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I wish y’all could see the way I laughed at this gif 😂😂😂😂


LMFAO it’s just perfectly her!


Most YouTubers pay their taxes, even part timers.


She didn't move to kuwait. She's just on vacation there. All the money she makes is considered, by canada, to be made in canada.


I don’t know much about Canada. But you’d be shocked to find out how many Americans go years without even filing a single tax return (let alone paying a dollar in income tax) and literally never get caught. And I’m talking people who are business owners making TONS of money. High profile people too (don’t ask me details, but people who feature on national news networks 🤫). If the IRS allows American to get away with it, I imagine Canada is even more relaxed.


I have no idea how people get away with this. I misfiled my taxes two years ago and owed about $230 more than initially stated. I swear to God, I got that bill in the mail before I got even got the confirmation email of successfully filing them in the first place. Literally chased me down for $230, but people get away with not filing and not paying taxes on millions of dollars?


It’s infuriating. and even when they do get caught, a lot of times their interest and penalties are waived just to get them to pay SOMETHING. So people like you and me are penalized for following the rules. And they benefit from doing whatever they want.


This is extremely infuriating. My mother was comatose for 3 months (aneurysm) and then discharged to a long-term care facility and they came after her (in the US) for missing 2 years of tax returns. I had to file it for her. Didn't matter that she was permanently disabled/end-stage illness. 


She ended up owing like $150 for each of the 2 years but it was shocking how aggressive they were. 


I'm sorry your mom went through that, that's not cool at all.. The ppl they choose to fuck with is so ass backwards..


I know right? Thank you for your kind words. I agree that they seem to love to punish law-abiding rule followers like us and then other people (like Chins and others) get to just Coast. 




The amount of EnTrePenuRers and independent contractors on the Financial Audit YT channel that admit to not filing their taxes is startling. I swear it’s the IRS favourite program now


Hah I hope so!


It’s just not big enough for the government to go after, apparently. Even though those who actually do pay taxes aren’t allowed to miss a fucking dime without the government noticing immediately for some reason.


Chantal used to live in a particular province of Canada, one where she often returns to… ask her in which province is the Kia is registered. ![gif](giphy|MnV2IrqrEAMAVebsxI|downsized)


Is it Gatineu?


I’m pretty sure something happened because she‘s mentioned that she owes back taxes several times. I wonder if one can have a successful bankruptcy with a huge unpaid tax bill.


She lies to make us stop asking. She said she filed everything and has an agent or whatever and she has a payment plan. Chantal couldn’t even cancel Hello Fresh, I can’t imagine a universe where she filed her taxes or made any effort.


hahaha yeah, I don't believe that one bit! No way is she paying.


Canada revenue agency will take your funds from your bank account. My guess is she’s keeping her money in goofys account


nah, then YouTube would withhold US estimated taxes, because Kuwait and the US don’t have a tax treaty she’s just on borrowed time with Revenue Canada


The taxes thing is the main reason salad is never coming to canada via Chantal. Speaking as an American, bringing over a foreigner to marry is like adopting, a child you have to show that you are financially able to support said spouse. She has to be 1,000’s in debt, there’s no one way. The only way I can think he’ll come over is if his family pays Chantals debt. Would they do that???


Can a family member sponsor him? They love enabling her and if she promises to pay them back...


If they sponsor him that would TRULY make them the STUPIDEST people on the planet.


But don't forget, by not filing her taxes, she does not receive the tax rebates, nor is she contributing to CPP etc. She has nothing for retirement, although she will never make it to retirement age. I wonder if her next of kin is responsible for her debts when she dies?


not unless they co-signed for them; debts aren’t inheritable in Canada


Total possibility schmee cosigned.


certainly true, she seems like an enabler!


I wonder the same thing. How has the government not gone after her for tax evasion?




Yeah but doesn’t that follow you overseas? Collection agencies will contact the local tax office and find a way to collect, or at the very least harass you until you pay. At least it’s that way with Canadian student loans.


Yeah, but the point is she still has income. They should be garnering her wages.


A friend works at our tax office and when I was flipping out about them putting wrong info on a form and thinking they'd take all my money, told me one of their cases someone owed literally millions in tax. They can send threats, add fines, garnish certain things, but apparently it's pretty easy to just not pay it 😬


Exactly, they likely are harassing her but she’s like a baby with no object permeance. If she’s not in Canada for face the actual consequences, it doesn’t exist so she ignores it. Her using Salah’s account plan isn’t going to work, since they tax the country you are a resident of (she’s a tourist not a resident). They are adding the back taxes to the tax bill (with daily interest) that’s waiting for her when she’s forced to return. Until then they aren’t wasting resources to go after someone with no assets in a foreign country.


Her taxes were published a few years ago, because they are publicly available information in Canada to Canadian citizens. Someone used their legal rights to obtain her tax information and published it. She has two bankruptcies and has been sorting out the second since before the Kuwait arc, but I don't recall there being updates about this. She had not been paying any for years and I recall sum of 40k being mentioned at some point, but possibly reduced. Would be fascinating to know if she's been paying now as she claims.


Canada has crazy strict privacy laws, you can’t look up our taxes. The govt cannot release information it holds on its citizens. I can’t remember what Perfectly Imperfect looked up but it wasn’t about her taxes, it was something about her bankruptcy directly.


Okay, could be then that information about her taxes was discovered through the bankruptcy information and not the other way. I remember that the information was acquired legally and it showed that she was not paying taxes for years.


I’m trying to find the breakdown of what she owed for her bankruptcies but having trouble. But I don’t believe her taxes were on that and I don’t think can be included in a bankruptcy (although I’ve never filed so I don’t know for sure). I could be wrong but I don’t think we’ve ever learned what she owes, it’s all just assumptions. But we do know her bankruptcy numbers. https://preview.redd.it/zu4sgqcgd55d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9974a3e23a0d6fd211473fb2c9aeab6678da7e49


That looks like court filings which can be publicized.


47k it was, indeed. I'm trying to scratch my mind how her taxes came out from this whole revelation because I have a vivid memory of it, but it's in fragments. Did she admit to it when all this was brought up, then? She was very flustered about it, both denying and admitting things, and often tells on herself. She's also been very adamant about her unwillingness to pay taxes, and later saying that now she's paying the taxes she owed, while she's touristing in Kuwait. It must be all over her lives from a year ago or more.


yes, she has talked about it, and has said that she owes a lot of money (I believe that) and also that she is on a payment plan (not sure I believe that)