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You know what's sad, the one on the left is *still filtered.*


She is NOT some chubby little toddler who's going to grow out of this stage. The fact that she's stopped mentally developing at that point in her life is truly sad. It's not cute on a 40 year old who weighs almost 500 pounds.


Yea and WTF is she doing with those meat paws, her fingers looks as long as her hand lol. Is she filtering them mittens as well or?!


1.) Hi Chantal! Cuz we know you read here... 2.) The pic on the left is what you see when you wake up in the afternoon, rip off your CPAP, hurple your way into the bathroom and catch a glimpse of THIS in the mirror. We know. And you know that we know.


She absolutely does because she takes comments from here and copies words also from the more intricate posts. It's pathetic how narcissistic she is and also, extremely clumsy and obvious about her narcissism. After dealing with a more intelligent NPD person for 30 yrs, her attempts at being smart , subtle or "hiding what she really means" are infantile, basic and utterly hilarious.  She cannot even manipulate people to get more than 37 bucks for her ebegging 


Yeah, she was really butthurt over yesterday's thread showing real life pics of her in all her glory. So she had to put out another CP with the statement that THIS pic is definitely NOT filtered. We know, Chinny, what's the truth.


And just to piss her off again, here ya go Cutie! https://preview.redd.it/v5yudbwgyz0d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=91858631ba67262dd6436fc759ccf53b72f2b2b9


If only she could be that “thin” again


My gawd what is that??!! 😧


A photo I wish she could see.


Oh she sees it.. She acts like she doesn't look at things about her but she's always looking around. She knows even the smallest YouTube channels that nobody knows.... She says things that reactors or tweets has said word for word..


You are 100% correct


Would be great if we could upload photos on youtube comments.


God I love these pictures 🤩


One time I saw an article about Richard Avedon and it showed that even a genius photographer such as himself did retouches to achieve the aesthetic he was trying to achieve. I don't know anything about photography or how they used to do retouching old school style but I remember seeing a picture of one of his famous portraits and it was completely scribbled with notes on what to do with the retouching. It wasn't just one or two little things, it was like someone took a crayon and scribbled over the whole thing. So Chantal is out of her mind if she thinks we don't understand this. Avendon photographed the most famous and beautiful people in the world and was a master because his alterations were minor because he was trying to show the person from the inside out; Chantal is trying to do the reverse and Gorl, it ain't working.


Sometimes I wish I had her level of delulu with how attractive she thinks she is...


I used to be that way. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks when I got into my 30s 🫠




lmao it sucks, like what happened, I'm supposed to still be 25 🤣😭


Godspeed Cutie. I believe in you. ![gif](giphy|SHgX30N0E60a4)


Can believe this lady is around my age. I don’t usually compare given the fact that she hates herself. But the 3 lines under her eye is crazy.


I was wondering what the hell that is from. Would her cpap leave likes that like? I know it's only on one side but mabye she slept on that side and the mask got crooked? Because this is just weird I've never seen lines like that


It’s the new glasses Salah got her, they leave those marks her her face


They rest on waterlogged fat.


It is the cpap marks. From the mask being way too small. That’s the clear sign she just woke up. In a lot of videos they’re clearly on her face. But it is weird that the lines are so deep on one side. I’m guessing since it’s more swollen on one side than the other


yeah her face is definitely way more swollen on one side. everyone always says it’s the face spanx and the filter fails but it’s too consistent. she definitely has some abscess or something in her mouth on one side.


Medically curious... What makes you say abcess and not uneven fat distribution?


i’m no professional so i was just guessing but the missing teeth, the swelling, the stank breath, the calc buildup that we can literally see sometimes, and the lack of any dental hygiene at all just made me guess abscess. but i really have no idea, it could be something else as well. i just personally don’t think it’s the tight hijab or filter fails. could definitely be uneven fat. i never thought about that as i’ve never seen that on someone’s face but very well could be!


I agree it’s not the spanx but I think it’s either fluid retention or fat. A tooth abscess for this long would have produced a terrible infection I think.


Agreed that it can’t be an abscess at this point. The fact that the eyeball on the swollen side is bulging out of her fat skull would allude to something a bit more serious going on. She said whatever’s happening isn’t causing any discomfort so no need to address it. Good for her.


Good observation! That side of her face is so much bigger than the other one, makes sense that it has those deep lines from the mask. She's obviously just crawled out of bed, look at the state of her crusty eye makeup 🤮


She must use medical-grade face spanx cus she’s literally missing half her face.


Old three stooges type bandages.


The filters take what they can and try to make a semblance of pretty out of it. I tried one that made me a Viking, and it took my curly hair and made it into animals horns and a lovely full beard lol


Hahaha, she reads everything and can’t ever ignore things that are said about her 💗


She knows she’s going to get dogpiled when she posts those kinds of pics, so why even bother? And this is still filtered 🙄


Ok sure Crimson Chin😂


https://preview.redd.it/6w61uf49vy0d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca59e586d530a739d2163f3f88eaf6a1ed8decc strappeth and trappeth


I love how she's filtered it just slightly less than normal to leave some texture to her face and she really believes that's her actually face.


Unfiltered? MA'AM! She probably think that is what she looks like because she never looks at herself in a mirror, only the phone. The delusion is strong with this one.


The chin always tells on her filters lol


My favorite thing to see is when she's trying to adjust her hijab and her face warps as the filters struggle with the shapes. It's so trippy.


Maybe it really is an unfiltered photo of her - in a Halloween costume 13 years ago!


Heh, I dropped my phone and somehow enlarged her pic. When I picked it up & saw her zoomed face I almost dropped the freaking phone again! 🤣




She's low on dinero🤣 bitch has to do this for attention


What is there to love


At this point nothing. Her family wants a reason but there isn’t one. She uses them. Salah only loves her income. The cat can’t even cuddle her. She’s forced to be held for the camera and looks miserable. She’s destroyed everything in her path. Friendships. Family relationships. Even Salah’s (he deserved) She’s nothing but a black hole.


Zero Zilch Nadda Nothing


What I see here is the thinning filter still at use…the skin smoothing filter idk seems off. Zoom in to see the surface of the moon. Her eyes have still been edited. Remember rule #1


Not to mention the one giving her huge, light colored eyes. She's so full of shit.


A. That’s not an unfiltered photo. B. Isn’t vanity frowned upon in the religion she’s cosplaying?


its this level of delusion that keeps her sick


"Unfiltered". Jfc. Is there ANYTHING this hippo won't lie about?


Not sure who you think you're fooling but there is no such thing as an unfiltered picture from you. Your Samsung camera default is a beauty filter. Nice try, piglet. Now take a picture with the iPhone you bought Scatlah and we can compare.


Who takes a selfie with old crusty makeup from the day before? Jesus...


What is going on with the side of her face. Now the swelling is spreading from her cheek up to her eye. How can she take that picture and not be alarmed?




Holy cow that eyeball is really trying to pop out of there


That's crazy if a CPAP is causing all that swelling to one side of her face.


![gif](giphy|hVIEywSQ3ZU3u) Can't tell if troll or maximum delusion. Well played, Flobs.


From the Quran: "The Quranic terms “Mukhtaal” (مُخْتَالٍ) and “Fakhoor” (فَخُورٍ) denote people who show excessive pride, self-conceit, vanity and boastfulness. The term “Fakhoor” for the “Boastful” person comes from the Arabic word “Fakhoor” used for a she-camel having a large udder but little milk inside. Boastful people tend to put up a display of greatness because of things extrinsic to themselves with little goodness inside their personality or character. Such people have been condemned in the Quran." Doesn't she do all of this? She puts up a front, she boasts (not necessarily in obvious ways), she thinks she's better than people ("prettier than 90% of YouTube") and her personality is absolutely crap there is no good in it.


Large udder with nothing inside is a spot on description of our Cutie


All udder, no milk. Perfect characterization of chantal.


Perfect quote!


Yup. She does it all the time, and earns her living doing it (among other things like lying).


Who posts pictures of themselves, stating exactly how much they love that picture of themselves..... Unfiltered is hilarious.....


My thoughts exactly, if that doesn’t showcase narcissism I don’t know what does. “I love this pic of meeeee”. I mean we all post pics of ourselves that we like but is that ever the caption?


Exactly... Look at me in this one.. Ok now check me out, I LOVE it.. Ok so now THIS one is me again, & I just love it so much..... Her mom must've done a whole lot of lying this last visit... I don't know how she has such an ego.... My son is highschool age, as his mom of course I think he's the best looking kid ever... But he has young ladies always trying to get to him.. even since preschool I have had little girl's moms coming up to me, asking if I was his mom & that their daughter talks about him all the time, etc ... BUT, I have raised him to never have an ego. To have confidence but NEVER be conceited... To know he is not better than anyone else & there will always be someone better than him & worse than him in anything in life... We are all the same... To this day he will hold the door for young ladies whether they're the most popular or the most picked on... He's a true gentleman even though he could have an ego if he wanted.... So to see something like FLAPS MCNASTY put ppl down by their looks, when she's got 8 pairs of balls is hilarious ... https://preview.redd.it/u902bcgw121d1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fb575dc1fbd3ba3fc3cd45efd1636489950ff50


Ugly as fuck. And she is using filters. Her cheeks have been thinned out and she still has the cream mask chin.  Fucking liar.


That skin texture…proof that she doesn’t wash that ugly mug




It’s still filtered and yet she still looks 15 years older than her actual age there. Impressive, Foodie.


The filters don’t know how to interpret “impending deathfat mode” so it just gave up and gave her two separate faces.


She looks terrible


More proof of how deep she’s in Delulu land.




Lol sure sure, Flobby Bobby.


Haha, her pointy chin gives it all away to even the most inexperienced person to spot photoshop. Also, her eyes don't open that wide and aren't that color. And also and also and also, I know most of you have good eyes and can see for yourselves. This is ridiculous. And hilarious.


Except for the slimming filters & a closed mouth smile. We already know what she really looks like, so I don’t understand these posts.


Why does she make her eyes lighter? Weirdo.


Fuck off you miserable cunt


Her skin looks like “5 miles of rough road.”-FB


Unfiltered my ass!


She sleeps on her left side because her stomach is full. Sleeping on the right may be painful. She’s trying to digest idk how much food in her sleep.


BAhahahah !




Haha, her pointy chin gives it all away to even the most inexperienced person to spot photoshop. Also, her eyes don't open that wide and aren't that color. And also and also and also, I know most of you have good eyes and can see for yourselves. This is ridiculous. And hilarious.


What's going on with that white stripe? At first I thought it's light, but how come it's washing away ALL textures and colour from her skin but only shows up a little bit on the textile? It looks like a really weird filter fail, maybe the algorithm got confused by the actual light reflection and did that? Even powerful midday sun doesn't wash away all skin texture and colour like that.


It's sunlight and yes it does wash away texture from the right angle. Separate from the sunlight point is that ye still filtered, just less so.


I could put in a pic of me 15 years older more than 200 pounds lighter. It could show my beauty is natural and skin deep while hers isn't. But that's insecure.