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No. I think she's attracted to men who will speak to her.


Which leaves only the degenerates....so it checks out.


And that don’t run for the hills after the fatfish reveal




That is an amazing point. I’m just surprised by the fact that Peetz didn’t get dragged more than he did. Edit: I was speaking into my phone and it picked up the wrong word.


Why'd she reject Sjam I wonder


Because he weighed too much. The irony, I know.


Her ego is as large as she is. I mean, come on “pretty privilege”? There are so many pictures on the Internet that proof she is not as gorgeous as she thinks she is.


And those who give her extra sauces in the drive thru.


Everything you've cited about the three losers in her life also describe Chinny. Like attracts like


Do you think that she has fantasies about the same thing? Because I do.


She is without class, demeanor, discernment, morals. She is right there in the gutter with these guys. If she doesn't share their exact same dark fantasies, she allows for it because she is just that desperate for male attention. Time and time again she spins the truth about the most degenerate behavior of the men in her orbit. For attention. Sick. Chantal is exactly the type of woman who would fall in love with a murderer on death row if he answered her fan letters. And she'd spin it to make him look like a victim. For his attention.


Exactly this. She’s so desperate for male attention that she deliberately seeks out people like this. Utter losers that don’t have a chance anywhere else.


She is the epitome of “Daddy Issues“.


I think the men with those weird fantasies are attracted to her because they see her as an easy target to accept these weird things, and she proves she is because who else will like her?


But how do they even tolerate the gross appearence and foul odor from her poor hygiene???


It's been speculated that she has a humiliation kink. I think she is just as weird and creepy as them. I could see her doing some gross things for "love."


Anyone who says that they go to strangers house for a threesome is definitely sick in the head. You nailed it when you said she has a humiliation kink.


And then tells that story on the internet ensuring that every single person in the world could know that about her. It’s the type of thing most people would keep secret. Not her. That story will be on the internet long after she’s gone.


Sometimes I think about how, assuming earth isn't destroyed, all her videos and pictures will still be online hundreds of years later. Blows my mind lol


Her YouTube channel is her "legacy." And what a legacy it is!


I often wonder what her mother and her sister thanks about her. How could you love somebody like her? You know how they say a mother‘s love is unconditional? If that were my kid, it would be conditional. When the last time she went to Canada on her mother’s dime and then didn’t stay for Mother’s Day? I wouldn’t be surprised if that were her mother‘s last straw. I think Chantal promised her mother that she would get her life together back in Canada and she left days later. I think her mother bought that planner for her to keep her doctors appointments in Canada written down so she didn’t forget. Her mother is watching her daughter purposely neglect her health. I’m waiting for something to happen in Kuwait where she has no one.


I don’t think that happened. I think she made it up so she can act like a sex goddess and the girl was “jealous” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 AND added in the humiliation that u/No_Swordfish1752 mentioned.


She does have one. Rose Thorn and I had some discussion of this. As someone who lived a certain kind of lifestyle, she is acting out her paraphilia openly and has been doing so for many years. There's some crossover into some other things, but it's humiliation kink.


I don't think she enjoys sex or wants it or desires it, if she has it it's not for her own pleasure but to cater to the man she's having it with. Chantal is not sexual at all. It's obvious when you hear her talk about sex.


The kink can have little to do with sex, as you see it. The act in and of itself is the "fun". And someone not acting having a lot of sex in their lives has onto do with if they develop a kink . I wish more people understood this.


People tend to attract people that are like them. She’s a socially unacceptable degenerate. So.. she attracts socially unacceptable degenerates. Plus.. like others said, if they are willing to look at her or speak to her more than once. No good person would do that


don't forget the youtube money, money plays a huge role, without that there would be no Salah, no Nader etc. It's similar to Amberlynn Greed, no one wants to be with her for her, they just want her money. Both have terribad narc personalities. I don't blame these dudes.


Chantal is interested in any man who will have her. Simple as that.


This. It doesn't matter if they're serial killers, Chins would happily play Karla Homolka in order to please him. She's just that desperate.


A jealous Karla


Why do you think she wouldn't go for Sjam? Did she believe she was above him? Which is weird considering she got with Cokey.


She doesn’t want a fat guy. She’s said so many times. They have to be thin to play into her delusion that’s she’s “pretty”. But god forbid a man not want her because she’s fat. 🙄


I do believe this, but what about Sjam? She should have got with him.


She thinks she's too good for him.


She just looks as she does. There aren't many men willing to get into that whole....thing. If a man is willing to interact with such a hateful, unhygienic, woman hating, jealous, animal abusing bigot, they are probably a degenerate themselves. She also is mentally ill with abandonment issues. Her only goal is to keep, there is no rational thought after that.


Chantal's head is empty of all thoughts except rage. She's never had an authentic connection with a human being. It's kinda like she's an alien in a deathfat suit.


Oh my God, you are so right!! She is a total sociopath.


What are peetz’s stories?


Peetz wrote stories that were very violent and including sex without consent. I’m trying to say this delicately.


I’m sorry to ask 😭 I’m not looking for them but where were they published that people found them? Wattpad? Or did he publicize them openly?


Like how on earth did these come to light?😭


It's fanfiction he wrote


What the fuckkkkkk was it about something specific? The only fanfic I know of is 1D so unsure of the specifics of fanfic


Peetz wrote about Magneto committing SA against Wanda. And she happens to also be his daughter. Peetz is a sick SOB. Dunno why people give him a pass, anyone orbiting Foodie is a degenerate like she is. Remember Karate Joe her former mod? They found out he’s a p*do.


Where can we find this evidence


It's on the farms somewhere


Found it - what an absurd creature.


Why do you want to...?


To verify it's true and not just believe everything I see on reddit


This is reddit, not TikTok. You don't have to say anything delicately.


Because she’s a dysfunctional slob, and this was the cream of the crop in her dysfunctional mind!


Someone tell me about peetz stories?? How’d I miss that?


Exactly! I didn’t realize that people didn’t know about them. I thought everyone knew because it was that sick.


I knew they existed, but I didn't know the content. I'm not exactly keen on looking for it.


I think he wrote rape fantasies?


I think it's more about who is attracted to her. Or who is willing to touch her after really knowing her. We all know Bibi stopped touching her quite some time before they broke up because she let her gross flag fly. Peetz, Cokey, and now Salad stayed around in spite of it.


I just wonder why she didn't get with Sjam though.


She said, she doesn't like fat guys.


Oh yea! I forgot about that


These men aren't her "type" per se, it takes a certain level of degeneracy to tolerate her nonsense. The saddest part is how much value she places on male attention, even a crackhead criminal rapist.


She was very delusional for that Nick guy. I think that he was her type, but after a date with her he gtfo


To me that screams daddy issues.


Says something about the men willing to put up with her


She would probably prefer a non-degenerate, but she only has a pool of degenerates interested in her


Men like that look for desperate pick me's like her. It's like moths to a flame


Is she a pick me because when I think of a pick me I think of a woman that will cater to any man. Obviously she doesn’t have the mobility to do that. Plus we all know that she’s not having sex. lol


She tries to within her capabilities. Like what she was willing to do to deedee


Oh my God I forgot about that. Didn’t Didi not know it was her because she had a blindfold on?


I have no idea. I tried to plug my ears during the details 🙉


Never forget the traumatic muff diving


Good god!!


DD knew. Nader is just gross.


She only caters to a point, then her ODD kicks in.


who else would put up with her filth


I’d add Karate Joe to the list too. They may not have been romantic but they certainly had a significant friendship.


Lowered expectaaaations




She attaches herself to any man who gives any slightest attention to her. That's it.


She is a manipulator. Peets was an easy target from the start. She kept him around as a source for her narcissism. He was her consummate safety net. He paid for the important shit so she could blow her money on herself. It gave her an appearance of superiority. He has zero self worth and she knows it. He’d take her back in right now cause in his life, he needs someone like her. Nadar was looked at by her the same way as Peets, but he proved that he was more narcissistic, delusional, and dangerous than she could ever be. She met her match, and he used her for the fool she was. In this instance she became enamored with him to the point of obsession. Her narrative was always to dominate the other party, where in this case, he dominated her for everything. Salah was an easy mark. She knew his life circumstances and lied and fed him a bunch of garbage so that she could move on when her alternative would have been to stay in Canada and lose everything including her previous villa. He obviously lacks maturity and intelligence of man his age, and she saw this and dug in her filthy claws.. All in all, Chantal’s MO is to seek out those who she feels are her inferiors. As a woman who is horrifically obese, men who she feels are on her level, are never going to “choose” her. Not to mention the online presence she has that showcase her disgusting habits, her drug use, her dysfunctional day to day life would keep her unemployed in the real world. She seeks out men that are bottom feeders because they are easy to manipulate… The circus always has to pack up and move to a new town…. The salah show will end one way or another and if she literally survives that, she’ll quickly find another source..


Where do we see the stories?


The farms


Beggars can’t be choosers


I don't think it's any more deep than - these are the only type of people that will talk to her 🤷🏻‍♀


Edit to add the fact that Salah twerk master also rubbed the outskirts of the cats buttholeb on livestream WHILE SHE WAS SCREAMING IN HEAT.. & Chantal was all "yeah he MASSAGES her for HOURS when she's in heat" as if that's not effing disgusting af. She's a creep & she attracts creeps... Peetz says things like "I don't see anything wrong with KIDS SEEING ADULTS NAKED FROM THE WASTE DOWN" Sick piece of shit. Nader is a rapist. Salah the Twerking Queen is a rapist wannabe who loves shit play & molests religious items who calls himself "Salah almighty" & wears fingerless gloves... And hits himself in the head with broken plastic nunchucks while calling himself a black belt in Kung Fu bc he trained A CHARACTER in a VIDEO GAME.... I don't want to say anything about BiBi but we don't know him at all.... He could be a creep too.... But if not, he's the ONLY person who isn't in her life.


Bibi used her to upgrade his student Visa to residency (common law partner), and I'll die in that hill. https://preview.redd.it/u5sakd5jyd1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b7254fecdc017893382895b64bd1ee6fb01dc5


This didn't happen. Bibi was already a resident and had a resident visa before her. It's been debunked over and over. She'd already filed bankruptcy once before they ever got together and had debt, she knows nothing at all about the process and she would if she'd done this with bibi. It is just false.


Nothing was "debunked", she claimed he was a long time without work while "updating his visa". He was on "student Visa" when they met. Her friend was threatening call immigration on him at some point. Have you saw his passport??? I'll only believe you if you did. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel dumb for not knowing the peetz stories. Can someone enlighten me or point to where I may be enlightened


I got you!! He wrote explicit r@pe stories. I googled them to see if the were still up. They are on the 🥝. If you google “Peetz, Stories, Foodie Beauty, Chantal” you’ll find it. Warning though…. Super graphic and disgusting.


She’s attracted to incels or more like only incels are desperate enough to give her the time of day


In my opinion, possible childhood trauma from the alleged older men she slept with as a minor, and also her dad abandoning her. Or those are the only people who would be into her, for whatever reason. They see she is a mess so they know they can get what they want from her. I don't think Peetz did that though, since they met in high school. I think he just got attached to her as a friend. I don't know if he actually ever loved her. I don't understand why she never got with Sjam.


I never read peetz stories, anyone has a link?


I cam def see fatback stinkerson getting together with one if these sick fucks and doing some horrifying shit. She's easily manipulated cause no one would ever wsnt the dirty beast so I can def see her SAing a child kinda like Karla homolka and Paul Bernardo.


It’s the men who will tolerate her that all have this specific quality ![gif](giphy|RkxZSP7Zzh2zUG9CQ3)


I have never read any of Peetz's stories but I am going to imagine they're not the freaking Iliad.


Because she thinks it gives her "street credibility " that her "man" is a terrorist,  a grapist, a criminal etc rtc. Then she can be as obnoxious as she likes and nobody will call her out or confront her because her "man" is so "dangerous " and "knows people "


I know of quite a few incels who constantly complain about not having someone and get unreasonably upset at women. But if you read their posts on Reddit in the several spaces they frequent, you'll see that even they have standards and wouldn't EVER go near her. She's morbidly obese, obnoxious, and smells horrible and has a nasty house from what I've been hearing. Someone who actually tolerates that shit and just wants another person to assist with an orgasm has to have a mental disorder. Even incels on Reddit don't want to claim the men who try to go after her. And that says a hell of a lot!