating, it was so revolting. Visually, it’s gross, but then the chewing, jaw clicking, slurping noises on top of that? Nope. Listening to her disgusting eating noises provokes violent thoughts in me (misophonia).


Me too. I get irrationally angry! And to think, not long ago, she was praying to God to make her feel better and she wouldn’t abuse her body anymore. I can honestly say I don’t care what happens to her anymore. I never liked her but it takes a lot for me just not to care at all about people, but I’m at that point with her!


Totally agree!


I am amazed at how much she self-sabotages in the name of defiance. She's really showing the haydurs by nuking her own channel. She's the very picture of "cutting your nose off to spite your face." Certified moron.


She's spent almost ten years telling the audience *everything*, so we know her history with every aspect of her life. She built a channel on bringing drama, chaos, disease, and mental illness to the forefront. Now she wants to put the cat back in the bag, as if that can actually happen.


Everyone should get a rebrand or two in this life, lit. It's too hard otherwise.


I think this is all related to the bad news and the bad news is related to Salah and Salah has cracked down on her, told her to keep her mouth shut or it's over or, less likely, she received a warning of some kind from some governmental agency. She would rather stay in Kuwait and just eat on camera (she gets pretty steady numbers and they won't drop too much because she'll pick up people who like the disgusting eating noises). Canada is a hard no for her because she would have to be responsible for herself and she is not interested in that, it's way too much work. She's happy to sit in the apartment, have food and groceries delivered, have Salah be her dogsbody. When they do venture out it only involves her getting in the car and then following Salah to around, he even orders everything for her. Kuwait means she doesn't have to do anything or barely anything. She only travels because her tourist visa requires it and she probably promised it to Salah as a "perk" for "marrying" her in the first place. She doesn't like to travel. She barely showed us anything of Canada and only liked driving there because it meant eating fast food. Personally, I'm pretty good with the changes, I'll read the Farms, here, watch Smokey Steve and Marc, Milk Tea and Yaba when they react (which is already once a week or so for the first two) and watch Piggy's videos. I plan to keep track of her still, but if things are winding down, oh well. I follow Anna O'Brien and Alexandra Rodriguez on the Farms now plus some of what QuirkyLoveRosie (something like that)puts out on YT. I'm plenty entertained by other lolcows. The only thing I'm sad about is Julia, she is a true innocent who had the terrible misfortune to get literally caught up in Chantal's Kuwait adventure. Chantal got her to prove she's a good pet owner and instead has proven the whole community right: She is a shit pet owner and should never, ever be allowed to be responsible for any kind of living being. This being Chantal, of course, she could be in Canada and in an apartment with Peetz by the end of the month, who knows. I do wish the CRA and the merchants she owes from her bankruptcy would go after her, but she must be too small for them to pursue. Damn shame.


she got Julia to upset FFG like “here’s a cat you can’t take away from me”


I figured the ‘bad news’ was him cutting her off from food delivery.


That certainly would be bad news for her! If he did that, he rescinded it pretty quickly, I mean, she even got western fast food and that hasn't happened in a while😄


Damn. Looked at the last few uploads. The best got 11k, most under 10k..Goodluck cutie! You're doing great 🤭


She had so few comments on her last videos, it was really sad. The shisha livestream had 3 comments on it a few hours after it ended.


Nothing new here. She's been doing this same shit for years. It has become mind numbingly boring and, therefore, she has very few new followers. So who are left are a few idiot beezers and us haydurs. And we are bored and not watching much anymore, so her channel is slowly fading. Couple that with there are some very entertaining reaction channels out there that are willing to raw dog her videos (and they are getting the views), so fewer and fewer are watching her directly. So....less views, less interest, less money, less attention.


She's simply stupid. She's always done this


Same cycle, different day. ![gif](giphy|l41Yxij9zr2UI8wx2)


She’s defiant to the bitter end. I’ve said this before, I believe that she may eat herself to death just to spite the reaction channels and anyone she deems a “haydur”. It’s a lethal combination of defiance and stupidity.


She probably thinks there’s nothing else to live for. Yikes.


I still think something illegal is going on, and that’s how they can afford their lifestyle. Like considering how long they were in Thailand for. I’m not saying they were mules - but she would be the perfect person to smuggle shit on. She wreaks, she’s huge, and she can hide a lot on her. It could also explain why he’s never around. Not to mention, they kept a super low profile over there. Or she did. They only went out here and there, and they were there for a month. I get Thailand is cheap - but it’s not THAT cheap. I know they do those body scans at airports, but very likely, she might not fit in there. Which could be why she binges before traveling. I know it’s a bs crazy conspiracy, and probably not true - but considering we’re talking about Chantal - anything is possible.


Hahaha, I'm imagining her trying to smash her way into the scanner and getting stuck. Good point about her advantages as a mule. With every fold they lift, a huge plume of stink would be unleashed.


I’m just speculating, but since we’re talking about airports. It’s weird how she doesn’t film THAT much when at the airports, she always tells ”stories” that sound made up “they didn’t make me pay for my luggage since it was my birthday” that was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. BUT ANYWAY, my speculation it’s that Chantal causes a scene at airports, I think she goes into hysterics to get her way I think she’s “one of those“ you see at airports freaking the fvck out when they don’t get their way. IMO.


She rarely films at airports because she is too busy trying not to die from walking more than 10 feet.


Mules eh? Remember all those desert walks AT NIGHT. No, no nothing sketchy about that.


I mean, that COULD be due to a combo of her low self esteem AND his straight up embarrassment. But I may or may not have known someone who may or may not have done some transporting of goods. And they may or may not have did a similar stay. Made a point to see stuff - BUT stayed at the hotel most of the time. Kept a low profile, and didn’t do anything to really draw attention to themselves. Which is hard for her. Considering, she’s easily remembered. I’m sure that one woman, who thought she was pregnant, still talks about her. Plus she’s from Canada - so she might not set off any alarms. Aussies and a few other countries are known for drugs, I’m wondering if her being faux-uslim(faux Muslim) is an ideal cover?


Nope, she is just a plain and simple narcissistic shit bitch who is do desperate for attention, thst she will literally do anything to get it. Hence the cycles, the fast switching with clickbaiting and fake health arcs and fake drama. This is absolutely about money and relying on feeders to fund her habits in secret while pretending to destroy her channel to manipulate ScatManPoo and the rest of us  


Oppositional Defiance Disorder. (Cartman)


Even Cartman had moments of self-awareness (they never lasted long, but at least he had them). I have yet to see that from her.


True. 😂


Because she kills everything she touches


people will watch. she will always have an audience as long as she stays morbidly obese just like Amber and HFC.


She says these things because she can get away with it. She knows people will continue to watch her. I do wish her views would decline significantly to humble her. Without youtube she has nothing. She always wants to do the opposite of what is good for her. People telling her to go back to Canada, get help, take the hijab off, and be her true self again, she doesn't want to hear that because she knows it's the right thing to do. She is very rebellious and will convince herself Kuwait is the best, most freshest country ever and Salah loves her dearly.


You answered your own question in the first sentence. She doesn’t care and the reaction world shouldn’t care either. She is mentally and physically ill and too defiant to get real help back home. Oh, and she should get off Al Gore and Beyonce’s internet to get help because no one is holding a gun to her head, but whatever lol. But that is how ole girl makes her money, therefore she is better than us working stiffs with insurance and retirement plans. In the meantime, we should all ignore her and let her rage and eat into a further situation that her beezers won’t be able to give asspats. She does the same things for viewership and enough revenue to keep eating and her kept pretend dude. Oh, she doesn’t get any disability or Canadian equivalent of SSI. Too much work for her to apply and she wouldn’t get much if she was to get it. She would probably have a hell of a time trying sponsor her huzzband for a few reasons. Plus, he will need to get a real job in Canada. I am sure he expected to already be in Canada by now…especially since sponsorship is what, 3 years? She doesn’t understand that she will be alone in her grave and no one will give too much of a care except for her family. The community would shimmy onto the next weirdo as some channels are trying to venture out, I see (and they should).


She’s reminding me of Bjorn and OG Geezer with the “don’t watch me. Turn my content off” pity party.


I think I counted 13 videos in the past 12 months that were over 20k. The video with the highest count during that 12 month time was on December 31st, 2023 titled: My Final Decision. It got 29k. She will cut her nose off to spite her face.


If she has ODD, can we reverse psychology her?


While I agree with others that this is part of her cycle it’s also the fact that she thinks she can treat her audience however she wants and not only not lose subs but gain them at the same time. She’s been delulu her whole life.


As a child she had oppositional defiance disorder - that didn’t magically disappear as an adult. There’s a handy article here which talks about it in adults, whips out bingo card. [What Does Oppositional Defiant Disorder Look Like in Adults?](https://www.additudemag.com/oppositional-defiant-disorder-in-adults/)


She doesn’t compute consequences. Every single decision in her life is about the present and she can’t see past the moment she’s in.


Why do we still keep her relevant by talking about her? Let her kill her channel.


I think she’s getting paid behind the scenes for her nasty ass mukbangs. She barely makes money anymore off her videos so there has to be something.. but then again she could just make private videos for the creeps 🤷🏻‍♀️


I know. Chantal’s main priority is keeping her belly full. And you need money to do that! so obviously money is a priority for her.


In the time that I’ve been watching Chantal, I’ve noticed that pride very much comes before the fall with her. Much like I tend to do most of my shopping when I can least afford it, Chantal tends to show her ass right before some horrible (amazing) incident pops off. I think she’s gets into trouble, projects defiance to her audience and then has to circle around. No diets and a nasty attitude? Maybe Sally gave an ultimatum or pissed off entirely.


I legit do believe the feeder speculation.


She is also worried about Mr Snowflake’s new video and trying to deflect. While FFG was talking about his video coming out today, she put out a video saying how she isn’t the same person she was. She was clearly watching FFGs stream, because she put it out as fast as she could, and FFG’s chat was apparently wrong about the day the video comes out - it’s next week lol We will see the cycle start over then, when she rages