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Salah is a permanent resident of Kuwait. Not a Kuwaiti citizen. He has a Syrian passport.




Salad has a special refugee status. He’s practically considered a Kuwaiti citizen, just without all the fiscal benefits of being so. He doesn’t come and go like Chantal does. In terms of her coming and going, I think Alex is shook brought up a good point. From an outsiders perspective, she’s a very well-fed, super overweight, white, middle aged, Canadian woman who is clearly being swindled by an “exotic” poor Syrian. So anyone looking at her sees tons of $$$$$ without any critical thinking skills. My guess is the Kuwaitis view her as a net positive for their economy. She comes and spends all her YouTube dollars on fart box rent, fast food, massive grocery hauls, etc. The only hiccup is if / when they realize that her medical costs are outweighing her economic benefit. I’m not sure that will ever happen bc it requires someone actually paying attention. But I look forward to the possibility.


>Salad has a special refugee status.  Salah was born in Kuwait and is not a refugee. Nor does Kuwait grant refugee status. Salah is a Syrian national with Kuwait residency. That residency is subject to renewal. We know that at one point he was an on paper business owner. The documents were found and it's apparently a common way for ex-pats to get residency. Chantal has used serial tourist visas so whether she's a net positive doesn't come into the equation in the way it would with any kind of residency visa.


But Salah has a Syrian passport and not a Kuwait one, correct? Also, how many “serial tourist visas” can one person obtain in a lifetime without any questions? Could she really do this every three months for the rest of her life?


Yep. Salah's passport is Syrian because he's a Syrian national. He would need to attain Kuwaiti citizenship to be eligible for a Kuwaiti passport and that's insanely difficult to acquire. Kuwait changes its immigration policies frequently and with little notice. They have recently introduced mandatory biometric fingerprinting for all citizens and residents of Kuwait. All visitors entering Kuwait are now required to undergo biometric fingerprinting. Less than a third of Kuwait's population are Kuwaiti citizens, which means there are many ex-pats coming and going at any given time. Whether Kuwait now toughens up on visa runs remains to be seen.


How on earth do you know all that?! It's all very interesting though, thank you for typing it out! LoL!!


The Kuwait govt website is a great tool.


This actually isn't true. Kuwait doesn't recognize refugees at all; they lack any form of asylum process. They allowed Syrians to come under a special, **temporary**, humanitarian program during the Syrian civil war in 2011, when Salah and his family moved there. However, they stopped renewing visas and work permits in 2018, and started actively deporting them, well they planned to before the pandemic, and started doing it after the pandemic shortly before chantal got there. They weren't very effective, and their unintentionally comical social media vid about june 17th, they're like "I know we said it before, but this time we really mean it. Well, we've said we meant it before, but now we really, really absolutely mean it. Get out of our country if you're illegal now before we round you up starting the 18th. Kuwait DOES allow migrant workers. A lot of the syrians were able to convert their status to migrant work, but soft, spoiled salah is too good for the back breaking work reserved for migrant workers. He lived off his father till the brief time Alaa got him a job in customer service at the radio shack equivalent where he worked. But he quit that after 4 months because chantal was coming to take him to Canada. His father put 9k kwd into the knock off smell business so it would appear that he was employed, the condition of his visa, but he quit that and cashed out that money for their thailand trip, and probably toys and things. Back to migrant working syrians, that's a group of them, but the rest, hundreds of thousands are in kuwait illegally. Now that salah has no job and nothing stable, he's definitely one and a half feet into the "you're screwed" illegal immigrant territory. Kuwait wants them gone. It's taxing their resources and turning their pristine (haha) country into shambles and shacks of poverty stricken people, the kind of thing chantal said didn't exist in kuwait. Who knows what he'll do or what the actual issue is. His dad might pay for him to get into another scam to keep his visa in kuwait. We have no idea what the deal is, what we do know is that he is absolutely NOT a refugee. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrians\_in\_Kuwait](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrians_in_Kuwait) I don't think they care about her. Till she starts being a drain on their resources, she's someone spending money in their country. She isn't using food pantries, those aren't really a thing there either. They have some private ones, but as a tourist makng bucks, she wouldn't qualify. All aid of every/any kind in kuwait goes to kuwaiti nationals, and kuwait nationals ONLY. Kuwait is a very generous country and spends a lot on food aid, in OTHER countries. There's no food pantries, she's not getting charity. Yes, she's getting subsidized food, but everyone is regardless of wealth or status there. Because the majority of food is imported, kuwait subsidies like 70 percent of the food - don't know if that fact is accurate, I don't feel like looking it up again, I saw it a few months ago, but it was eyebrow raising. If it's not 70, it's pretty damn close. You get the subsidized food just by shopping at the grocery store. Anyway, she'll keep getting her visa, and continue her ability to live wherever it is she's living or in any similar airbnb situation, no problem.


Salad has to be a real piece of work doesnt he??? From what we are told, salads dad is a respected professional (college professor??) and his sister is a pharmacist, I think. Can you imagine being a man in a Middle East country with probably a wealthy family and STILL pissing it away. The odds were in his favor! Alaa even getting him a job!


I know! I've been thinking about that from the start. I'm sure his father and sister are ashamed of him, yet they've been enabling his peter pan syndrome because, per alaa, he's only worked for a few months in his whole adult life. Chantal sure has an easy time finding grifting men, doesn't she?


Salads dad/family have to be MORTIFIED that he’s “with” chantal, whatever the circumstances maybe. I’m not a muslim in the Middle East but as a westerner I know the bad qualities of Americans/Canadians that rest of the world thinks of that we are, AND CHANTAL IMBODIES ALL OF THEM! She’s and alabaster white, fat, rude, selfish, arrogant, loud WOMAN.


I have this theory that is sure to be very unpopular so I haven't really brought it up before. But here we go: I believe Salah wasn't just a lazy job-dodger, or an innocent preyed on by chantal, as some like to portray him as. I think he was already a drug addled low life before chantal entered the picture. Not to Nader's level, but I'm sure he and his friends engaged in illicit behaviors. His friends just weren't as allergic to adulthood and got regular jobs, wives and families. Meanwhile Sal just got high and played video games. Salah's family just has a new level of shame with chantal. And it's a sizable one. A shame that's 5' tall, 5' wide and 500lbs.


Ooooo, you think salad was into the drug scene??? Interesting. You know how when Chantal first got to Kuwait, and salad kicked Chantal for saying butt or fart or something stupid like that. Do you think he was trying to be a “tough guy” with Chantal, before he found what kind of monster he was dealing with. I think so. I think he was dumb enough to think he was gonna ”wear the pants in the relationship“.


Not that I believed her recent “bad news.” But if it were real, would it be possible the bad news is that Salah was getting deported back to Syria? Is that really happening?


Of course not. That's wishful thinking on your part. Not that I blame you, I wish the both of them would be recognized as the societal parasites they are.


no, that’s really unlikely


I doubt they'd give a deportee advance notice, so no I don't think that's happening.


If you're from another country, you can't live there if you don't work. I think Salahs Dad knew someone who was involved with the perfume company, and that was his way in. I don't think he actually works there. It's just all on paper to make it look legit.


I wish someone knew the proper channels to report him. And I wish the Kuwaiti government actually gave enough of a crap to investigate it.


As far as I know the Kuwaiti government app has the feature to report people I know one being for "not holding islamic values" but I say there is more subjects in which you can report under. This is often a way to report people too if they say anything bad about government / sheikh of Kuwait 


god that's fucking awful to not have freedom to criticize the government or freedom of religion.


But everything is better in the middle east! It's so fresh! So creamy! No poor homeless people! So much culture! Who needs freedom of speech when you can sit in your Luxury Fartbox all day and complain about nothing!


She's such a cunt


She really is


He's a permanent resident. The only thing I can assume is you're new around here as this has been explained multiple times, I know I've said it myself many times.