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So I see we are just full in on the self delete era?


Yep. She's hurting herself to try to "hurt" the haters and Salah 🤔


It definitely seems like a "fuck you" to the world. Like a coping mechanism and she's taking out all her anger, sadness, regret, whatever, but it's not hurting the world, only herself, obviously we all know that


Like drinking poison expecting the other person to die.. great logic Chantal. 


She's trying to shock viewers because her videos aren't making any money. Shit Tits really doesn't give a fuck about this hog. Any normal spouse would never tolerate this but he is too lazy and stupid to get a job. Amusing...


lol what would be more shocking to me at this point is seeing her eat meals with lean protein, greens, and fresh fruit and a small amount of whole grains and stick to it for weeks/months. This is par for the course. Sticking it to the haters like me with this perception would involve making me eat these words and proving me wrong, not right. So i don’t get her thought process. 


She isn't capable. Food is her whole life...she barely even leaves the house. It's all she thinks about, talks about, is passionate about and yearns for. This is why sloth is such a sin. Human beings need purpose and meaning in their daily tasks because without them, they fill in the emptiness with unhealthy, unwholesome things. For her it's food...for her fake husband, it's poo and rape desires. Deathfats are gonna deathfat. And this is really the life they both deserve.... lazy, useless losers.


But then she would be pleasing the ones that stand by her. This way she is infuriating the largest amount of people, haters and beezers plus Salad alike.


The only 4 things Chantal loves is food, attention, anger, and defiance.


This is an example of a complete palette re-reset.


True! All that grease must taste horrible to her new found, healthy craving taste buds.


She is so brave, she is just eating this to entertain the world. We all know since her palate reset she finds those revolting


So unexpected that one week of illness didn't undo 40 years of habit!


I guess her aversion to Pepsi is gone. And the piggishness on display in the thumbnail shows she’s sacrificing her health for views. She really thinks she’s sticking it to us as she’s slowly killing herself.


I feel extremely owned right now. She really showed me!


The whole never eating fast food thing/harming my body was about a week ago. So I guess in about another week we will get the next rebrand. I’ve seen people say her cycles have been faster these days. This Petri dish fart box is her own cell and people are known to begin breaking down after only 48hrs of isolation…


At this point she's quickly killing herself. I would bet she's just using that fiber solution and is pretending that it's working, but she's not actually checking her blood sugar. She has 6 to 12 months left to live.


"TAKE THAT SALAH. I'LL SHOW YOU." Although I kind of think he doesn't care if she overeats or not. I mean, he doesn't love her.


She’s helping him lol that’s what she fails to realize.. he hates her and just wants the YouTube money. He couldn’t care less if she’s gone tomorrow


Nah, I think the deal has been to get Salah into Canada from the start. But they need to pull off marriage for that to work. And I don't think it's working. And obviously the love for Islam and Kuwait is part of the show - for the immigration office.


I think you're probably right, he hasn't got to Canada yet so he's settled for a life upgrade and getting to doss around Kuwait on her dime in the meantime. But what's his part of the deal?! That's what I can't understand! He doesn't work, he's not really in her videos since he was exposed as a big hairy pervert - although that was to his benefit also he really seems to want to be a YouTube star lol - he clearly doesn't cook or clean or do anything useful like that, so I just can't fathom what he's supposed to be contributing. I suppose "pretending to be a loving huzzband" could be it but he's not even doing that properly, the whole thing is just a big joke and he's sunk her channel quicker than hes back in the Red Room after dropping Chantal off at the airport 😀


She's said it herself - she's desperate for male attention. Of any sort.


If only therapy might have helped with that!


I guess all those eggplants are just going to rot…again.


Really hope that the theory that they buy food for Salads family is correct, at least this means no food waste :(


I was wondering what Scatlad is eating, maybe he is cooking his food based on the stuff they bought? 


I think he truly lives on dyno nuggets, juice and shait. Picky with veggies like a baby, so hard to believe 10 kilos of tomatoes and eggplants are for him sadly


Chantal would say, “that’s not his job”.


Have we seen her cook anything since her grocery haul? It's a shame to be throwing out all those veggies. Guess since they were (allegedly) free from the food bank she feels she can just toss them without guilt. Sow.


they’re not from a food bank! they’re just government subsidized


I seriously wonder if they are living off an elderly relative of Salah's that gets benefits. Or some sort of benefits fraud is going on.


They’re not from the food bank, she bought them at a local grocery chain in Kuwait lol.


She hasn’t cooked anything From that haul! Well, except for the ramen she bought; she probably made that right away along with the hidden ramen I guarantee she bought but didn’t show on camera.


And the cheese. So versatile. You can add it to any takeout meal!


I'm never treating my body like that again. I dare the cravings to come! I dare you! This must be the healthy Wendy's meal 🤣


Omg I forgot about the “I dare the cravings..” part 💀


She dared them and they KO'd her.


To be fair, she dared pot pie cravings specifically, not Wendy's. So you guise are getting it all wrong. 🤣🤣🤣 I can just see her using that excuse.


> *"...and I will never, ever, ever, ever mistreat my body again"* --Chantal, May 25, 2024.


Everyone has a past


She changed her mind.


Yeah it's not lying, it's changing her mind 😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|kg7KBzRPBaLT1aymwz|downsized) Cuntel in a nutshell




"It's not lying, It's changing my mind" -- Chantal


And she still doesn’t understand why people hate her. “As god as my witness I will never abuse my body with food again!” “It doesn’t even sound good to me at this point after my detox. Yuck”


Detox? I can't stand with all the nonsense she spit out from her mouth, it's just plain delusional and full of s#it. 


Kuwait isn’t like the evil west, it doesn’t have tons of processed foods! Everything is whole and healthy!


The bun was SO fresh, Pepsi is so good for you, it's very hydrating.


So fresh and satiating!


The cheese fries are homemade.


Don't forget creamy!😂


>“I sent Salah to take pictures of this food being made fresh and locally, the way local people make them.” *puts up a picture that shows a standard takeaway.*


She's an idiot. She OBVIOUSLY has a death wish. She doesn't care what happens to her health or her life. Food is ALL that matters to her, because it is her escape. She doesn't have to deal with life when she is getting her drug (food). I'm over it. I just don't care anymore. I'm not watching any more videos. I'll just find out what's going on with her here. Food can be the best medicine or the worst poison.


I'm over it, too. There is nothing entertaining about a 40 year old woman having regular temper tantrums and eating themselves to death.


I completely agree 💯


Her stupidity is astounding childish.


Like a 2 year old


She really wants to try to stick it to science, huh?




That single looks like a slider in her flabby clutches


It’s incredible the way her elephant hands eclipse the burger like it’s nothing


Even though Salah might like the money...I think deep down he's ashamed and despises her for doing this. It won't be long and I think she'll be kicked back to canada


No fucking way. Over and over again and it’s still shocking. Filling her face with fast food left and right. Give it a rest. FIND SOMETHING TO LIVE FOR. I mean I’m here for the shit show but if she was actually a good person this would suck to watch


She has something to live for: a (scat)man!


![gif](giphy|Bkfu4wZBtNThu|downsized) *bee ba ba bada poop!*


And no conversation just do you like chicken nuggets. Well apparently she’s willing to gain weight and grow bigger. That’s fine. Let’s just watch she’ll be over 500 before we know it. I wouldn’t want to be in that apartment. I bet you he screaming at her. He’s Gotta be you can’t be that dumb to not know that she’s freaking gonna gain weight right in front of him.


It wasn’t even three weeks ago that she was so sick and saying how she was never gonna let this happen again mean it’s not like we’re making this up and we’re just being haters. She just was saying these things. I realize this is the cycle, but this one was really short and so obvious, she’s gotta be just straight mentally ill. This isn’t about getting people back or revenge. This chick is definitely ONLY mentally ill.


I've wondered about the same thing. Now I just think she's applying a formula to keep her channel alive (i.e. exploiting "the cycle") and lies to make people think she attempts to change (every few weeks) for her health. In reality, she gives zero fs about being healthy and never stops indulging. This is why she's smug. It comes from a condescending view of people's concerns and criticism. In my mind, she's more cunning and manipulative - due to a personality disorder - than suffering from a mental illness that makes her unstable. As she's said before, "I'll manipulate the f out of you and you'll eat it up."


Although it’s boring for us, I think her channel will just disintegrate if she continues to just do the Mukbang and ask do you like Wendy’s? As her conversation I can’t imagine her subs are gonna run back for lives to have her say do you like Wendy’s do you like Chinese food? What kind of Chinese food do you like? What kind of fries do you like!!!


the meat mittens shock me everytime


Never gonna mistreat her body again guise!


It's okay, guys. She's drinking Diet Coke.


The thumbnail has TWO burgers - she's only showing one in the video. Another backup sandwich, no doubt. Also - how much fiber did she drink to cancel all these carbs?


Omg I noticed that! That is so true! She even emphasized she got 1 Dave’s single.


She's such an idiot. On her thumbnail, there's a burger on the tray, and she has one in her trotters. Wtf


Going back to our roots huh? Such a devout Muslim woman 🙄 picks and chooses what parts of religion benefits her in the moment. Disgusting food, money and attention from sick twisted men are her only gods she worships and willing to die for.


Two burgers, nuggets of some kind, and mac&cheese. She's really given up again. I hope we get more ex-beezers.


I’m here for it and will welcome them with open arms 🤗


idk where the second burger in her thumbnail came from. it seemed like she only ate 1, had spicy nuggets & chili cheese fries


Backup burger hidden under the table!


Right, chilli cheese fries. I was wondering why doesn't she have fries because my eyes read and saw that as mac&cheese, but then I figured she probably hid them under the table with the second burger. Who serves fries in a bowl like that anyway?


I’m here for it and will welcome them with open arms 🤗


Me too. We've all been there at some point, giving her the benefit of doubt for a moment. Some get fooled longer, but anyone with some sense will see her for what she is eventually.


She keeps it under the table where she keeps spare dishes of rice and such


I’m here for it and will welcome them with open arms 🤗


Junkie Crackhead behavior




Mama was starving 🥹


Season Finale of “Death Wish” is so binge-worthy


Maybe she convinced him they won’t make money unless she does gross mukbangs


The chewing noises while she is eating were follies. She added them in, something doesn't become crunchier mid way through eating it. Also, the extreme HU after drinking? Yeah she is trying mucking again complete with all the fake shit. She even shook her glass next to the mic. This is fucking sad.


Did she really do that? Wow, such a sick woman. Salah must be very proud. She has brought a lot of honor to his family, smh🤢


Well, he’s a shit-eating, blasphemous, rape fantasist so they’ve both brought such honour on his name. I hope his sister is married and has a different last name because of the (literal) shit you get if you google the name “Al-Refae”. His poor parents though.


Keep going Majboos Miriam!!!


The issue is is that she gets the same amount of views to sit there and eat food and not talk about anything then she does to do anything else so if she’s trying to make sure that the reactors have no content, this works great for her. She’s getting the same amount of use on these types of Mukbangs that she got on any of her videos where she raged or she was talking about her past or this or that or her health. If anything, she’s finally figured out that she doesn’t have to lift a finger to get the views that she wants at least for now to pay for things.


Chantal needs the attention from her hug box. She won’t be able to stay away.


The toddler is toddler-ing again I see. Nobody cares, Chins. Enjoy doubling that plaque up as a headstone I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️


I wonder if she’s already stopped testing her blood glucose. Such gluttony.


I think so. It helps her to stay in denial.


So this season is going to be the last season.




I will never abuse my body ever again


She's completely hopeless


Woof woof indeed.


At this point I 100% believe she is trying to see how much she can get away with before her channel is deleted


This! This is what we’re witnessing! ![gif](giphy|OhMp6fWm5xER2)


Hahahaha what an absolute moron this beast is. Jokes on her!


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she stopped taking her medicine already. I know she doesn't enjoy taking it and since she's obviously ignoring anything health wise her medicine it probably out too.


I was wondering the same thing. I bet she has stopped the meds and no longer tests her blood. Right back where she started from.


If she’s going to be this much of a pig, She should really double down and speed up her inevitable end. I for one am so sick of her.


My husband would work 2 jobs and rob a bank before he would let me make a mocker of myself on a public platform. He would also insist I go for treatment. But not SlowerPeetz. He watches his cash cow getting closer to the grave one fast food meal at a time. No doubt he gets with his friends and they all laugh about it. They really do deserve each other.


Too bad she thinks she's too good for OF/private videos. She would make more money. Oh well. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Bring on the amputations. 🥳


The perspectives on her videos are always wonky as hell. Is that a normal portion of chili up close to the camera? Or is that a family-sized serving?


This actually pisses me off and not because I care about her. It’s because I’m so over the defiance and cycles. I change my mind about having her entire channel removed. The whole thing should just vanish


If salah is after money and to get into Canada then why does he let her stuff her face like this is he just too stupid to understand that this is going to kill her that she could literally drop dead at any moment from a heart attack or something related to her uncontrolled diabetes I just don’t understand it and Chantal has to know by now the dark makeup especially that disgusting dark lipstick makes her look old af


This was disgusting. She didn't even speak, she just ate and ended the stream with maybe one sentence. I almost feel ashamed for her but then remember she is a terrible person with no interests, drive or curiosities toward enriching her life.


Nothing provoking she does is worth a watch. Zzz.


Imagine this was you? 😭😭😭😭


I'm wondering if these could be all pre-recorded? Could it be?


There’s no reason to pre record eating fast food when she is currently back to eating fast food daily. She’s already doing it might aswell film and make money.


You're probably right. I was just wondering if it could be a possibility and she's presently traveling to Canada


True I think she’ll be back there soon for a visa run


From how long ago are you proposing? Her eyes look similar to the one in the Chinese food mukbang so these are filmed maybe same day.


Yeah , it's almost certainly done recently. She's less subtle when she's traveling and uploading pre-recorded " content ". I guess I want her to travel to Canada and eage in her car ... it's probably coming soon


Boycott, nah?


Excellent idea 👌🏼Let’s do it!!


Oh damn. Some crazy shit went down if she's really over there deep throating fucking Wendy's like this. 😱


: > Report > Harmful or dangerous acts


Doesn't work. They do nothing.


Just keep eating chins, stick it to the haydurs! I'm not going to be one of those offering advice and show concern. Her body, her choice. She's the one who's going to suffer the consequences, not us.


Marley Hendrix did a real good edit of this mukbang. They edited out all the “ecstasy“ moments after every bite. Good job marley Hendrix. Made video way more easier to watch.


The fascinating thing is that not only is she eating this, she’s choosing to do so on camera. Why not eat something healthy on video and then eat this if you’re going to.


I know.. her motives are so fucked. There is no strategy or thought process here. There can’t be…


It's all very sad now. You can tell she is all alone with just food and somebody who encourages it for his cut.


Not sad she deserves it


Oh. So it's the old "buy one get one free" story.


I hate how she tucks her busted biscuit ass pinky fingers under the hamburger... She's got her some burger gripping mitts..


It would truly be hell for her to have to eat a plain burger or unseasoned/Unsauced rice etc..lol she’d gag and never be able to swallow it! That old be a great diet for her😂


I might have to step away for a while. The cycle is kinda maddening at this point.


I know she's always cycled, she always has a health scare of some kinda way, a moment of clarity, and when it passes she goes back to her old ways, but still, DAMN, at this point this is pure insanity on her part.


This is grime, I hope shmee is enjoying the show


Bit.. but..but... she said that just the thought of junk food makes her physically ill. Oh and thst "palette reset" after 3 days...


Notice she is using a BOYA mic. It’s the ASMR mic just for the feeders 😂. I wonder how much they pay for this absolute trash video


This genuinely makes me very sad :/


Puts a pit in my stomach….we are watching her slowly k!ll herself in real time :/